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Monday, December 17, 2012

Syrian rebels take control of Damascus Palestinian camp

Posted 14 December 2012 - 06:12 AM The Americans Must watch out for the revenge of the Jihadists! Following the US invasion of Iraq, Al-Qaeda found a fertile ground supported by local Sunni Arabs and remnants of Saddam regime. One of the most notorious Al-Qaeda Emir in Iraq wss no other than Abu Musaab Al-Zarqawi, an Afghan veteran with violent anti-American track record including the Killing of CIA station chief in Amman. Al-Zarqawi is known for his ruthless suicidal attacks and the beheading of Americans and their allies. Al-Zaqwai was tracked down by a Jordanian intelligence officer, Capt. Sharif Ali Bin Zeid which led to his death on the hands of the Americans in Iraq. But the Jihadists didn't forget this and Captain Bin Zeid was followed to Afghanistan where he was killed by a Jordanian-Al-Qaeda double agent, Dr Hammam Khaleel Mohammed, on December 31 2009. Dr Mohammed was recruited while in Prison in Jordan to track Dr Ayman Al-Zawahiri. In Syria, the brother-in-law of late Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Mr Abu Jileed Al-Tubasi (Al-Zarqawi) was appointed yesterday 13.12.2012 to the post of an Emir of the Nusrat front. The same front which the US considers as terrorist. The second Al-Zarqawi intends to seek revenge for the killing of Bin Laden. At this moment, it will not be difficult to the kidnapping and the beheading of special-forces members of US, France, Israel, UK and a large number of CIA-hired civilian contractors directing the street fights. If Mr Assad ever decide to call it a day, the Americans will have no where to hide, as the Nusrat front is the most effective fighting force in the country with increasing support from the youth. The USraelis, that are currently seeding the winds, will eventually reap the hurricanes. No-one will fight the Americans and the British more than those humiliated, tortured and imprisoned without trial by the CIA and MI-6. Sending the Guantanamo and Bagram detainees to Turkey, as Putin has allegedly said, means to directing the resistance against the Americans. As an example, Al-Nusrat front don't want foreign intervention in Syria or have peace with Israel. Good luck to the USraelis. "They make a desert and will call it victory" I hope that the Usraelis stop meddling in the affairs of others. Now it is too late, as the Geni is out of the bottle. In Syria there will be losers but no winners. I somehow believe that Alqaeda, the Israelis and their US-Gulf Arab mentors will suffer significan strategic losses. We have seen what foreign interventions done in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. And we will be here to witness the fiasco in Syria. Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times ================ THE POLITICAL DYNAMICS OF PAKISTAN: By Prof. Dr. Gholam Mujtaba Those killed by Syrian government's brutality are not Muslims, claims a news-report. QUESTION-1: Since when, Sunni Muslims (who form the majority in Syria) or those killed by Syria's minority brutal regime have been thrown out of Islam ? QUESTION-2: What is the story behind the story of Allama Tahirul Qadri ? Comments: Pl do not divide the Sunnis into =Wahabis or Barelvis to promote your designs of divide & rule. To us, all of us, including Shias & Sunnis are vital organs of Muslim nations. And those outside of Islam are equally important to us as well. Who are we to discriminate, when God himself is "RABUL A'ALAMEEN", & Prophet of Islam, SWS, is "RAHMATULLIL A'ALAMEEN". We are not ordained to send others to hell-fire ? It is thy Lord whose domain we need not to interfere. We need to follow the path defined to us, that does not allow us to promote 'dogmatism' or hatred. Allama Tahirul Qadri is the President of the PAT (Pakistan Awami Tehreek). + Agha Murtaza Poya is the Senior Vice President of the PAT. Agha Saheb in his statement published in the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) declares that Iran can give new social system to the world. Thus, should we conclude that an Iranian system is promoted by PAT in Pakistan. [ Reference: http://www.irna.ir/en/NewsPrint.aspx?ID=80355295 ] = MQM's Altaf Hussain has FULLY ENDORSED PAT AND TODAY Former President Pervez Musharraf's APML ENDORSED PAT. Which shows a U-TURN of Pervez Musharraf, a tilt towards Iran. SHOULD PAKISTAN JOIN HANDS WITH IRAN + Syria and say goodbye to Turkey & Saudi Arabia ? Should Pakistan condone SUNNI massacre in Syria. Should Pakistan oppose expulsion of Syria from the 56 member states of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation ? Is this a national security interest of Pakistan ? Are we fighting someone else's war within the boundaries of Pakistan ? What is the TRUTH ? HOWEVER, I MUST MAKE IT CLEAR that: To me, my Shia brothers are equally important as my Sunni brothers. I do not discriminate none of them, but would always stand against INJUSTICE & BRUTALITY even it is my REAL brother. This is the bottom line. Furthermore, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs etc etc are all equal in the eyes of God, and why should they be different to me. It is humanity, that stands above all. All human beings are equal irrespective of color, creed or religious denomination. JOKE OF THE DAY: Muttehida-Musharraf League-Awami Tehreek Joint Mahaz Quaid= Allama Tahirul Qadri Chairman=Altaf Hussain Secretary=Pervez Musharraf TREASURER: Agha Murtaza Poya Manifesto: Friendship with PIA ( Pakistan -Iran - Afghanistan) Alliance Cut off ties with : Saudi Arabia, Turkey & OIC Support: Syria to kill its majority Sunnis Distraction: Defame the United States Hostility: Protest in Islamabad over an expected verdict against Altaf Hussain on a contempt case on JAN-07, protests follow starting JAN-10 onwards to save Syrian asset, the MQM. Target: [ 1 ] :Subdue Supreme Court's action on Altaf. [ 2 ] :Create law & order situation post judgment on Altaf to make it possible for the EXECUTIVE to remove the Chief Justice on the pretext of public uproar. Remedy: Take a preemptive measure by invoking MPO (Maintenance of Public Order) over the mastermind to house-arrest. THE "RATS" GRAND ALLIANCE = Rejected + Abandoned + Turned Down + Saboteurs [ALLIANCE] = MQM + APML + PAT or = Mr. Altaf Hussain + Pres. Pervez Musharraf + Allama Tahirul Qadri = Getting ready to fight with the JUDICIARY, why? Mr. Altaf Hussain EVADING law & criminal cases in the SC + Pres. Musharraf - do - do - do - Both violators of local laws Both + Allama Qadri "runaways" ......ABROAD Both scared of the Supreme Court Allama, the new guardian leading the saboteurs, the RATS ALLIANCE, to sabotage Supreme Court's orders for Altaf Hussain's physical appearance on January-07 by destabilizing Islamabad on the 10th of January and onwards. It is a constitutional matter of MPO (Mintenance of Public Order ). Why shouldn't, MPO be invoked on this obstruction of Justice ? The only purpose of today's JALSA was a warm-up session, and a public mobilizing campaign to start a crusade against judiciary in the backdrop of an expected judicial action against Altaf on the 7th of Jan. The dates announced by Allama, and the venue correlates to find the cat out of the bag ? Alas ! so specific ? MY PERSONAL ASSESSMENT: Allama Tahirul Qadri, a new CUSTODIAN cum GUARDIAN of Altaf Hussain in Pakistan to create a SITUATION out of an expected DEFAULT on Supreme Court's mandatory physical appearance of Altaf Hussain on January-07. He wants to CREATE UNREST in Islamabad to protect that interest. THIS IS WHY BOTH ALTAF + QADRI disclosed IDENTITY OF VIEWS before the JALSA. Allama Qadri calls for protest in Islamabad starting January-10th to extend support to MQM's ALTAF HUSSAIN to subdue Supreme Court's Action against Altaf on January-07. He is a threat to MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC ORDER (MPO). Based on his preachings on constitution, why an MPO be not applied on him obstructing JUSTICE in Islamabad. . Allama criticizes the parliament, but with the same breath welcomes the 50 member MQM delegation that represents the government and the parliament. WHAT IS A PROPER WORD TO THIS HYPOCRISY IN URDU ? IS HE CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT TO SAVE ALTAF HUSSAIN FROM HIS MANDATORY PHYSICAL APPEARANCE ON JANUARY-07, 2013. IS THIS THE MAIN PURPOSE OF HIS PREACHING LAW & CONSTITUTIONAL LAW TODAY ? ALLAMA QADRI: A GREAT LIAR OF TODAY: Says 30 lacs sitting in his JALSA ? Where is his oath on Quran before the start of this JALSA ? Can I ask as to how he knows that there are 30 lacs not 29 lacs ? WHAT A LIAR ? SUMMARY: QUESTION: 1. IS IT NOT A FACT THAT ALTAF HUSSAIN IS A FUGITIVE IN PAKISTANI LAW ? IF YES, then which constitution is Allama Qadri PROMOTING through HOODWINK ? 2. Talking of Tax Laws & income? ALLAMA what about the income of ALTAF HUSSAIN whose party is sitting next to you ? 3. What about "BHATTA" & "BORI BAND LASH" politics of MQM during its governments in the past 24 years ? Allama: Which Law are you promoting ? A SPEECH FULL OF BLUFF, LIES, HOODWINK & HYPOCRISY ? FIFTH QUESTION: "TAHIRUL QADRI JALSA" Allama Qadri EMPHASIZING on Constitution ? Where is that CONSTITUTION when the BIGGEST VIOLATORS OF LAW, the MQM SITTING NEXT TO HIM ? Does that constitution has no consequence on a Pakistani FUGITIVE sitting in London and EVADING LAW and the constitution of Pakistan ? Does that constitution of Allama Qadri provides IMPUNITY TO ALTAF HUSSAIN from appearance before the SUPREME COURT on January-7, 2013 . Allama is shouting of HONESTY ? WHERE IS THAT HONESTY WHEN ALTAF HUSSAIN VIOLATES PAKISTANI LAWS AS A FUGITIVE ? , and that TEAM of law violators are sitting on his stage ? IS HE MAKING A MOCKERY OF LAW ? FOURTH QUESTION: "TAHIRUL QADRI JALS" Allama Qadri giving lesson on election & constitution's TRANSPARENCY. REBUTTAL : How come the pioneers of rigging, the MQM is SITTING NEXT TO HIM ? WHAT A CLASSICAL BLUFF ???? THIRD QUESTION: "TAHIRUL QADRI JALSA" WHY SO MUCH POISON ABOUT MILITARY LEADERSHIP ? SECOND QUESTION: "TAHIRUL QADRI JALSA" Who is promoting the audience through a BLURRED vision to look bigger on the GEO-TV ? Why the same audience is shown with a REAL vision by the DUNYA TV ? Is it the difference in the management promoting their ideology ? QUESTION OF THE DAY ? Allama Tahirul Qadri addressing the crowd in Lahore. " Main us siyasat ko reject karta hon jo Karachi kay peaceful shahar ko dahshat gardi ka nishana bana chuka hai", Dr. Tahirul Qadri. REALITY: " I welcome the 50 member delegation of MQM in the jalsa", Tahirul Qadri. REBUTTAL: Dr. Qadri , if the second Caliph of Islam had to be accountable for state affairs during his Khilafat, why can't the MQM be held responsible for "terror" during its 24 years in Government. TRUTH: Pre-MQM was a peaceful Karachi while Post-MQM is an INSECURE Karachi. QUESTION: Dr. Qadri are you expressing the truth, or trying to promote your AGENDA to look to be TRUTH. From the Admin: POLL RESULTS ON THE INTERNET THROUGH FACEBOOK; Dr. Gholam Mujtaba = 61,278 votes vs Mr. Altaf Hussain = 40,129 votes Dr. Gholam Mujtaba DEFEATS Mr. Altaf Hussain by over 30% votes. زبانِ خلق کو نقارہِ خدا سمجھو خلق جسے کہے بجا، اُسے بجا سمجھو KPK Senior Minister, Bashir Ahmed Bilour passed away after being critically injured in a suicide attack. We expect a news to surface blaming/ &/ accepting of the charges by the Taliban, however, other avenues of such conspiracy against Pakistan should not be IGNORED. "I strongly condemn this assassination of a great leader, an asset of Pakistan. We need to explore the real culprits responsible for such acts to destabilize Pakistan", said Dr. Gholam Mujtaba in a press statement tonight. WE STRICTLY BELIEVE ABOVE SHIA-SUNNI SECTARIAN DIVIDE, YET QUESTION THE BRUTALITY NO MATTER WHERE IT ORIGINATES: WHERE ARE YOU ? WHY NO VOICE ON SUNNI GENOCIDE IN SYRIA against the BRUTAL MINORITY GOVERNMENT of "ALAWIS" in Syria ??? Allama Tahirul Qadri + Former President Pervez Musharraf + Mr. Altaf Hussain + others = where is your voice ??? = A SOLID DISTRACTION. SILENCE MEANS WHAT ??? Holding a PUBLIC meeting on the 23rd and NOT RAISING a single word for Sunni massacre.....IS IT A DISTRACTION of public opinion ? When "HAMAS" fired rockets at Israel at a " S P E C I F I C " "T I M E" to divert public opinion from SYRIA'S SUSPENSION of 56 member OIC (Organization of Islamic nations) membership, hue & cry against the U.S. were raised ? TODAY SYRIA IS KILLING HUNDREDS OF PALESTINIANS in its refugee camps (only because they are SUNNIS) in Damascus, where is that hue & cry ??? SEE THE NEWS: R E U T E R S: By Mariam Karouny BEIRUT, Dec 16 (Reuters) - Syrian fighter jets bombed the Palestinian Yarmouk camp in Damascus on Sunday, killing at least 25 people sheltering in a mosque in an area where Syrian rebels have been trying to advance into the capital, opposition activists said. Continued, see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/16/-palestinian-yarmouk_n_2312062.html ================== =========== Syrian rebels take control of Damascus Palestinian camp Tue, Dec 18 01:07 AM EST 1 of 24 By Mariam Karouny BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels took full control of the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp on Monday after fighting raged for days in the district on the southern edge of President Bashar al-Assad's Damascus powerbase, rebel and Palestinian sources said. The battle had pitted rebels, backed by some Palestinians, against Palestinian fighters of the pro-Assad Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC). Many PFLP-GC fighters defected to the rebel side and their leader Ahmed Jibril left the camp two days ago, rebel sources said. "All of the camp is under the control of the (rebel) Free Syrian Army," said a Palestinian activist in Yarmouk. He said clashes had stopped and the remaining PFLP fighters retreated to join Assad's forces massed on the northern edge of the camp. The battle in Yarmouk is one of a series of conflicts on the southern fringes of Assad's capital, as rebels try to choke the power of the 47-year-old leader after a 21-month-old uprising in which 40,000 people have been killed. Government forces have used jets and artillery to try to dislodge the fighters but the violence has crept into the heart of the city and activists say rebels overran three army stations in a new offensive in the central province of Hama on Monday. On the border with Lebanon, hundreds of Palestinian families fled across the frontier following the weekend violence in Yarmouk, a Reuters witness said. Syria hosts half a million Palestinian refugees, most living in Yarmouk, descendants of those admitted after the creation of Israel in 1948, and has always cast itself as a champion of the Palestinian struggle, sponsoring several guerrilla factions. Both Assad's government and the mainly Sunni Muslim Syrian rebels have enlisted and armed divided Palestinian factions as the uprising has developed into a civil war. "NEITHER SIDE CAN WIN" Syrian Vice President Farouq al-Sharaa said in a newspaper interview published on Monday that neither Assad's forces nor rebels seeking to overthrow him can win the war. Sharaa, a Sunni Muslim in a power structure dominated by Assad's Alawite minority, has rarely been seen since the revolt erupted in March 2011 and is not part of the president's inner circle directing the fight against Sunni rebels. But he is the most prominent figure to say in public that Assad will not win. Sharaa said the situation in Syria was deteriorating and a "historic settlement" was needed to end the conflict, involving regional powers and the U.N. Security Council and the formation of a national unity government "with broad powers". "With every passing day the political and military solutions are becoming more distant. We should be in a position defending the existence of Syria. We are not in a battle for an individual or a regime," Sharaa was quoted as telling Al-Akhbar newspaper. "The opposition cannot decisively settle the battle and what the security forces and army units are doing will not achieve a decisive settlement," he said, adding that insurgents fighting to topple Syria's leadership could plunge it into "anarchy and an unending spiral of violence". Sources close to the Syrian government say Sharaa had pushed for dialogue with the opposition and objected to the military response to an uprising that began peacefully. In a veiled criticism of the crackdown, he said there was a difference between the state's duty to provide security to its citizens, and "pursuing a security solution to the crisis". He said even Assad could not be certain where events in Syria were leading, but that anyone who met him would hear that "this is a long struggle...and he does not hide his desire to settle matters militarily to reach a final solution." In Hama province, rebels and the army clashed in a new campaign launched on Sunday by rebels to block off the country's north, activists said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition-linked violence monitor, said fighting raged through the provincial towns of Karnaz, Kafar Weeta, Halfayeh and Mahardeh. It said there were no clashes reported in Hama city, which lies on the main north-south highway connecting the capital with Aleppo, Syria's second city. Qassem Saadeddine, a member of the newly established rebel military command, said on Sunday fighters had been ordered to surround and attack army positions across the province. He said Assad's forces were given 48 hours to surrender or be killed. In 1982 Hafez al-Assad, father of the current ruler, crushed an uprising in Hama city, killing up to 30,000 civilians. Qatiba al-Naasan, a rebel from Hama, said the offensive would bring retaliatory air strikes from the government but that the situation is "already getting miserable". (Additional reporting by Oliver Holmes, Erika Solomon and Dominic Evans in Beirut, Afif Diab at Masnaa, Lebanon; editing by Philippa Fletcher)

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