RT News

Monday, May 05, 2008

Who is behind murder of Sarwa Abdul-Wahhab

Iraqi Journalist Killed in Mosul

Accounts Differ on Murder of Sarwa Abdul-Wahhab at Hands of Unknown Gunmen

Iraqi journalist Sarwa Abdul-Wahab was murdered in Mosul on Sunday.

Iraqi journalist Sarwa Abdul-Wahab was murdered in Mosul on Sunday.

An Iraqi journalist was killed Sunday in the northern city of Mosul, according to various reports in English and Arabic. Details remain sketchy on the attack that took the life of Sarwa Abdul-Wahab, and some reports provide contradictory information.

The Committee to Protect Journalists, whose statement on the murder appears below, writes that Abdul-Wahhab was killed after resisting a kidnapping attempt by unknown gunmen.

However, a statement released in Arabic by the Iraqi press freedom watchdog Journalistic Freedoms Observatory (JFO) gives a different account of the attack to that of CPJ. While CPJ writes that the murdered journalist was accompanied by her mother, JFO cites Iraqi police who said that she was with her sister at the...

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