RT News

Saturday, June 14, 2008

one can cut the hate for America with the diamond encrusted sword

The American march on Baghdad to Israeli drums on 20.03.03 had awoken and rushed the Iraqi people into the adoption of a guerrilla warfare tactics in order to harass and to punish the invaders and their mercenaries. Until today, the Americans refuse to accept the fact that it is a genuine Iraqi resistance movement and continue to wrap Al-Qaeda around it. That is despite their latest find in Sinjar which showed the sophisticated Iraqi organisation of the resistance complete with a network of intelligence and counter-intelligence services. Adding insults to US occupation injuries Bush is insisting hat the Iraqis should sign a long-term security agreement unleashing his agents to intimidate and bribe their way. And that what will cause the revolution against the Americans in Iraq. The proposed agreement stipulates a wholesale surrender of Iraq sovereignty, territorial integrity and resources to America for generations to come; which is polarising popular opinion and labelling all those promoting it as traitors.

Not even Prime Minister Al-Maliki can sell the agreement as it reminds Iraqis of their stand against a similar agreement with Britain in 1948, when scores have died in street clashes forcing Saleh Jabbur government to resign and the agreement to be scrapped. Nothing demonstrates the fear of politicians from Iraqi anger than seeing Dr Ahmad Al-Chalabi, who promoted the US invasion, going out of his way to form an Independence Party to defend Iraq against American colonisation. Since no Iraqi Arab wanted to be implicated with signing such an agreement, the Iraqi government have nominated a non-Arab, Kurdish Dr Burham Saleh, to negotiate with Ambassdor Crocker. Bush, Gates and Crocker want the Iraqis to sign the agreement before the end of July 2008. The hate for America in Iraq is so thick that one can cut it with the diamond encrusted sword given to Bush by the Emir of Bahrain.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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