RT News

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Is that right?!!!!

Crude Translation:

Statement - a constellation of scientists Scientific Hawza in Najaf

Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate

(If they said no mischief in the earth but they said we reformers, but they are Botchers but do not feel)

Alma heart heartbreaking watching Lviv scientists Scientific Hawza in Najaf what happened and is happening in Basra Faha and some other provinces at the hands of spoilers from shedding blood for no man and confiscating funds and intimidation of unarmed civilians safe from the elders, women, children and disruption of public utilities and sabotage of vital installations and attacking infrastructure and corruption of the public order and Such service of Islam and alienated from the sound of foul committed believer applied to the Messenger of God (s) and the formation of his home (p) and unequivocal corrupter BOSS scholars and goodness, knowledge and right, and ratified the faithful (p), where he said (that right and wrong do not know Angeles men, I know know the right people, and I know the wrong people know), and cover people of faith and falsehood caps Aih name is not reality.

As we call upon believers cheated false addresses to come to lay down their arms, which as long as horrified citizens safe in their homes and their towns and villages, we call on the Government to the distinguished firm with spoilers and thieves and plunder the country's wealth, hoping to differentiate between the rule atone believers and Tzbham publicly, and those that conflict with the law Seducer them were deceptive and subtle P 'is not the right request Fajtah like someone asked Vadrickh falsehood'. although both of those and those of spoilers.

We also call on our armed forces to take caution to avoid endangering the peaceful citizens of the damage through the implementation of its plan to impose law in Basra and other provinces, asking them not to terminate their operations only after cleaning Basra and other governorates of spoilers completely, it is not for citizens after today energy sustainability fight another future.

Asking God Almighty to guide everyone to follow the orders of the Supreme reference that the maintenance of order and inventory However, the State Commission and that the process of law enforcement this conclusion bad after what was the estate hopes to be discharged from the dish upper-Sharif in Najaf conclusion bad. Crown believers and God.

A constellation of scientists
The Scientific Hawza in Najaf

22 1429 AH

Crude summary:
'' we say to them not to destroy the earth but they say we r not destroying we r solving it, but they r the destroyers and yet dont realize''
We ask the gov to ask the occupiers give up killing and horrifying our inocent people while they r in their homes and villages and we also ask our armed army to drop their weapon and at the same time protect and guide our poor nation.

We lost so much people during the past days and the years too and not willing to go into confrontations with the enemy for the sake of our people and children they saw so much and grievedand therefore we will be patient and wait to try and fix what has been destroyed during the confrontation

Hearts bleed from pain of the past attack and looks forward to bring peace and solve the situations.

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