Revolutionary Guard: Syria Will Be ‘Second Vietnam’ for US
Posted on August 29, 2013 by Arash Karami
شیعت نیوز ( انٹرنیشنل ڈیسک ) مصر کے النھار نامی عرب روزنامے کی یہ خبر پوری دنیا میں تہلکہ مچا گئی کہ شام کے شہر حلب میں شامی دہشت گرد گروہ جبہۃ النصرہ کے ایک مرکزی لیڈر نے قطر کے الجزیرہ ٹی وی چینل کی اینکرپرسن غادہ عویس کے ساتھ جنسی زیادتی کی ہے۔واقعہ کچھ یوں تھا کہ وہ اپنے چینل کے عملے کے ساتھ کئی دنوں سے شامی حکومت کے مخالفین کی کوریج کررہی تھیں
Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jaffari, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, spoke yesterday about the threat of an American military attack on Syria in response to accusations that Syrian forces used chemical weapons in a Damascus suburb.
In an article published in Tasnim, Jaffari was quoted as saying, “The American government and some of its allies in recent years, by extensive support and equipping terrorists with all kinds of arms, were pursuing a strike against the line of resistance in the region.” Iranian authorities refer to Syria’s armed opposition as “terrorists” and include themselves, Syria and Hezbollah in an axis of resistance against American and Israeli hegemony in the region.
Jaffari, who assesses that most of Syria’s armed opposition is in retreat, continued, “Now it appears that the disgraced failure of a proxy war by the terrorists against the resistant people of Syria has become a direct military threat.” He added, “America, despite the extremely bitter experiences of Afghanistan and Iraq, in the face of military action against Syria, has completed its domino of failures and will experience in its history its most disgraceful failure, and Syria will become a massacre and battlefield much more dangerous than Vietnam and in reality, will become a second Vietnam for America.”
“The Zionists should know” said Jaffari, “that an American military strike against Syria will not only not free this fake regime from the grip of resistance, but a strike against Syria will mean the imminent destruction of Israel.” According to the Tasnim article, this was said in reference to his statement that “It appears once again that under the influence of the Zionist lobby, that the American government is threatening a military strike.”
In regard to the threat of military strikes in response to accusations that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces used chemical weapons in Ghouta, Jaffari drew a comparison to accusations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the invasion of the country in 2003.
“The people of the world, especially Muslims of the region, have not forgotten the lying excuse of the Americans for an attack against Iraq,” Jaffari said. “America attacked Iraq with claims that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction, and after years of a military presence and a massacre of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, stated that they made a mistake in their intelligence assessment.”
Jaffari continued, “Some countries in the region and reactionary Arab regimes that support a military attack against Syria should also know that the fire of this warmongering will not be limited only to Syria but will [entangle] all the warmongers and their supporters.” Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey have been the Syrian opposition’s three staunchest supporters.
Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi, chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, also warned that this attack will be to the benefit of Israel and will not remain within the borders of Syria.
“Any new operation in the region has always been followed by damages and has had no other outcome except gratification for the Zionists,” Firouzabadi said. “These have caused huge damages to humanity … They will not be limited to Islamic societies.”
Yesterday, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned that American interference will be a “disaster” for the region and would act as an “incendiary at a gunpowder storage.” President Hassan Rouhani, who has walked the softest line among Iranian officials, warned against any “adventurism” in the region and urged United Nations inspectors to complete their work in regard to the site of the alleged chemical weapons attack.
France says ready to punish Syria despite British no vote
Fri, Aug 30 07:28 AM EDT
1 of 15
By Catherine Bremer
PARIS (Reuters) - France said on Friday it still backed action to punish Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government for an apparent poison gas attack on civilians, despite a British parliamentary vote against it.
An aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, a close Assad ally, seized on the British no vote as evidence that "people are beginning to understand" the dangers of military action.
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said his country would keep seeking an international coalition to act together on Syria, where hundreds of people were killed in last week's reported chemical attacks. Syria denies using chemical weapons.
"It is the goal of President (Barack) Obama and our government ... whatever decision is taken, that it be an international collaboration and effort," he said.
French President Francois Hollande told the daily Le Monde that he still supported taking "firm" punitive action over an attack he said had caused "irreparable" harm to the Syrian people, adding that he would work closely with France's allies.
Asked if France could take action without Britain, Hollande replied: "Yes. Each country is sovereign to participate or not in an operation. That is valid for Britain as it is for France."
The British parliamentary defeat on Thursday of a government motion on Syria has set back U.S.-led efforts to take military action against Damascus.
Russia fiercely opposes any such action, backing the assertions of Damascus that Syrian rebels were behind the chemical attacks. Putin's senior foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov said the British vote reflected majority opinion in Europe. "People are beginning to understand how dangerous such scenarios are," Ushakov told reporters.
Any military strike looks likely to be delayed at least until U.N. investigators report back after leaving Syria on Saturday.
Hollande is not constrained by the need for parliamentary approval of any move to intervene in Syria and could act, if he chose, before lawmakers debate the issue on Wednesday.
"All the options are on the table. France wants action that is in proportion and firm against the Damascus regime," he said.
"There are few countries that have the capacity to inflict a sanction by the appropriate means. France is one of them. We are ready. We will decide our position in close liaison with our allies," Hollande said.
Britain will not join any armed action in Syria after parliament voted 285-272 against a motion by Prime Minister David Cameron to authorize a military response in principle.
British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond acknowledged that the United States would be disappointed that its close ally would not be involved, but said: "I don't expect that the lack of British participation will stop any action.
U.S. officials suggested Obama would be willing to proceed with limited actions against Syria even without allied support.
"President Obama's decision-making will be guided by what is in the best interests of the United States," White House spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement after the British vote. "He believes that there are core interests at stake for the United States and that countries who violate international norms regarding chemical weapons need to be held accountable."
In a briefing with senior lawmakers on Thursday, Obama administration officials said they had "no doubt" Assad's government had used chemical weapons, U.S. Representative Eliot Engel, who joined the call, told Reuters.
Cameron said he would not override the British parliament. "I strongly believe in the need for a tough response to the use of chemical weapons, but I also believe in respecting the will of this House of Commons," he said after a vote that reflected misgivings stemming from Britain's role in the 2003 Iraq war.
U.S. officials acknowledged on Thursday they lacked proof that Assad personally ordered last week's poison gas attack, and some allies have warned that military action without U.N. Security Council authorization may make matters worse.
On the call with lawmakers, U.S. officials, including Hagel and Secretary of State John Kerry, cited evidence of chemical weapons use including "intercepted communications from high-level Syrian officials", said Engel, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.
After the 90-minute briefing, some lawmakers said the administration still had work to do to convince the public.
"The president is going to have to make his case, I think, to the American people I think before he takes any action," said Republican Howard "Buck" McKeon of California, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.
Expectations of imminent turmoil eased as the diplomatic process was seen playing out into next week, and the White House emphasized that any action would be "very discrete and limited", and in no way comparable with the Iraq war.
Syrian opposition sources said Assad's forces had removed several Scud missiles and dozens of launchers from a base north of Damascus, possibly to protect them from a Western attack, and Russia was reported to be moving ships into the region.
Syria says rebels perpetrated the gas attacks, a version dismissed by Washington and its allies.
U.N. chemical weapons inspectors visited a military hospital in a government-held area of Damascus on Friday to see soldiers affected by an apparent chemical attack, a Reuters witness said.
The inspectors have spent the week visiting rebel-controlled areas on the outskirts of Damascus affected by gas attacks.
Witnesses said the investigators were meeting soldiers at the Mezze Military Airport who state media said were exposed to poison gas after finding chemical agents in a tunnel used by rebels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar last Saturday.
The United Nations says the team will leave Syria on Saturday and report to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
France and Germany urged the world body to pass its report to the Security Council as soon as possible "so that it can fulfill its responsibility with regards to this monstrous crime".
The United States, Britain and France have said action could be taken with or without a Security Council resolution, which would probably be vetoed by Russia. But some countries are more cautious: Italy said it would not join any military operation without Council authorization.
Western diplomats say they are seeking a vote in the 15-member Council to isolate Moscow and demonstrate that other countries are behind air strikes.
A report from Moscow that Russia is sending two warships to the eastern Mediterranean underscored the complications around even a limited military strike, although Russia has said it will not be drawn into military conflict.
Ambassadors of the five veto-wielding permanent Security Council members - the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France - have discussed a draft resolution that would authorize "all necessary force" in response to the alleged gas attack, but made no progress on Thursday, a council diplomat said.
China said there should be no rush to force council action against Syria until the U.N. inspectors complete their work.
"Before the investigation finds out what really happened, all parties should avoid prejudging the results, and certainly ought not to forcefully push for the Security Council to take action," Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Ban in a phone call, Xinhua reported.
"A political resolution is still the only way out," he said.
The International Committee of the Red Cross joined a chorus of voices urging caution, saying further escalation would force more Syrians to flee and worsen the plight of civilians.
According to the U.S. national security officials, evidence that forces loyal to Assad were responsible goes beyond the circumstantial to include electronic intercepts and some tentative scientific samples from the site.
"This was not a rogue operation," one U.S. official said.
In Damascus, residents and opposition forces say Assad's forces appeared to have evacuated most personnel from army and security command headquarters in the centre as a precaution.
People unable to decide whether to leave for neighboring Lebanon said the border was already jammed.
"We're hearing people are spending hours - like 12 or 14 hours - waiting in line at the border," said Nabil, who was considering leaving town for Beirut with his wife and young daughter, "just until the strike is over".
(Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick, Andrea Shalal-Esa, Patricia Zengerle, Steve Holland, Thomas Ferraro and Jeff Mason in Washington, Erika Solomon and Oliver Holmes in Beirut, Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Amman, Sarah Marsh in Berlin, Timothy Heritage in Moscow, Phil Stewart in Manila, Louis Charbonneau and Michelle Nichols at the United Nations and Andrew Osborn, Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Peter Apps in London; Writing by Alistair Lyon; editing by David Stamp)
قناة سوريا ليوم -Syria channel today
صورة نادرة من احدى الصحف العربية التي تعود لعشرينيات القرن الماضي وهي تندد بجريمة هدم الآثار الإسلامية في مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة من قبل اسرة آل سعود كما هو منشور انذاك و بما نصه
1 - هدم آل سعود، البيت الذي ولد فيه النبي العربي (محمد بن عبد الله)، بـ (شعب الهواشم)
2 - هدم آل سعود، بيت السيدة (خديجة بنت خويلد)، زوجة النبي وأول امرأة آمنت برسالته الإنسانية.
3 - هدم آل سعود، بيت (أبي بكر)، ويقع بمحلة (المسفلة) بمكة
4 - هدم آل سعود، البيت الذي ولدت فيه (فاطمة بنت محمد)، وهو في (زقاق الحجر) بمكة المكرمة
5 - هدم آل سعود، بيت (حمزة بن عبد المطلب) عم النبي وأول شهيد في الإسلام (الأصح أن حمزة هو سيد الشهداء، وليس أولهم)
6 - هدم آل سعود، بيت (الأرقم) وهو أول بيت تكونت فيه الخلايا الثورية المحمدية وكان يجتمع فيه الرسول سراً مع أصحابه
7 - هدم آل سعود، قبور الشهداء الواقعة في (المعلى)، وبعثروا رفاتهم
8 - هدم آل سعود، قبور الشهداء في (بدر). وكذلك هدموا مكان العريش « التاريخي » الذي نصب للنبي العربي القائد الأعظم وهو يشرف ويقود معركة الفقراء المسحوقين ضد أغنياء اليهود وقريش!…
9 - هدم آل سعود، البيت الذي ولد فيه (علي بن أبي طالب) و(الحسن) و(الحسين)…
10 - سرق آل سعود الذهب الموجود في القبة الخضراء ووضعوه سيوفاً وخناجر وأحزمة تربط في أسفلها أغطية ذهبية لفروج حريمهم ، وقباقيب ذهبية وأحذية وخواتم وخلاخيل وأساور.
11 - دمر آل سعود، (بقيع الغرقد) في المدينة المنورة حيث يرقد المهاجرون والأنصار من صحابة (محمد) وبعثروا رفاتهم… ولقد هّم بنو (القينقاع) (آل سعود) بتدمير القبة التي تظلل وتضم جثمان صاحب الرسالة (محمد بن عبد الله) ونبشوا ضريحه، لكنهم توقفوا حينما حدثت ضجة كبرى ضدهم، فارتدوا على أعقابهم خاسئين.
كل ذلك بقصد أن لا يبقى أثر واحد من آثار أولئك المؤمنين الأبطال أجداد الإسلام الذين سحقوا أجدادهم (بني القينقاع) و(بني النضير) و(قريظة) وأمثالهم من اليهود ومن معهم ممن حاربوا رسالة نبينا محمد – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم- بالمال وشراء أشباه الرجال.
هؤلاء من يدعمون متأسلمي هذا العصر
Channel - day Syria -Syria channel today
Rare picture of one of the Arab newspapers dating back to the twenties of the last century, which condemns the crime of the demolition of Islamic monuments in Mecca and Medina by the Al Saud family as published at the time and including text
1 - demolition of Al-Saud , the house where he was born Arab Prophet ( Muhammad bin Abdullah ), (b people Alhoashim )
2 - demolition of Al-Saud , Ms. House ( Khadija ) , the wife of the Prophet and the first woman to believe in his message of humanity.
3 - the demolition of Al-Saud, House ( Abu Bakr ) , located Bmahlh the ( Misfalah ) in Mecca
4 - demolition of Al-Saud , the house where she was born (Fatima bint Mohammed ) , which is in the alley stone in Mecca
5 - demolition of Al-Saud , House ( Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib ) uncle of the Prophet and the first martyr in Islam ( rather that Hamzah is the master of the martyrs, and not the first of them )
6 - the demolition of Al-Saud , House ( Al - Arqam ), which is the first house formed the Revolutionary Cells Muhammadiyah was the Prophet meets secretly with his companions
7 - the demolition of Al-Saud , the graves of the martyrs located in ( Alli ) , and scattered their remains
8 - the demolition of Al-Saud , the graves of the martyrs in the ( Badr ). And also tore down the place Arish ' historic ' of the Prophet - styled Arab Quaid - e - Azam which oversees and leads the battle of the downtrodden poor against the rich Jews and Quraish ! ...
9 - demolition of Al-Saud , the house where he was born ( Ali ibn Abi Talib ) and ( Hassan ) and ( Hussein ) ...
10 - Al-Saud stole gold in the green dome and put swords , daggers and connecting belts in the bottom of the golden covers Chicken Harimanm & Clogs , shoes and gold rings , anklets and bracelets.
11 - destroyed the Al-Saud ( Bakie Algrkd ) in Medina , where lying immigrants and supporters of the Companions (Muhammad) and scattered their remains ... We are the sons of ( Agaynha ) ( Al Saud ) destroyed the dome , which rises and includes the body of the author ( Muhammad bin Abdullah ) and نبشوا his tomb , but stopped when the big bang occurred against them , Vartdoa the at back foot خاسئين .
All this in order not to stay the effect of one of the effects of those faithful heroes ancestors of Islam who crushed their grandparents (Brown Agaynha ) and ( Bani Nadir ) and ( Qurayza ) and their ilk from the Jews and with them who fought the message of our Prophet Muhammad - may Allah bless him and his family and him - money and buy semiconductor men.
Those of support Mtaslma of this era
RT News
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