Finger1: Terrorism,
Finger2: Sectarianism,
I wish that John McCain wins the presidential election in November 2008 in order to finish America as a superpower.
Parliamentary member Maha Adel al-Douri speaks, in front of a poster showing Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr, late father of the radical anti-US cleric Muqtada al Sadr during a meeting in Sadr main office in Sadr City to discuss the proposed U.S.-Iraqi security agreement on Saturday, May 31, 2008. The final statement of the meeting showed the absolute rejection of this agreement, and it urged Iraqis to set off peaceful demonstrations till the cancellation of this agreement. Writing on the fingers on the poster in the back read, from the top, Terrorism, Sectarianism, Occupation, Zionism, Colonialism.
(AP Photo/Karim Kadim)
A hot hot Jume is waiting to punish elements of TSOZC.
The way to end the US occupation of Iraq!
It will be considered as violence if an Arab or a Muslim carries out such an attck in Oklahoma or in Texas, but not in Iraq under brutal and ulawful US occupation. Resistance to foreign occupation using all means are legitimate.
The reaction of Bush America to the attacks on NY and Washington on 9/11 had created chaos and bloodshed, poisoned international relations, increased violence, and justified measures and practices in violation of nationa and international laws. It seems that Bush’s America has fallen in Bin Laden trap when it went to topple the regimes of Iraq and Afghanistan in violation of UN charter. During the last seven years, the American war on terror has worked beautifully for Al-Qaeda as it was exposed as a war on Islam and Muslims and in support of Israeli atrocities. The longer this situation continues the more is the threat to Western interests and allies in the Middle East. After years of bombardments and killing, the Americans had to sit down and talked to the Vietcong which ended in making Vietnam as a friendly state. It is true that Al-Qaeda has wider objectives than the Viet Cong, but accommodating some of their just demands my help to reduce the grievances and frustrations which are currently sending thousand to join them. For example, forcing Israel to abide by 31 UN resolutions will pull the rug from under the feet of all extremists. And withdrawing of Christian troops from Afghanistan and Iraq and replacing them with a UN force mostly from Muslim countries will work miracles in reducing the violence. One must objectively study the consequences of having the current status quo to continue with bankrupt governments, higher fuel prices and unaffordable food items. Poor people of the world my start to rebel against their governments to the pleasure of Al-Qaeda.
People without history, like the Americans, cannot possibly understand the effects of thousands of years of traditions. In Vietnam, the Americans used sophisticated killing machines but the Vietnamese people held to their land and traditions, sending the American killers away clinging to their helicopters. Sooner than later the Americans will leave Iraq and the entire Middle East. Bush's plans to change the map of the Middle East in favour of Israel met the same fate as those of Hitler's in the Soviet Union and Sharon in Lebanon. I must say that your incoherent rhetoric shows desperation.
The American response to Bin Laden's offer of peace was that Al-Qaeda is weak and that we don't talk to terrorists. America will be in a strong position if it ends Israeli defiance of 31 UN Security Council resolutions and withdraw its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan. No member of the Taleban has ever carried out any attack outside Afghanistan. Furthermore, the Taleban were friends of America. Right now, they are a national liberation movement while their country is occupied by foreign forces. Similarly, no Iraqi has ever carried out any terrorist attack against American targert prior to 9/11. Those who carried out the attack on NY and Washington were mostly (15/19) Saudis, the head of the group was an Egyptian, the man in charge was a Kuwaiti; that is besides Bin Laden is a Saudi and Dr Al-Zawahiri is an Egyptian. I dodn't see any Iraqi or Afghani in the group.
No-Iraqi is afraid of the Americans. This is really degrading and frustrating to the American high-tech and super Zombies. US friends in the area are worried as their mentors, the Americans, are being reduced to target practice by the resistance of disarmed Iraq.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
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