This week, important but pessimistic news came from Afghanistan which will complicate further the position of Obama. The first came from top US general Stanley McChrystal warning about dire consequences if the number of US troops on the ground was not substantially increased. The second came from Germany and Italy calling for troops’ withdrawal out of Afghanistan altogether as the futile NATO/ISAF mission is without an end. But the third and most important message came from reclusive Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taiban, which revealed confidence of winning. One must question here Obama wisdom when he invites terrorist and corrupt Natanyahu, representing the rogue state of Israel, to Washington and not a religious leader like Mullah Omar who has been fighting effectively to free his country from the boots of foreign soldiers despite the limited resources at his disposal.
After nearly eight years since November 7, 2001, it is becoming clear to many in Europe and in the US that there is no military solution to the Afghan debacle and a political dialogue with the Taliban remains the only viable option. Increasing the troop deployment as requested by the Pentagon may only help to send more body bags home. And further support for the US client regime of Hameed Kharzai will not help the so-called democracy to spread beyond the heavily-fortified 'Green Zone' of Kabul. It is not the first time that America has swallowed the bitter pill, called a halt to its killing machines, pulled its troops and sat down with the enemy to end a conflict. America has dealt before with the Taliban and can easily deal with them again. Prior to the 9/11 attack on NY, a Taliban delegation was invited to Texas when G.W. Bush was the governor to discuss contracts for gas and oil pipelines. To the contrary of the Pentagon war mongers' perception, Bin Laden and al-Qaeda remain active if the current anti-Islamic crusade continues.
Obama must realise that if the Taliban weren’t there the Pentagon war mongers would have invented them in order to secure huge military contracts with the known fat kickbacks to officials shortly after leaving office.
All nations should watch carefully the conspiracies of Jews in their midst. Furthermore, members of Israeli MOSSAD are trained killers. There is an increase in the number of anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish businesses in Europe.
No-one is really afraid of the Jews per se. They are generally coward and very cruel. We have seen how they were led like ewes to gas chambers. But the Jews are in control of American politics and use the stupid Americans to fight their own wars. It is well known that MOSSAD depends on the facilities offered to them by US, France and UK embassies to carry out their assassinations. But things may change one day when the Americans start to free themselves from the Jewish shackles.
Stopping the economic meltdown meant chasing the big bosses of the Jewish financial mafia. Cancelling a number of defence programs; including reducing the number of Nukes will anger the Pentagon war mongers. Putting pressure on Netanyahu to stop the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories did upset the Zionists.
As a result, The defence and the Jewish lobbies are investing heavily to undermine anything Obama wants to do including his health care program.
Obama was dealt a very bad hand. The mess left by the Zio-cons was to much for anyone. As a result Obama seems to be overexposed doing too many things at any given time. In doing so, Obama has made too many enemies, including the powerful Jewish lobby.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
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