RT News

Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Israel is a terroist state", Van Agt

Andreas Van Agt was the prime minister of Holland. Countries like Holland, Norway and Denmark are very strong supporters of Israeli policies. He has launched an internet site WWWriesvanagt.nl and one can contact him on infor@driesvanagt.nl. He claims to have supported Israel until the Sabra and Shatilla massacres. It confirmed to him the nature of the Israeli regime which was summarised in one graffitti he saw on the wall in Israel with a slogan "All Arabs to Gas Chambers". He feels that the international comunity should impose sanctions on Israel in order to implement 39 UN Security Council Resolutions. He said that Iraq was invaded because Saddam was in breach of 4 resoulutions while no-one dares to call for similar actions against Israel. Van Agt reminds many of Former President Carter who denounced Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. It is better late than never. Slowly but surely, the world is awakening to the Jewish crimes and conspiracies.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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