RT News

Monday, May 05, 2008

Differences between the Shiite and the Sunnis; Shiites are inherently anti-Zionists!!!

Many non-Muslims have difficulty understanding the differences between the Shiite and the Sunnis when it comes to Israeli atrocities. To start with, the Sunni religious authorities are on the payroll of their respective governments. To the contrary, the Shiite religious establishments are financed by donations from the people.

That is why the Sunni authorities are not in a position to oppose Jordanian and Egyptian governments when they accepted to have the Israeli flag flying over their respective capitals.

Following the expulsion of the Shah in 1979, the Shiite government of Iran, led by late Ayatollah Khomeini, expelled the Israelis and handed the keys of the Israeli embassy in Tehran to late Yasser Arafat who went to raise the Palestinian flag.

It is no wonder, that Ahmedi Nejad, Muqtada Al-Sadr and Sheikh Hassan Nassarullah of Hezbullah stand so firm with the Palestinians against Israeli atrocities, because they are very close to their own people.

Despite the America occupation of Iraq, no Israeli can openly set foot in any part of the Shiite controlled Iraq. The Israelis are currently present in Sunni-controlled Kurdish areas where MOSSAD agents are operating as agricultural experts or military advisors to the Pesh Merga.

What makes the Americans so hated is their support for Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. In this regard, Al-Sadr is strongly supported in Iraq for his stand to end the American occupation while Sayyd Hassan Nassurallah is so popular for giving the Israelis and their American supporters a bloody nose. The Shiite religion glorifies the sacrifices of people in defence of their ideas, similar to that of the grand son of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), imam Hussein bin Ali. The Shiites supports the Palestinains sacrificies to free themselves from the brutal Israeli occupation.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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