RT News

Sunday, May 18, 2008

One Hitler was not enough

On 14, May 1948,(5th rajab) the Jewish state of Israel was created. It took President Harry S. Truman 38 minutes to recognise it. Jewish immigrants from Europe (e.g. Menachem Begin, Itzhaq Shamir, David Ben Gourion, and those born in Palestine (e.g. Sharon) received assistance and arms from abroad to takeover Palestinian homes and lands. Prior to this, Palestinian villages were attacked and farms were burnt. In one incidence, all the Palestinian men (180-600) were hanged in Deir Yassin in 1947 by men of the Irgun, Stern and the Hagana gangs. The execution was similar to Himmler’s SS practices in the former Soviet Union in order to frighten the population. Due to lack of resources, Israel needed outside assistance. The Americans forced the Germans to pay heavy war reparations to Israel although no German had committed a crime against any Israeli citizen since Israel was not there to start with. The Jews went to control American financial institutions and the Whitehouse where US taxpayer money has been essential in the building of the present-day over-militarised Jewish Nazi state complete with concentration camps, torture chambers that invades others territories and kills people with impunity.
The visit of the American Hitler, G.W. Bush is like an inspection tour to see how his taxpayer money are being converted into Luftwaffe, Panzers, SS troops and Nuclear warheads, in preparation for the projected wars on Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
Many on this forum may not like the term Hitler in describing Bush. I for one don’t see the difference, except that the American Hitler bombards people, destroys their countries, steals their resources in order to establish democracy and freedom which traditional German Hitler failed to say.

America has been either bribing or intimidating other states in order to normalise their relations with the Jewish state. US ambassadors in Africa and in some Arab countries have been passing the world "If you want to have a good relationship to George W. Bush then you must have good relationship to Israel". It has started to fire back. In Mauritania and in the Arab Gulf area there have been some reverasals. As a matter of fact, recognising Israel causes a rise in the support for Islamic fundementalists, seen clearly in Egypt and in Jordan.

My thesis is centered around the similarity between Israeli atrocities and Hitler Nazi practices. I can defend this thesis if you reject any of its premises.
Like Hitler Germany, Israel and Bush America give themselves the right to attack other's countries, destroy their homes and steal their lands.
Like Hitler, Israel is involved in ethnic cleansing.
Nazi Germany disicrimanated against Jews while Israel discicriminate against Arabs.
Like Nazi Germany, Israel has concentration camps and torture chambers.
Nazi Germany and Israel used their SS and IDF, Luftwaffe and Panzers to kill people with impunity.

People expect Bush, the man who boasts about spreading democracy and freedom, to go and visit the Palestinians inmates languishing in many of Israel's concentration camps or to see the refugee camps of Palestinains driven from their homes by Israeli SS troops. Wearing the Jewish yarmulke, Bush will be too busy watching the Luftwaffe, the Panzers and the SS troops to have time for irrelevant issues as this. The stupid Americans want the world to denounce human right violations in Sudan, Burma and Tibets but not in Israel. No-wonder the ceredibility of America in the wrold is close to null.

In financing, arming and supporting Israel, Americans and America are parties to all ongoing Israeli atrocities during the last 60 years.

Israel has been using US supplied hell-fire missiles and cluster bombs against civilian targets. Furthermore, Bush America rushed sophisticated bombs to Israel that were used to kill Lebanese in July-August 2006. Israel has been killing Arabs with US backing. I seriuosly believe that the Americans are paying right now for Israeli crimes.

The Jewish Holocaust lasted for five years, but the Palestinain Holocaust has been ongoing for the last 60 years. Close to four million Palestinaisn are currently awaiting or fighting to go to their homes and lands currently occupied by Israelis. Israle, with the help of America has been trying to silence or eliminate any Palestinaisn who dares to talk about his rights. A small Jewish minority can inflict so much pain on others, with the help of America.

Why US got upset when Ahmedinejad justifiably questioned the Nazi Holocaust which the Jews made it an industry? How about the on-going Iraqi Holocaust? The USraeli criminals are in for trouble.

In 1948, the Arabs were coloniased by the British. The Jordanian army was led by British General John Glubb Pasha. The British refused giving permission to the Iraqi army to chase the Jews out of Palestinian towns. In 1956, the Jews attacked Egypt along with the French and the British. In 1967, the Arab dicators have disarmed their people. In 1973, it was Henry Kissinger who established the air corridor sending men and equipmenrt to save Israel. In one of his angry debate with Golda Meir, Kissinger shouted that the Egyptians have defeated your army if it wasn't for us.
But the new wars will be different. The Arab people are armed, and unlike their defeated governments they will fight the Zionists and their friends. Remember what happened to Israel in Lebanon. They were defeated twice by no other than Hezbollah.

No-one is safe or in control of Iraq. Now the stupid Americans are attacking Mosul! Which city is next? The Iraqis will continue to fight until the Americans leave clinging to their helicopters, that is if they can.

Palestinains throughout the world remain loyal to their roots. While Israel can use American stick to force many Arab leaders to accept the status quo, the Arab and Muslim people continue to reject Israeli occupation and denounce its atrocities. The next danger to Israel will not come from the usless Arab Leaderships but from the Arab and Muslim people. In conclusion, after sixty years of killing with impunity, Israel remains vulnerable.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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