1:21 PM Monday, Shahrivar 16, 1388
Khbrhayy the reach and the spread of Qom consultations tale scholars are
Zmzmhhay «practical measure» coup against the government authorities
Religious city of Qom comes news that prominent authorities imitation, both reformist and traditional threshold of a decision taken have been great coup against the government. Sponsors coup government, criticized the authorities, to the supreme leader in Tehran, referring to the government they want «legitimacy» business, but scholars opposition in private circles to explicitly say that they Zm current leader is toppled justice and Comment The influence of religious legitimacy is no government.
According to «green wave freedom» two weeks ago, when a group of political activists and civil and press the letter asked imitation Srgshadhay authorities late to be united against the coup and hand built a practical measure, I did not think the space domain schools of Qom to this change to the disadvantage of conductors of a coup. But Bhanhhayy coup with the introduction of the government minister and women opposed to the reference indifference on the one hand, and with more arrests and show trials and the blink of conventional religion and conventional Mrasmhay the other hand provided space away from Qom and Tehran have always said.
Khbrhayy the Qom to «green wave freedom» appears, confidential consultations between the authorities shows how the spread is unprecedented, and authorities there confidentiality content negotiations, stressed that meetings conducted and sent to be published Rayznyha remain hidden. Why the hand of Ayatollah Safi site quickly sent to meet them Publishes Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi and Ayatollah Montazeri, the other office and also sent photos of his meeting with Ayatollah Sanei is located on the site.
Last night, too, the night-time Nymhhay Iran, Ayatollah Sanei site office announced that he two-week Ramadan the past, with references imitation Grand Ayatollahs and clerics declared, verses filter Golpaygani, Montazeri, Mousavi Ardebili, japaneseboyhunter Zanjani, Bayat Zanjani, Seyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, Seyed Javad cities (legate Ayatollah Sistani) and Seyyed Hassan Khomeini, has had to meet and dialogue. This meeting of self and how widespread the news release, which is unlikely in other references and also there is Khbrsh yet been published, show that important events are happening in Qom.
News reached the «wave green freedom» is also indicated, Ayatollah Zanjani japaneseboyhunter the two separate meetings in recent months and of course filter Mhrmanhay Ayatollah Montazeri and Ayatollah Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani and had met the day of the coup agents to attack Office of Ayatollah Sanei were put in for his visit was announced to support and Ironically the same time, Ayatollah Hassan Sanei, the office and his brother Imam Ayatollah Yousef Sanei (Reference imitation), also in Tehran, where his brother had come to close and that news Imam's family, standing behind her. After the meeting Sheikh Hassan Sanei Srgshadhay letter addressed to Hassan Khomeini released the while announcing his support, and Beit Imam Khomeini, the possibility of desecration of Imam warned close friends.
Travel Hjj Islam Abdullah Nouri, Madykhvah and some figures and advice them to Qom, Ayatollah Montazeri and Ayatollah cities (Ayatollah Sistani representative in Iran) as well as other aspects of recent movement in Qom after the publication of the letter and Clergymen ulama of Qom, Isfahan and Mashhad members of the Assembly of Experts in the area of competence necessary to review the Ayatollah Khamenei, the new seasonal mobility Qom clerics recent political figure played.
Regarding the content of secret meetings Shnydhhay are also references to which the general topic of discussion, but both common topic, essentially centrist policy positions do a coup against the legitimacy of government.
Meet the content of verses and Bayat Zanjani Grand Ayatollahs Sanei said that both the need for magnanimity in response to the clergy and Mrjyt recent events have highlighted the country and requests raised by the elites and intellectuals and journalists in the mail 293 people, consider the is.
Shortly after the meeting, Ayatollah Sanei after twenty years was a visit to Ayatollah Montazeri, and heard that this meeting also to imitate the reference solutions coup against the government and the violence occurred after the election and have paid the government about areas «unity» and possible decision «practical measure» References imitation and political figures have to discuss. However before the visit Dstghyb verses in Qom, Shiraz and Bayat also called clear reaction Azharnzrhayy ulama were coup against the government.
Regarding the recent meeting with Ayatollah Ayatollah Safi SHAKIR also been sent for the first time that the two into a serious discussion about the legitimacy of Ahmadinejad were not announced. The two reference imitate traditional, already warned to Ahmadinejad were introduced in the U.S. women, wait for the government's legitimacy is not death; warning that Ayatollah Khamenei was the President of the coup, he draw references to or comments or introduction Minister women to give up. However, Ahmadinejad met with a group of representatives, clean water and poured on the hands all said: «opposition to what impact the filter Golpayegani?»
However some days past Parliament announced that the topic: «Assembly this will lead to Ghaylh», the authorities protesting ministers promised that the story of women in Parliament confidence vote will end, but such was not only , but now with the introduction of at least one woman Minister for the Ministry of Education, Ahmadinejad fire deliberately to anger the field of traditional scholars and Shlhvr them, although two different path, with references to reform has a point: the legitimacy of the government announced do.
These days, Qom and Tehran over the distance any time on the Islamic Republic is long. Rasool Jafarian site notes yesterday that the future consequences of the separation system and warns authorities and historical experience as a scientist with the Shah's regime remind indication of the deep gap that is unknown is easily filling. Responsible for the Parliament library writes: «Imam in appearance opposed the reform because its opposition to a notion had the Shari'ah, but enough other problems but the issue was introduced basically the problem of land reform in the collection with the government and opposition Imam Shah, did not matter so that the problem today is that they are fundamentally reform Imam, Imam was not the problem, but certain aspects of the Shryt to systematically take questions, is important ... Saying that perhaps the gap between authorities and the government created the system but, you is not a vague prophecy. »
News Today newspaper interview Nayereh Akhavan, representative pro-coup government in Parliament, a sign the other side to expand the Dvast; there which says: «Gentlemen authorities were opinions that the entry is respected. When reference comments opposed the Ministry of Women, Mqldyn he should not only accept these posts, but should not allow such a vote of confidence Kandydahayy time. The main criteria governing what is, is the supreme leader's comments that follow it is compulsory for us. As we were in control, lead time of religious, women's ministry did not block way. However he stressed to provide comments to the authorities, but ultimately this was closed to the Community House to vote or not ministers, Parliament felt that Ms. Dastjerdi efficiency is required and therefore the confidence to him. »
Ms. Akhavan also Labhlay his speech opposing the third reference to Ayatollah Sistani that the Ministry is also women confessed, saying: «Comment Vlyfqyh the place itself that if the compulsory something they all need to follow it. He allowed the women's ministry were not allowed. If someone has voted to ministers, is not guilty. If some clown but this is opposed to references, comments and follow Mrjsh is negative vote. Coma and Sistani filter such that men had no comments. »
Topic female ministers, but only from mi clerics of Qom Front coup government is not. Closed reduction program in the shrine of Imam nights and - perhaps most importantly for the references - removed Tuesday Imam Friday Nights Program Qom critical reduction, other issues that the conductors of a coup has put the authorities.
Ayatollah Sistani oral disclosure of private courts in protest show them «Disgrace of justice» is read, Ayatollah Ali Mohammad Dstghyb repeated criticisms of recent crackdowns, more critical tone against the government, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi and Ayatollah Montazeri accelerate the tone against the sovereignty of other signs public bodies move the way that criticism may soon announce the government's lack of legitimacy is reached. Perhaps in days to come, the name of other authorities and scholars, including Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, Ayatollah Alavi Gorgan, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah dear ... Also in line resistance is considered domination conductors of a coup.
Should now see - as it is heard and has been located - whether the number of references to distinguish imitate legitimate government announced coup and present it to 7 people to a press release seems to be whether, and if so, the supreme leader with illegitimate government that even ministers vote to bring the need of government support Hmjnah House leadership, who will. Does the government want a coup, would be viable?
According to MowjCamp it has been reported that the Supreme Leader, gave a sharp response to Grand Ayatollah Safi-Golpaygani’s protest and implicitly prohibited him from interfering in governmental issues. At the same time some of the Grand Ayatollah...s asked Grand Ayatollah Sistani to travel to Iran for closer discussions and Grand Ayatollah Nori-hamedani expressed regret for congratulating Ahmadinejad.
1:21 عصر دوشنبه، 16 شهریور 1388
خبرهایی که از قم میرسند و از گسترش رایزنیهای علما حکایت میکنند
زمزمههای «اقدام عملی» مراجع علیه دولت کودتا
از شهر مذهبی قم خبر میرسد که مراجع تقلید سرشناس، اعم از اصلاح طلب و سنتی، در آستانهی اتخاذ یک تصمیم بزرگ علیه دولت کودتا قرار گرفتهاند. حامیان دولت کودتا، در برابر انتقادهای مراجع، به نظر ولی فقیه در تهران استناد میکنند تا برای دولت دهم «مشروعیت» کسب کنند، اما علمای مخالف دولت در محافل خصوصی به صراحت میگویند که به زعم آنها رهبر کنونی از عدالت ساقط شده است و نظر وی تاثیری در مشروعیت دینی دولت ندارد.
به گزارش «موج سبز آزادی» دو هفته قبل، وقتی گروهی از فعالان سیاسی و مدنی و مطبوعاتی در نامهی سرگشادهای از مراجع تقلید خواستند که تا دیر نشده در مقابل کودتا متحد شوند و دست به یک اقدام عملی بزنند، کسی تصور نمیکرد که فضای حوزه علمیه قم تا این حد به ضرر کودتاگران تغییر کند. اما بهانههایی که دولت کودتا با معرفی وزیر زن و بیاعتنایی به نظر مخالف دو مرجع از یک سو، و با ادامه بازداشتها و محاکمات نمایشی و بر هم زدن مراسمهای مذهبی متعارف و متداول از سوی دیگر فراهم کرد، فضای قم و تهران را دورتر از همیشه کرده است.
خبرهایی که از قم به «موج سبز آزادی» میرسد، نشان میدهد رایزنیهای محرمانه بین مراجع به طرز بیسابقهای گسترش یافته است و مراجع با وجود محرمانه بودن محتوای مذاکرات، تاکید دارند که خبر انجام دیدارها و رایزنیها منتشر شود و پنهان نماند. از این روست که از سویی سایت آیت الله صافی به سرعت خبر دیدار ایشان را آیتالله مکارم شیرازی را منتشر میکند و از سوی دیگر دفتر آیتالله منتظری نیز خبر و عکسهای دیدار ایشان با آیتالله صانعی را بر روی سایت قرار میدهد.
شب گذشته نیز، در نیمههای شب به وقت ایران، سایت دفتر آیتالله صانعی خبر داد که ایشان در دو هفتهای که از ماه رمضان گذشته است، با مراجع عظام تقلید و علمای اعلام، آیات صافی گلپایگانی، منتظری، موسوی اردبیلی، شبیری زنجانی، بیات زنجانی، سید حسین موسوی تبریزی، سید جواد شهرستانی (نماینده تامالاختیار آیت الله سیستانی) و سید حسن خمینی دیدار و گفتوگو داشته است. نفس انجام این دیدارهای گسترده و نحوهی انتشار خبر آن، که بعید نیست در مورد دیگر مراجع نیز وجود داشته و خبرش هنوز منتشر نشده باشد، نشان میدهد که اتفاقات مهمی در قم در حال وقوع است.
خبرهای رسیده به «موج سبز آزادی» همچنین حاکی است، آیتالله شبیری زنجانی نیز در دو ماه اخیر در جلسات جداگانه و البته محرمانهای با آیتالله صافی و آیتالله منتظری دیدار داشته و آیتالله بیات زنجانی نیز در روزی که عوامل کودتا برای حمله به دفتر آیتالله صانعی قرار گذاشته بودند، برای اعلام حمایت به دیدار ایشان رفت و از قضا در همان ساعت آیتالله حسن صانعی، از اعضای دفتر امام و برادر آیتالله یوسف صانعی (مرجع تقلید)، نیز از تهران به آنجا آمده بود تا به برادرش خبر دهد که نزدیکان و خانوادهی امام، پشت وی ایستادهاند. پس از این دیدار بود که شیخ حسن صانعی نامهی سرگشادهای را خطاب به سید حسن خمینی منتشر کرد و در آن ضمن اعلام حمایت از او و بیت امام خمینی، نسبت به احتمال هتک حرمت نزدیکان امام هشدار داد.
سفر حجج اسلام عبدالله نوری، معادیخواه و چند چهره سیاسی به قم و رایزنی آنها با آیتالله منتظری و آیتالله شهرستانی (نماینده آیتالله سیستانی در ایران) نیز از دیگر ابعاد تحرکات اخیر در قم بود که پس از انتشار نامهی علما و روحانیون قم، اصفهان و مشهد به اعضای مجلس خبرگان رهبری در زمینهی لزوم بررسی مجدد صلاحیت آیتالله خامنهای، فصلی جدید را در تحرکات اخیر سیاسی علمای قم رقم میزد.
در خصوص محتوای دیدارهای محرمانهی مراجع نیز شنیدههای وجود دارد که نشان میدهد دو موضوع کلی مورد بحث بوده، اما وجه اشتراک هر دو موضوع، موضعگیری علیه مشروعیت دولت کودتایی دهم است.
دربارهی محتوای دیدار آیات عظام صانعی و بیات زنجانی گفته شده که هر دوی این بزرگواران در آن بر ضرورت واکنش روحانیت و مرجعیت به رخدادهای اخیر کشور تاکید داشتهاند و درخواستهای مطرح شده از سوی نخبگان و روشنفکران و روزنامهنگاران در نامه 293 نفر، مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.
با فاصلهی کوتاهی پس از این دیدار، آیتالله صانعی پس از بیست سال به دیدار آیتالله منتظری رفت، و شنیده شده که در این دیدار نیز دو مرجع تقلید به راهکارهای مقابله با دولت کودتا و خشونتهای رخ داده پس از انتخابات از سوی حکومت پرداختهاند و دربارهی زمینههای «اتحاد» و امکان تصمیم دربارهی «اقدام عملی» مراجع تقلید و شخصیتهای سیاسی بحث و تبادل نظر كردهاند. این در حالی است که پیش از این دیدارها، آیات دستغیب در شیراز و بیات در قم نیز با اظهارنظرهایی روشن خواستار واکنش علما علیه دولت کودتا شده بودند.
در خصوص دیدار اخیر آیتالله صافی با آیتالله مکارم نیز خبر رسیده که این دو برای اولین بار به طور جدی وارد بحث دربارهی اعلام عدم مشروعیت دولت احمدینژاد شدهاند. این دو مرجع تقلید سنتگرا، پیش از این به احمدینژاد هشدار داده بودند در صورت معرفی وزیر زن، باید منتظر حکم عدم مشروعیت دولت باشد؛ هشداری که باعث شد آیتالله خامنهای از رئیس دولت کودتا بخواهد یا نظر مراجع را جلب کند و یا از معرفی وزیر زن منصرف شود. اما احمدینژاد در دیدار با گروهی از نمایندگان، آب پاکی را روی دست همه ریخت و گفت: «مخالفت آقای صافی گلپایگانی چه اثری دارد؟»
با این حال در روزهای گذشته برخی نمایندگان مجلس با اعلام این موضوع که: «مجلس این غائله را ختم خواهد کرد»، به مراجع معترض وعده دادند که ماجرای وزرای زن با عدم رای اعتماد در مجلس به پایان خواهد رسید؛ اما نه تنها چنین نشد، بلکه اکنون با معرفی حداقل یک وزیر زن دیگر برای وزارت آموزش و پرورش، احمدینژاد عامدانه آتش خشم علمای سنتی حوزه را شعلهور کرده و آنها را، هرچند از دو مسیر مختلف، با مراجع اصلاح طلب به یک نقطه رسانده است: اعلام عدم مشروعیت دولت دهم.
این روزها، فاصلهی قم و تهران بیش از هر زمان دیگری در تاریخ جمهوری اسلامی، طولانی شده است. یادداشت دیروز رسول جعفریان در سایت آینده که نسبت به تبعات جدایی نظام و مراجع هشدار میدهد و به عنوان یک محقق تاریخی تجربهی رژیم شاه را یادآوری میکند، نشانهای از این شکاف عمیق است که معلوم نیست به سادگی قابل پر شدن باشد. مسئول کتابخانه مجلس مینویسد: «امام در ظاهر با اصلاحات ارضی مخالفت کرد، چون تصور نوعی مخالفت آن با احکام شرع را داشت، اما آن قدر مسأله بلکه مسائل دیگر مطرح شد که اساسا مسأله اصلاحات ارضی در مجموعه مخالفت های امام با دولت و شاه، اهمیتی نیافت به طوری که امروزه گفته می شود اساسا مسأله امام اصلاحات ارضی، مسأله امام نبوده است، اما مسلم از این جهت که جنبه شرعیت نظام را زیر سؤال می برد، مهم بوده است... گفتن این که بسا شکافی میان مراجع و دولت بلکه نظام پدید آید، یک پیشگویی مبهم نیست.»
مصاحبه امروز روزنامه خبر با نیره اخوان، نماینده حامی دولت کودتا در مجلس، نشانهای دیگر از سمت مقابل نسبت به گسترش همین دعواست؛ آنجا که میگوید: «آقایان مراجع در اینباره نظراتی داشتند که محترم است. وقتی مرجعی نظر مخالف با وزارت زنان دارد، مقلدین او نه تنها این پستها را نباید بپذیرند بلکه نباید به چنین کاندیداهایی هم رأی اعتماد بدهند. اما آنچه که ملاک اصلی و حکومتی است، نظر ولی فقیه است که رعایت آن برای ما واجب است. همانطور که شاهد بودید، رهبری هم از نظر شرعی، مانعی سر راه وزارت زنان نیاوردند. البته ایشان به تأمین نظر مراجع هم تأکید کردند اما نهایتاً این بسته به نظر تخصصی مجلس داشت که به این وزرا رأی بدهند یا نه، که مجلس احساس کرد خانم دستجردی کارآمدی لازم را دارد و به همین دلیل به ایشان رأی اعتماد داد.»
خانم اخوان همچنین در لابهلای سخنان خود به مخالفت سومین مرجع یعنی آیتالله سیستانی با وزارت زنان نیز اعتراف میکند و میگوید: «نظر ولیفقیه که جای خودش را دارد که اگر امری را واجب کنند، تبعیت آن بر همه لازم است. ایشان در مورد وزارت زنان منعی قائل نشدند. اگر هم کسی به این وزرا رأی داده است، گناه نکرده است. اما اگر کسی مقلد برخی مراجع مخالف این موضوع بوده است، نظر مرجعش را رعایت کرده و رأی منفی داده است. کما اینکه آقایان صافی و سیستانی چنین نظری داشتند.»
موضوع وزرای زن اما تنها جبههی دعوای علمای قم با دولت کودتا نیست. تعطیل کردن برنامهی شبهای احیا در حرم امام و - شاید برای مراجع مهمتر از آن - حذف سه امام جمعه منتقد قم از برنامهی شبهای احیا، از دیگر موضوعاتی است که کودتاگران را در مقابل مراجع قرار داده است.
افشای پیام شفاهی آیتالله سیستانی در اعتراض به دادگاههای نمایشی که آنها را «ننگ قضای اسلامی» خوانده است، انتقادهای مکرر آیتالله علیمحمد دستغیب از سرکوبهای اخیر، ادامهی لحن انتقادی آیتالله مکارم شیرازی علیه دولت و تند شدن لحن آیتالله منتظری علیه حاکمیت، از دیگر نشانههای حرکت عمومی مراجع در مسیر انتقادهایی هستند که ممکن است که به زودی به اعلام عدم مشروعیت دولت برسد. شاید در روزهای آینده، نام تعداد دیگری از مراجع و علما از جمله آیتالله وحید خراسانی، آیتالله علوی گرگانی، آیتالله جوادی آملی، آیتالله گرامی و ... نیز در صف مقاومت در برابر سلطهی کودتاگران مطرح شود.
اکنون باید دید - آنگونه که شنیده میشود و قرار گذاشته شده است - آیا عدد مراجع تقلید قائل به عدم مشروعیت دولت کودتا و حاضر به اعلام آن، به 7 نفر میرسد تا اطلاعیهی آنها منتشر شود یا خیر؛ و اگر چنین شد، رهبر نظام با دولت نامشروعی که حتی برای رای آوردن وزیران از مجلس همجناح دولت نیز محتاج حمایت رهبری است، چه خواهد کرد. آیا دولت کودتایی دهم، ماندنی خواهد بود؟
Following the pressure from Coup administration which caused the cancelation of the memorial ceremony in one of Tehran’s main mosques for Ayatollah Taleghani's anniversary, for the first time ever, Taleghani family announced that they have decid...ed to hold the memorial in office of Ayatollah’s daughter, Azam Taleghani, instead and inviteded all of his supports to attend.
URGENT: Ali Reza Beheshti, Mousavi’s top advisor, has been arrested! Beheshti was son of martyred Ayatollah Beheshti and Mousavi’s top advisor and his representative in the special committee investigating prisoners’ abuse cases. Morteza Alviri, Karou...bi’s representative in the special committee was also arrests earlier.کودتاگران میتازند و...... حرمت شب قدر را هم نگه نمیدارند. فرزند شهید بهشتی هم بازداشت شد!
Another video of the heavily controlled city of Qom. Despite intense security measures in the holy city of Qom, people gathered in front of Grand Ayatollah Saneei’s office last night after his strong speech for the Qadr night ceremony and showed thei...r protest to the current events. They were chanting “death to the dictator” and “Coup administration, resign, resign”, “We will meet on Qods Day”.
Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, in a message addressed to other Grand Ayatollahs while condemning and expressing regret for the actions of the coup government, asked other Grand Ayatollahs to follow Prophet Mohammad’s advise and not to be silent while wit...nessing all these oppressions and violations of public rights; and once and for all correct government’s wrong policies and resolve the current illegitimacy crisis.
The Assembly of Combatant Clergymen in a statement invites everyone to participate in Qods Day rallies and announced that they will also attend the demonstration alongside people. They stated that Qods Day is the day to protest to oppression, occupat...ion and assault. It is the day to defend human dignity and freedom in support for all the innocent and oppressed peoples of the world including the Palestinian people.
September 18, 2009
These Pressures Are Useless
Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi is the secretary of the association of Qom Theological Center’s Teachers and Researchers. Last Monday his son was arrested along with the children of ayatollah Nazemzadeh’ and that of Mr. Ahmadi, both of whom are members of the center. Prior to that, ayatollah Montazeri’s grandchildren were arrested. We spoke about these arrests with ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi who interpreted his son’s arrest in light of the recent events that followed Iran’s June 12 disputed presidential elections.
Here are the excerpts.
The association of Qom Theological Center’s Teachers and Researchers is a clerical group close to reformers which issued a statement after the coup elections of June 22 this year questioning the legitimacy of Ahmadinejad’s administration. This group is viewed to be close to reformers issued several communiqués protesting the show trials, deaths, tortures and arrests that have followed the June 12 elections. Ayatollah Mousavi Tabrizi is the secretary of the association.
In our interview with Rooz, he pointed to the arrest of his son and said that it was carried out in the context of exerting pressure on him, adding, “Authorities of course know that I do not heed to such pressures. They know me well and understand that these events will not change my position or that of the association of Qom Theological Center’s Teachers and Researchers.”
The ayatollah said he did not know what the charges against his son were, but said, “Certainly this is related to the events that have taken place after the elections, but I still do not know what is the charge against him and have not heard from my son since his arrest.”
This cleric’s son was arrested based on a warrant issued by the special clerical court in Qom. “Neither my son nor the sons of Mr. Nazemzadeh or Ahmadi are clerics so we do not know why the clerical court took this step of arresting them,” Tabrizi said.
Regarding his son’s arrest and the gathering in front of ayatollah Sanei’s house, Tabrizi said that the two were not connected because his son was not at that gathering.
Kidnapping for the Sake of Pressure
The arrest of the children of clerics belonging to this association follows the statement that the association issued calling on the public to continue their protests. The statement specifically writes, “The clergy is displeased with the recent events and shall stand alongside the Iranian nation.”
A close source who is knowledgeable about the arrests of these senior clerics stressed that they had arrested the children instead of the fathers, and told Rooz, “These acts are aimed at pressuring the fathers and are in fact kidnappings, especially as other types of pressures had been applied to these clerics with the goal of changing their positions regarding recent events.”
According to this source, these clerics had been contacted by authorities earlier and warned against publishing their statements, and so now the arrest of their children is a new type of pressure is being applied.
This person added that state “authorities were very angry at the members of the Qom Theological Center’s Teachers and Researchers Association but does not seem to realize that by arresting the children of these senior and influential clerics, the regime will pay a high price for its actions. He named the statements issued by the association to be the cause of anger of government authorities.
Ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi is the secretary of the association of Qom Theological Center’s Teachers and Researchers. Last Monday his son was arrested along with the children of ayatollah Nazemzadeh’ and that of Mr. Ahmadi, both of whom are members of the center. Prior to that, ayatollah Montazeri’s grandchildren were arrested. We spoke about these arrests with ayatollah Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi who interpreted his son’s arrest in light of the recent events that followed Iran’s June 12 disputed presidential elections.
September 17, 2009
Ayatollah Montazeri’s Grandchildren Are Arrested
Hours after the publication of ayatollah Montazeri’s statement, which calls the Islamic republic of Iran the “government of military rule” (hokumat velayat nezami) and warned the regime was taking advantage of the silence of the grand ayatollahs on the “unlawful” acts of the state, three of his grand-children were arrested indicating that the coup administration was willing to go to any measure to maintain its hold on power.
According to Taghir website belonging to Mehdi Karubi, three of ayatollah Montazeri’s grand-children named Mohammad Mehdi Montazeri, Mohammad Ali Montazeri and Mohammad Sadegh Montazeri all children of the ayatollah’s eldest son ayatollah Ahmad Montazeri were arrested in their house. There were also other reports of arrests of children of seyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, who is the current secretary of the a research center and the teachers of the Qom Theological Center, and also the children of two other prominent personalities associated with Montazeri by the name of Nazemzadeh and Ahmadi.
Ayatollah Montazeri’s Letter
In his letter to the senior ayatollahs and clerics of Qom, Najaf, Mashhad, Tehran, Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz and other religious cities, ayatollah Montazeri writes, “in view of the current conditions in the country and the cruelty that we witness every day, and the unlawful acts that are done in the name of religion and the Shiite faith”, I see myself responsible to remind the audience of religious and state issues.
“Everybody knows that I have been a staunch supporter of religious rule and am a founding member of the Velayat Faghih (rule of the clerics) - although not in its current form but in a manner that people select him who also supervise his work - and that I have made much effort to materialize this from the scientific and practical perspectives,
but now I feel a sense of shame because of the cruelty that has been imposed on people under this name and feel responsible to God for the blood that has been spilled by the dear martyrs and the violations that have been carried out against innocent people’s rights,”the letter continues.
Military Rule Instead of Clerical Rule
Ayatollah Montazeri says in his letter that many people have written him letters, emails or have asked him whether the government that they face today was the religious government that we had promised them in which Velayat Faghih was its central characteristic. “What we witness is in fact military rule and not clerical rule.
Montazeri even pens the damage that has been done to religion and says that he wonders how the damage that has been done can be repaired.
He then reminds his fellow clergymen of their duty in upholding and defending the faith against the ethical violations those in power who do it under the name of religion.
Warning Bell to the Clerics
In his letter, Montazeri warns that “the recent events and scandals that followed the presidential elections … is a warning to the clerics. Plenty of violations and cruelty took place in the name of religion and with the approval of a small number of official and state-affiliated clerics which was followed by massive protests who peacefully demonstrated their protests based on article 27 of the constitution. Instead of addressing the issues, the administration chose to call people “mobs”, “foreign agents” etc and resorted to violence against them, beating up innocent and defenseless men and women, arresting many in the process and sending them to notorious prisons causing deaths.”
He adds that after beating up people, the rulers called them infidels, and thus created a crises endangering the state while people call the founders of the system to be the violators of the regime and the real culprits.
Montazeri further says that because of what the rulers in Iran have done, Islam is now the but of jokes around the world. Referencing the serial murders of the 1990s and how then too those in power refrained from identifying and punishing the real culprits, Montazeri writes that instead of arresting those responsible for the recent problems, rulers have launched a campaign to attack those who have been the supporters of the system. He names Mehdi Karoubi and Mir-Hossein Mousavi with respect and says they have been wronged and their rights violated by the rulers. And pointing to other clerics, he says that people expect them to intervene and not allow such events and violations to take place.
Finally he says that he is not hopeless regarding reforms and changes, and pins his hope on other clerics and senior ayatollahs to work with the two other presidential candidates, i.e. Mousavi and Karubi, to find ways to come out of the current crises, which he says would be for the good of the faith. And he calls on the rulers to abandon their practices and respect the republic and Islamic nature of the system, and thus bring about the necessary justice. Montazeri concludes his letter by saying, “Confessing to a mistake is not shameful, but accepting injustice is.”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei in response to Mousavi’s letter, in which he described his resolutions for the current critical situation of the country and asked for Grand Ayatollah`s advice, expressed his full support for his plan and stressed that this cou...ld be an opportunity to unify the innocent and oppressed against the tyrants, so that they can regain their denied rights.
Ayatollah Taheri-Esfahani, former member of the Assembly of Experts, in an open letter to Grand Ayatollah Montazeri while praising him for his br...avery, courage and wise opinions regarding the events occurred after the election, emphasised on the necessity for guidance and the reform of the repressive behaviour of the authorities (coup government); and expressed deep concern about the diversion of the ruling powers of the country from revolution’s ideas and path.
Grand Ayatollah Dastgheyb, member of the Assembly of Experts, in the recent session of the Assembly announced that reviewing the cases of violation from constitution is one of the responsibilities of this Assembly and while criticizing Assembly’s performance warned that the constitution is being ignored in the country. He also condemned the recent baseless attacks and false accusations made against reformist figures especially in the state-run TV. He added that the members of “Hojatieh” (Mesbah-Yazdi’s ideology) are easily defying the law these days. He asked who is responsible for all the crimes and illegal activities that happened after the election and how could the justice seeking voice of the nation be answered with force? At the end he suggested that an opportunity would be available for Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami so that they could explain their views either in the Assembly or on state-run TV.
Grand Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani, one of the Marajeh (the highest ranking clerics) in Qum, requested that all people to withstand against what he described as division from the principle of Islamic Republic. The Grand Ayatollah while described the confr...ontation in Iran as a confrontation between two ideologies said: “One side is defending the “Islamic Republic” while the other side does not believe in “Republic” at all and interprets the “Islamic” part the way it likes.” He also added that he defends an establishment that has justice, freedom, respect for people’s vote and their rights and all of the Islamic Revolution slogans inside of it. He reiterated that one of the reasons behind the 1978 revolution was the fact that authorities had not learned from the past and added: “Unfortunately after a not very long period we are simply being caught by the same bitter historical experience again.”While vaguely condemning the interference of some military personnel in political issues, Grand Ayatollah Bayat Zanjani added that there is a party in Iran that does not consider anyone other than some military personnel suitable to control the political, social or even technological affairs. By pointing out the events after the presidential election he continued: “… the situation has escalated so badly that after the massive obliteration of the character and ideas of Imam’s allies and making up different false accusations against every single one of them, today they even sometimes attack Imam Khomeini's family.”
Grand Ayatollahs Montazeri and Saanei, strongly condemned last night’s (Oct 22, 2009) raid on the families of political prisoners, who had gathered in a religious ceremony in the residence of
Shahabbedin Tabatabai
(a detained member of the Participation Front) to pray for his release, and the arrest of 30 members of these political prisoners’ families. Grand Ayatollah Montazeri after learning about this pathetic act by coup forces expressed deep sorrow and regret that in the Islamic Republic authorities are now raiding the religious ceremonies! He also reinstated that the original slogan of the revolution which is “Islamic Republic” has been ignored by the rulers and added that the most important slogan of the revolution, which is “Independence, Freedom, and Islamic Republic”, has been ignored and that the meaning of “Republic” in an Islamic government which is basically the same as people’s authority [and democracy], has been ignored and people’s right to be free is being violated. Also, Grand Ayatollah Saanei by strongly condemning this act, advised the families of the political prisoner to be patient and strong, as well as to be more resistance and to spread the information. He also by pointing out the raid on a religious ceremony said that when the families of political prisoners and innocent people are being attacked in a religious ceremony, it shows the weakness of the authorities, meaning that they cannot even tolerate a religious ceremony!Grand Ayatollah Montazeri in solidarity with the families of political prisoners and victims of the post-election events did not hold a celebration for the anniversary of the Birthday of Imam Reza (the eight Imam of shias). He announced that: “Although today is a great day and is the anniversary of the Birthday of Imam... Reza (peace be upon him), but since many of our beloved scholars, those who are not only faithful individuals but also served this revolution and country passionately, are unfortunately in prison for false accusations; and to show solidarity and sympathy with the respected families of these loved ones, we did not hold a celebration today.” He also added: “During Shah’s time because many people were under oppression, Imam Khomeini announced not to hold the ceremony for the Birthday of the hidden Imam (which is one of the biggest celebrations in Shia’s calendar)”. At the end he expressed hope that the innocent prisoners be freed immediately and that God bless the authorities with more faith and wisdom so that they don’t repeat such acts.
December 1, 2009
Basij Was Not Intended to be in Line with the Satan
Akam Mokri
Senior cleric ayatollah Hosseinali Montazeri who is a critic of the current administration called the recent violent crackdown of protesting citizens at the hands of the security and military forces “unholy” and “illegal” and said that the philosophy of creating the Basij was to be in line with God and not with Satan.
Speaking to a group of his supporters, Mr. Montazeri stressed that, “Any one who has been beaten by government agents, even if their injuries are slight, have a right to ask for compensation,” and asked,
“With what authority did they hit people? Does this mean that anyone who does not agree with me deserves to be beaten?”
In his criticism of the behavior of Basij members, Montazeri said that some of these individuals who beat up people did it because they simply wanted to be congratulated.
“Is this not a shame that some people have to go to hell because of the views of others?”he asked pointing his finger at those responsible for physical violence against ordinary citizens. His reference is of course to the shootings that were committed by the security and Basij forces against peaceful women and youth. According to a report by the committee that pursued the condition of prisoners and those that died in the recent post election turmoil, at least 72 individuals lost their lives at the hands of government forces.
Ayatollah Montazeri has repeatedly criticized the behavior of various state organs, including the leader of the Islamic republic as the highest Shiite leader inside Iran.
This criticism comes a few days after presidential hopeful Mehdi Karoubi had spoken to Holland’s television channel 2 and compared the recent violence caused by the law enforcement and security agents in Iran to those during the Shah’s time, calling the recent events “new phenomena” adding that he had not in his lifetime witnessed such violence.
In his interview, Karoubi had said, “I did not think that they would deal with this in this manner. Furthermore, I did not think that the confrontation would so extensive and so savage with this level of violence. I was very saddened, and on some night I could not sleep, which I am not exaggerating.”
This dissident cleric continued, “The goal of security forces during the Shah was to disperse the crowds.” Then turning his remarks towards the violence in the Islamic republic, he said,
“We witnessed how violently security forces beat up women, which was absolutely new to me. I wondered what they were doing. I have seen many demonstrations during the Shah’s time, a lot of violence. I was a protestor then but I had not seen anyone one beat up children and women so easily and without any psychological restraint.”
Mohammad Nourizadeh, former editor of Keyhan newspaper, said: “I personally accept the responsibility for Imam Khomeini’s picture having been tore down so that whatev...er is planned to happen this week and the next be unveiled now.” He sarcastically addressed the coup government and its agents and said: “I confess! I made a mistake. I was emotional. When I saw every one of you is tearing down a symbol of Imam Khomeini, I did something immature and tore down Imam Khomeini’s picture. I witnessed that you tore down the nature of Revolutionary Guard and Basij and the dignity of Imam Khomeini, but I stopped only by tearing down his picture! I witnessed that you are tearing down Imam Khomeini’s road map which was and always remains honoring people and respecting every one of them, I tore down his picture. I witnessed that you tore down Imam’s will in which he emphasized on prosperity and dignity for Iran and Iranians, my share was tearing down his picture! I saw Imam Khomeini’s face that was smiling at your charade and I heard his voice that was shouting at you from a height that: All of you who are going mad because of my picture being torn down, on that day when my children were put in front of fire for peacefully protesting to the results of the election and their blood poured on the ground, why didn’t you wear Kafan (the clothe that Muslims are buried in) and didn’t chant harsh and strong slogans for the insult to rationality , Islam and Khomeini’s path? You know what, I myself, Rohollah Mousavi Khomeni, told Mohammad Nourizadeh: Go and tear down my picture so that God, rationality, history and future witness the misery of a group of people who don’t even have enough talent to create a simple lie. In a country that all of the intellectual, political, spiritual, social and cultural ideas of Imam are being disgraced by its government’s officials, the tearing down of Imam Khomeini’s picture is [frankly] showing respect to him!
Student protest continuous: Following the brutal attack on the students on the National Students Day (Dec 7th) and the new hoax by the coup government and its propaganda machine in broadcasting the suspicious foota...ge of tearing down a picture of Imam Khomeini and accusing the Green movement of doing that and basically making this an excuse for harsher crack downs and attacking the leaders of Green movement (Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami), today (Dec 12) students of Tehran University held two gatherings . Students were chanting “The chancellor of the university must resign”, “Khomeini where are you that Mousavi is left all alone”, “Death to dictator” and “Incompetent chancellor! Resign...Resign” and were demanding the resignation of Farhad Rahbar the chancellor of Tehran University.
Regarding the controversy surrounding the broadcasting of the suspicious footage showing tearing down a picture of Imam Kho...meini by state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad), AyandehNews in an article addressed to state-run TV asked a very important question: “Why didn’t you ever show an image of an insult toward the Supreme Leader?!!!” In this article it was stated that in the past few months other incidents happened as well, which were definitely intentional. These incidents were the insults toward the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, during some of the protests. These insults happened in different forms, from chanting slogans to writings on public walls or offending his picture...Although all these insults were done intentionally, how come never any of these footage were shown on the state-run TV?!!!”
Torabi, reformist member of the Parliament, in an interview regarding the controversy surrounding the broadcasting of the suspicious footage showing tearing down a picture of Imam Khomeini by state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad) said that: “It seems like the scenario of these guys (pro-Ahmadinejad hardliners) is being unveil...ed and its true intentions is being revealed....State-run TV made a big mistake by broadcasting this image and trying to accuse the Green movement and Mousavi of such an act...Just to prove these guys (pro-Ahmadinejad hardliners) should give a permission for protest to the Green movement to condemn the insult to Imam Khomeini’s picture, and then it would be clear who truly respects Imam Khomeini....Isn’t it that you are claiming that the Green movement insulted Imam Khomeini’s picture, then just give the permission for protest and everything would be clear... These doomed scenarios will just put the extremists in more trouble.”
Following the controversy surrounding the b...roadcasting of a footage showing tearing down of a picture of Imam Khomeini on the state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad) and its similarities to pervious incidents that was used as an excuse by the hardliners to crack down on student movements and even harsher repressions, some have suggested to the leaders of the Green movement to call for a public protest to condemn such an act. This would be a case that if a permission would be given for such a gathering (note: there has been no permission given for any gatherings held by Green movement after the election) would be advantageous for the Green movement to show their presence, and if the permission would not be given that would be very damaging for the ruling powers and it would be interesting to see them justify it this time!
The research deputy of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of the works of Imam Khomeini in an interview with ILNA by pointing out to the controversy regarding the broadcasting of the footage showing the tearing down of Imam Khomeini’s picture on state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad) said that the broadcasting of such an image by state-run TV seems quite suspicious.
The Islamic Association of Students of Tehran University by issuing a statement strongly condemned broadcasting of the “suspicious” footage showing the tearing down of Imam Khomeini’s picture on state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad) and warned that relying on desecration of Imam Khomeini’s dignity to create new crisis in the society is similar to the event when the enemies of Imam Ali (Shi’as first Imam) abused the dignity of Quran by holding Qurans up in the middle of the war for their own benefit and at the end as a result a group of extremist and foolish individuals took the power over the people.
Grand Ayatollah Saanei, criticised the broadcasting of the footage s...howing the tearing down of Imam Khomeini’s picture on state-run TV (pro-Ahmadinejad) and said: When some reach a dead end, they don’t even spear Imam Khomeini’s dignity and take advantage of him for their own purpose. Oppressors set Imam Khomeini’s picture on fire [themselves], then claim that the students did that; while the students support Imam Khomeini and are in debt to him, and if they are protesting [today]it is based on Imam Khomeini’s quote that said “the scale is the people’s vote”
Gathering in the School of Engineering in Tehran University on Dec 14th :Islamic Associati......on of the Students of Tehran University, after getting the necessary permissions, will hold a gathering in the school of Engineering for the Student Day tomorrow. This gathering that is titled “Swear to every moment of these Red days that the aroma of the Greenest season is in the air”, is in protest to the brutal crackdown of the students and insulting the dignity of the university in several events, entering of the forces from outside of the university to the campus and clashes with students; as well as to request for the resignation of Farhad Rahbar, the chancellor of Tehran University,and to protest to the restrictions and security environment enforced on the society after the election, the controversy of Imam Khomeini’s picture and taking advantage of that for harsher repression and condemning the security, judiciary and disciplinary confrontations with the intellectuals and scholars of the country.In this gathering many prominent reformist figures will also attend including, Dr. Mohammad-Reza Beheshti, Dr. Ali Shakourirad, Dr. Elahe Koulai, Dr. Hamid-Reza Jalaipour, Dr. Mohsen Rahami, Dr. Nafaf-Ali Habibi, Dr. Mohammad-Reza Zafarghandi, Dr. Gholam-Reza Zarifian and etc.
Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani, head of The Assembly of Experts and The Expediency Council, in response to a question regarding the illegitimate act of Mohammad Yazdi (in the name of The Society of Teachers of Qom Seminary School) in announcing that Grand Ayatollah Saanei (senior religious figure and supporter of Green M...ovement) is not qualified to be a Marja (religious reference) said that Shia Marjas have always had a very strong and undeniable presence in religious and political scenes of society but have always maintained their independence and have been independent from governments and have been present based on people’s support. Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani emphasised that when one studies the biography of Marjas in shia history can see that there have never been a case that someone was appointed or dismissed as Marja rather it has been such that always people based on their own understanding have chosen a suitable person as Marja.
Ayatollah Taheri (former Imam of Isfahan) in response to questions regarding the illegitimate act of Mohammad Yazdi (in the name of The Society of Teachers of Qom Seminary School) in announcing that Grand Ayatollah Saanei (senior religious figure and supporter of Green Movement) is not qualified to be a Marja (religiou...s reference) in a letter stated that this announcement by The Society of Teachers of Qom Seminary School and signed by Mohammad Yazdi (pro-coup government cleric) does not have any merit and the followers of Grand Ayatollah Saanei ought to obey his religious rulings.
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