Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, in a message addressed to other Grand Ayatollahs while condemning and expressing regret for the actions of the coup government, asked other Grand Ayatollahs to follow Prophet Mohammad’s advise and not to be silent while wit...nessing all these oppressions and violations of public rights; and once and for all correct government’s wrong policies and resolve the current illegitimacy crisis.
Private Grand Ayatollah Montazeri Grand Ayatollahs تقليد authorities, Prophets and Religious areas
Shit Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): "inasmuch Zhrt Albd فى Flyzhr Alam Lmh nation ..."
(Kitab al-Kafi, Vol 1, p. 54)
Hokey-scholars Hzrat authorities announced Grand Ayatollahs in Qom, Najaf, Mashhad, Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz and other Islamic بلاد Damt Brkathm
Hello and Thyt After this comes the current conditions in the country and control its Mzalmy every day and work are contrary to religion and religion that is done Funeral Shra must know your Kheirkhah and feel on the risk of serious religion and the interests of the country, and Bob (and mentioned Van الذكرى Tnf المومنين) of affairs can recall:
1 - all know that our revolution was a revolution and religious values and the main purpose of the enormous tragedy of all, the hardships, exile, imprisonment and torture, the only rule change real persons and some formal changes Affairs Rain was not sovereignty but that purpose in all areas of ideas, ethics and Shari'ah Mobin committed and believes and is operating them, and in light of its sovereignty, faith, SHAKIR ethics, justice and freedom from tyranny and typography researcher, the rights of different classes and Mzalm been providing people and violating their rights to be eradicated, and our nation this sense and can feel comfortable and comfort the other nations and model honorable justice, dignity, dignity and human values are. The goal was not only the name and logo and slogans, but actually changing the regime Mzalm past aggressions and deviations rights as another form of religious rule and the province is expected to flow Faqih.
Everybody knows that this side zealously religious sovereignty and founding provinces Jurist - but not conventional current form, but also so that people can select him and his work have supervision - was I, and after realizing the many scientific and practical efforts have, now aware of the people because that's oppression under the name and title to them is, and I feel ashamed in responsible before God and the great cast of the blood of martyrs dear and rape of innocent people's rights to see the blame. Many people with a history of the revolution through letters, email or Hzvra I say: religious rule that promised its people may have the province enforcement Faqih knew it and they want it is the same foot that you see today, we shall let it? While what is observed in the province of military rule, not the Jurist province.
2 - Hzrat references and scholars announced well understand that throughout history people associated them refuge and shelter against rape and Mzalm governments have, and have honored that the rule Jayr and alongside the Shari'ah and the rights and advocate groups are oppressed and disadvantaged in this way out and damages have been suffered. No shit Islam Allah Jzahm Aljza’.
Of course the revolution, unfortunately this bright and luminous history due to government actions that were contrary to and possibly even the role of the clergy, but was due to short exposure from Evil deny evolution and were serious and sometimes away from the moral theory in practice with restoring "aim to justify the means" deviation route away from the Revolution and its initial goals, started and this risk was more serious Because today he regretted the clergy and people to the site and Mrjyt spiritual and consequently to Islam and the religious clergy traditionally reliant and concerns with the way and been promoted, the impact that many entered is not known how and when it is repairable!
Concerns being religion and religious scholars and experts that something reasonable and approved credit and Muslim people has caused any damage that enter the clergy, Qhra that religion is Islam.
In such a situation respected and responsible authorities will be heavier Shi'a clergy because in addition to their public duties that their field requires attention is Mrjyt people and clergy, religion and duty to defend dignity cleansing skirt it works contrary to the sovereignty of religion and gives them the responsible would be contrary to good works because of religious revolution against the primary objectives is also the name of religion and religion do be the innovation is obvious Msadyq. Legislation; unique innovation and entering non-religious official verdict is not in religion, but also includes any work contrary to the Sharia religious and religion will also be conducted.
وَالمُؤمِنونَ وَالمُؤمِنٰتُ بَعضُهُم أَولِياءُ بَعضٍ ۚ يَأمُرونَ بِالمَعروفِ وَيَنهَونَ عَنِ المُنكَرِ وَيُقيمونَ الصَّلوٰةَ وَيُؤتونَ الزَّكوٰةَ وَيُطيعونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسولَهُ ۚ أُولٰئِكَ سَيَرحَمُهُمُ اللَّهُ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزيزٌ حَكيمٌ
And the believers, the men and the women, are friends one of the other; they bid to honour, and forbid dishonour; they perform the prayer, and pay the alms, and they obey God and His Messenger. Those -- upon them God will have mercy; God is All-mighty, All-wise
Verse 71 of Sura of Repentance read: (Valmvmnvn Valmvmnat Bzhm Some parents, Yamrvn Balmrvf and excrement Ynhvn Almnkr) Mqtzay Total local to A and Lam Astghraq, all believers and faithful to each other enough matter to the famous and deny the province from Evil are announced after the Prophets through the first consists of the province and are not to be silent. Mola wills and menin (AS) shall read: "La Ttrkva Alamr Balmrvf Valnhy shit Almnkr Fyvly Noble nation Shrarkm ثم Tdvn a. Ystjab لكم" (nahj letter 47) leave the known matter and deny from Evil and being indifferent to the good works against the people, naturally caused اشرار domination and invocation of pain medicine just does not.
About calamities befalling Kufah
O' Kufah, as though I see you being drawn like the tanned leather of `Ukazi (1) in the market, you are being scraped by calamities and being ridden by severe troubles. I certainly (2) know that if any tyrant intends evil for you Allah will afflict him with worry and fling him with a killer (set someone on him to kill him).
(1). During pre-Islamic days a market used to be organised every year near Mecca. Its name was `Ukaz where mostly hides were traded as a result of which leather was attributed to it. Besides sale and purchase literary meetings were also arranged and Arabs used to attract admiration by reciting their works. After Islam, because of the better congregation in the shape of hajj this market went down.
(2). This prophecy of Amir al-mu'minin was fulfilled word by word and the world saw how the people who had committed tyranny and oppression on the strength of their masterly power had to face tragic end and what ways of their destruction were engendered by their blood-shedding and homicidal activities. Consequently, the end of Ziyad ibn Abih (son of unknown father) was that when he intended to deliver a speech for vilification of Amir al-mu'minin suddenly paralysis overtook him and he could not get out of his bed thereafter. The end of the bloodshed perpetrated by `Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad was that he fell a prey to leprosy and eventually blood thirsty swords put him to death. The ferocity of al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi drove him to the fate that snakes cropped up in his stomach as a result of which he died after severe pain. `Umar ibn Hubayrah al-Fazari died of leucoderma. Khalid ibn `Abdillah al-Qasri suffered the hardships of prison and was killed in a very bad way. Mus`ab ibn az-Zubayr and Yazid ibn al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufrah were also killed by swords.
3 - Considering what was said I note: accidents and disasters of recent months after the presidential elections in the country and in the visible and respected scholars and authorities Msm Hzrat alarm has occurred for the clergy and Mrjyt. Cold right to the accident, the oppression, the numerous violations and confirmed the name of religion, a small part of clergy and affiliated state and to its wide range of groups opposing the religious right and the legal and Twenty-seven principles of the Constitution choose Myztryn peaceful way to protest the rule and the rule was served instead of Call of the rightful and reasonable people respond to fear and violation of rights by providing them Brayd population of several million Aghtshashgr disruptive and foreign factors, and called the situation the worst violence and full of men and women, the defense and suppressed beaten and put the number arrested and the group in the streets and Some of the prison to witness gruesome kills.
عجب that rule, relying on military and security forces take up arms and seek refuge on the wireless and wireless Shahid and their weapons or imprisoned, but eventually people have called an enemy of God. To create a crisis and endangered the system, and founders, but the regime and opposed the system called Aghtshashgr.
Simultaneously with repression, a number of political activists and elites of each of their years of valuable service in the Islamic Republic have arrested and predetermined plans against Sharia law and start building and to file false confessions and then display them in religious courts and other similarly illegal and therefore the religion of Islam judicial worlds has fun, and instead punish those who ordered and perpetrated serious of all crime, they only invite penalty, as promised those who ordered and perpetrated the murder penalty chain to serve other people arrested and two Candida pressure حجة respected Islam Haj Sheikh Mehdi Karroubi والمسلمين and Mr. Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi - Animal Tvfyqhma and God Hfzhma excellence - and close their offices and newspapers and arrested their like-minded colleagues and charged Nmvdn respectable people and Khdvm Excellent media and even government dependent position Holy Friday Prayers romantic affairs and lies to continue this process that ultimately cause more damage to the clergy and people of faith and Islam Shi'a Mrjyt will be dear.
In such circumstances the Muslim people, we like Hzrat references and scholars are respected and that this humble expect the heavy task that lay Mqds·h Shari'ah scholars has religious and traditional and historical responsibility Mrjyt and clergy is expected instead. People say: this injustice and right cold and if the innovation is against Islam, because authorities and respected scholars of religion, religion and Hsn Hafez Islam and Shari'ah and people's rights and Shari'ah Mobin and the matter known to and from Evil and expressing opposition to deny and innovation are the opposite, in front of all this innovation and good works contrary to religion and religion that is done to follow the command Prophet of Islam (PBUH) expressed explicit opposition to the science and innovation can not? And if this all right Mzalm cold and criminal Khalkhal scoop of a Jewess by foot soldiers of Al is less virtuous Mola Hazrat Ali (AS) said: If the man dies of grief Muslims should not blame be! (Nahj Alblaghh, sermon 27). Hzrat certainly respected authorities and scholars from Mnkraty inly in the name of religion and religion becomes anxious and upset they are also sometimes Aqdamaty have, but whether the provisions of Hadith Sharif Nabavi said the compulsory science knowledge, this value is more than adequate?
4 - Hzrat authorities to respect their word power and influence in the rule are well know and maintain legitimacy to rule their needs and so right now although they appear to recognize times of recognizes and will promote them, and also know that the rule of silence Hzrat towards good works are exploited to their opposite, so there is merit affairs, that the dignity and Mhmh dignity of religion and rights groups provide great people and preserve their religious beliefs and religiosity is related to silence young people have so that such people be considered among the clergy and God forbid authorities agree and confirm that good works are contrary a corner of them mentioned?
The end can be reminded: The U.S. side still have not been disappointing affairs and seems to Grand Ayatollahs emulates authorities can ensure them with advice and guidance and consult with the two presidential candidates respected President and wise and temperate representatives and experts from religious and Amin regime exit roads of this great crisis of legitimacy for the Islamic Republic before it has to review what they saw deemed honest with peers Hzrat the operation should be references. Finally, the ruling policy of a roof and two air Kish and others to read and discard, not temporary, but for people they always leave that on the true owners of Hkvmtnd and away Motto Nhnd and value their vote and act intended to be and republicanism and Islamic real and true justice run. Man admits to a mistake is not stigma, stigma is under Nrftn right.
Greatness and glory of Islam and Muslims and people of dignity and health and more success you have from God Msalt large.
23 Ramadan المبارك 1430 - 1388/6/22
Qom Almqdsh - Hossein Ali Montazeri
پيام آيت الله العظمى منتظرى به مراجع عظام تقليد، علماء و حوزه هاى علميه
Today at 4:50am
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عن رسول الله (ص ): " اذا ظهرت البدع فى امتى فليظهر العالم علمه ..."
(الكافى ، ج 1، ص 54)
حضرات مراجع عظام تقليد و علماى اعلام قم ، نجف ، مشهد مقدس ، تهران ، اصفهان ، تبريز، شيراز و ساير بلاد اسلامى دامت بركاتهم
پس از سلام و تحيت ، اين جانب با توجه به شرايط جارى در كشور و مظالمى كه هر روز شاهد آن هستيم و كارهاى خلافى كه به نام دين و مذهب تشيع انجام مىشود شرعا خود را موظف مىدانم از روى خيرخواهى و احساس خطر جدى نسبت به مصالح دين و كشور، و از باب (و ذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المومنين ) امورى را يادآور شوم :
1 - همه مىدانيم كه انقلاب ما يك انقلاب دينى و ارزشى بود و هدف اصلى از آن با تحمل آن همه مصيبت ها، سختى ها، تبعيدها، زندان ها و شكنجه ها، تنها تغيير اشخاص حقيقى حاكميت و تغيير صورى در بعضى امور جزئى نبود; بلكه مقصود حاكميتى بود كه در تمام عرصه ها به عقائد، اخلاق و احكام شرع مبين پايبند بوده و معتقد و عامل به آنها باشد; و در پرتو آن حاكميت ، ايمان ، مكارم اخلاق ، عدالت و آزادى از استبداد و خفقان ، محقق شده ، حقوق اقشار مختلف مردم تأمين گرديده و مظالم و تجاوز به حقوق آنان ريشه كن شود، و ملت ما از اين جهات احساس راحتى و آسايش نمايد و در مقابل ساير ملتها سربلند و الگوى تحقق عدالت ، عزت ، كرامت و ارزشهاى انسانى باشد. هدف اين نبود كه فقط نام و نشان و شعارها تغيير كند ولى عملا همان مظالم و انحرافات رژيم گذشته و تجاوزات به حقوق به شكل ديگرى به عنوان حاكميت دينى و ولايت فقيه جريان پيدا كند.
اين جانب كه همه مىدانند مدافع سرسخت حاكميت دينى و از پايه گذاران ولايت فقيه - البته نه به شكل مرسوم فعلى ، بلكه به گونه اى كه مردم او را انتخاب نمايند و بر كارهاى او نظارت داشته باشند - بوده ام و در راه تحقق آن در بعد علمى و عملى تلاش زيادى نموده ام ، اكنون در مقابل مردم آگاه ايران به خاطر ستم هايى كه تحت اين نام و عنوان بر آنان مىرود احساس شرمندگى كرده و خودم را در پيشگاه خداوند بزرگ مسئول و در مقابل خون هاى ريخته شده شهداى عزيز و تجاوزات به حقوق مردم بيگناه مورد عتاب مىبينم . بسيارى از افراد با سابقه در انقلاب از طريق نامه ، ايميل و يا حضورا به من مىگويند: حاكميت دينى كه شما وعده آن را به مردم مىداديد و ولايت فقيه را مجرى آن مىدانستيد و مىخواستيد آن را به پا داريد همين است كه امروز ما آن را مشاهده مىكنيم ؟ در حالى كه آنچه مشاهده مىشود در واقع حكومت ولايت نظامى است نه ولايت فقيه .
2 - حضرات مراجع و علماى اعلام ، خوب مىدانند كه در طول تاريخ پيوسته آنان ملجأ و پناهگاه مردم در مقابل تجاوزات و مظالم حكومت ها بوده اند، و اين افتخار را داشته اند كه در مقابل حكومت هاى جائر و در كنار مردم و مدافع شريعت و حقوق اقشار ستم ديده باشند و در اين راه صدمات و محروميت هايى را متحمل شده اند. جزاهم الله عن الاسلام خير الجزاء.
البته پس از پيروزى انقلاب ، متأسفانه اين سابقه درخشان و نورانى به واسطه اعمال خلافى كه در حكومت انجام گرفت و چه بسا روحانيت هم در آن نقش نداشت ولى به علت كوتاهى در نهى از منكر در معرض تحول و خطر جدى قرار گرفت و با دور شدن از اخلاق و گاه در عمل با تحكيم تئورى "هدف وسيله را توجيه مىكند" انحراف در مسير انقلاب و دور شدن از اهداف اوليه آن ، آغاز و اين خطر جدى تر شد تا آنجا كه امروز با تأسف بايد گفت به پايگاه معنوى و مردمى روحانيت و مرجعيت و به تبع آن به اسلام و مذهب كه به طور سنتى متكى به روحانيت و عجين با آن بوده و از آن راه ترويج مىگرديده ، ضربه زيادى وارد شده است كه معلوم نيست چگونه و چه زمانى قابل جبران مىباشد!
عجين بودن مذهب و عالمان و متخصصان دينى كه امرى مقبول و معقول و مورد تأييد مردم مسلمان است موجب شده است كه هر آسيب وارد بر روحانيت ، قهرا متوجه اسلام و مذهب نيز باشد.
در چنين وضعيتى مسئوليت مراجع محترم و روحانيت شيعه سنگين تر خواهد بود; زيرا علاوه بر وظايف عمومى آنان كه لازمه رشته تخصصى آنان و توجه مردم به روحانيت و مرجعيت است ، وظيفه دفاع از حيثيت مذهب و تطهير دامن آن از كارهاى خلافى كه حاكميت به نام مذهب انجام داده و مىدهد نيز بر عهده آنان خواهد بود; زيرا كارهاى خلاف شرعى كه خلاف اهداف اوليه انقلاب هم مىباشد و به نام دين و مذهب انجام مىگيرد از مصاديق بارز بدعت است . بدعت منحصر به تشريع و وارد كردن رسمى حكم غير دينى در دين نيست ، بلكه شامل هر كار خلاف شرعى كه به نام شرع و مذهب انجام گردد نيز خواهد بود.
در آيه 71 سوره توبه مىخوانيم : (والمومنون والمومنات بعضهم اولياء بعض ، يأمرون بالمعروف و ينهون عن المنكر) به مقتضاى جمع محلى به الف و لام استغراق ، همه مومنين و مومنات نسبت به يكديگر در حد امر به معروف و نهى از منكر ولايت دارند; پس علماء اعلام به طريق اولى داراى اين ولايت مىباشند و نبايد ساكت باشند. و در وصيت مولا اميرالمومنين (ع ) مىخوانيم : "لا تتركوا الامر بالمعروف والنهى عن المنكر فيولى عليكم شراركم ثم تدعون فلا يستجاب لكم " (نهج البلاغه ، نامه 47) ترك امر به معروف و نهى از منكر و بى تفاوت بودن مردم در برابر كارهاى خلاف ، طبعا موجب سلطه اشرار است و دعاء فقط دردى را دوا نمى كند.
3 - با توجه به آنچه گفته شد متذكر مىشوم : حوادث و فجايع ماههاى اخير كه پس از انتخابات رياست جمهورى در كشور و در مرئى و مسمع حضرات مراجع و علماى محترم رخ داد زنگ خطرى است براى روحانيت و مرجعيت . در اين حوادث حق كشى ها، ظلم ها، تخلفات فراوان به نام دين و با تأييد بخش اندكى از روحانيون حكومتى و وابسته انجام شد و به دنبال آن ، اقشار وسيعى از مردم معترض طبق حق شرعى و قانونى و بر اساس اصل بيست و هفتم قانون اساسى با انتخاب مسالمت آميزترين راه ، اعتراض خود را به حاكميت ابلاغ كردند و حاكميت به جاى اين كه به نداى حق طلبانه مردم پاسخ مثبت و معقول دهد و درصدد تأمين حقوق تضييع شده آنان برآيد جمعيت چند ميليونى را آشوبگر و اغتشاشگر و عوامل بيگانه ناميد و به بدترين وضع و با خشونت كامل مردان و زنان بى دفاع را مورد ضرب و شتم و سركوب قرار داد و عده زيادى را بازداشت و گروهى را در خيابانها و عده اى را در زندان هاى مخوف به شهادت رساند.
عجب اين كه حاكميت با تكيه بر نيروى نظامى و انتظامى و كشيدن اسلحه بر روى مردم بى پناه و بى سلاح آنان را شهيد و يا زندانى نموده ولى در نهايت مردم را محارب ناميدند. خود بحران ايجاد كرده و نظام را به مخاطره انداخته ولى مردم و پايه گذاران نظام را اغتشاشگر و مخالف نظام مىنامند.
همزمان با سركوب مردم ، تعدادى از فعالان سياسى و نخبگان كشور كه هر كدام از آنان سال ها در جمهورى اسلامى خدمات با ارزشى داشته اند را بازداشت و با طرح هاى از پيش تعيين شده بر خلاف شرع و قانون ، شروع به پرونده سازى و گرفتن اعترافات دروغ و سپس نمايش آنها در دادگاههاى فرمايشى غير شرعى و غير قانونى نموده و در نتيجه آئين قضايى اسلام را مورد مسخره جهانيان قرار داده است ; و به جاى مجازات جدى آمران و عاملان آن همه جنايت ، فقط با وعده دادن مجازات آنان ، همچون وعده بر مجازات آمران و عاملان قتل هاى زنجيره اى ، به بازداشت افراد خدمتگزار ديگر و فشار بر دو كانديداى محترم حجة الاسلام والمسلمين حاج شيخ مهدى كروبى و جناب آقاى مهندس ميرحسين موسوى - دام توفيقهما و حفظهما الله تعالى - و بستن دفاتر و روزنامه هاى آنان و بازداشت همفكران و همكاران معزز آنان و متهم نمودن افراد صديق و خدوم در رسانه هاى وابسته حكومتى نموده و حتى از جايگاه مقدس نماز جمعه به امور واهى و دروغ همچنان ادامه مىدهند كه نهايت اين روند موجب تخريب بيشتر اعتقاد مردم به روحانيت و مرجعيت شيعه و اسلام عزيز خواهد شد.
در چنين شرايطى است كه مردم مسلمان ما از امثال حضرات مراجع و علماى محترم و اين حقير انتظاراتى دارند كه با توجه به وظيفه سنگينى كه شريعت مقدسه بر دوش عالمان دينى قرار داده است و نيز مسئوليت سنتى و تاريخى مرجعيت و روحانيت انتظار بجايى است . مردم مىگويند: اين ظلم ها و حق كشى ها و بدعت ها اگر خلاف اسلام است ، چرا مراجع محترم و علماى دين كه حافظ دين و مذهب و حصن اسلام و شريعت و مدافع حقوق مردم و مبين احكام شريعت و از جمله امر به معروف و نهى از منكر و اظهار مخالفت با خلاف ها و بدعت ها هستند، در مقابل اين همه بدعت ها و كارهاى خلافى كه به نام دين و مذهب انجام مىشود به پيروى از دستور پيامبر اسلام (ص ) اظهار علم و مخالفت صريح با بدعت ها نمى كنند؟ و آيا اين همه مظالم و حق كشى ها و جنايات از بيرون آوردن خلخال از پاى يك زن يهودى توسط سربازان معاويه كمتر است كه مولاى متقيان حضرت على (ع ) فرمود: اگر مرد مسلمانى از غصه آن بميرد نبايد ملامت شود؟! (نهج البلاغة ، خطبه 27). به يقين حضرات مراجع و علماى محترم قلبا از اين منكراتى كه به نام دين و مذهب انجام مىشود نگران و ناراحت مىباشند و بعضا اقداماتى نيز نموده اند، اما آيا با توجه به مفاد حديث شريف نبوى كه اظهار علم را واجب دانسته ، اين مقدار كفايت مىكند؟
4 - حضرات مراجع محترم به قدرت و نفوذ كلام خود در حاكميت توجه دارند و خوب مىدانند كه حاكميت در حفظ مشروعيت خود به آنان نياز دارد و از اين رو اينك آنان را هرچند به حسب ظاهر به رسميت مىشناسد و از آنان ترويج مىكند، و نيز مىدانند كه حاكميت از سكوت آن حضرات در قبال كارهاى خلاف خود بهره بردارى مىكند، پس آيا سزاوار است در امور مهمه اى كه به حيثيت و آبروى دين و مذهب و تأمين حقوق اقشار عظيمى از مردم و نيز ديندارى و حفظ اعتقادات مذهبى جوانان مربوط است سكوت كرده به نحوى كه بين مردم چنين تلقى شود كه خداى ناكرده مراجع و روحانيت موافق و مويد كارهاى خلافى هستند كه به گوشه اى از آنها اشاره شد؟
در خاتمه يادآور مىشوم : اين جانب هنوز از اصلاح امور مأيوس نشده ام و به نظر مىرسد مراجع عظام تقليد مىتوانند ترتيبى دهند تا با راهنمايى و ارشاد آنان و با همفكرى با دو كانديداى محترم رياست جمهورى و نمايندگان عاقل و معتدل و كارشناس متدين و امين از طرف نظام ، راههاى برون رفت از اين بحران بزرگ را كه براى جمهورى اسلامى و مشروعيت آن پيش آمده است بررسى كرده تا آنچه را مصلحت ديدند صادقانه با اشراف حضرات مراجع مورد عمل قرار گيرد. و بالاخره حاكمان ، سياست يك بام و دو هوا و به كيش خود خواندن و طرد كردن ديگران را نه به طور موقت ، بلكه براى هميشه رها كنند و مردم را كه صاحبان اصلى حكومتند از روى صدق و به دور از شعار ارج نهند و آراء آنان را مورد نظر و عمل قرار دهند و اسلاميت و جمهوريت حقيقى و عدالت واقعى را اجرا نمايند. براى انسان اقرار به اشتباه ننگ نيست ، زير بار حق نرفتن ننگ است .
عظمت اسلام و مسلمين و عزت و كرامت مردم ايران و سلامتى و توفيق بيشتر شما را از خداوند بزرگ مسألت دارم .
23 رمضان المبارك 1430 - 22/6/1388
قم المقدسة - حسينعلى منتظرى
Mohammad Nourizadeh, former chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, in an open letter to Supreme Leader, asked him to apologise to the people stating that although his representatives have been appointed in key positions but in all these years he did not e...ven once took the responsibility of any of country’s problems and strongly condemned his performance as the commander-in-chief for the events that happened after election
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