RT News

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bush to search Khameini turban for Uranium!

The so-called package of incentives to Iran to abandon its Uranium enrichment program means a complete infringement of Iran’s legitimate rights and a prelude for interfering in Iran’s domestic affairs. If Mahmoud Ahmedinejad ever to accept one item of this US-EU package it will mean another American-led UN teams to verify the presence of traces of enriched Uranium in Iran similar to what had happened in Iraq. Unlike Ahmedinejad, stupid Saddam accepted the US pressure and allowed 850 UN weapon inspectors for 8.5 years to check every corner of Iraq including Saddam’s own personal fridge.
After ensuring that Iraq had no WMD, Bush went to invade the country, to destroy its infrastructure and to kill its people on behalf of Israel. Ahmedinejad must realise that the Uranium enrichment issue is no more than a pretext for the USraelis to destroy Iran. Bush seriously believes that destroying Iran is the key for American successful colonisation of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the re-drawing of the Middle East map favouring the rogue Jewish state of Israel.
Right now, Iran is helping the legitimate popular resistance to USraeli occupation and intimidation in Afghanistan, Gaza, Iraq and Lebanon.

Regardless how much the Saudis will pump, all speculators believe that Bush will attack Iran before leaving office when Oil will reach $200. They expect Iran to block the strait of Hirmuz and blow up US ships and oil facilities in the Gulf. A $200 barrel is exactly what Goldmansachs has already predicted.

I don't dismiss the fact the the Jewish minority in America operates as a mafia controlling US financial institutions, the media and politics. For this reason, the Jews know how to trade in futures, fleece the Americans and send them to fight their own wars.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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