Men unload the coffin of a young boy, a victim of a mosque explosion during a funeral in Shiraz April 15, 2008. A blast in a mosque in Iran that killed at least 12 people was an accident and not an attack, a senior official said on Sunday, but others cautioned that investigation into the cause was continuing. REUTERS/Stringer (IRAN)
Iran says mosque bombers planned oil pipeline attack in Khuzestan province.
Iran's Intelligence Ministry said on Saturday US agents had armed and trained those behind a deadly blast in a mosque last month and that pipelines in the country's oil-rich south were also among the planned targets.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday Iran had evidence the United States, Britain and Israel were involved in the April 12 blast in the southern city of Shiraz that killed 14 people and wounded 200.
President Ahmadinejad stated that Jundullah rebels in the Baluchi southern Province were behind the Mosque explosion which injured some 200 Iranians in a well planned terrorust attack in the Persian city of Shiraz. He further stated that US agents were behind the explosives and the weapons found in Iranian Intelligence raids of Jundullah. President Ahmadinejad said 12 Jundullah rebels had been captured and interrogated and that they revealed they were supplied and trained by American agents and had British and Mossad instructors.
Some 20 Pasdaran elite troops were blown up in a bus in Zahedan by the same terrorists last year. And the year before the entire convoy of the Province Administrator and his bodyguards was ambushed outside Zahedan and were all methodically shot to death by Jundullah dressed in Pasdaran uniforms.
It was believed that both incidents were too profesionally performed to have been undertaken by local rebels on their own.
دادستان شيراز:
علت حادثه در دست بررسي است سرويس: سياسي
8701-06463: كد خبر
خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - شيراز
سرويس: سياسي
انفجار مهيبي در محل جلسه هفتگي کانون رهپويان وصال شيراز، تعدادي کشته و مجروح برجاي گذاشت.
به گزارش خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا) منطقه فارس و به نقل از شاهدان عيني اين انفجار حوالي ساعت 21 و 30 دقيقه روز شنبه 24 اسفندماه و همزمان با برگزاري جلسه هفتگي کانون رهپويان وصال در حسينيه شهدا واقع در خيابان شهيد آقايي شيراز رخ داد.
پس از وقوع اين انفجار کار انتقال مجروحان به بيمارستانهاي شيراز از سوي مرکز فوريتهاي پزشکي آغاز و ماموران آتش نشاني نيز در محل حادثه حاضر شدند.
به دنبال اين حادثه بلافاصله اعضاي شوراي تامين شهرستان شيراز جلسه اضطراري تشکيل دادند.
تا لحظه ارسال اين خبر هيچ از يك مسوولان نسبت به علت حادثه و تعداد مجروحان و کشته شدگان اظهار نظر نکردهاند اما در عين حال آمار غير رسمي از کشته شدن هشت نفر و مجروح شدن بيش از 50 نفر خبر ميدهند.
کانون رهپويان وصال از جمله تشکلهاي فرهنگي و مذهبي در شيراز است که هر شنبه مراسم سخنراني با حضور حجتالاسلام سيدمحمد انجوينژاد از روحانيون جوان اين شهر برپا ميدارد و از استقبال گسترده جوانان در طول ساليان اخير برخوردار بوده است.
حجتالاسلام بانشي ـ دادستان شيراز ـ به هنگام بازديد از محل حادثه به ايسنا گفت: علت انفجار در دست بررسي است.
وي ادامه داد: به محض اتمام جلسه شوراي تامين شهرستان نسبت به علت موضوع و تعداد تلفات و مسائل مهم اطلاع رساني خواهد شد.
گزارش خبرنگار ايسنا حاکي است كه حجتالاسلام سيدمحمد انجوينژاد ـ مدير اين کانون و مسوول ستاد برگزاري نمازجمعه شيراز ـ در سلامت کامل بسر مي برد.
گزارش تکميلي متعاقبا ارسال ميشود.
انتهاي پيام
انفجار بمب در شیراز، بیش از 50 شهید و زخمی
اين انفجار در حسينيه شهداء هيئت رهپویان وصال شیراز و هنگام سخنراني حجتالاسلام انجوي نژاد دبير ستاد نماز جمعه استان فارس رخ داد. منابع غيررسمي در استانداري فارس از زحمي شدن بيش از 50 نفر و شهادت 8 نفر خبر دادهاند ولي احتمال افزايش شهدا به دليل افزايش مجروحان كه جراحات وخيمي دارند، ميرود. گزارش «فردا» حاکی از آن است گروهک های بهائيت و مجاهدین خلق از مظنونان اصلی این حادثه می باشند. گفتنی است این گروهک ها در طی چند روز اخیر هشدارها و تهدیداتی علیه این حسینیه داشته اند.
فارس: انفجار بمبي نسبتاً شديد در يكي از حسينيههاي شهر شيراز بعد از نماز مغرب و عشا تعدادي زخمي برجاي گذاشت.
بنابراین گزارش اين انفجار بعداز نماز مغرب و عشا در قسمت مردانه حسينيه شهداء شيراز مربوط به هيئت رهپویان وصال و هنگام سخنراني حجتالاسلام انجوي نژاد دبير ستاد نماز جمعه استان فارس رخ داد.
در اين حادثه به دبير ستاد نماز جمعه استان فارس آسيبي نرسيد ولي صداي انفجار تا شعاع 5/1 كيلومتري اين حسينيه كه در يكي از مناطق مسكوني مركز شيراز واقع است، شنيده شد.
گزارش اوليه حاكي است، هماينك آمبولانسها و گروههاي آتشنشاني با حضور در محل در حال عمليات امداد و نجات و اطفاي حريق هستند.
از تعداد تلفات اين انفجار گزارش دقيقي در دست نيست ولي گفته ميشود حدود 20 نفر در اين حادثه زخمي شدهاند كه حال 3 نفر از آنان وخيم گزارش شده است.
به گزارش «فردا» گروهک های بهائيت و مجاهدین خلق از مظنونان اصلی این حادثه می باشند.
گفتنی است این گروهک ها در طی چند روز اخیر هشدارها و تهدیداتی علیه این حسینیه داشته اند.
برخی منابع خبری از به شهادت رسیدن چند تن از هموطنان خبر داده اند.
به گزارش فردا با گذشت حدود 1 ساعت از انفجار رخ داده در حسینیه سید الشهدا ، کلیه مجروحان به بیمارستان های شیراز منتقل شده و محل حادثه تخلیه گردیده است.
بيشتر شركتكنندگان در اين نشست هفتگي را جوانان دختر و پسر تشكيل ميدادند كه معمولاً حجتالاسلام انجوينژاد دبير ستاد نماز جمعه استان فارس در آن سخنراني ميكند.
منابع غيررسمي در استانداري فارس از زحمي شدن بيش از 50 نفر و شهادت 8 نفر خبر دادهاند ولي احتمال افزايش شهدا به دليل افزايش مجروحان كه جراحات وخيمي دارند، ميرود.
هماينك تا شعاع يكونيم كيلومتري محل حادثه توسط نيروي انتظامي و نيروهاي مقاومت بسيج تحت كنترل قرار گرفته و صداي آژيرهاي آمبولانس در شهر شيراز بهصورت مداوم شنيده ميشود.
انفجار شيراز: مجروحان حادثه 105 نفر
ابراهيم عزيزي با بيان اينكه مردم ميتوانند براي كسب اطلاعات از اسامي مجروحان باشماره تلفن 111 تماس بگيرند، گفت: در بررسيهاي اوليه اين حادثه احتمال بمبگذاري منتفي است و انفجار احتمالا علتهاي ديگري داشته است.
فارس: منابع آگاه بيمارستاني از مجروح شدن 105 نفر و شهادت 9 نفر از شهروندان شيرازي در حادثه انفجار شنبهشب شيراز خبر دادند.
يك منبع آگاه بيمارستاني گفت: تمامي مجروحان به بيمارستانهاي سطح شهر از جمله بيمارستانهاي خصوصي منتقل شده و تمام توان پزشكي و امدادي استان براي كمك به مجروحان بسيج شده است.
خبرنگار فارس از حضور آيتالله حائري شيرازي امام جمعه شيراز و نماينده ولي فقيه در استان در محل حادثه خبر داد.
بنابراين گزارش، اعضاي ستاد تأمين استان پس از نشست خود با حضور در حسينيه شهداي شيراز از نزديك محل حادثه را مورد بازديد قرار دادند.
يكي از اعضاي شوراي تأمين استان به خبرنگار فارس گفت: شوراي تأمين تصميمات فوري و مهمي اتخاذ كرده كه در حال پيگيري و اجراي آن است.
هماينك با همكاري نيروي انتظامي و نيروي مقاومت بسيج آرامش به شهر شيراز بازگشته و خانوادههاي حادثهديدگان اين بمبگذاري با حضوردر بيمارستانهاي شهر در حال پيگيري وضعيت جسمي عزيزان خود هستند.
فرماندار شيراز هم در جمع خبرنگاران با بيان اينكه با تلاش امدادگران و متوليان امر، مجروحان حادثه انفجار شنبه شب در مركز فرهنگي و مذهبي رهپويان وصال شيراز به مراكز درماني اين شهر منتقل شدهاند، اعلام كرد : در تلاش هستيم با همكاري مراكز درماني اسامي مجروحان را از طريق فرمانداري در ساعات آتي به اطلاع مردم برسانيم .
ابراهيم عزيزي با بيان اينكه مردم ميتوانند براي كسب اطلاعات از اسامي مجروحان باشماره تلفن 111 تماس بگيرند، گفت: در بررسيهاي اوليه اين حادثه احتمال بمبگذاري منتفي است و انفجار احتمالا علتهاي ديگري داشته است.
عزيزي با بيان اينكه بررسيهاي تكميلي درخصوص علت اين حادثه جريان دارد ، اظهار داشت: هم اكنون با حضور تعداد زيادي از مردم درمحل حادثه مواجه هستيم و از مردم ميخواهيم محل را ترك كنند، زيرا اطلاع رسانيهاي لازم انجام ميگيرد.
محمد رضا حدائق معاون سياسي، امنيتي استانداري فارس نيز گفت: در بررسيهايي كه تاكنون انجام شده بمبگذاري در اين حادثه فعلا تاييد نميشود و بررسي بيشتر در دست انجام است.
Bahai bombers in Shiraz?Author: Mohammad Memarian (Iran) - April 13, 2008
Two nights ago, an explosion in a Hussaynieh (religious center) in Shiraz, one of Iran’s largest cities hosting second largest community of Bahais in Iran, killed at least 10 and injured more than a hundred. Few hours after the attack, I received a bunch of emails suggesting that explosion was the result of a bomb smuggled into the Hussaynieh so as to frighten the people who used to hear ‘anti Bahai propaganda’ there. In other words, such analysis implied that Bahais should be held responsible for the disaster.
Last night, however, police declared the most probable scenario identified by investigations: all around the country, many exhibitions feature War Memorials, including showcased maps, samples of remaining war materials (mines, guns, etc.), and martyrs’ photos and handwritings. And in that Hussaynieh, ceremonies as well as anti Bahai speeches were held along with one of these unsafe exhibitions, a rocket of which might have been exploded unexpectedly and the rest of the story. Police, however, stressed that this is not the final result. Meanwhile, deputy of state ministry in national security affairs was quoted as saying that “Shiraz explosion is certainly accidental.”
As I know, there is not even a simple case of Bahai terrorist (or just even violent) act in past decades, though some argue that bloody conflicts with majority Muslims (with attacks from both sides) followed the advent of this sect in Iran. By the way, whether this contemporary mildness is the result of a historical evolution or, as opposed to above mentioned historical accounts, just the continuity of the past trends, I feel that today Bahais are not a danger to the security/safety of Iranian society. Therefore they may live their life as do other minorities (not only Sunni Muslims, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians, but also Sufis and even few Sikhs who live in Iran).
By the way, I have not heard of any official spokesman accusing Bahais of being associated with this event. On the other hand, I received many emails accusing Bahais of this ‘crime’. With regards to the fact that email plays the role of modern graffiti, i.e. the media of unheard voices, I have to wonder why such a strong Bahai-phobia does exist in Iranian society.
TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran on Thursday blamed a mosque explosion that killed 13 people in the southern city of Shiraz last month on Western-backed monarchists who oppose the Islamic republic, the Fars news agency reported.
old SAVAK connections..anti mullah
"The Shiraz blast was an act of sabotage and a plot by the enemies of the Iranian people in the name of monarchism," Interior Minister Mostafa Pour Mohammadi was quoted as saying.
"Their headquarters are in countries which claim (to support) human rights, defend their nations and be anti-terrorist," the minister said.
"They are supported in these countries where they have been given radio and television stations."
Several opposition TV and radio channels have sprung up in the United States and Europe in recent years broadcasting programmes to Iran via satellite.
Initial reports claimed the April 12 blast, which wounded more than 200, was a bomb attack, but officials later insisted it had been an accident.
yeah, the heater blew up in the basement, yeah, that's the ticket.
On Wednesday Fars quoted Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie as saying the explosion was caused by a bomb and that suspects believed to have links with the country's Western foes had been arrested.
Pour Mohammadi said on Thursday that the culprits had been identified and arrested "in another bombing attempt which was foiled" in an unspecified Iranian province.
Sure, sure, sure. Arrest all the usual suspects...
He did not single out a particular country, but Iranians have a sizable diaspora community in Iran's arch-foe the United States, some of whom support the son of Iran's deposed Shah, Reza Pahlavi.
The Shiraz blast ripped through a packed mosque during an evening prayer sermon by a prominent local cleric.
Mohseni Ejeie said on Wednesday that the group responsible for the blast had links with Britain and the United States.
He charged that these countries "did not take any measure to prevent terrorist actions and rather supported them."
How's it feel when the shoe is on the other foot there, Achmed?
Iran has blamed US and British agents based in neighbouring Iraq and Afghanistan for launching deadly attacks in border provinces with significant ethnic minority populations in recent years.
But the strike in Shiraz was the first in decades in Iran's Persian heartland. The normally placid city is not in a border zone, nor is it home to any significant ethnic or religious minority population.
One of Iran's most famous tourist cities, Shiraz is popular because of its proximity to important ancient sites from the Achaemenid Empire that ruled much of central and southwest Asia from 550 to 331 BC.
there are also 3 million Heroin Addicts in Iran out of a total national population of 70 million. And the guns coming into the country by the boatload across from Musandam arent going to people who love the Pasdaran. There is a BIG business in smuggled arms in Balouchistan around the coast west of Bandar Abbas. Hundreds of millions of dollars in it. SAVAK is making some bucks.
Iran's President blames U.S., Israel for mosque blast
13 May 2008 16:06:26 GMT
Source: Reuters
TEHRAN, May 13 (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the United States, Israel and Britain on Tuesday of being responsible for a blast that killed 14 Iranians.
Iran's intelligence ministry said last week it had arrested five or six members of a terrorist group with links to Britain and the United States, who were involved in the explosion last month in the southern city of Shiraz that also wounded 200.
"The blast took place shortly after the Zionist regime (Israel), America and some British agents said they planned to assassinate Iranian officials," Ahmadinejad told a news conference.
"Those behind the bombing were soon arrested and they confessed to their relations with those countries and now the Iranian nation has the evidence of their involvement and support," he said.
Iran has in the past accused Washington and London of trying to destabilise the Islamic Republic by supporting rebels, mainly those in sensitive border areas.
Iran and the United States are at loggerheads over Tehran's nuclear programme, which Washington suspects is aimed at making bombs but which Iranian officials say is for producing electricity.
Tehran's accusations over the mosque blast were similar to allegations U.S. officials have made about Iranian support for militias in Iraq that have fought U.S. and U.S.-backed government forces there, accusations Tehran denies.
Ahmadinejad said Iran would follow the case "through legal channels". He did not elaborate.
Iran's judiciary said on Monday it would file international lawsuits against the United States and Britain for providing financial support to those behind the April 12 explosion.
Iranian officials had previously said the April 12 blast during an evening prayer sermon by a prominent local cleric, was caused by explosives left over from an exhibition commemorating the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
Security is normally tight in Shi'ite Muslim Iran and bomb attacks have been rare in recent years. Several people were killed in 2005 and 2006 in blasts in a southwestern province with a large Sunni Arab population.
Shiraz is a historical city with more than one million inhabitants and is a popular tourist destination. (Writing by Zahra Hosseinian; Editing by Ralph Boulton)
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