RT News

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Listing 1. ProcessPurchaseOrder.xsd with Process (verb) and PurchaseOrder (noun) definitions

ProcessPurchaseOrder.xsd with Process (verb) and PurchaseOrder (noun) definitions

elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

purpose of the Process PurchaseOrder Business Object Document
is to transmit a purchase order to a supplier’s order management

Is where
the information that the BOD message carries is provided, in this case
ProcessPurchaseOrder. The information consists of a Verb and one or more
Nouns. The verb (Process) indicates the action to be performed on the Noun


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Hello Thaqalain  
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RE: Is there a way to confront Searph in Cyber War

Author: ragingbull 

Date:   27-09-09 17:52

Spread whirled peas.

 Topics Author  Date

 Is there a way to confront Searph in Cyber War  
Thaqalain 27-09-09 17:47 

 RE: Is there a way to confront Searph in Cyber War  
ragingbull 27-09-09 17:52 

 RE: Is there a way to confront Searph in Cyber War  new
Thaqalain 27-09-09 17:56 

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