RT News

Sunday, June 15, 2008

“when the poor can't get bread, let them eat cake”

Bush’s plan to help American airlines (satire)

An interview with Iraq Occupation Times (IOT).
IOT: Higher fuel price is forcing US airlines to file for bankruptcy or for Chapter 11, what are the President plans to help the beleaguered US airlines?
Bush: The war on terror, and the American people agree with me on this, will be a long one and there are no ready-made solutions. We have told the world that it is either to be with us and fly US airlines or to be with the terrorists.
IOT: That is clear sir. But how the war on terror can help the US airlines?
Bush: were you trained as a journalist?
IOT: No Sir. I studied economics at Texas A& M when Mr R. Gates was president.
Bush: The reason I asked, is that journalists can’t keep any war secret these days. Back to your question: in the short-term, we are currently using US airlines to secretly fly thousands of our brave troops to airports in Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Persian Gulf States and to Afghanistan. We are paying top prices for our valuable men and women in uniform. We are asking airlines to cancel economy class and make business-class only flights. Afraid of impending war, most local businessmen will leave the area and need business class seats.
IOT: Mr President, how about the long–term prospect?
Bush: In order to reduce the potential terrorist attacks, we plan to ask our European allies to deport all Muslims living in their countries. Naturally the US will assist in the process if they choose to fly on US airlines. You agree with me that these immigrants will be happy to go home on business class. As the French say, “when the poor can't get bread, let them eat cake”
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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