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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Care & Cry for Malala while Scholar Saeed Haider Zaidi among 26 more target killings within 21 hours

Saturday 10 November 2012 22:37 http://www.islamtimes.org/ur/ نماز جنازہ اسلام ٹائمز: واضح رہے کہ شہید سعید حیدر زیدی امامیہ اسٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن کراچی ڈویژن کی مجلس نظارت کے رکن ہونے کے ساتھ ساتھ، ایک معروف شیعہ اسکالر اور تبلیغاتی ادارہ دارالثقلین کے بانی بھی تھے آپ بیشمار کتب کے مصنف اور لاتعداد عربی اور فارسی کتب کے مترجم بھی تھے، آپ نے پسماندگان میں ایک بیوہ، دو بیٹے اور دو بیٹیوں کو سوگوار چھوڑا ہے۔ چھوٹی تصویریں تصاویر کی فہرست سلائیڈ شو اسلام ٹائمز۔ شہید سعید حیدر زیدی کی نمازِ جنازہ آج بعد نماز ظہرین امام بارگاہ شاہِ کربلا رضویہ سوسائٹی میں مولانا شاہد رضا کاشفی کی زیرِ اقتدا ادا کردی گئی۔ نماز جنازہ میں کراچی کی مختلف تنظیموں کے رہنما موجود تھے، جن میں مجلس وحدت مسلمین کے مرکزی ترجمان علامہ حسن ظفر نقوی، مولانا صادق رضا تقوی، مولانا حیدر عباس عابدی، ہیئت آئمہ مساجد کے سربراہ علامہ شیخ محمد حسن صلاح الدین، مولانا باقر عباس زیدی، امامیہ اسٹوڈنٹس آرگنائزیشن کے مرکزی صدر برادر اطہر عمران، کراچی ڈویژن کے صدربرادر محمد اکبر عابدی، شیعہ علماء کونسل سندھ کے جنرل سیکریٹری مولانا ناظر عباس تقوی، جعفریہ الائنس پاکستان کے سربراہ علامہ عباس کمیلی سمیت مولانا اصغر حسین شہیدی، مولانا علی محمد نقوی، مولانا عقیل موسیٰ اور دیگر علماء، ذاکرین اور دانشور حضرات کے علاوہ شہید سعید حیدر زیدی سے کسبِ فیض کرنے والے سینکڑوں شاگرد بھی موجود تھے۔ نماز جنازہ کی امام بارگاہ شاہِ کربلا رضویہ سوسائٹی میں مولانا شاہد رضا کاشفی کی زیرِ اقتدا ادائیگی کے بعد جنازے کو جلوس کی صورت میں وادی السلام قبرستان کی جانب روانہ کیا گیا جہاں ہزاروں سوگوار عزاداروں کی موجودگی میں انہیں آہوں اور سسکیوں کے ساتھ سپردِ خاک کردیا گیا۔ اسلام ٹائمز: علامہ راجہ ناصر عباس جعفری کی اپیل پر بعد نماز جمعہ ملک گیر یوم احتجاج منایا گیا، اس سلسلے میں جامع مسجد برف خانہ ملیر، خوجہ جامع مسجد کھارادر، ابوالحسن اصفہانی روڈ، عزاء خانہ صغریٰ کورنگی، جامع مسجد ابوالفضل العباس (ع) لانڈھی، جامع مسجد حسینی ماروی گوٹھ، مرکزی جامع مسجد اسٹیل ٹاؤن میں احتجاجی مظاہرے منعقد کئے گئے۔ ==== Wednesday 7 November 2012 01:14 علامہ آفتاب جعفری کے جلوس جنازہ پر رینجرز کی بلاجواز فائرنگ اور 3 نوجوانوں کی شہادت، علامہ مختار امامی کی مذمت اسلام ٹائمز: ایک بیان میں ایم ڈبلیو ایم سندھ کے سیکرٹری جنرل نے کہا کہ نمائش چورنگی پر شہیدوں کی نماز جنازہ کے بعد جلوس جنازہ براستہ لیاقت آباد وادی حسین (ع) قبرستان کی جانب رواں دواں تھا۔ جیسے ہی جلوس جنازہ کے شرکاء نے لبیک یاحسین (ع) کے نعرے لگاتے ہوئے لیاقت آباد ڈاکخانہ کا بس اسٹاپ کراس کیا تو پولیس اور رینجرز کی بھاری نفری نے فائرنگ شروع کردی۔ اسلام ٹائمز۔ مجلس وحدت مسلمین پاکستان صوبہ سندھ کے سیکریٹری جنرل علامہ مختار امامی نے مجلس وحدت کے رہنما اور ممتاز ذاکر اہلبیت (ع) شہید علامہ آفتاب حیدر جعفری کے جلوس جنازہ پر رینجرز اور پولیس کی فائرنگ کی شدید مذمت کی ہے۔ انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ پرامن جلوس جنازہ کے پرامن شرکاء پر بلاجواز فائرنگ کے نتیجے میں 3 شیعہ نوجوان شہید ہوگئے ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ نمائش چورنگی پر شہید کی نماز جنازہ کے بعد جلوس جنازہ براستہ لیاقت آباد وادی حسین (ع) قبرستان کی جانب رواں دواں تھا۔ جیسے ہی جلوس جنازہ کے شرکاء نے لبیک یاحسین (ع) کے نعرے لگاتے ہوئے لیاقت آباد ڈاکخانہ کا بس اسٹاپ کراس کیا، پولیس اور رینجرز کی بھاری نفری نے فائرنگ شروع کردی۔ شدید فائرنگ کی زد میں آکر دو شیعہ نوجوان وسیم حیدر اور قاسم علی موقع پر ہی شہید ہوگئے، جبکہ تیسرا نوجوان فراز حیدر بھی زخموں کی تاب نہ لاتے ہوئے شہید ہوگیا۔ شہداء کی لاشوں کو پوسٹ مارٹم اور زخمیوں کو علاج کے لئے عباسی شہید ہسپتال منتقل کیا گیا۔ علی حسن کا تعلق حسن کالونی ضلع وسطی سے ہے جبکہ دوسرے شہید کا تعلق لانڈھی سے ہے۔ جلوس جنازہ پر فائرنگ کے نتیجے میں جلوس جنازہ کے شرکاء تھوڑی دیر تک رکے رہے۔ بعد ازاں جلوس جنازہ اپنی منزل کی جانب گامزن ہوا۔ سہراب گوٹھ کے نزدیک بھی جلوس جنازہ کے شرکاء پر رینجرز نے فائرنگ کی۔ علامہ مختار امامی نے حکومت سے مطالبہ کیا کہ رینجرز اور پولیس میں شامل کالی بھیڑوں کو بے نقاب کیا جائے اور انہیں سزا دی جائے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ یک طرفہ حملہ تھا جس کا ثبوت یہ ہے کہ پولیس اور رینجرز کو کوئی نقصان نہیں پہنچا ہے۔ #karachi:SHAHEED Saeed Hyder Zaidi Ki Namaze-Janaza Kal 10Nov Bad Namz_Zohrain Rizvia1 ImamBargah Me Ada Ki Jaegi Zemedari Samj Kr Sharik Ho 2,SHIA SCHOLAR SHAHEED BIKERALLY Shaheed Agha Saeed Haider k janazy kelie kal10nov 11am Khurasan road-to-Rizvia Imambrgah madarsa dar-ul-saqlain k bani SHAHEED Syed Saeed Hyder Zaidi S/O Syed Ghazanfar Zaidi Ki Body Old Rizvia ImamBargah Shift Krdi Gai zadarSnews #karachi:Liaqtabad ACLC K Office k Pas yazidi DeshatGardon Ki Firing Sy IB K Director Qamar Raza K Betay Asad Raza Shaheed #Karachi: ISO Karachi Ki Nazariat K Rukun Maroof Scholar Saeed Haider Zaidi ko yazidion nay firing kar kay Nazimabad mein Shaheed Kar dia Firing incidents claim 15 lives in parts of Karachi AzadarSnews ‏@AzadarSnews #karachi: SHAHEED Asad Raza Ki Body Incholi Shuda-e-Karbala Shift Krdi Gai Jb K Waqiye Me 1 Ahl-e-sunnat Bhi Shaheed aur 3 Zakhmi Huey Hain By Web Desk Published: November 10, 2012 Following the killings, an angered mob staged protest at Nazimabad Chowrangi and set alight a water tanker. PHOTO: AFP/FILE KARACHI: At least 15 people have lost their lives in different firing incidents in Karachi on Saturday, reported Express News. On Saturday evening, eight people were gunned down in two separate incidents which took place within half an hour. Five madrassa students were killed and two injured in firing incident near a hotel in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block 2 area. The bodies have been shifted to the Jinnah hospital. Two others were killed near Saifee College in the North Nazimabad area Block F. In the same area, another man was killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire at him. Earlier during the day, a man named Mashooq was shot dead in Korangi no. 6 area, while another man named Talha sustained injuries in the incident. He was later shifted to a nearby hospital for treatment. Akhtar Hussain, a resident of the Jumma Goth area of Korangi, was gunned down by unknown men. Ameen, who received injuries in a firing incident late Friday night, succumbed to his injuries today. A late night feud between two groups in the Golimar area claimed four lives. According to police, the two groups fought among themselves over resolving a issue pertaining to ending gang war from the Rexer Line area. The men, identified as Sajid, Babar, Shahid and Munawwar, died on the spot. Following the killings, an angered mob staged protest at Nazimabad Chowrangi and set alight a water tanker. Traders and industrialists have demanded for army to be deployed in Karachi to provide security. Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik, gave details regarding violence in Karachi to the National Assembly and said that a total of 1,363 people have lost their lives at the hands of target killers during the past five years. Giving a breakdown of the figure, Malik had said that 104 people had been killed in year 2008, 160 in 2009, 373 in 2010, 478 in 2011 and 248 so far in 2012. = Karachi: At least 23 people have been killed and dozens of others injured during the past 24 hours as terrorists continue their strong-arm tactics in Karachi, where 10 to 15 killings a day have become a routine. According to police, a man was shot dead and six others injured, including Asad Raza, son of the slain IB official Qamar Raza, in Liaquatabad. Asad later died of injuries. A police official was shot dead in Sheereen Jinnah Colony, and a man was killed in Metroville area of the city. A dead body was found in Sarrafa Bazaar located in Meetha Dar, rescue sources said. At least 1,100 people have been killed in Karachi this year, making it one of the deadliest cities of the world. Unidentified gunmen opened fire at a tea restaurant in Gulshan-e-Iqbal block 2 near a madrasa of Deobandi school of thought, killing five and injuring two people. Abdul Khailq, Imran, Shamsur Rehman and Abdullah are reportedly among the dead. “The unidentified gunmen on motorcycles specifically targeted the students of a nearby religious seminary and escaped after the shooting,” AFP quoted Shahid Hayat, a senior police, as saying. “The initial investigations reveal that the killings were part of the ongoing wave of target killing in the city,” he said. Unknown motorcyclists opened fire at a car near Saifi College in North Nazimabad, killing three people. Three people were killed in two different incidents in Korangi. In Old Golimar’s locality of Pak Colony, unknown gunmen shot dead four people near the Rexer Bridge area. In a separate incident, a man was gunned down in the Jumma Goth area of Korangi. 7 November 2012 11:51 Senior Shia leader shot dead in Pakistan’s port city of Karachi Islam Times - The senior leader of Jaffaria Alliance Pakistan (JAP) has been assassinated in an attack ... 29 September 2012 09:47 20 killed in violence over 24 hours in Karachi Islam Times - Violence broke out in Karachi over the weekend with the death of over 20m people in less ... 3 November 2012 21:36 Pakistani court orders govt. to take action against Taliban in Karachi Islam Times - Pakistan's top court has ordered the government law enforcement agencies to take immediate ... 29 October 2012 09:22 Karachi based U.S. consulate declared defaulter to Pakistan's treasury Islam Times - Islamabad blamed the U.S. consulate in Karachi for not depositing millions of rupees in ... 5 November 2012 11:40 Karachi is turning into a Taliban' stronghold, says Pakistan's interior minister Islam Times - Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik warned Karachi is turning into a Taliban' stronghold,... 15 October 2012 17:54 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi organises a killer gang in Karachi Islam Times - Report revealed that banned group ‘Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’ created a 14-member terrorist gang ... 18 September 2012 10:29 Two killed and nine hurt when police fires on protesters in Karachi Islam Times - Two people were killed and nine others were injured when police officers opened fire ... 7 November 2012 10:11 An influential political group to hold referendum against Taliban in Pakistan Islam Times - An influential ethnic-political group in Pakistan announced it will hold a referendum ... 24 September 2012 09:48 Tie between notorious Jundullah and lashkare Jhangvi in Pakistan revealed Islam Times - Pakistani police revealed that notorious ‘Jundullah’ group has close links with terrorist ... 22 September 2012 12:04 Death toll from anti-US protests in Pakistan hits 23 Islam Times - The death toll from Pakistan's protests against a US-made anti-Islam film and sacrilegious ... 30 September 2012 11:34 Massive anti-US protests underway in Muslim countries Islam Times - Massive anti-US protests are underway in Muslim countries against a US-made anti-Islam ... 1 October 2012 14:08 Blasphemous film, cartoons spark more protests Islam Times - Muslims in several countries have staged fresh demonstrations to express their outrage ... 20 September 2012 12:15 Muslims should boycott US goods to protest offensive film: Iran cmdr. Islam Times - A senior Iranian military commander has called on Muslim countries to boycott American ... 16 September 2012 09:01 Pakistan tightens security for US diplomats Islam Times - Pakistan on Thursday stepped up security measures around all U.S diplomatic missions, ... 16 September 2012 09:04 Huge protest takes place in Pakistan sparked by anti-Islam film Islam Times - In Pakistan, supporters of different political and religious factions took to the streets ... 18 September 2012 12:29 Pakistan blocks YouTube over anti-Islam movie Islam Times - Pakistan has blocked access to the video-sharing website YouTube over a recent film made ... 18 September 2012 12:46 Another day of rage across Muslim Asia over blasphemous film Islam Times - Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have held demonstrations across Asia to condemn a recent ... 22 September 2012 11:31 Pakistan observes “Love of the holy Prophet” to denounce anti-Islam film Islam Times - Riots erupted in Pakistan after massive anti-US protests in the country turned violent ... 20 September 2012 09:42 Pakistani police forcibly stops protesters from reaching the U.S consulate in Peshawar Islam Times - Pakistan Police used tear gas to disperse a crowd of more than 2,000 protesters as protesters ... 21 September 2012 22:01 Pakistan shows US ad condemning anti-Islam film Islam Times - The United States has spent $70,000 to air an advertisement on Pakistani television stations ... 24 September 2012 12:38 Pakistani lawmakers pass resolution against anti-Islam film Islam Times - Pakistani lawmakers have passed a condemnation resolution over a US-made anti-Islam film ... 25 September 2012 10:02 Pakistan to raise issue of American blasphemous film at UN and OIC Islam Times - Pakistan’s Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf announced he would take up the issue of ... 29 September 2012 09:56 Anti-American protests lead to suspension of Pakistan-U.S. military talks Islam Times - ”A planned meeting between US and Pakistani military chiefs was postponed this week due ... 7 October 2012 10:40 Pakistan asks US to release Aafia Siddiqui on humanitarian grounds Islam Times - Islamabad has called on Washington to release Pakistani neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui,... 10 October 2012 08:41 MI6 involves in unrest in Pakistani Baluchistan Islam Times - A media report in Pakistan revealed that foreign agencies including American CIA and India ... 14 October 2012 15:19 Sunni professor: Imam Sadeq (AS), Teacher of Both Shia and Sunni Muslims Islam Times - Imam Jafar Al-Sadeq (AS) was not only the teacher of Shia Muslims, but he was also the ... 5 November 2012 10:31 Anti-Taliban leader killed in northwest Pakistan Islam Times - Militants have shot dead an anti-Taliban leader in the troubled northwestern Pakistan ... 5 November 2012 11:24 U.S. provides military training to anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan, says a media report Islam Times - Pakistan media blamed America for providing military training to anti-Pakistani elements ... 8 November 2012 11:01 Pakistanis stage protests against recent Shia killings Islam Times - In Pakistan, Shia organizations along with members of the civil society stage protests ... بسمِ ربِ الشہداء اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ عنصر عباس عزم و ہمت کی داستاں، خاندان کے 20 افراد نے جام شہادت نوش کیا لیکن حوصلہ اب بھی جواں ہیں 19 اگست 2008ء کو ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان میں ایک خودکش دھماکہ میں 35افراد شہید ہوئے تھے اور اتنے ہی زخمی ہوئے، اس حادثے میں صحافی عنصر عباس کے خاندان کے 20 افراد نے جام شہادت نوش کیا جبکہ خود عنصرعباس بھی شدید زخمی ہوئے، دھماکے میں اُن کے دونوں بازووں پر زخم آئے اور انہیں کاٹنا پڑا جبکہ اُن کی دونوں ٹانگوں کی ہڈیاں بھی ٹوٹیں اور وہ ڈیڑھ سال تک وہیل چیئر پر رہے۔ اسلام ٹائمز نے عنصر عباس سے ایک انٹرویو کیا ہے جس میں اس چیز کو واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی کہ اس وقت عنصر عباس کس حال میں زندگی گزار رہا ہے اور اُن کے کیا جذبات ہیں، کیا سوچتے ہیں اور قوم کے بارے میں اُن کا کیا درد ہے۔ http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcam6n6049nw01.zlk4.html ساری دنیا بھی ساتھ چھوڑ دے تو ایک لمحہ کیلئے بھی حسینیت کے علم کے سایہ سے نہیں ہٹوں گی، گلزار بی بی ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان کی باہمت اور پر عزم 67 سالہ خاتون گلزار بی بی کا خاوند، بڑا بیٹا اور داماد فرقہ ورانہ دہشتگردی کے نتیجہ میں شہید ہو چکے ہیں اور ایک بیٹا دو سال سے خفیہ ایجنسیوں کی غیر قانونی حراست میں ہے۔ ایک بیٹا 4 ماہ سے جھوٹے مقدمہ قتل میں اسیر ہے۔ دلوں کو محبت اہل بیت ع سے معطر کر دینے والا انٹرویو http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcb0zb8srhba9p.kvur.html راہ حق میں قربان کرنے کے لئے ابھی 2 بیٹے باقی ہیں، 3 شہداء کی عظیم والدہ کا عزم http://www.islamtimes.org/vdcd5o0fkyt0z56.432y.html اب وقت آگیا ہے گھروں سے نکلو - H.I. Hasan Zafar Naqvi Special Message - Urdu http://videos.mwmpak.org/view_video.php?viewkey=141fde8b615539dcd9a6&page=&viewtype=&category= [Must Watch] Agay Bharo Hussainio - Official Video by MWM Karachi – Urdu http://videos.mwmpak.org/view_video.php?viewkey=3788f763aba6fe591f7e rduNews_PK KARACHI: Orangi Town Islam Chowk Par Firing Se Baap Beta Samait Janbahaq Afrad ki Tadad 3 Hogaye, 1 Zakhmi, about 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite DANYALDANI Karachi: Exchange of fire between 2 groups in Sohrab Goth area, 2 people injured, traffic suspended, shops and markets closed. about 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite garbertxu Fin de semana calentito en el sur de Asia: motín en Sri Lanka, ataque a las tropas españolas en Afga y ola de violencia sectaria en Karachi 47 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite bilal_rx RT @msislam_50: @Razarumi LIBERAL FACSIST MEDIA silent on Ittehad Ummat Conference in #Islamabad #karachi #Pakistan#IMUC pic.twitter.com/0EdqyFRW39 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite Aligulpir First night in New York, met old friends. Feels like a progressive, flashier and commercial Karachi #timesquare pic.twitter.com/0CE78PJS16 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite MBAnews2 KARACHI: Sohrab Goth pr 2 groups me firing, Geo Tv ke Reporter Zill-e Haider zakhmi, Agha Khan hospital shift 3.35pm Arifqasmi Karachi: Kal Rat Madrassa Jamia Ahsanul Uloum k Tulaba Par Namalom Afrad ki Firing Sy Shaheed Tulaba ki Tadad 8 Hogayi 6 Zakhmi +Noman- Staff Report KARACHI: Two people, an ambulance driver and a TV reporter, were injured on Sunday in firing between two armed groups in Karachi’s Sohrab Goth area, SAMAA reported. Officials said two groups clashed outside Edhi morgue at Sohrab Goath when armed men of one of the groups came to receive a body from the morgue. As a result, sources said, a reporter of a private television and driver of Edhi ambulance sustained bullet injuries. Police parties arrived at the scene and exchanged fire with the armed groups, resorting to aerial firing and tear gas shells on gunmen which disappeared in the streets. Police and Rangers vehicles were also fired upon; however no causalities took place. Shops, markets and petrol filing pumps were also closed in the area following the exchange of fire between police and miscreants. Talking to SAMAA, IG police Fayyaz Laghari claimed that the satiation has been brought under control. He said miscreants were bent upon fueling sectarian hatred to decentralize Muslims ahead of the month of Muharram. He, however, admitted that police have failed to curb the violence despite ban on pillion riding in the city imposed on Thursday. Earlier today, three people fell prey to the violence. They were shot dead in Karachi’s Orangi Town locality near Islam Chowk. A father and his son were among the deceased, police said. The ongoing violence and drive-by assaults have claimed some 27 lives over the past 24 hours despite ‘targeted’ operations by police and Rangers in restive parts of the city. -- SAMAA SSPNEWS1 KARACHI-UPDATE: Numainda K Mutabik Firing Se Zakhmi Hone Wale "Mufti Shahid" Farooqi Sb K Gunmen Hai Jb K Bhai Hamza Distt Zimadar Hai. mycitizennews #Karachi: North Nazimabad Kati Pahari Ka Qareeb Firing 2 Zakhmi Rescu Zarray Rpt:#Aazam Chippa Ambulance Driver herpal_news KARACHI: Orangi Town Islam Chowk Par Firing Se Baap Beta Samait Janbahaq Afrad ki Tadad 3 Hogaye, 1 Zakhmi, 15 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite 2 new tweets Jafria News Jafria Community's Voice Main menu Skip to content Home About Annoucements Contact Us Azadari World JOBS Magazine Majalis Nohay Photo Gallery Powered By Ziaraat Books Duas Green Revolution Muslim World Video Section Nov112012 A Shia Scholar, 2 Businessman,Police Officer, 4 Young Men, in all 19 Shia Men Martyred in 4 days by the Terrorist of TTP , SSP & LeJ, across Pakistan Rate This JNN 10th Nov 2012 Karachi : Last 96 Hrs witnessed the complete failure of the Present Government as 19 Shia Men were targeted and Martyred in different attacks. As from 9th Nov till 6th Nov atleast 19 Shia Men were martyred by the terrorist of Banned Organisation ,which includes Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan , Lashkar e Jhangvi , Tehrik e Taliban and their other allied groups and cells. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook9 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, haider zaidi, Karachi, karam khan, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, nishan e haider, North Nazimabad, pakistan terrorist, Rizvia Society, Sahaba Pakistan, Sajjad Hussain, Shia Islam, Sipah, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan Nov102012 Obama Wins 2nd Term in White House , But Real Tough times ahead Rate This JNN 10 Nov 2012 WASHINGTON - Fresh from a decisive re-election win, President Barack Obama returns from the campaign trail on Wednesday with little time to savor victory, facing urgent economic challenges, a looming fiscal showdown and a still-divided Congress able to block his every move. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in America, United States • Tagged Barack Obama, cheering crowd, dependence on foreign oil, fellow democrats, first black president, mending fences, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, obama, Republican, republican challenger, Romney, United States, Washington Nov92012 Arabian Shia’s Hold Massive Rally in Remembrance of Victims of Saudi regime’s Crackdown Rate This JNN 09 Nov 2012 Riyadh : Saudis have massively thronged the streets of the city of Qatif in the east of the country to commemorate 14 people killed by the kingdom’s security forces during an anti-regime protest a year ago,Press reports. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook9 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in AFRICA, Middle East • Tagged Shia Islam, Protest, Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Qatif, Riyadh, Saudi, Political prisoner Nov92012 Indonesian Shiites forced to convert to Sunni Sect Rate This JNN 09 Nov 2012 Jakarta : The Surabaya office of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has reported that 26 Shia refugees currently taking shelter at a sports center in Sampang, Madura, East Java, had been forced to sign statements saying that they were willing to convert to Sunni. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook9 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific 2 Nov92012 Bahrain’s Al Khalifa Govt revokes Citizenship of 31 Shia Opposition Activists Rate This JNN 09 Nov 2012 Manama : Bahrian has extended a crackdown on the opposition by revoking the nationality of 31 activists it says have damaged state security. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Middle East • Tagged Bahrain, Bahrain Freedom Movement, Bahraini, Haq Movement, Hasan Mushaima, London, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates 1 Nov82012 Mother Nature authenticates its Supremacy to the Super Power of the World as another Winter Storm “Athena” Hits Northeast Rate This JNN 08 Nov 2012 New York : Snow, rain and sleet are falling in parts of the Northeast as a Storm Athena – nor’easter sweeps up parts of the coast.Much of the US is still in recovery barely a week after Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc up and down the East Coast, but things might not be going back to normal anytime soon: another powerful Winter Storm Athena (nor’easter) is scheduled to strike that same region on Wednesday. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook12 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in America, United States • Tagged easy target, mayor michael bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg, National Weather Service, New Jersey, New York, New York City, new york city mayor, new york snow, ny police department, philadelphia pennsylvania area, Sandy, United States, Weather Channel 1 Nov82012 Rangers Personnel firing at the funeral Procession Martyred 3 Young Shia Men Rate This JNN 07 Nov 2012 Karachi : Late Tuesday Evening during the funeral Procession of Allama Aftab Haider Another 3 Young Shia Men S. Faraz. Haider .Rizvi s/o S. Zia Haider Rizvi , 42 , Waseem Naqvi s/o S.Jaffar Ali Naqvi , 45 and Qasim Ali s/o Hassan Akhtar was shot by the Rangers firing at the Funeral Participants , who later scumb to their injuries and embraced Martyrdom. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook11 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, funeral procession, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, legal citizens, Martyr, pakistan, private cars, qasim ali, shahid ali, Shia Islam, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, three participants, waseem Nov82012 Syrian forces thwarts Terrorist attack on an Airbase, while Chinese Militant recruited by Al Qaida to use in Syria Rate This JNN 04 Nov 2012 Damascus : Syrian government troops have thwarted an attempt by heavily-armed, foreign-backed insurgents to capture a key airbase in the north of the crisis-hit country. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Jafria • Tagged Al-Qaeda, China, East Turkestan, East Turkestan Islamic Movement, ETIM, Global Times, Syria, Xinjiang Nov82012 5 Shia Men Embraced Martyrdom , including JAP Leader ,Banker , By TTP terrorist in Quetta and Karachi Rate This JNN 7 Nov 2012 Karachi : In the early hours of Tuesday 2 Shia Men Zakir e Ahlebait , Allama Aftab Haider s/o Mairaj Haider 45, and Shahid Ali Mirza s/o Sadiq Ali Mirza 55, who were Targetted by the Taliban Terrorist near Parking Plaza embraced Martyrdom , in the Limits of Brigade P.S, Karachi. While Later in the day , 5 Shia Hazara Men were Targeted and fired Upon in Quetta By Taliban Terrorist , due to which 3 of them embraced Martyrdom who are Mohammed Esa s/o Sheikh Nabi, Mohammed Zaman S/O Muraad Ali and Rehman alias Lala , while 2 were critically injured were Hussain Ali and Mohammed Ali. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, ali mirza, bomb disposal squad, funeral procession, hussain ali, Karachi, legal formalities, Martyr, Mazar-e-Quaid, mohammed ali, pakistan, shahid ali 1 Nov62012 4 Shia Men Martyred due to the firing and Target Killing of SSP and TTP in Karachi , Quetta , Parachinar Rate This JNN 06 Nov 2012 Quetta : On Sunday Quetta Once again saw The Taliban Terrorist hitting again the Young Shia Man Haseeb Raza on Sarki Road , he was martyred by the terrorist firing.Same day 2 Shia Men were Martyred ,while another Shia man was injured and another abducted in the Sorsorang area, Pewarh, Kurrum Agency , and On Saturday a Young Shia Man was targeted & Martyred at at His Mobile shop at the Anday Mor , North Karachi . Another Injured Shia Man Sajjad Ali , who was injured due to the firing & torture of SSP terroris also embraced Martyrdom due to the fatal wounds . Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook13 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News, Parachanar • Tagged Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, afghan border, border area, Civil Hospital, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, North Karachi, pakistan, Rizvia Society, sajjad ali, Shia Islam, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, taliban, tora bora 2 Nov42012 Myanmar’s US Backed Democratic Champion Aung San Suu Kyi refuses to back Rohingya Muslims Rate This JNN 04 Nov 2012 Yangoon : Myanmar’s US Backed Democratic Noble Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi says she will not back the minority of Rohingya Muslims that have been persecuted and killed by the majority Buddhists. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter3 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like One blogger likes this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria • Tagged Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma, european commission president, european commission president jose manuel barroso, José Manuel Barroso, June, Myanmar, noble peace laureate, Rakhine State, Rohingya, Rohingya people, san suu kyi, Suu Kyi, yangoon myanmar 2 Nov42012 Supreme Court of Pakistan Orders Action against Taliban Rate This JNN 04 Nov 2012 Karachi : A day after Pakistani Taliban Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan threatened to attack leaders of a powerful political group in Pakistan’s port city of Karachi, the country’s Supreme court Saturday ordered the law enforcement agencies to take infiltration of the militants in the city seriously, local media reported. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook8 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Pakistan News • Tagged apex court, city representatives, Karachi, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, law enforcement agencies, MQM, Muttahida Qaumi Movement, pakistan, shia and sunni, Sindh, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, taliban, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan Nov42012 Bahrainis Hold Protest rallies & Demos despite Ban 1 Vote JNN 04 Nov 2012 Manama : Bahrainis have held demonstrations across the country in defiance of a recent ban on all protests and public gatherings. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Middle East • Tagged Al Khalifa family, Amnesty International, Bahrain, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Bahraini, Ban Ki-moon, Bilad al-Qadeem, Manama Nov42012 2 Suicide Bomber of Al Qaida attack a Restaurant in Mogadishu , Somalia Rate This JNN 04 Nov 2012 Mogadishu : Two consecutive Suicide bombers attack have injured several people at a restaurant in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, police sources report. A security guard died while fending off suicide bombers who were trying to storm into a popular Mogadishu restaurant. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook5 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in AFRICA • Tagged Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, capital mogadishu, Islamism, Mogadishu, mogadishu somalia, mohamed siad barre, president of somalia, Security guard, Siad Barre, somali capital, somali government, Somalia, Suicide attack Nov42012 Atleast 11 Citizens Martyred in a Blast Near Shrine of Sayedah Zainab,Syria Rate This JNN 04 Nov 2012 Damascus : Eleven citizens were martyred while many others were injured, including a number of children, in a blast of an explosive device in al-Sayyeda Zainab area in Damascus Countryside on Wednesday. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Middle East Nov22012 83 Bombs Discovered, Terror suspects Arrested in Egypt Rate This JNN 01 Nov 2012 Cairo : Egyptian police have discovered dozens of explosive devices and arrested several people on the charge of planning terrorist attacks in the country. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in AFRICA, Middle East • Tagged Al-Qaeda, army forces, ball bearings, Bomb, Cairo, cell phone detonators, country security, Egypt, egyptian court, Egyptian government, egyptian interior ministry, egyptian police, Hosni Mubarak, Libya, militant attacks, ministry statement, Police raid, raid police, Sinai Peninsula Nov12012 US Arrests Presidential Candidate Rate This JNN 01 Nov 2012 Houston : Jill Stein, a presidential candidate from the Green Party, has been arrested in Texas while attempting to resupply protesters camping out in trees to oppose the Keystone XL pipeline, according to anti-pipeline activists. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in America, United States • Tagged activist group, Barack Obama, breaking the silence, criminal trespassing, Green, Jill Stein, Keystone Pipeline, Mitt Romney, Oil Pipeline, pipeline project, protest site, Texas, TransCanada Corporation, Winnsboro Texas Nov12012 At least 22 Killed ,more than 111 injured in a fuel truck blast in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia Rate This JNN 01 Nov 2012 RIYADH: At least 22 people were killed when a fuel truck crashed into a flyover in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Thursday, triggering an explosion that brought down an industrial building, Saudi state television reported. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook8 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in AFRICA, Middle East • Tagged Al Ekhbariya, Al Jazeera, Civil defense, Eid al-Adha, furniture chairs, gas tanker, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, saudi capital riyadh, Saudi Press Agency, tanker driver, television footage, Traffic collision Oct302012 3 Shia Men Martyred During Eid Holidays, including a Printer in a targetted attack by SSP and TTP terrorist in Karachi and D.I.Khan Rate This JNN 30th Oct 2012 Karachi : The Terrorist of Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan who have nothing to do with Islam or the Religion or the Religious Days sanctity , On Sunday 28th Oct , 2nd Day of Eid Ul Azha Martyred another Shia Activist S. Mehmood Ali Zaidi s/o S.Musharaf. Zaidi , 36 , in the limits of Nazimabad P.S , Karachi. While 2 another Shia Men were Martyred in a Grenade Attack on Shia SHO House in D.I.Khan . Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, abu talib, CIA, eid ul azha, Islam, Karachi, legal formalities, mehmood ali, pakistan, pakistan terrorist, Shia Islam, Sipah e Sahaba, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan 4 Oct292012 60 M US Coastal belt residents at risk as deadly ‘Frankenstorm’ Sandy triggers mass evacuations Rate This JNN 29 Oct 2012 New York : The ‘Frankenstorm’ Sandy is set to be unprecedented in size once it hits the US mainland Monday night. Tens of millions of people could be affected as the hybrid hurricane wreaks havoc from the East Coast to the Great Lakes on Halloween week. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook8 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in America, United States • Tagged Barack Obama, Florida, Hurricane Irene, Michael Bloomberg, Monday, New York, New York City, Sandy, Sunday, Virginia Oct292012 US Trying to engage Iran on 1 to 1 Basis, As Iran threatens to Use Oil as a weapon , with out Iranian Oil World Economy may Crash 1 Vote JNN 29 Oct 2012 TEHRAN – The White House says it is prepared to talk one-on-one with Tehran to find a diplomatic settlement to the impasse over Iran’s nuclear program, but there’s no agreement now to meet, the Associated Press reported on Sunday. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iran News, United States • Tagged atomic energy agency, energy committee, European Union, international atomic energy, International Atomic Energy Agency, iran, New York Times, non proliferation treaty, OPEC, political tool, Sanctions against Iran, United States, White House Oct282012 5 Martyred 12 Injured By a Bomb Blast on a Iranian Pilgrims Bus near Baghdad , Iraq Rate This JNN 28 Oct 2012 Baghdad – A terrorist blast hit a bus full of Iranian pilgrims in Baghdad on Saturday, Martyring five and injuring 12 Iranian nationals, according to the Persian service of the Mehr News Agency. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iran News, Iraq News, Middle East • Tagged Baghdad, Bomb Blast, Eid al-Adha, iran, iranian nationals, Iraq, karbala iraq, mehr news agency, muslim holiday, Muslim holidays, sectarian tensions, Shia Islam, Taji Iraq, terrorist bomb Oct262012 Syrian army, rebels voice Acceptance of ceasefire during Eid Ul Azha holiday amid rejection from extremists Rate This JNN 25 Oct 2012 DAMASCUS : The Syrian army and the armed rebels on Thursday voiced commitment to the internationally-backed cease-fire during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha amid rejection from the extremist groups currently operative on ground. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Jafria • Tagged Ansar al-Islam, eid adha, Eid al-Adha, extremist groups, Free Syrian Army, Lakhdar Brahimi, muslim holiday, nusra, Politics of Syria, Syria, Syrian Army, Thursday, United Nations Security Council Oct262012 Death toll rises to 56 in renewed riot in Myanmar , violence forces more Rohingya Muslims to flee homes Rate This JNN 25 Oct 2012 YANGON – At least 56 people including 31 women have been killed and 64 others injured in renewed sectarian riots which occurred in four townships in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state over the past three days, local official sources confirmed on Thursday. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific • Tagged arson fire, Burma, communal riot, concerted efforts, Minbya, Mrauk U, Myanmar, myo thant, phyu, Rakhine, Rakhine State, Rohingya people, Sittwe, state spokesman 1 Oct262012 US Double Standards, threatens to arrest International monitors sent to Monitor US election Rate This JNN 25 Oct 2012 Houston : A handful of international election monitors have touched down in the US to swing by polling places next month when voters cast ballots for the president, but officials in the state of Texas have issued them a warning: you’re not welcome. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook6 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in America, United States • Tagged american civil liberties, American Civil Liberties Union, american presidential election, attorney general greg abbott, civil liberties union, election monitors, Greg Abbott, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, OSCE, state attorney general, Texas, United Nation, United States, voter ID laws Oct252012 4 Israeli warplanes attack Sudan arms factory , Killing 2 Persons Rate This JNN 25 Oct 2012 KHARTOUM - Sudan on Wednesday accused Israel of carrying out an air strike on a large arms factory in Khartoum that killed two people, Reuters reported. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook8 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in AFRICA, Middle East • Tagged ahmed belal, Blue Nile, eastern sudan, Ehud Barak, Gaza Strip, Information minister, israel, israeli defense minister, israeli missile strike, Khartoum, khartoum sudan, military planes, Sudan, Yarmouk Oct252012 Millions flock to Mecca for Hajj pilgrimage, Sign of Muslim Unity, followed by Eid Ul Azha the readiness of Muslims to Sacrifice Rate This JNN 24 Oct 2012 MOUNT ARAFAT: The annual hajj pilgrimage started in earnest Wednesday, with more than two million Muslims thronging roads on foot and by bus for a five-day journey of faith most have spent their entire lives waiting for. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook15 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iran News, Islamic Events • Tagged abraham hagar, al safa, Eid al-Adha, Hajj, hajj pilgrimage, Islam, Mecca, Mina, Mount Arafat, Muslim, Muzdalifah, prophet abraham, religious chant Oct242012 6 Shia Men embraced Martyrdom due to the firing and IED Blast by SSP & TTP , in Karachi and FATA. Rate This JNN 23 Oct 2012 Karachi : On Monday a Shia Journalist S.Ali Raza Shah s/o S.Aashiq Hussain was targeted by the terrorist of Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan in the Khada area , Lyari , near Fish Market , due to which he was fatally injured , and embraced Martyrdom at the spot . Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook11 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged ahle sunnat, aswj, Bomb Blast, FATA, hassan ali, IED, North Nazimabad, Orakzai Agency, s ali, S.Ali Raza Shah s/o S.Aashiq Hussain Shah, shia, Sipah e Sahaba, Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan SSP, SSP, Target Killing, TTP, Zohaib Ali s/o Hassan Ali 3 Oct232012 4 killed, 5 injured in post General Hassan – Beirut bombing assassination violence grips Lebanon Rate This JNN 22 Oct 2012 Beirut : In Lebanon, at least four people have been killed in violent clashes in Tripoli and five others wounded in the capital Beirut.Tensions remain high in Lebanon following attempts to create divisions after the recent bombing that killed the country’s intelligence chief Wissam al-Hassan in Beirut. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Lebonan, Middle East • Tagged BEIRUT, Hassan, Insurgency, Lebanon, Najib Mikati, Rafic Hariri, Sunni Islam, Syria Oct222012 Myanmar Buddhists set Muslim villages on fire,11 Rohingya Muslims Killed in Rakhine on Monday Rate This JNN 22 Oct 2012 Myanmar : At least eleven Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar have been killed after extremist Buddhists set fire to their houses in two Muslim villages in the city of Sittwe in the western Rakhine state, a report says. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook7 Twitter1 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific • Tagged Buddhism, Buddhist, Burma, Muslim, Myanmar, Rakhine State, Rohingya people, Sittwe 1 Oct222012 19 Iranian Channels taken Off Air By Intelsat on US order Rate This JNN 22 Oct 2012 Brussels : The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat) has taken a number of Iranian channels off the air in Europe based on an order by the United States. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter3 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iran News • Tagged European Union, Eutelsat, eutelsat satellites, Ezzatollah Zarghami, foreign assets control, hotbird satellite, iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, islamic republic of iran news, Middle East, Monday, office of foreign assets control, Press TV Oct222012 2 Gaurds Martyred 5 Injured in a Suicide Bomber attack at Imam Hussain (AS) Mosque Chabahar, Iran Rate This JNN 22 Oct 2012 DUBAI – A suicide bomber Martyred two guards as he blew himself up outside a mosque in a restive southern province of Iran on Friday after being prevented from reaching worshippers inside, Iranian media reported. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook8 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iran News • Tagged Abdolmalek Rigi, Al-Qaeda, Basij, basij militia, Fars News Agency, iran, iranian territory, Jundallah, pakistan, pakistani province, Sistan-Baluchestan Province, suicide bombers, sunni muslims, United States Oct212012 4 Pakistani Shia Pilgrims Martyred ,11 injured in a attack by the Wahabi Terrorist Bomb Blast & firing on the way to Karbala ,Iraq Rate This JNN 21 Oct 2012 BAGHDAD: Wahabi Al Qaida Terrorist blew up a bomb and opened fire at a bus packed with Pakistani Shia pilgrims, Martyring four worshipers and wounding 11 others north of Baghdad, officials said on Friday Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook14 Twitter3 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Iraq News, Pakistan News • Tagged Al-Qaeda, Baghdad, Balad, Iraq, Iraqi insurgency, pakistan, Pilgrims, shia, Shia Islam, Shiite, Wahabi Insurgents 1 Oct202012 A Shia Infant and a Senior Martyred , while the Right Activist and Medics Arrested , Protest and Demonstrations continue against Al Khalifa Rate This JNN 20 Oct 2012 Manama : Bahraini have held a funeral procession for latest martyr, who was martyred due to inhalation of tear gas fired by regime forces. while the excessive use of Poisonous Tear Gas have also Martyred an Infant , at the same time about 12 Shia Citizens , which includes Medics, Human Rights Activist were detained in the Brutal Crack Down by the Saudi Backed Bahraini Forces. Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook10 Twitter3 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Middle East • Tagged Al Khalifa family, Bahrain, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, Bahraini, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Human rights, Manama 4 Oct202012 Deadly Shia Target Killing claims another 4 Shia Mens lives , including a LHC Advocate , Sub Inspector , Retailer by the terrorist of TTP Rate This JNN 19 Oct 2012 Lahore : Another Shia Advocate S.Shakir Ali Rizvi embraced Martyrdom , due to the targeted attack near Lahore High Court by the terrorist of Lashkar e Jhangvi , While On the same day in Karachi Zeeshan s/o Mohd. Vikky embraced Martyrdom by the firing of LeJ Terrorist in Orangi Town. On the 18th Oct Mujahid Ali s/o Asghar Ali was martyred in Pishin , Balochistan , by the firing of TTP Terrorist . .while earlier On 17th Oct , S. Ali Raza Rizvi s/o S. Surror Hussain Rizvi , 27 was Martyred in Qasba Colony , Karachi , in the same targeted attack of Sipah e Sahaba Pakistan Terrorist . Continue reading → Share & Promote this: Facebook13 Twitter2 Google +1 LinkedIn Email Print More Like this: ★Like Be the first to like this. By jafrianews • Posted in Asia Pacific, Jafria, Pakistan News • Tagged Advocate Shakir Ali Rizvi, Ali Rizivi, Ghulam Raza Naqvi, Government, Karachi, Lahore High Court, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Mujahid Ali, Orangi Town, Sahaba Pakistan, Shaheed Ali Raza Rizvi, Shia Islam, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Sub Inspector, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, Zeeshan 6 Post navigation Older posts Lion of Allah Side Box Advertisment RSS Feeds RSS - Posts Search Jafria News Search Email Subscription Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 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