RT News

Friday, April 18, 2008

Their Intelligence Isn't the problem - Their VALUES Are the Problem

This is the article you found on the web and learned my father's name. have you gone to fater Mustache and learned my name yet.
Source: "Faust" is Philip, author of "The Monk and the Marines", New York: Bantam Books, 1974

Their Intelligence Isn't the problem - Their VALUES Are the Problem

by Faust

The Arabs produce little for the world. They are largely a backward and negative culture. Their intelligence isn't the problem...their VALUES are the problem. A very long list of historical bad choices. You ruined your Science with your religious Intolerance. And once you closed your values off your culture took a nose dive for a thousand years. You are near the bottom now. Your Islamic culture can't compete with Finland or South Korea now. It is practically over. ANYBODY can beat you now. And you did it to yourselves.

Islamic values today do not benefit humanity. They don't benefit anyone. They don't even benefit Moslems. Moslem values produce murder and wars. They produce child sacrifice and intolerance. Moslem values produce poverty and the inability to uplift the lives of their populations. This problem of effective values isn't OUTSIDE of Islam...it is INSIDE Islam. It isn't caused by OTHERS, Jenin...no one made you the way you are except your own values. You and Arafat and Saddam are on the same wavelength and it is Islamic culture. You produce Shias and USE poison gas and murder babies with Shahid.

Islam is sick. It produces dictatorships and oppression and murder. It produces thugs and puts bags over women's heads and carries a knife to kill an old lady on the airliner because she is an Infidel. Islam does that. Jews don't do that. Christians don't do that. Nobody in the world except Moslems do that.

It kills civilians, women, and children and then with bloody hands held high claims it only murders the helpless because Islam is itself is a victim and someone stole what it can't prove it ever actually owned in the first place. It demands first place and it will shoot your children if you don't comply.

And the whole world has a problem with Islam because Islam has decided to declare war on the whole world.

You attacked the United States on a clean bright day and you murdered a lot of people.

And we are going to go on defending ourselves and supporting the Jews in Israel who are our allies and like the democracies you hate also suffer from your insane attacks. In the end we are going to win.

And as Iraq proves and Afghanistan proves... you are sitting ducks for whatever we decide to do to your politics or your economies. And you will never stop us from doing whatever we choose to do to your societies. You think the Jews are your enemies? Look me in the face, punk. I'M YOUR ENEMY. And I am a professional.

And once we DO win we will take your political head off and gut your culture. IF there are decent Moslems and Arabs who will either fight alongside us and adopt our Western values of Freedom and Justice we will bring you into our future and our civilization and you will cross time as our valued brothers.

Don't go telling me you want Freedom and Justice too and will never accept it if it is served up to you by a Battle Tank. Don't tell me you will just jump on the Democracy bandwagon as soon as you can get your leg up. I can SEE different. You won't stop Hamas and Islamic Jihad, you won't stop Hizbollah. You don't want Peace. You want to KILL THE JEWS. Don't lie to me that you are a Massachusetts Liberal and not a swollen Big Moustache . I can smell your turgid greasey arab butt from here. You are a palestinian liar who danced while my people died. And you haven't changed. You are expendable and you don't deserve my respect. You are going to be loaded along with the rest of your people. And if you fight I will pop you where you stand. Try me.

But if you insist on continuing with this Islamist fantasy of a Sharia Paradise where it is proper and right to stone the Infidels and deny any other part of the world its freedom from your debased and 7th Century militarism and Arab Imperialism religion we will not bother extending any future to you. And Jenin, we will not just leave you alone. We mean to do your whole culture up. The Palestinians will be an ideal place to start. Not just a solution... the "Roadmap" was your last chance. It's over. You failed.The Palestinians are going to be dispersed and their identity is going to be stripped off them. No government, no land, no respect. They will be transported and dumped and the wind can have them. And all they called an identity will be settled by Jews who can and will make something of what the Palestinians never did anything with except befoul with their Shahid presence.

You killed Americans and danced, Jenin, you passed out candy and licked the blood. You made a mistake. We will never forgive you and we unlike the jewboys you hate so much have the power to step on you like a bug and eradicate you absolutely. Iraq is your future. Afghanistan is your future. We have the will and the power, and what you see on a dusty reservation in Arizona is what we mean to do to you. Something in the Negev perhaps. You either make it bloom or you die out there but you are never coming back. The Jordanian desert, Jenin, or nothing. Get on the bus!

Iraq is only the beginning. We are never going to allow the Iranians to get the atomics they dream about. And we don't care how you get so cold. You kicked the wrong dog, and Osama gave us the whole earth for a playground. There isn't a single country we can't PRE-emptively turn inside out and over the next decades of this century we are going to take every single country from one end of the Middle East and make it walk funny.

Ya Allah, that. I am not alone, Jenin, the United States is absolutely determined to see your culture slit down the side and pushed in the ditch.

And the Jews are going to dance in the streets when we finish the job. You made a bad enemy, punk.

this is another one which uses my father's first name, Dizzy. The site is in Germany and they really liked faust's stuf

I MISS Saddam

By Faust

I MISS Saddam. You never know what you have until you lose it. Saddam was a lot of fun. I am sorry we don't have Saddam to kick around anymore. Assad is such a limp wank (Chiefly British Vulgar Slang.
tr. & intr.v., wanked, wank·ing, wanks.
To masturbate. Often used with off.

An act of masturbation.
A detestable person.) in comparison. We need another real nasty Arab Baddy. Some urine soaked Hizbollah mullah with a colostomy bag(A receptacle worn over the stoma to collect feces following a colostomy.) and bad teeth. Saddam was just aces, where will we get another one like him?

Saddam’s Catalogue of Strategy and Tactics: Saddam’s favorite tactic is to create FEAR. He threatens WAR and acts THE GREAT LEADER. He built an Army that outweighed India, Germany, Turkey and Egypt combined. Then he gassed the Kurds. This guy means business. He wants to be seen as willing to stop at nothing. His main attention getter is GIVE ME WHAT I DEMAND OR I WILL KILL YOU. He runs his entire country on this very premise and his own people are scared Shi*less of him. Arabs eat this sort of thing up. To an Arab…this is what a REAL leader is like. The Oil Sheiks are appeasers (To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.
To satisfy or relieve: ), they will buy you off, but Saddam is an “Up against the Wall” kind of guy. He will “burn half of Israel”, or so he says. He gobbles up (To devour in greedy gulps.
To take greedily; grab:)little neighbors like Kuwait and then can’t understand why people like the United States” pick on him”. Poor little guy. Well, what goes around comes around, I guess.

Saddam’s second tactic is WAR. Saddam rattles his saber(A heavy cavalry sword with a one-edged, slightly curved blade.
A light dueling or fencing sword having an arched guard covering the hand and a tapered flexible blade with a cutting edge on one side and on the tip.) and threatens his neighbors. He rips Iran a new Ass*ole and kills millions of them. He slobbers(To let saliva or liquid spill out from the mouth; drool.
To express sentiment or enthusiasm effusively or incoherently; gush.) all over himself in Kuwait, Looting, driving the local inhabitants out, destroys the civil records, makes the Palestinians believe they now can have a new “homeland” which USED to be called Kuwait and the Palestinians start raping and looting too. There are so many dead Kuwaitis that the morgue has them stacked twelve deep and more coming. The Iraqi troops are using car batteries to torture rich Kuwaitis and raping the children. No, they never did that? Ask a Kuwaiti. The Palestinians were all evicted from Kuwait after the Gulf War… now the Kuwaitis wouldn’t p*ss down a Palestinian’s throat if his guts were on fire. The Kuwaitis KNOW the Palestinians now. Palestinians and Saddam. As*hole buddies. Saddam means WAR and Palestinians mean rape and looting.

Saddam’s third tactic: Palestinians. All REAL Arabs support the Palestinians against the JEWS. The West is run by hypocrites who claim to want to solve the problem. of the poor downtrodden Palestinians. Actually NOBODY wants to solve the problem of the Palestinians. Nobody in the whole world respects the Palestinians. But EVERYBODY including the Arab countries want to USE the Palestinians. With the Russians gone the Palestinians need a CHAMPION. Saddam’s big moustache is right there for all to see.

Saddam will say he only invaded Kuwait because the Israelis “did it first” to the Palestinians. Follow the moral logic of that one , folks. I just humped a camel because the Israelis humped my Donkey. Makes sense to me, how about you?

The next Saddam tactic is The Pan Arab Cause. This is the centerpiece of the Ba’athist political appeal. Saddam dominates the Ba’athist ideology. Pan Arab Revival. Arabs once were great. About a thousand years ago but since then: nothing. The current borders in the Arab world are all IMPOSED by the IMPERIALISTS in the West. It is time for the Arabs to UNITE and become one BIG Caliphate again with a single RULER. The Crusaders must be thrown into the Sea . Forget the fact that it was the Mongols and the Turks were who really reamed Islam politically and culturally. Ignore all that. Arab blood needs to ERASE all that HUMILIATION along with the borders throughout the Middle East that divide the Caliphate from being RESTORED. Take the focus off the fact that Saddam is just “erasing” borders for the good of all Arabs and that he is a fine old Caliph if I ever saw one. Caliphs are like that. Yay, caliph. Can’t have too much Caliph now can we?

Which brings us to the GREAT LEADER tactic. Put up LOTS of pictures of yourself, megalomaia-tize your personality cult on billboards every­where. Saddam does. Arab pride. Arab values. Saddam with a gun. Saddam with a hatchet. Saddam with a dildoe(An object having the shape and often the appearance of an erect penis, used in sexual stimulation.). You get the picture. The heir to Hammurabi. First son of Nebuchadnezzer(Nebuchadnezzar (reigned 605-562 B.C.) was a king of Babylon during whose long and eventful reign the Neo-Babylonian Empire attained its peak and the city of Babylon its greatest glory.). Saladin with a bigger schwanz. Arabs need a man to CONFRONT the West. They need some­thing, that’s sure. Destabilize your neighbors who are rival regimes..get a BIG MOUSTACHE today. Forget that Madonna has a bigger wanger(A pillow for the cheek; a pillow) than the average Arab male, but enough of all that.

Saddam isn’t like Egypt. Saddam didn’t capitulate to Israel(To surrender under specified conditions; come to terms). Saddam isn’t like the Saudi. He didn’t capitulate to money. Saddam has industrial, military, and political clout. Or he DID at one time. Saddam bet on the Russians and his stuff is largely modeled on his old sweety Josef Stalin. But Dictatorships have fallen out of favor of late. And the Saddam “alternative” is not quite as shiny as it used to be. A develop­ment model that isn’t Western just isn’t available much anymore. You either have to get it from the West or you have to get it from Saddam. And NOBODY is that stupid…except Arafat of course. But then Arafat has an intellectual capacity of a used bedroom slipper.

Anybody else want to play with me on this theme? I could go on and on. Oil, the Russians. The French. The anti-Americanism of the Arabs… all good items for fun.

Saddam is a wonderful foil for all these themes. Have they dug up that hole yet and found his carcase? Or is he lurking out there somewhere sneaking from sewer to sewer in the outback of the outhouses. Must be a lot of fun to be Saddam if he is alive. Hope he is getting a big room with a view, but somehow I doubt it.

The Jews who have a fantastic sense of humor have floated that he is in a resort in Syria. I just bet the Syrians will love that one, and I can’t imagine why the Israelis would say he was in Syria? Can you?

So much for their unbiased judgment.

Then they floated that he was in Russia. That is good for a few laughs also. I like the one that he is hiding INSIDE IRAQ. As long as we CAN’T find him then we have a ticket to ride all over Iraq. Same with Bin Laden, the day we find Bin Laden we have to declare we have to take some sort of break. We are NEVER going to take a break. So actually finding Saddam and Bin Laden is not really on the agenda. Would we TELL anybody we had Saddam? Explain it to me. Saddam is better as a ghost, so is Bin Laden. More useful. Think about it. Despite the tapes I am quite certain Bin Laden and Saddam are in formaldehyde jars.

Anybody want to take bets on how soon we do Syria? Tell me why you think that.
We are not going to attack Syria, right? What are we going to do to Syria? Powell is setting Syria up.
This is going to go on for 25 years and there are going to be a lot of Arabs having bad dreams about sliding down a greased chute into a cesspool in the dark. The US isn’t going to stop.

"Faust" is Philip, author of "The Monk and the Marines", New York: Bantam Books, 1974

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