RT News

Friday, May 30, 2008

US need Eisenhower-style presidency to break Jewish chains!

President Eisenhower was the only American president who never allowed America’s Middle East policy to be manipulated by the Zionist lobby on behalf of Israel. In 1953, Eisenhower had cut off American aids from Israel until it ceased trying to divert the water of the Jordan River. In 1957 Eisenhower used economic sanctions to force Israel out of Gaza and the Gulf of Aqaba which it occupied using the cover of British and French invasion of Egypt following Nasser nationalisation of the Suez Canal.

While US politicians are led from the nose by the Jews, America is more than ever require Eisenhower-style leadership. It is completely against US people interests declaring wars on Islam and destroying Arabs and Muslim countries just because they may constitute a threat, not to America, but to the rogue state of Israel. That is despite the fact that Israel is currently in breach of 31 UN Security Council resolutions, occupies neighbours' territories, maintains concentration camps and torture chambers and kills people with impunity. It is rather unfortunate that neither Obama nor McCain will be able to defend American interest; as they will continue the same practice of having Jews dictate US foreign policy, since the days of President Eisenhower.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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