'Islamic feminism' and miniskirts: The veiled truth about women in Iran
Historian Nina Ansary has uncovered the complex history of women's rights in Iran. She tells Radhika Sanghani how patriarchal politics are peversely paving the way for feminism in the country
Nina Ansary is the author of Jewels of Allah: The untold story of women in Iran.
By Radhika Sanghani
10:44AM GMT 03 Nov 2015
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There’s a popular narrative about women in Iran and it goes something like this:
Iranian women are oppressed and they always have been. There was a period where they were liberated and stopped from wearing the veil, during the Pahlavi dynasty from 1925 to 1979.
But when the Iranian revolution happened and Ayatollah Khomeini founded the Islamic Republic of Iran, women’s freedoms were taken away again. They were forced to wear the veil and they were segregated by gender.
Yet again, women were oppressed and little has changed today.
Most Westerners can probably agree this sums up their view of women in Iran – and so too could Iranian-born American historian Nina Ansary. Until recently.
“I used to subscribe to that popular narrative about women in Iran,” she tells me. “But that narrative is far from the truth.”
Read more: This is what the Koran *really* says about women
It was only when Ansary started researching the topic for her university thesis that she realised the reality for women in Iran was - and is - a lot more complex. The truth about Iranian women’s rights has been so underreported across the world that she’s now developed her thesis into a book, Jewels of Allah: The untold story of women in Iran.
In it she writes:
“If this book shatters many of the stereotypical assumptions and the often misunderstood story of women in Iran, it will have succeeded. The objective is to reveal how a full-blown feminist movement developed and grew in the patriarchal climate of post-revolutionary Iran.”
A woman wearing a chador on the streets of Tehran
Gender equality in the ancient world
Feminism in Iran essentially began in the sixth century BC in Ancient Persia. The religion of the time was Zoroastrian – an old belief system that has nothing to do with Islam and places a strong emphasis on equality between men and women. It meant their society had female leaders, female army commanders and no gender pay gap.
Over the next 1,400 years, this slowly changed.
The seventh century saw the Arab invasion. They brought Islam into the country and with it, a decline in women’s rights.
“Islam took hold and it’s a religion that's able to evolve," explains Ansary. "But if you’re a hard-line conservative and you adhere to the original text and interpretation, that really relegates women to an inferior position and ordains it as the will of Allah,” explains Ansary.
"He wanted to emancipate women and that’s exactly what it looked like he’d done. Iranian women went to university, wore miniskirts and women’s magazines thrived."
From then on, there were odd moments where women’s rights were regained and then revoked. But things only really changed in 1925, when Reza Shah Pahlavi came into power. In a way, he and his son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi were Iran’s ultimate feminists.
Over their 54 year rule, they made a number of drastic reforms to liberate women – westernising education, modernising dress, and increasing the minimum age of marriage. In 1935 the veil was temporarily abolished (the Shah's son then decreed women could choose whether or not to wear it).
They wanted to emancipate women and on the outside that’s exactly what it looked like. Iranian girls and women went to university, wore miniskirts and women’s magazines thrived.
But this is one of the biggest ‘myths’ that Ansary explores in her book: that not all Iranian women were actually liberated.
Pahlavi was 'too much too soon'
Many traditional families did not want to embrace these new policies, and when the veil was banned, strict fathers would stop their daughters from leaving the house. It meant they were unable to go to school, and many were prohibited from the new freedoms the Shah wanted them to have.
Ansary explains the Shah's motives were certainly “noble” – it was just “too much too soon”.
“That doesn’t diminish from what he did – it just means you need to give people more time to grasp something that’s essentially unknown by the masses. It cannot be a rapid motion towards change.”
It meant the Pahlavi monarchy failed. The Shah’s son was overthrown in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini, who Ansary describes as “a misogynistic cleric.”
The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, and his wife, Farah Diba
The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, pictured here with his wife, Farah Diba, was overthrown in the revolution Photo: AFP/Getty
What surprised her when she first researched Khomeini, was that his greatest supporters were women.
In the west, we might expect women to have supported the Shah's equality - but at the time many women could not relate to it, or understand it. Instead they were attracted to Khomeini’s rhetoric about going back to tradition and cultural authenticity.
It was predominantly those who came from traditional families who supported him. But well-educated women such as Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi - who was one of the first women to become a judge in Iran under the Pahlavi monarchy - were not immune to his charms.
Khomeini's misogyny
The tragedy is this: almost as soon as Khomeini created the Islamic Republic in 1979, these women understood what they’d done.
Ebadi, who was stripped of her judgeship under his Islamic law, later wrote in her memoir: “It took scarcely a month for me to realise that, in fact, I had willingly and enthusiastically participated in my own demise.”
This is something Ansary says all women can learn from, whethe in Iran today or the west.
“This is a very important message that as women we have to do our due diligence and not just accept the façade of someone’s rhetoric. Read between the lines. The traditional woman who originally supported him was uneducated. Today that society is educated and that’s why it’s so important for women to get an education.”
The late Ayatollah Khomeini
But though Khomeini’s regime outwardly seemed to oppress women, it wasn’t that simple. In the same way Pahlavi didn’t fully liberate women, Khomeini did not totally restrict them.
His implementation of Islamic law meant that the miniskirt-wearing Iranian women of the 60s and 70s were suddenly forced to put on veils. They had to have segregated education and could not work as freely as before.
But this reintroduction of the veil and single-sex education, meant that traditional families were comfortable in allowing their daughters to go to school and gain an education.
Khomeini's patriarchy gave birth to feminism
By giving girls an education, Khomeini ultimately paved their way for another revolution – a feminist one. Under his patriarchal rule, women’s rights actually started to thrive.
Ansary writes: “The inconvenient truth is that, owing to the rules that many Western women and men may consider archaic and sexist, girls in Iran became educated and liberated.”
This education led them to question their ruler, and the patriarchy under which they lives.
“The irony of Iran is what the Shah had wanted has come to fruition during a most unexpected era,” she adds.
Today, Iran is still an Islamic Republic. Women are severely restricted by the law – they must cover their heads in public, they cannot travel internationally without their husbands’ permission and their husbands have the right to stop them working if they think their job ‘damages their dignity’.
Ghoncheh Ghavami, a British woman with Iranian citizenship, has been sentenced to serve a year in prison for attending a men's volleyball game
Ghoncheh Ghavami, a British woman with Iranian citizenship, was sentenced to serve a year in prison for attending a men's volleyball game Photo: AP Photo/Free Ghoncheh Campaign
“These are all the debilitating consequences of being married. So women don’t get married and don’t have children, which is why the supreme leader was considering a ban on contraception,” explains Ansary.
But at the same time, she says there is a growing feminist movement.
“Behind the veil, there’s a vibrant feminist movement for the first time in Iran, within a patriarchal climate. That’s underreported.
Islamic feminism
“Women are active, not in seclusion and not sequestered behind the veil. Before the revolution there was a great divide between religious and secular women, but that has been blurred. Once you’re educated and learn to respect other people’s ideological dispositions – you’re less likely to be narrow-minded.”
Ansary tells me that the ruling regime in Iran views ‘feminism’ as a Western moniker. So to avoid trouble, women avoid the term. Instead they refer to themselves as “women’s rights activists” or “Islamic feminists.”
“Those rights never came from a feminist movement or a women’s rights movement. They were bestowed from above. Today it’s a viable movement because it’s grassroots, and there is no leader."
Nina Ansary
Many of these ‘Islamic feminists’ find freedom by reinterpreting Islamic texts.
Ansary explains: “It’s huge because it allows a woman to retain her religious beliefs. But they all have the same agenda - to reverse the discriminatory laws.”
Already women have achieved change. They’ve partially undone the law that women cannot serve as judges (they can now be research judges) and have pressured Parliament to restict men to four wives - and only if the first consents.
These are small changes - but Ansary says this is the only way gender equality will ever truly come about in Iran.
“I firmly believe if there’s ever going to be change in Iran again it’s going to come from the women.”
RT News
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