On 18th Mayin Kuwait the Sunni and Shiite Islamists have won an absolute majority of the 50-member parliament. It is not clear how Bush would receive the news following his call for democracy and freedom in the Arab world today18.05.08 at the economic forum at Sharm Al-Sheikh in Egypt. In Iran, Ahmedinejad defeated 'moderate' Dr Khatemi while in Gaza, Hamas defeated 'moderate' Mahmoud Abbas's PLO. The Americans are known to support democratic elections only if they end up in the installation of a client regime. Right now, most pro-American regimes in the area are led by corrupt autocratic dictators, Kings, Sultans, Emirs and Pigs of the Arab Gulf. Because of the on-going USraeli anti-Islamic crusade, all free and fair elections in the Arab world will be won by anti-American forces. To G.W. Bush, all is going alright but in the wrong direction.
Because of Bush's failed policies and swashbuckling cowboy politics America is in a mess domestically and on the international level. I feel sorry for anyone who enters the Whitehouse. Bush hopes that the next president will be worse than him, as on a scale of 1- 43 Bush can easily score 43, with 1 as the top and 43 as the bottom.
At this very moment 60% of Kuwait is under the contol of US army, where it has its HQ for Middle East operations. It is like here in Iraq, we jumped from Saddm frying pan into the American fire.
It is illogical to expect Arabs and Muslims to be moderate while their lands under brutal USraeli occupations and experiencing Nazi-style strocities. Moderate Dr Khatemi of Iran was rewarded with his country being labelled by G.W. Bush as part of "the Axis of evil", a phrase coined by Jewish David Frum, one of Bush speech writers. And what did moderate Mahmoud Abbas gain? Abbas was unable to remove one single Israeli road block, to free Palestinian inmates from Israeli concentration camps or to stop the building of settlements. Compromises mean submission, prostration and accepting Israeli table scraps. "Peace will only come from the barrel of the Gun", Mao. And "if Arabs and Muslims don't have peace no-one will", Bin Laden.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
Bush will be gone soon, Adnan. Someone else will have to shake hands with whomever runs Kuwait. I believe it was the Jubar Family before? I dont follow such things too closely. And Emir who ran away and left the country when Saddam came in? That guy, yeah. Was he well loved?
So you are telling us that now someone else will be senior in Kuwait? is that the news?
Should the United States be alarmed at the election? You seem to be.
So it WAS a free and fair Election as you see it? I trust your assessment is correct.
Will of the people and all that?
Will Kuwait be forming an alliance with a new arrangement of power in the Gulf? Will they be buying their Tanks and fighter aircraft or will they expect someone else to do their fighting for them? I dont remember the Kuwaitis as being particularly formidable warriors. I remember them as showing up AFTER the fighting was all over actually.
Have thy suddenly changed in their basic nature? Arabs buy their protection on that side of the Gulf, dont they? They pay other people to fight for them, they dont actually DO any fighting for themselves. The only people who actually died for Kuwait when Saddam came down were the Brit mercenaries at the Palace.
And the Palestinians in Kuwait went banannas raping and looting and molesting the Kuwaiti children when they broke into the nice Kuwaiti suburban homes, I seem to remember. That's why after Kuwait was liberated by strangers and had their country given back to the Kuwaitis so they could actually have a country.... even though they didnt fight for it themselves...the Kuwaitis deported every damn Palestinian they could find and kicked them all out. That is what happened, wasnt it?
Now Kuwait has a dominant position at OmalKasr in Iraq...( did I spell that right?) and pretty much run the Port facilities there.
But the real bottomline is should the US be actually CONCERNED about the Election you are pointing out? The Kuwaitis are going to be some sort of "problem" now? Have they suddenly grown a backbone of some kind? Have they overnight become a people to take seriously? I think they will be a lot like they have been in the past and try and sell me a gold chain and ask me if I have a copy of Playboy Magazine.
Somehow I dont see Kuwaitis as being smooth with loading a mag into an automatic weapon. I see them as licking their fingers in the Lamb and rice at a party and smelling of cologne.
Kuwait isnt going anywhere, Adnan. They would have to ask the chauffuer for the keys....Seraph
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