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Saturday, February 05, 2011

A small Turkish private jet has crashed , 7dead

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7 dead, 6 injured in Turkish private jet crash in Iraqi Kurdistan

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 7 dead, 6 injured in Turkish private jet crash in Iraqi

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7 dead, 6 injured in Turkish private jet
crash in Iraqi Kurdistan

February 5, 2011

Kurdistan region 'Iraq', — A small Turkish
private jet has crashed on Friday shortly after
takeoff on Friday in the city of Sulaimaniyah,
Kurdistan region, killing seven people, an airport
official said.

Among the dead were three members of the flight
crew, while the remaining four were technicians and
shareholders with Iraqi mobile phone company
Asiacell, the official said. speaking on condition
of anonymity.

"The plane, which was a small private jet, crashed
shortly after it took off because of bad weather,"
he said. "Seven people have died, including three

The private jet caught fire within seconds of the
take-off and crash-landed on the airport, " Hadi
Amer, an official at the airport told AFP.

Six others onboard the plane survived the crash, but
are injured, he said

"It turned back to try to return to the airport but
crashed at around 5:50 pm (1450 GMT) as it tried to
land," he said.  

File photo.

According to Xinhua the
plane belongs to a local giant group called Faruk.

Among the dead were Bassel Rahim, a shareholder in
the mobile phone operator and the brother of Rand
Rahim, who was the first Iraqi ambassador to
Washington after the 2003 US-led invasion that
ousted dictator Saddam Hussein.

Firefighters battled the flames for more than two
hours before extinguishing the blaze, officials

An investigative committee will travel to
Sulaimaniyah from Baghdad on Saturday to look into
the accident,
Abdullah the airport director said at a news
conference said.

Sulaimaniyah, 270 kilometres north of Baghdad, is
the second biggest city in Iraq's autonomous
Kurdistan region, and is the headquarters of

In February 2006 A small plane carrying at least
four passengers, three of them German,

crashed in

mountainous of Iraqi Kurdistan near the city of
Halabja en route to Kurdistan-Iraq from Azerbaijan.
All passengers on board not survive the crash.


Copyright, respective
author or news agency, AFP | Reuters | Xinhua |
pukmedia.com | ekurd.net


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U.S. military confirms in Dhi Qar, for the forced landing of an aircraft north of the city of Nasiriyah
2011-02-15 03:00:00
News Network Nasiriyah / Alaa al:
A plane belonging to the PRT PRT, made an emergency landing north of the province of Dhi Qar to mechanical reasons, without significant damage.
Spokesman for the U.S. military in Dhi Qar Maj. Alan Brown, Alen Brown said landing a helicopter belonging to the PRT PRT, north-east of the city of Nasiriyah, without causing any damage to its crew.
He added that the plane was in the task of the transfer of a number of team members from the Imam Ali Air Base to another place.
He continued, that led to the mechanical reasons for the plane landed, and did not get any damage to the crew or the present.
He pointed out that a dedicated team to repair the plane went to the scene for the purpose of returning to the airbase.

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