Thanks your comments regarding 4 royal daughters are very impressive. Yes, let them suffer. I guess her mother is responsible for their miseries, how come she abandoned them?Reppingen There is a price for american lives. Relatively cheap, i guess.,8599,1737543,00.html How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network - US News ================ Exclusive: 'locked-up' Saudi princesses' message for Obama Fatima Manji Reporter "He should be ashamed to meet a leader that has four grown women locked up" - the message from two Saudi princesses to President Obama as he meets with their father, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. In an exclusive on-camera interview with Channel 4 News, we talk to Princesses Sahar and Jawaher, who say they have been held under effective house arrest, by their father, the king, for more than a decade. Princesses Sahar and Jawaher are the daughters of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. They say they have been held in the royal compound in Jeddah for the last 13 years, and their sisters Maha and Hala are also being held in separate villas. They claim they are not allowed to travel or leave their home. If he does that to his own children, how do you think the rest of the country is? - Princess Jawaher Princesses Sahar and Jawaher claim they have little communication outside of their gates - "no-one is allowed in or out." They say the internet is their only window onto the world. Via Skype, they tell Channel 4 News they are "cut off, isolated... and alone" and that "our father, the king, is responsible." Their mother Alanoud Al Fayez, who is divorced from the king, first went public with their story two weeks ago, giving her first broadcast interview to Channel 4 News. Since that interview was broadcast, the princesses say restrictions on them have been tightened and they are no longer even allowed to make trips with armed guards for food, as they were previously. They say food is now becoming scarce in their home, that they are desperate for the world to listen to their story and for someone to help. Their only hope is that our report will make a difference, and that is why they wanted to broadcast this interview. Princess Sahar says: "This is a risk we're taking, we're happy to do it, we understand full well the repercussions, but we don't know what's going to happen." Princess Sahar said to reporter Fatima Manji "why are we, grown women, held against our will? I believe we are now hostages." Her sister, Princess Jawaher, said: "If he does that to his own children, how do you think the rest of the country is?" The Saudi embassy in London has so far only responded to these claims by saying "this is a private matter". ================================ 14/03/2014 / QATAR Migrant workers in Qatar: "We're paid to attend football games" Qatar . Photo taken by our Observer on March 8 at Al-Arabi Stadium. He says he received 25 riyals (about 5 euros) for attending the match. Qatar may be hosting the 2022 World Cup, but its residents are not known for being big football fans. Their lack of interest runs so deep that promoters are resorting to unorthodox means to fill the stadiums — including paying migrant workers to attend the matches. For 5 euros, our Observer attended one of the most recent Qatari League 1 playoff games. Qatar is not trying to hide the fact that it struggles to fill its football stadiums. To understand why this sport is so unpopular, the authorities conducted an Internet poll last November to survey Qatari residents. The primary reasons given were poor weather, lack of free time, and traffic. Moreover, 69% stated that the presence of people paid to attend the match actually dissuades them from attending. “We aren’t given any work, we are just used to fill up the stadiums” Our Observer, Abu, is one of these paid supporters. He is originally from Cameroon, where he was a medical technician. He arrived in Qatar three months ago via a recruitment agency. Since then, he has been unable to find work and currently lives in a building occupied mainly by immigrants from Cameroon and Nigeria, as well as Southeast Asia. They come and pick us up about twice a week. Each time, private buses take us to the stadium - the same kind of buses that take migrant workers to construction sites. It’s extremely rare for Qataris to interact with us directly, so generally Nigerian or Cameroonian intermediaries come get us instead. These men are in the same situation as us – they are unemployed and so agree to do this in exchange for payment. Drivers take us to the stadium. There, they sometimes give us hats and chasubles featuring the team colours. This happened with the al-Alhi club, for instance. Photo taken by our Observer on March 8. The buses come pick up the migrants to bring them to the stadium. The last match I watched pitted al-Alhi against Leqwiya, two teams from League 1. That was on March 8 at the Al-Arabi stadium in Doha. We arrived at around 6 pm, watched the match, and then were driven home. The intermediary then paid us during the return trip. Each time, we make between 25 and 30 Qatari Riyals [about 5 to 6 euros]. There are rumours floating around saying that the intermediary is supposed to actually pay us 100 riyals, but it’s hard to know for sure. The intermediaries made it understood that the clubs were behind this strategy. In the past, some directors have come to thank us at the end of a match and have encouraged us to return. We speak a mix of English and Arabic. They call us “the Cameroonians”. But it’s hard to be sure that they’re the ones giving the orders to pay us. Photo taken by our Observer on March 8. Since African immigrants have a harder time finding work here, we outnumber anyone else in the stadium. But on vacation days, we see a lot of Southeast Asian workers [from Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.], and they get paid, too. This is my only “revenue” for the time being. And I find this humiliating. Nobody gives us work, bosses explain that they prefer to work with Asians, and so we’re used as warm bodies to fill up stadiums. If it weren’t for us, there’d be nobody there. There are migrant workers on one side, and the official gallery with the club owners on the other. They are using us, the most miserable people in the country, to sell a glamorous image of Qatari football. There have been times when there were up to 3,000 migrant workers in a stadium. When asked about these practices by FRANCE 24, an officer for the al-Alhi club denied that spectators were being paid to attend matches. “Yes, we do give sandwiches and gear to our supporters, but they’ve never been paid. It is true that many migrant workers come to the stadium because they enjoy watching our matches. And we sometimes go get them in a bus because they have no other transit options. We do the same with schoolchildren.” Qatar is not the only Gulf country where match organisers are accused of paying supporters for their attendance. When contacted by FRANCE 24, an Iranian sports journalist who attended the under-17 2013 World Cup organised in the United Arab Emirates explained that promoters would stand outside the stadiums and try to convince people to watch matches for the day in exchange for a $10 payment. Migrant workers, many of whom know the system, come out to find them, he says: “During the World Cup, when Nigeria played, Nigerian nationals came of their own interest to support their team, but when the Emirates team was playing later, these very same Nigerians were sitting in the stadium, supporting the Emirates team.” Thousands of migrants have travelled to Qatar in the last few years to find jobs, especially in the construction industry. Most of the time, they pay intermediaries to connect them to local companies; then, 90% of the time, their employers end up confiscating their passports. In November 2013, Amnesty International condemned the “alarming level of exploitation in the construction sector” as well as certain cases “resembling slave labour”. In late September, the British daily The Guardian published an investigation that counted 44 fatalities from June to August on a construction site in Qatar, a claim that the authorities denied. . Post written with FRANCE 24 journalist Ségolène Malterre. on Sun, 16/03/2014 - 21:02. First of all, Qatar is hosting 2022 world cup, not 2012. Second, why are you making it seem like a human rights violation to get paid to attend a game? People usually have to PAY. If you pay me to go watch a game, I would go! Third, football is EXTREMELY popular in Qatar! If you want to attack Qatar at least know what you're talking about! on Wed, 19/03/2014 - 11:59. Money plays as a big power. Had it been with no crude, then dates and dry fish. :))) Submitted by Team Observers on Mon, 17/03/2014 - 09:01. We have corrected the typo; it is indeed the 2022 World Cup. ============= Jordan born Saudi Princess ex-wife of current King Abdullah send SOS Message to Obama to intervene in releasing 4 of Hostage Daughters detained in Saudia since decades. ناشدت زوجة ملك السعودية عبد الله بن عبد العزيز، الجمعة، الرئيس الأمريكي باراك اوباما بالتدخل لاطلاق سراح بناتها الاربعة المحتجزات من قبل والدهن منذ 10 سنوات، فيما لفتت الى ان بناتها لم يحصلن لغاية الان على هوية او جواز سفر ويأكلن وجبة غذائية واحدة باليوم. ونقلت صحيفة "التايمز" البريطانية تقريراً للكاتب لهيو توميليسين يتعلق بمناشدة الأميرة عنود الفايز وهي الزوجة السابقة للملك السعودية الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما بمساعدتها لإطلاق سراح بناتها الأربعة المحتجزات من قبل والدهن الملك رغماً عن إراداتهن منذ اكثر من 10 سنوات واطلعت عليه "السومرية نيوز". وتقول الأميرة العنود إن "بناتها الاربعة سحر ومهى وهلا وجواهر محتجزات بالقوة"، مؤكدة أن "بناتها يحتجن إلى المساعدة ولإطلاق سراحهن فوراً وعلى أوباما أن يلقي الضوء على هذه القضية خلال زيارته للملك، وللوقوف على هذه التجاوزات ضد بناتي". وتضيف العنود، "كتبت إبنتي سحر (42 عاماً) تغريدة على تويتر تقول فيه إنهن رهن الإقامة الجبرية ولديهن القليل من الطعام كما عبرت عن غضبها لعدم حصولهن على بطاقة هوية ولا جواز سفر"، مشيرة الى انهن "يأكلن وجبة واحدة يومياً ويحاولن أن يعيشن بأقل الامكانيات الموجودة". وتزوجت العنود من الملك عبد الله عندما كانت في الـ 15 من عمرها، وأوضحت أن بناتها كن يقمن برحلتين شهرياً لشراء الطعام والماء والأدوية، إلا أن هذه الرحلات توقفت. وتعيش الفايز (57 عاماً ) الأردنية الأصل في العاصمة البريطانية لندن منذ طلاقها من الملك عبد الله عام 2003، وتزعم الفايز بأن الملك السعودي يحتجز بناتها الاربعة في قصره الملكي رغماً عنهن Gruesome video of European jihadists in Syria shocks France … via @FRANCE24 =========================== شام: النصرۃ محاذ کے ہاتھوں دو سعودی جہادیوں کا قتل سعودیوں کو بغاوت کرکے داعش سے ملنے پرموت سے ہم کنار کر دیا گیا صدائے مظلومین نیٹ ورک: شام میں صدر بشار الاسد کی فوج کے خلاف محاذآراء اسلامی جنگجو گروپ النصرۃ محاذ نے دو سعودی جنگجوؤں کو ”بغاوت” کے جُرم میں گولی مار کر ہلاک دیا ہے۔ ان دونوں سعودیوں کو ہلاک کرنے کی ویڈیو یوٹیوب پر جاری کی گئی ہے۔اس ویڈیو میں النصرۃ محاذ کا ایک جنگجو (یا قاضی) ان دونوں کو جہادیوں سے بغاوت کرکے دولت اسلامی عراق وشام (داعش) کے ساتھ ملنے کے الزام میں موت کی سزا کا حکم سنا رہا ہے۔ ویڈیو میں النصرۃ محاذ سے تعلق رکھنے والا قاتل (جلاد) قرآن مجید میں سے آیات پڑھ کر سنا رہا ہے ،ان سعودیوں کی جائے پیدائش اور عمروں کے بارے میں بتا رہا ہے اور پھر ان پر عاید کردہ فرد جرم پڑھتا ہے۔یہ ویڈیو اس تمام بیان کے بعد اللہ اکبر کے نعرے پر ختم ہورہی ہے اور اس کے ساتھ دونوں سعودی جہادیوں کو گولی مار کر قتل کردیا جاتا ہے۔ واضح رہے کہ امریکا کے نیشنل انٹیلی جنس کے ڈائریکٹر جیمز کلیپر نے جنوری میں ایک رپورٹ میں کہا تھا کہ شام میں پچاس سے زیادہ ممالک سے تعلق رکھنے والے سات ہزار سے زیادہ غیرملکی جنگجو لڑرہے ہیں۔ان میں سے بہت سے جنگجو یورپ اور مشرق وسطیٰ سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں۔ اسی ہفتے امریکی اخبار نیویارک ٹائمز میں شائع شدہ ایک رپورٹ میں یہ دعویٰ کیا گیا ہے کہ پاکستان سمیت مختلف سے القاعدہ کے جنگجو شام کا رُخ کررہے ہیں اور شام اس وقت القاعدہ کی سرگرمیوں کا ایک بڑا مرکز بنتا جارہا ہے۔ شام میں دوبڑے جنگجو گروپ النصرۃ محاذ اور دولت اسلامی عراق وشام القاعدہ سے تعلق کے دعوے دار ہیں۔یہ دونوں دھڑے شامی صدر بشارالاسد کی وفادار فوج سے لڑرہے ہیں اور آپس میں بھی ایک دوسرے کے خلاف ہتھیار بند ہیں۔ان کی باہمی دشمنی اتنی شدید ہوچکی ہے کہ وہ ایک دوسرے کو اسی طرح پکڑ کر اپنی نام نہاد خودساختہ عدالتوں کے ذریعے موت سے ہم کنار کررہے ہیں۔ شام کے مختلف علاقوں خاص طور پر شمالی صوبوں ادلب اور حلب میں باغی دھڑوں کی باہمی لڑائی کے نتیجے میں سیکڑوں افراد مارے جاچکے ہیں۔مختلف ممالک سے تعلق رکھنے والے اہل سنت جنگجو تو شامی باغیوں کا ساتھ دے رہے ہیں جبکہ لبنان کی حزب اللہ اور ایران وعراق سے تعلق رکھنے والے اہل تشیع شامی صدر بشارالاسد کی فوج کے شانہ بشانہ باغیوں کے خلاف لڑرہے ہیں اور شامی حکومت باغیوں کو دہشت گرد قرار دے رہی ہے۔
RT News
Friday, March 28, 2014
اناث الملك عبدلله يستنجدن بأوباما
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