The writer is Hazrat Sadie who lived in Sixth Century. it goes something like this:
A guy put green turban on his head and called himself Alawie" followers of Imam Ali". He came into a city with Hejaz Caravan where people were followers of Imam Ali. He said that he has just finished Hajj pilgrimage and he is Hajji now. the King of the city ordered his servants to provide for the so called Hajji whatever he wished for. At the same time one of the king's ministers recognized the so called Hajji and told the king That he saw the guy in Basra just two weeks ago and his father is a Jew. the minster told the king that so called Hajji is lying. The king got very upset and ordered his knights to imprison the so called Hajji.
then the guy told the king :I want to tell you one last thing if you didn't like what I say you can put me in jail forever.
King: go on
Guy: when a poor man sales yogurt he adds two cups water to one spoon of yogurt and says I have the best yogurt in town,
like wise a person who have seen the world lies uncountable to make himself comfortable where he travels.
the king liked his honesty and told him: this is the first truth you have ever said and then let him go free.
(Translation by SH)

بنی آدم اعضای یک پیکرند
که در آفرينش ز یک گوهرند
چو عضوى به درد آورد روزگار
دگر عضوها را نماند قرار
تو کز محنت دیگران بی غمی
نشاید که نامت نهند آدمی
Bani adam azaye yek peykarand
ke dar afarinesh ze yek goharand
Cho ozvi be dard avarad rozegar
degar ozvha ra namanad gharar
to kaz mehnate digaran bi ghami
nashayad ke namat nahand adami
Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul.
If one member is afflicted with pain,
Other members uneasy will remain.
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
The name of human you cannot retain.
By saadi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saadi_%28poet%29
From Rubaiyat-e Khayyam
اسرار ازل را نه تو دانی و نه من
وین حرف معما نه تو خوانی نه من
هست از پس پرده گفتگوی من و تو
چون پرده برافتد ،نه تو مانی و نه من
Neither you nor I know the mysteries of eternity,
Neither you nor I read this enigma;(One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable.)
You and I only talk this side of the veil;
When the veil falls, neither you nor I will be here.
افسوس که نامه جوانی طی شد
وان تازه بهار زندگانی دی شد
حالی که ورا نام جوانی گفتند
معلوم نشد که او کی آمد ،کی شد
Alas, the book of youth is finished,
The fresh spring of life has become winter;
That state which they call youth.
It is not perceptible when it began and when it closed.
این کوزه چو من عاشق زاری بوده است
در بند سر زلف نگاری بوده است
این دسته که بر گردن او می بینی
دستی است که بر گردن یاری بوده است
This jug was love-sick like me,
Tangled(Complicated and difficult to unravel) in a fair girl's locks,
This handle you now see on its neck
Was his hand on the neck of the girl.
من بی می ناب زیستن نتوانم
بی باده ،کشید بار تن نتوانم
من بندهٔ آن دمم که ساقی گوید
یک جام دگر بگیر ،و من نتوانم
I cannot live without the sparkling vintage (The yield of wine or grapes from a vineyard or district during one season.),
Cannot bear the body's burden without wine;
I am a slave to that last gasp when the wine-server says;
'Have another,' and I can't.
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