RT News

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Platinum Australia Ltd-Smokey Hills concentrator

Platinum Australia Ltd Wendy Durham Without doubt, robers98. Whether pre-roasting prior to smelting is required depends entirely on the sulphide content of the concentrate. The Mintek smelter ran without a roaster, with only one minor incident due to higher-than-normal sulphide content. Don't underestimate the potential of this deal with the Smokey Hills concentrator. It has a capacity of 720,000 tpa - many times larger than the small concentrators required for dump operations. The Smokey Hills concentrator was built to handle UG2, with the concentrate output being sold to Impala under life-of-mine offtake. It is currently idle, as far as can be judged, as PlatAus is in adminstration, and is operated by a PlatAus subsidiary, with whom Jubilee have now contracted an exclusive tolling arrangement for the tailings/arisings feedstock at Dilokong owned by Jubilee. The cost savings to Jubilee of not having to build and optimise their own UG2 concentrator cannot be underestimated. And the Smokey Hills concentrator has a capacity of 720,000 tonnes of ore pa. The PLA estimate of Smokey Hills ore grade at about 5-6 g/t assumed a PGM production of 95,000 ounces of 4GE in concentrate per annum at full capacity. Dilokong tailings treatment will produce about 13,000 ounces pa in concentrate according to the annual treated tonnage envisaged in the 13 June announcement. This may be amended in further announcements now that this concentrator capacity has been secured.. An idle UG2 concentrator may be in demand, but it is possible that Jubilee could secure further deals with the PlatAus sub for other ore/tailings feedstock which it owns.

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