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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Expression of Opinion about Tulloch Road Traffic Cahos: DPTI-Council at odds

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Traffic jam Featured General November 18, 2015 nov11_8505 TRAFFIC increases of up to 50 per cent, including vehicles queuing for almost 200 metres, are being predicted for a troubled traffic spot in Evanston. Locals are growing increasingly concerned about the area on Main North Road between Tulloch and Potts roads, which is already facing congestion issues. However, the approaching opening of Bunnings, as well as the possible establishment of an Aldi and link connector road in the area, have heightened congestion fears. Gawler Mayor Karen Redman said a council study had found the current traffic volumes at the Tulloch and Main North roads intersection suggested it was already struggling to cope with traffic. “The establishment of Bunnings and then, potentially, Aldi, will add approximately 40 to 50 per cent more traffic to the peak evening period, with school pick-up coinciding with greater volumes of shoppers at that time of the day,” she said. “This will result in excessively long queues extending up to approximately 190 metres back from the Main North Road intersection.” A number of suggestions have been made from the community on how to improve the situation, including reopening Barnet Street in front of Gawler & District College B-12 to two-way traffic again. Mayor Redman acknowledged the fact that two schools, Gawler & District College and Trinity College, were located close to the intersection, further compounded the situation. “We will need child- and youth-friendly traffic solutions to deal with the peak arrival and departure of kids from these schools,” she said. Council has also expressed concern over the short- and long-term traffic impacts should the State Government go ahead with its announced plans to bring the Gawler East link road down Potts Road to Main North Road. Mayor Redman said if the link road went ahead with the proposed Potts Road alignment, it would further exacerbate the Main North Road-Tulloch Road intersection, which has already been subject of considerable complaints to council by road users. “The reality is we can’t look at the proposed link road in isolation,” she said. “This piece of critical infrastructure will have ramifications across Gawler’s entire traffic network.” “Having said that, it should be noted that the signalising of Potts Road will improve the peak period queue lengths due to breaks in the traffic created by the lights.” Council is currently negotiating with the State Government over the direction of the link road, with the Government backing the Potts Road route, while council is pushing for a Tiver Road alignment. http://www.bunyippress.com.au/traffic-jam/ ====================== Naomi Warner Make road by g&d college both ways. Traffic lights tulloch road. Turn left with care. Close off other intersection near servo but leave potts road open. Then. Traffic from g&d going to Evanston etc can avoid main road without going 3kms around back. Like · 3 · Report · 3 hours ago Malex Ander No lights at Potts with the road going straight through at that point onto Para Road. Remove the dogleg up to the school. Makes natural break in traffic flow for the shopping centre further down through light changes and doesn't prevent access to Evanston Gardens from Evanston (their only shops). Malex Ander Half the issues are the crappy Gawler drivers. I get stuck there often waiting for Suzie homemaker to learn how to enter traffic more often than not... Seeing gaps galore but no one bothering to take one. Then there is the mentality of the traffic on main north Rd where if they do see someone pull out, they won't reduce speed, just beep like they own all the roads and no one else should be able to move. Barnett St isn't the answer, get rid of the old Barnett St to Para Rd dogleg entirely, make the pedestrian lights actual traffic lights at Potts and Para (four way by Main Nth, Para and Potts) and see what impact that has to natural flow. If that is still not enough, roundabouts work wonders. Hurry up with the Gordon Rd to Evanston Gardens bit too... Still the "long way" round, but better than being stuck in traffic. ========================================= Aldi okayed: No road change Featured General November 25, 2015 nov25_0887 FRUSTRATED drivers will become “aggressive” and “undertake unsafe manoeuvres” at a busy Evanston intersection, which is set to become even more gridlocked with the approval of an Aldi supermarket, according to Gawler Council. The State Government’s Development Assessment Commission last week gave the German supermarket giant approval to establish a centre on a vacant block of land on Tulloch Road opposite the Gawler Green Shopping Centre and new Bunnings complex. The Tulloch Road-Main North Road T-junction intersection already experiences high volumes of traffic from the shopping centre and nearby schools. Gawler Council predicts the opening of Bunnings, in coming weeks, and the now impending opening of Aldi, next year, will increase already busy traffic volumes at the black spot by another 50 per cent. Mayor Karen Redman said peak times in the area would be particularly problematic. “It will not only cause delays to all road users, but will create an unsafe road environment,” she said. “This will occur through delayed and frustrated drivers becoming aggressive and undertaking unsafe manoeuvres.” Gawler Council chief executive Henry Inat confirmed he attended the DAC meeting earlier this month to present “arguments as to why an upgrade to the Tulloch Road – Main North Road intersection should occur as part of the approval processes.” Council officers and a traffic engineering consultant presented the results of studies done on the intersection to the DAC, which found traffic would double and queues as long as 200 metres would be generated if Aldi was approved. However, the presentation fell on deaf ears, with the DAC approving the Aldi application without requiring any additional work needed on the T-junction, arguing the scheduled upgrade of the Potts Road – Main North Road intersection 200 metres away would be an adequate solution. Tulloch Road is a council asset, while Main North Road is controlled by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, making it unclear whose responsibility it is to upgrade the intersection. “It is council’s opinion that the upgrade to the intersection is the responsibility of the State Government,” Mrs Redman said. DPTI failed to answer The Bunyip’s questions about the intersection, instead issuing a one-sentence response, saying it was aware of the situation and would “continue to work with the council to consider potential changes to the junction”. Aldi has indicated the Evanston store should be operational within the next 12 months, prior to any upgrade occurring to the nearby Potts Road – Main North Road intersection by DPTI. ============================================= Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 39 minutes ago 1 reply Andrew Price This section of Gawler has been increasing in the number of shops for years. Council must not get out their offices much if they have only discovered a traffic issue! Like · 3 · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Ally Clarke Its the worst traffic spot.. and so many stupid drivers.. Like · 2 · Reply · Report · 3 hours ago Shauna Gejas To complete my comment.sorry.i think lights somewhere are the solution.whether its potts road or Tulloch it will help.im sick of having to go the long way around on para road to get to Evanston homemaker centre. Like · Reply · Report · 23 minutes ago Shauna Gejas A roundabout wont work.because you will still have to give way to the right and and thats still about finding a gap.open up the road Like · Reply · Report · 26 minutes ago Adam Jolly Bloody soccer mums in their SUVs Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 2 hours ago Russell Smith Why don't you write about the massive traffic jams caused by Trinity College every afternoon. Sometimes extending from the college all the way to the Maccas roundabout. Les Haldane And that drivers come out at the lights there to turn right towards Gawler and don't give way to the main road. They just think they have the right of way. Like · 2 · Report · 2 hours ago Rachael Aimeë or the line up from the lights almost back to starplex. ppl who line up over the roundabouts so if you live on the side roads you cant get round to go the other way Like · 1 · Report · 1 hour ago Kezza Songer Berry The reason we never bought property this side of Gawler at all, it's a joke the trinity traffic, only 1 more year to go Like · 1 · Report · 1 hour ago Sarah Mitchell It blocks up right back onto the bypass. Gawler afternoon traffic is a nightmare. Like · Report · 1 hour ago Elena Diamond They should start to utliize dead reserve land to bypass Trinity College traffic to/from M.N North Road. Trinity college earns enough fee to buy private lands. I heard Next Coles and Bunnings will be developing at Sunnyside/ Alexander Reserve. Like · Edit · 26 minutes ago Russell Smith Judging by the response it seems to me we have more serious traffic issues than just the Coles intersection. Maybe the council just don't want another business outside the Gawler CBD Like · Report · 20 minutes ago Peter Barry Les Haldane there is no broken line at the end of the merging lane, therefore zip merge applies, whoever is in front has right of way. Like · Report · 2 minutes ago Chantelle Tesselaar Basic rule in Gawler.... never turn right... always go left.... my driving instructor drove that home so hard when he taught me how to drive 25 years ago in Gawler... back then it wasmainly Lyndoch, Carlton & Cowan rds onto Murray st.... which now have lights/traffic management in place but if you now use this common sense in other areas it works.... Like · 9 · Reply · Report · 3 hours ago 1 reply Kerry Halloran Fix it than instead of trying to get different businesses to pay for it instead of the government or council not paying Like · 3 · Reply · Report · 3 hours ago Robert Pascale Well council changed Barnett road with consultation with the high school so maybe they should consult again to change it back to two way over the holidays Like · 4 · Reply · Report · 4 hours ago Steve Vereb After reading this story I don't think a solution by council or government is close by. With all the roadworks currently happening around the state there is manpower and equipment available. Only lacking commitment from the decision makers. There will be plenty of sitting on hands until someone is hurt or worse. Like · 2 · Reply · Report · 4 hours ago Kezza Songer Berry It's a bloody nightmare! Just like the stupid car park with one entrance and exit! Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Alyson Rainsford Hurry up beforee someone get injured! Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 2 hours ago Trevor Hall Wow, what a shock. I didn't think THAT would be a problem. Now the blame game continues. Like · 1 · Reply · Report · 3 hours ago Scottie Taylor i moved out of gawler, that fixed the problem for me Edited · Like · Reply · Report · 27 minutes ago Kerry Tania That road is a nightmare !!! Like · Reply · Report · 2 hours ago Amber Sweet That's exactly 🔝why the Tulloch Rd intersection Jams up its impossible to get out in school pick up and drop off especially to turn right. =========================== facebook Previous Next Like Comment Share The Bunyip Newspaper FRUSTRATED drivers will become “aggressive” and “undertake unsafe manoeuvres” at a busy Evanston intersection, which is set to become even more gridlocked with the approval of an Aldi supermarket, according to Gawler Council. http://www.bunyippress.com.au/aldi-okayed-no-road-change/ 1 hour ago · Public · in Timeline Photos View Full Size · Send as Message · Report You and 33 others like this. Write a comment... Attach a Photo · Mention Friends Saqlain Naqvi Council objective is to build budget, nothing in public interests in thousands of pages of study for either of 2 developments. I am going to build another Mall and please don't ask me to build infrastructure. You can wait for another decade to get Fed funding. Edited · Like · Reply · Edit · 2 minutes ago Peter Macc Another point, Gawler council needs to take a long hard look at their planning department, it's all well and good getting all these rate paying business in and not having to improve existing infrastructure but in time to come it's going to catch up with us . Traffic flow is just as important as building things and another set of lights is not the answer, I'd hate to be waiting for an ambulance stuck in Gawler traffic because some town planner can't see past their own nose. Rant over Like · 9 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Laurel Hosking stop blaming something that has not even been built yet and address the problem NOW Like · 9 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Jodie Exindaris Gawler council is all about Revenue no consideration for the residents of Gawler and surrounding suburbs money making at its best .What about the super school you have caught in the middle of all this No consideration for the families that pick their children up this council is a Joke .you keep adding to what has been a congested town for the last ten years we've been here we moved to Gawler because it was a country town now we're busting out of the seams has your planning team been on the streets have you spoken to the people of Gawler to see what they go thru everyday wake up Gawler Council . Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 36 minutes ago Megan Jade Taylor Stupid area for all this its chaos enough there with the B-12 school already gawler really needs to think about how they place things need one big shopping centre with all the shops might get more business instead of them being all over the place as its a nightmare driving from one to the other especially with kids and shopping Like · 8 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Joan Peterkin Of course its busy, when are you going to make it safe with lights?? The first fatality there will be suing the council Like · 4 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Tracee Huxtable It was like that way before Gawler green , Bunnings and Aldi . It's the bloody school runs that's the chaotic time because the council stuffed up the road planning Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Andrew Chapman Tulloch Rd should never of been built! Why wasnt the plan set out years with traffic lights with a realignment of Para Rd to come out opposite Potts Rd? Make it a four way junction and add lights and problem fixed? Is it to hard? Unlike · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago 2 replies Deep Taggar Then why not gawler council put traffic lights or make a another plan to reduce the traffic? If there is voting system of worst councils in australia, beleive me gawler council would have beat everyone and get 1 in being a worst council Like · Reply · Report · 40 minutes ago Kerry Veale It will take a serious accident . We have to go the back way to get home most of the time to (Evanston Grdns) it to dangerous trying to get on to the main road. Seriously. Gawler Council. Like · Reply · Report · 19 minutes ago View next comments… ============== facebook Previous Next Like Comment Share The Bunyip Newspaper FRUSTRATED drivers will become “aggressive” and “undertake unsafe manoeuvres” at a busy Evanston intersection, which is set to become even more gridlocked with the approval of an Aldi supermarket, according to Gawler Council. http://www.bunyippress.com.au/aldi-okayed-no-road-change/ 1 hour ago · Public · in Timeline Photos View Full Size · Send as Message · Report You and 33 others like this. Write a comment... Attach a Photo · Mention Friends View previous comments… Peter Broelman Just copy nd paste the Britannia roundabout. Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Dylan Panagiotou Bunnings wasnt even open the other day and the carpark was still full..... Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Sandra May Warner The other day. Like over a week ago. Someone pulled out. The car behind them pulled out...the first car didn't go and was blocking the second car with the cement island (they didn't move up) soooo. The second car over took the first car on the right. Then the first car decided they were going to go up to the turning lane and turn right down to the schools. I sat there and thought that was stupid but laughed and laughed. Im sure more than one of us has wanted to do that there at some point. Like · Reply · Report · 48 minutes ago Tanya Liebenau Time for traffic lights there !! Like · Reply · Report · 29 minutes ago Paula McLaughlin Aldi yahh! Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Darryl Fish Fisher Install lights .. make the road out front of the high school both ways again Like · 2 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Tom Hayden Great to have the facilities but there's a lack of parking and this was before bunnings opened. One would assume a lot worse with the Aldi addition especially at school times. There was a complete lack of thought for pedestrian access. We often walk our son there and cross from the school side..your forced to walk directly in the line of cars at several points to access coles.terrible planning. We do not want another set of lights at the intersection, what's needed is a large roundabout like the other states use to keep traffic moving! Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 45 minutes ago Inarra Thomson I took my son to childcare today and the traffic was horrible. It took me 15 minutes to get from Gawler green to Potts road. Just waiting to turn. Traffic is a nightmare. Fix it now! Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 53 minutes ago Marg Clarke Gawler is no longer the quiet little town it once was and you can't stop progress so you have to move with it. Council needs to start spending money in areas it's needed this being just one of the places that needs urgent attention . The Bunyip Newspaper how much would a set of traffic lights cost for there ? Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Amanda Cook People have been driving that way ever since it was put in lol Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago View next comments… ============= Michael Squires oh btw bunnings is open. or maybe i was sleep walking on sunday. Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Peter Macc Another exit wouldn't hurt Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Amber Sweet Its chaos now Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Carrie Michelle Bayly Something needs to be done straight away, my partner has been in an accident there and I've seen near misses, I hope they don't wait till someone is seriously injured or killed 󾍀 Like · 2 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Leonie Hill It needs some traffic lights there for the school kids and it will be safer with lights Like · Reply · Report · 4 minutes ago Hayley Maidment Adam this is about you garentee it lol Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago 1 reply Amanda Morris Definitely needs some lights and or more entrances. Like · Reply · Report · 22 minutes ago Michael Lord Benny Burgess Not surprising, the "corporation of the town of gawler" aren't doing anything for the community it "serves".... Like · Reply · Report · 57 minutes ago Kerry Kaesehagen So put in traffic lights!! Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Robert Pascale I'm sick and tired of commenting on this subject Like · Reply · Report · 28 minutes ago ============= Attach a Photo · Mention Friends View previous comments… Tanya Smith Gonna be more of a nightmare than it already is. Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Michael Squires here we go again aldi was canncled i read. Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago 1 reply Jorgia Carter They need traffic lights its a nightmare Like · 2 people · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Nicky Walker Please install lights Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Lyn Cockburn Lights will probably be installed Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Chantelle West The should of put a roundabout or lights that intersection is a joke , you can't even turn right :/ Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Erny Landherr Here we go again, another report about this intersection....FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!! Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Lorenda Jane Hurle-kriticos Lee Harvey got to be kindling me Like · Reply · Report · 57 minutes ago Tiarne Kostrz Tanya Kostrz Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 47 minutes ago 1 reply Kelly Hunter Josh Neilson Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 18 minutes ago 2 replies ===================== View previous comments… Samantha Monks Damien Hill Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Anne Davey Helen Clarke Like · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago Mepston Roberto Samara Frances Like · 1 person · Reply · Report · 1 hour ago 1 reply ===========

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