Eidul Fitr likely on September 21
Eid al Fitr 2009 likely on Sep 21st-Monday Enshallah, this year hopefully Muslims will have one Eid across the globe as we have enough time interval b/w Sunset to Moonset to sight the moon in darkness. Millions of Muslims across North America are plannning a long week end , a real happy week end, I hope Obama must announce a public holiday on the occasion of his first Eid in White House.
Lets do simple calculations:
Rising and setting times for the Moon as per Toronto Horizon
Azimuth Meridian Passing
Date Moonrise Moonset Moonrise Moonset Time Altitude Distance Illuminated Phase
Sep 18, 2009 6:51 AM 6:59 PM 90°East 265°West 1:01 PM 44.5° 367,926 0.1% New at 2:44 PM
Sep 19, 2009 8:06 AM 7:23 PM 100°East by south 256°West by south 1:51 PM 38.1° 371,897 1.4%
Sep 20, 2009 9:21 AM 7:50 PM 108°East-southeast 249°West-southwest 2:40 PM 32.3° 376,886 5.4%
Sep 21, 2009 10:34 AM 8:20 PM 116°East-southeast 242°West-southwest 3:31 PM 27.4° 382,463 11.5%
U.S. Naval Observatory
Astronomical Applications Department
Sun and Moon Data for One Day (The Day before Eid)
The following information is provided for Buffalo, Erie County, New York (longitude W78.8, latitude N42.9):
20 September 2009 Eastern Daylight Time
Begin civil twilight 6:32 a.m.
Sunrise 7:01 a.m.
Sun transit 1:09 p.m.
Sunset 7:16 p.m.
End civil twilight 7:44 p.m.
Moonset 7:22 p.m. on preceding day
Moonrise 9:17 a.m.
Moon transit 2:38 p.m.
Moonset 7:49 p.m.
Moonrise 10:30 a.m. on following day
Phase of the Moon on 20 September: waxing crescent with 5% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated.
New Moon on 18 September 2009 at 2:44 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Visibility Predictions for the New Crescent Moon
Longitude W079 25
Latitude N43 42
Time Zone + 05h 00m
Times are in Standard Time = GMT - 05h 00m
New Moon Birth Date Sun Moon at Sunset Moon Lag BEST Code
+ Set Az Age Alt Az DAZ Mag El Set Time TIME
year mth day h m d mth day h m o h m o o o o h m m h m
2009 Sept 18 13 44 Fri
0 Fri Sept 18 18 22 273 4 38 -5 269 4 -3.9 5 17 59 -23 18 12 F
1 Sat Sept 19 18 20 272 28 36 0 256 16 -5.2 17 18 24 3 18 22 F
2 Sun Sept 20 18 18 272 52 34 4 243 29 -6.4 29 18 50 32 18 32 A
ISLAMABAD: Eidul Fitr is likely to be observed on September 21 (Monday), pending confirmation by the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, the Meteorological Department said on Thursday. The Met office predicted that the Shawwal moon would be sighted on September 20 in most parts of the country. This year, they say, Eidul Fitr may be celebrated on the same day countrywide. According to Met officials, the age of the new moon should be no less than 31 hours at twilight in order for a proper sighting. The age of the moon at twilight in most parts of the country is normally 43 hours. app
Others are welcome to contact for prediction of Eid in their cities as per their horizon.
Moonsighting for Shawwal 1430
The Astronomical New Moon is on Septmeber 18, 2009 (Friday) at 18:44 UT. This moon is not visible anywhere on September 18. On September 19, it will still not be visible in Asia, Europe and Canada. It can easily be seen in South Africa and South America on Sep 19. On the same day, with difficulty, it is possible to be seen in Western Australia, Central Africa, Caribbean Islands, Central America and very Southern areas of USA. In USA, on Sep. 19, the moon is going to be very low on the horizon at sunset, so try to see before Maghrib. Binocluars will help.
Fiqh Council of N. America Announces: Eid ul-Fitr on Sunday, September 20, 2009
FCNA uses Makkah al-Mukarram as a conventional point and takes the position that the conjunction must take place before sunset in Makkah and the moon must set after sunset in Makkah.
--------------Sighting Reports
September 19, 2009 (Saturday):
M Shamim Ali (MCW member) Samabula Suva Fiji Islands reported: Not Seen
New moon was not sighted in Fiji Islands therefore Eid-ul-Fitr will Insha allah be celebrated on Monday 21/09/2009.
Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) Melbourne Australia reported: Not Seen
I wish to inform you that Shawal crescent has not been sighted in Melbourne Sydney, and Brisbane of Australia so far on 19 Sep. 2009 Saturday evening. We are still waiting results from Darwin and Perth in next two hour. I shall update you again in 2 hrs.
Salah Sukkarieh (MCW member) Sydney Australia reported: Not Seen
It was too cloudy in Sydney to observe the moon.
Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney Australia reported: Seen
The Hilaal of SHAWWAAL 1430 has been sighted in Port Hedland and Perth. I have personally contacted those brothers who sighted the Moon. In the Eastern suburbs, the possibility of sighting the moon was not strong. However, in the Western suburbs, the age of the moon wasn’t sufficient enough for the moon to be sighted clearly but the thing that helped the moon to be sighted was the time difference between sunset and moonset which was of 40 minutes. Therefore after accepting the testimony of the brothers who saw the moon, the Moonsighting Committee and Majlisul Ulamaa’ of Australia declared that Eid would be celebrated on Sunday 20/09/09. EID MUBARAK to everyone!
Engr Manzoor A Mian (MCW member) from Australia reported: Seen in Western Australia
I wish to inform you again that Shawal crescent has been sighted in Australia, Port Hedland (Western Australia) Therefore there will be Eid in whole Australia tomorrow 20th sep 2009 Sunday InshaAllah.
Habeeb Mohamed-Hussain (MCW member) from Gold Coast Australia reported: Seen in Western Australia
The moon has been sighted. Insha-Allah Eid will be celebrated tomorrow, Sunday, Eid Mubaruk.
Furqan Abdussubhan Dadan from Hong Kong reported: Not Seen
I wish to inform you that Shawal crescent has not been sighted in Hong Kong today. Hence, Eid will be on Monday, 21st September 2009 (30 days completion)
Mohd Aidil Sufian (MCW member) Brunei Darussalam reported: Not Seen
I wish to inform you that Shawal crescent has not been sighted in Brunei Darussalam. Eid will be on 21st September 2009 (30 days completion)
Ahmad I. Adjie (MCW member) Bandung Indonesia reported: Declared Eid
Ahmad I Adjie, MCW member from Bandung, Indonesia, reports that he is not in Indonesia for sighting but has advised to look for more easterly confirmed sightings. As such, as the Hilal was Sighted in Perth and Western Australia, those who follow moonisghting by maghrib ways in Indonesia have taken those sightings and has declared that the 1st of Shawwal is Sunday, 20 September 2009. Tabarakullah! We are also informing that the Indonesian government has set the same date and has publicly announced it today. Alhamdulillah this Ramadhan was indeed a rare one where the start and end of Ramdhan was the same as set by govt.
Dr. Mansoor Limba (MCW member) Cotabato City, Philippines reported: Not Seen, but follow Saudi Arabia
Amidst cloudy weather since morning and occasional rain shower, Cotabato City-based Darul Ifta declared tomorrow (Sunday/September 20, 2009) as Eid al-Fitr. As announced in a nearby mosque at around Isha’ prayer time, the crescent is reportedly seen in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (although at the time of the announcement, it’s still around 3:00 pm in Saudi Arabia given the 5-hour time difference between the two countries).
Keeper of Rulers Seal in Malaysia reported: Declared
As for Malaysia, the Keeper of Rulers Seal, simply says, it declares Eid to be on 20th without mentioning any moon or crescent or hilal or even saying any sighting ...
Engr. Azizul Huq (MCW member) Dhaka Bangladesh reported: Not Seen
Crescent moon was not visible from Bangladesh. Islamic foundation of Bangladesh requested to see Moon tomorrow. So there will be EID on Monday if Moon is visible within Bangladesh. But a good numbers of Muslims started Ramadan form 22nd Aug along with rest of the world. T
Mohammed Mohsin Khan (MCW member) Mumbai, India reported: Not Seen
Today Saturday 19 September 2009 / 28 Ramadaan 1430 in India. Here in Mumbai Sunset was at 06:38 pm LT and Moonset was at 06:52 pm LT. So there was only 14 mins difference. It was certain that the crescent would not be sighted anywhere in India today. I tried to sight the moon due to the 29th day according to the Ummul-Qura calendar but Shawwaal crescent has not been sighted in India.
Nular Bary (MCW member) Colombo, Sri Lanka reported: Not Seen
Today, 19th September 2009 (29th.Ramadan1430) I went to my normal observation point to try and sight the Hilal of Shawwaal the westen sky was very clear but couldn't see the New Moon, our sun set was at 6.09 Pm.I observed from 6.19 to 6.50 Pm.Neither reported seen from any where in the Island, hence Sri Lanka Jamiathululama declared to complete the month of Ramadan 30 days and celebrate Eid (1st of Shawwaal) on Monday the 21st.of September 2009 "Inshallah"
Haji Muhammad Suhail Omar Patel from Sri Lanka reported: Not Seen
As the new moon of Shawwal was not sighted in any part of Sri Lanka it has been decided by Colombo Grand Mosque and all Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama - Eid ul fitr will fall on 21st September, Monday
Provincial government of Sarhad, Pakistan reported: Declared
Provincial government of Sarhad (a province of Pakistan) has declared that tomorrow Sunday is Eid in Province Sarhad. It is to be noted here that Sunday is 29th Ramadhan in the rest of Pakistan.
Dr Lukman Thalib (MCW member) Kuwait reported: Declared
Following the announcement of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait also announced the first day of Eid to be the Sunday, 20 September, to be the Eid ul Fitr of 2009.
Hussain Khushaish (MCW member) Kuwait reported: Declared
In Kuwait City on Sat 19 sep 2009 I could not see the crescent even with 20*60 binocular, it was hazy that the sun disck disappeared 9 minutes before our local sunset.( our moon lag was 9 minutes ).
Muhammad H Zulqarnain (MCW member) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia reported: Eid Announced
Eid announced in Saudi Arabia for Sunday 20 Sept. Hearty Eid Greetings to you all.
Some one from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia reported: Eid Announced
"By the Command of His Majesty the King after being consented by ALL the Rulers [9 sultans], I hereby proclaim the Eid ul-fitri to be tomorrow on Sunday 20th September, 2009."
Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) Jiddah, Saudi Arabia reported: Announced
Saudi Arabia will celebrate Eid tomorrow Sunday 20th of September 2009 as the first day of Eid Al Fitr for the year 1430.
Ahmad Abu Zaid (MCW member) Amman Jordan reported: Not Seen
On Sep 19, it was cloudy in Amman Jordan so it was not possible to observe the new crescent. However, it was announced that tomorrow, Sunday is the first day of Shawal. Thus Ramadan was of 29 days. The crescent was observed in a neighboring country.
Muhammad Yousuf Rajput (MCW member) Baghdad Iraq reported: Not Seen
Sighting of Moon on the west of Baghdad is very difficult due to bad weather condition through naked eye till Magrib, After that, dust completely cover the sky and start raining, I was not able to see Moon today 19th September 2009 in Victory base Camp Baghdad, Iraq.
Hamza Rijal (MCW member) Island of Zanzibar Tanzania reported: Seen
It has been declared by the Mufty Office taht Hilal has been sighted in Unguja island (Matewmwe, Mkwajuni and Kizimkazi) and in Micheweni in the sister island of Zanzibar and its officially decleared tomorrow 20 September will be the first day of Shawal.
Goolam Tegally (MCW member) Port Louis Mauritius reported: Seen w/Binoculars only
Hilal was sighted for a brief 1 minute with binoculars only between some clouds here in Mauritius at 14:31 (UT). However, local authorities have declared Eid to be on Monday 21st Sep.
Mahmood Essa (MCW member) Mombasa Kenya reported: Not Seen
It was cloudy in Mombasa so it was not possible to observe the new crecent. However, about 21.20 our local time, it was announced by the Chief Kadhi of Kenya that tomorrow, Sunday is the first day of Shawal. Thus Ramadhaan was of 29 days. Perhaps the crescent was observed in another part of the country or in a neighbouring country
Adamo A.C.Cassamo from Maputo, Mozambique reported: Seen
Moon was seen after Magrib salat on 19/09 in Maputo( capital of Mozambique). Eid-ul-fitr will be on Sunday 20/09 in Mozambique
Rashid Motala (MCW member) Durban S. Africa reported: Seen
The Hilaal was sighted this evening from many locations in S. Africa. I observed it in Durban at about 18:15. Eid Mubaruk to all.
Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) Cape Town S. Africa reported: Seen
Crescent was first seen by naked-eye at LT 19h05 until it disappeared into a bank of haze at 19h14.
Ahmed Mohamed Barakah (MCW member) Windhoek Namibia reported: Seen
Moon was sighted in Windhoek Namibia at about 19:25. Eid will be on Sunday 20th September.
Ibrahima Thierno LO (MCW member) Dakar Senegal reported: Announcement
Seeing the crescent by naked eyes was tried by our group, but it was not seen. The western horizon was cloudy in Dakar. The National Committee have accepted the claim of ordinary public of a sighting from some localities and announced Eid tomorrow, Sunday 20 September 2009.
Sheik A.A. Ishola (MCW member) Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria reported: Not Seen
I and my colleque Ustaz Monsuru Majolagbe tried searching the crescent of shawwal on 19-09-09 in front of Shamsudeen mosque Ojogbe Area of Ikorodu, Lagos along with us Ustaz Ishaq Hussein (Abu-Bushra) but the moon was not seen due to clouds, and Our member called me from Bauchi,Maiduguri,Kaduna reporting the same negative. we are waiting for Sultan to announce this night. Happy Eid fitr 1430.
Imran Mushtaq (MCW member) Oslo Norway reported: Annoncement
Norway have 1st Shawwal on Sunday, 20.9.2009 according to the decision taken by Islamic Council of Norway based on conditions given by the Hijricalender agreement.
Anoushé Husain from Luxembourg reported: Declared
The Centre Cultural Islamic of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Association Islamique have decided that the first day of the month of Shawal shall be Sunday 20 September 2009.
S. H. Wasty (MCW member) London UK reported: Sighting from South Africa
In the U.K. we go by Shahahdah. The Shahahdah from Australia and now from S. Africa is our criteria. Most kindly delete calculations as the reason for our Eid on Sep 20.
Dr. Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti (MCW member) Oxford UK reported: Not Seen
Negative sighting. A group of us attempted to perform the obligatory sighting of Shawwal after Iftar on Saturday 19 September (the 29th day of Ramadan in the UK). Although the horizon is clear, the crescent could not be sighted. Still, we received news of positive sightings to the East of the UK from Indonesia as well as South Africa. This news, despite not being able to sight locally, makes it sufficient for Eid al-Fitr to be tomorrow, on Sunday 20 September for those in the UK, by following the basic rule [dabit] in Islamic Law in this matter that whenever it is known that the crescent has been positively sighted in the East, local sighting inevitably follows, but not the other way round [mata hasalati r-ru'yatu fi l-sharqi lazima ru'yatuhu fi l-gharbi wa la-'aks]. Eid Mubarak!
Dr. Gabriel Jairodín Riaza from Spain reported: Declared
Islamic Commission of Spain declare the first day of Eid to be the Sunday, 20 September. Eid ul Fitr mubárak.
Temoor Shouib from Iguasu, Argentina reported: Seen
Tonight (Saturday September 19th) after maghrib I saw the moon in the eastern sky from the northern Argentinian city of Iguasu. I took this photo. I didnt have a tripod, so there is camera shake but the moon is visible.
Dr. Muhammad Hafiz (MCW member) Guyana reported: Seen
I tried to observe the Hilaal with the members of Rose Hall Town Masjid after sunset on Saturday, 19th September, 2009, unfortunately due to cloud on the horizon Shawwal Hilaal was made impossible. However, I spoke to Br. Hussein by cell phone who is working in the fields out of the residential areas. He stated after praying Magrib Salah he was able to see the Hilaal at around 6:15 PM under clear horizon. He is a member of the Fyrish, #2 Masjid. It was also reported that the Hialaal was also seen in Providence, Guyana.
Muhammad Sohail (MCW member) Iquique Chile reported: Seen
I have seen the moon of first of Shawal omn 19/09/2009 at 18:45 almost in Iquique Chile,the conditions were very good and one can see the moon very easy.
Saleh Bhai Bhattay (MCW member) Panama reported: Seen
Aaj Sep 19, Saturday ko panama me chan ho gaya hey. Eid Mubarak. Dua mein yad rakhiye.
Javad Torabinejad (MCW member) Blacksburg Virginia reported: Not Seen
This evening (Saturday, September 19, 2009), I tried sighting the moon in Christiansburg, VA with no success. The western horizon was covered by clouds and thus I could not sight the moon. I was there before sunset (7:22) till moonset (7:35).
Dr. Hussain Dashti (MCW member) Gainesville, Florida reported: Not Seen
The Hilal was not seen from Gainesville, Florida. The sky was Cloudy. In addition, the crescent was difficult to sight from Florida anyways.
Salim Chishti (MCW member) New Lebanon, NY reported: Not Seen
The crescent moon for Shawwal 1430 was not sighted. We will wait for other reports from North America before making a decision about the day we will celebrate Eid, insha'allah.
Nuh ibn Zbigniew Gondek (MCW member) Ottawa, Ontario reported: Announced
29th Ramadan, 1430 (Saturday, September 19th, 2009). Except for a few minor patches of cloud, the sky was mostly clear in Ottawa, Canada. I arrived at my sighting location right after iftar (sunset: 7:06) and started scanning the horizon using binoculars and with the unaided eye. The moon was not sighted. I stayed at my location until 8:20. However, the local Hillel Committee has confirmed a sighting and Eid will be Sunday, September 20th
Jim Stamm (MCW member) Tucson Arizona reported: Seen w/telescope
I just got back from viewing the Hilaal on Sep 19. It was very difficult through the C8, acquiring the image just a few minutes before the crescent set behind some distant mountains. None of the other 6 observers could focus the image enough to see it. Of course each observer made it more difficult for the next. I don't think that it was possible for anyone in North America to see this new Moon crescent with the unaided eye.
Mohammed Yahya Shaikh (MCW member) Culver City California reported: Announcement
I along with 5 other borthers tried to look for the moon from Playa del Rey on Sept 19 from 18:45 to 19:05 but were not able to see the moon due excessive cloud cover. However there has been various sighting reports from various carribean locations and InshAllah Eid-ul-fitr will be tommorow Sept. 20. Eid Mubarak to all.
Most Arab counties declare Sunday as first day of Eid al-Fitr
Amman - Fourteen Arab countries have announced that they will celebrate the Muslim Eid al-Fitr feast on Sunday. The festivities, heralding the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, will be celebrated by Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Yemen, Tunisia and the Sunni community in Iraq, it was announced Saturday.
The legal moon sighting panels in the respective Arab countries decided that Saturday was the last day of the month of Ramadan and Sunday would be the first day of the lunar month of Shawal.
The decision to celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Sunday by Arab counties was apparently based on an announcement by the Saudi higher court stating that it had an evidence that the crescent of Shawal was sighted by several persons in the Saudi kingdom.
Islamic teachings strictly commit Muslims to start and end fasting upon unequivocal evidence that the crescents of the months of Ramadan and the month of Shawal were sighted respectively by the naked eye.
However, Islamic scholars this year allowed the use of astronomical calculations and telescopes in the sighting of the crescents.
Imam Al-Khoei Foundation based in New York , U.S
For the followers of Ayatollah Sistani: Since, there were no reports on the sighting of the moon in United States, therefore, according to the office of Ayatollah Sistani, Monday, September 21st, 2009 will be the day of Eid. Eid prayers will be offered at 7 am and 9 am on Monday at Imam Al-Khoei Islamic Center.
For the followers of Ayatollah Al-Khoei: Based on reports of moon sighting from South America and South Africa, Sunday, September 20th, 2009 will be the day of Eid.
State-run TV and coup government’s propaganda announced that Sunday is Eid Al-Fitr based on a statement by Supreme Leader. On the other hand not even one of the Grand Ayatollahs in Qom or Najaf including Grand Ayatollahs Montazeri, Saanei, Sistani, V...ahid-Khorasani, Makarem-shirazi, Safi-Golpaygani, Mousavi-Ardebili, Bayat-Zanjani and Javadi-Amoli confirmed and this has yet again questioned the legitimacy of the highest authorities.
Grand Ayatollah Montazeri has officially announced that Monday (Sep 21, 2009) is Eid Al-Fitr in Iran and today (Sunday, Se20, 2009) is the 30th day of the holy month of Ramadan.
As Per Tehran on Saturday evening: Sunset=7:05P.M, Moonset=7:08P.M
There is not a single healthy eye on this planet who can sight the moon within 3 minutes of Sunset. The distance b/w Sunset-Moonset as per Tehran's horizon on Saturday was just 3 minutes and I am sure Khamenie has misleaded the entire Shieite Nation for announcing Eid today.
Can anyone share on what basis/evidences Khamenei announced Eid ? What was the city/town/street corner upon which Khamenei relied upon to announce the Eid today?
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