RT News

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

متظاهرون في واسط يحاولون اقتحام مبنى مجلس المحافظة والشرطة تطلق النار لتفريقهم

متظاهرون في واسط يحاولون اقتحام مبنى مجلس المحافظة والشرطة تطلق النار لتفريقهم

بتاريخ : الأربعاء 16-02-2011 01:53 م

الكوفة نيوز-حاول المئات من المتظاهرين من أهالي محافظة واسط ،اليوم الأربعاء، اقتحام مبنى مجلس المحافظة احتجاجا على تردي الخدمات، فيما ردت قوات الشرطة المحلية بإطلاق النار لتفريقهم.وذكرت مصادر مطلعة "أن نحو ألفين من المتظاهرين خرجوا، صباح اليوم بتظاهرة في مدينة الكوت مركز محافظة

واسط، للمطالبة بتحسين الخدمات وتوفير فرص العمل والقضاء على البطالة".
واكدت المصادر "أن المتظاهرين اتجهوا نحو مجلس المحافظة لاقتحامه، فيما ردت الشرطة المحلية بإطلاق النار على المتظاهرين ما ولد ردود فعل غاضبة".
وأوضت المصادر "أن المتظاهرين حطموا الباب الرئيس الخارجي لمبنى المحافظة وأضرموا النيران في المكان".

On: Wednesday 02/16/2011 13:53

Kufa News - Try hundreds of demonstrators from the people of Wasit province, on Wednesday, storming the building of the provincial council in protest against the deterioration of services, as were the local police forces opened fire to disperse them. Informed sources said that "about two thousand demonstrators turned out, this morning a demonstration in the city of Kut province

Wasit, to demand better services and to provide employment opportunities and the elimination of unemployment. "
The sources confirmed that "the demonstrators moved towards the provincial government to break into, while the local police responded by firing on the demonstrators, was born angry reactions."
And Oodt sources "that the demonstrators smashed the front door of a building outside the province and set fire to the place."


مقتل ثلاثة واصابة عشرات في احتجاجات بالعراق
Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:14pm GMT

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1 / 1تكبير للحجم الكاملالكوت (العراق) (رويترز) - قالت مصادر بالشرطة ومصادر طبية ان ثلاثة أشخاص قتلوا وأصيب عشرات في مدينة الكوت بجنوب العراق يوم الاربعاء في اشتباكات بين قوات الامن ومحتجين يطالبون بتحسين الخدمات الاساسية.
وذكرت المصادر ان المحتجين الذين يطالبون باقالة المسؤولين الفاسدين وتحسين الخدمات الاساسية رشقوا قوات الامن بقوالب الطوب والحجارة وسيطروا على مبان حكومية بالمدينة.

وقال مصدر بالشرطة في الكوت ان أحداث العنف أسفرت عن مقتل ثلاثة من المحتجين واصابة حوالي 30 شخصا بينهم 15 من الشرطة


اعلان حضر التجوال في عموم الكوت
16/02/2011 03:52 م

واسط/ أصوات العراق: أعلن قائد شرطة واسط، الاربعاء، إن غرفة عمليات المحافظة قررت فرض حضر التجوال للاشخاص والمركبات في عموم مدينة الكوت على خلفية التظاهرات التي شهدتها.
وأوضح اللواء حسين عبد الهادي لوكالة (أصوات العراق) ان "غرفة عمليات واسط قررت فرض حضر التجوال للاشخاص والمركبات ابتداء من الساعة الرابعة من عصر اليوم والى اشعار اخر"، مبينا أن "قرار الحضر جاء لاعادة ضبط امن المحافظة اثر قيام متظاهرين باعمال عنف اسفرت عن حدوث اضرار في مبنى المحافظة ومجلسها ومنزل المحافظ".
وكان مئات من اهالي مدينة الكوت قد تظاهروا اليوم أمام مبنى مجلس محافظة واسط للمطالبة بتحسين الخدمات ومحاسبة المسؤولين، فيما اقتحم البعض منهم مبنى المجلس وأقدم آخرون على تحطيم زجاج النوافذ بالحجارة مما دعا الشرطة إلى اطلاق اعيرة النار في الهواء.
وعقب ذلك أحرق متظاهرون غاضبون كابينة لحرس حماية مجلس محافظة واسط في مدينة الكوت ومنعوا قوات الشرطة والاطفائية من الاقتراب لاخماد الحريق، ثم أحرق المتظاهرون مكتب ومنزل المحافظ الذي يقع على مقربة من مبنى ديوان المحافظة، بحسب مصدر مطلع.
وتقع مدينة الكوت، مركز محافظة واسط، على مسافة 180 كم جنوب شرق العاصمة بغداد.
غ و(خ-1)- م هـ ا


حرق مبنى محافظة واسط

دبي- الشرقية 16 فبراير: التهمت النيران مبنى محافظة واسط بالكامل بعد ان اقتحمه مئات المتظاهرين الغاضبين على اثر اطلاق قوات الامن التي كانت تحمي المبنى النار ضد المتظاهرين مما ادى الى سقوط عدد من الضحايا بينهم وذكرت مصادر في المحافظة ان المتظاهرين دخلوا بناية المحافظة واحرقوا مبنى الاستعلامات وادارة العقود مطالبين الحكومة المركزية بان يكون المحافظ من ابناء مدينة الكوت ليكون اكثر قربا من معاناة ابنائها.

واضافت المصادر ان عشرات المتظاهرين أصيبوا جراء إطلاق النار الكثيف واستعمال القنابل المسيلة للدموع والصوتية من قبل شرطة حماية واسط مضيفة ان قوات من الجيش طوقت مبنى المحافظة ومجلسها وتجري مباحثات من اجل اخراج المتظاهرين الذين اقتحموا البنايتين. وتذكر الشرقية بالرابط الموجود على الموقع الالكتروني للقناة والذي يتيح للمواطنين تحميل أي مقطع يخص الشأن العام أويتناول مشكلة عامة كما نشاهد في هذه الصور التي تم تحميلها للموقع باستخدام كاميرا شخصية

متظاهرون عراقيون يحرقون مبنى محافظة واسط بعد اقتحامه وهروب المحافظ منه

بغداد: اصيب عدد غير محدد من المتظاهرين العراقيين بجروح برصاص اطلقته الشرطة لتفريق تظاهرة انطلقت في مدينة الكوت، مركز محافظة واسط في جنوب العراق، فيما أفادت مصادر في المدينة بهروب المحافظ وكبار المسؤولين المحليين من المبنى بعد اقتحامه من قبل المتظاهرين الغاضبين واحراقه بعد إزالة الحواجز الكونكريتية المحيطة به.
وقال مصدر محلي، طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه، "اطلقت شرطة حماية محافظة واسط وقوة من مكافحة الشغب النار والقنابل الصوتية والمسيلة للدموع كما فتحت خراطيم المياه لتفريق متظاهرين اقتحموا مبنى المحافظة، ما أسفر عن إصابة عدد منهم بجروح مختلفة".
وأضاف المصدر "اقتحم المتظاهرون والذين يربو عددهم على الفي متظاهر مبنى المحافظة وسيطروا على جميع مكاتبها، كما أحرقوا أربع سيارات تابعة للحكومة المحليه، فيما هرب المحافظ لطيف حمد الطرفه وأغلب مسؤولي المحافظة الى جهة مجهولة".
وردت الشرطة المحلية على المتظاهرين بإطلاق النار بكثافة ما اشعل نيران الغضب في اوساط المتظاهرين الذين اقدموا على حرق مبنى المحافظة بعد ازالة الحواجز الكونكريتية المحيطة به.
وكان زعيم التيار الصدري مقتدى الصدر دعا، الاثنين أتباعه إلى التظاهر ضد الاحتلال واحتجاجا على نقص الخدمات، مشدداً على أهمية أن تكون التظاهرات سلميةً وبمشاركة القوى الأخرى.
وتشهد بغداد ومدن عراقية اخرى منذ نحو أسبوعين تظاهرات شعبية محاكاة للتظاهرات التي شهدتها تونس ومصر والتي أسفرت عن سقوط نظامي الحكم فيهما


ثورة الغضب العراقية : هروب اعضاء مجلس محافظة واسط وحرق مبنى المحافظة بعد اقتحامها
الكاتب وطن
الأربعاء, 16 فبراير 2011 17:29

خارج السرب

أعلن النائب عن كتلة الاحرار "كتلة التيارالصدري"، المنضوية في التحالف الوطني، الشيعي، كاظم الصيادي هروب محافظ واسط واعضاء مجلس المحافظة الى خارج المحافظ، بينما افادت مصادر محلية عن مصرع شخص وجرح 27 آخرين برصاص الشرطة.

وقال الصيادي، في مؤتمر صحافي عقده في مبنى مجلس النواب الاربعاء، ان "محافظ واسط لطيف حمد الطرفة واعضاء مجلس المحافظة هربوا الى خارج المحافظة على خلفية تظاهرة سلمية انطلقت في المحافظة الاربعاء".

في غضون ذلك قالت مصادر بالشرطة ومصادر طبية إن ثلاثة أشخاص قتلوا وأصيب عشرات في مدينة الكوت بجنوب العراق الأربعاء في اشتباكات بين قوات الأمن ومحتجين يطالبون بتحسين الخدمات الأساسية.

وذكرت المصادر إن المحتجين الذين يطالبون بإقالة المسؤولين الفاسدين وتحسين الخدمات الأساسية رشقوا قوات الأمن بقوالب الحجارة وسيطروا على مبان حكومية بالمدينة.

وقال مصدر بالشرطة في الكوت إن أحداث العنف أسفرت عن مقتل ثلاثة من المحتجين وإصابة حوالي 30 شخصا بينهم 15 من الشرطة.

وأعلن مصدرمن هيئة رئاسة مجلس النواب العراقي أن هيئة رئاسة البرلمان طلبت من عدد من البرلمانيين وممثلي محافظة واسط بالبرلمان التوجه الى محافظة واسط، والاستماع الى مطالب المتظاهرين هناك.

واحرق المتظاهرون مبنى المحافظة بعدما تصدى حراس مبنى المحافظة لهم بالرصاص والقنابل المسيله للدموع مما ادى الى سقوط العديد من الضحايا في صفوف المتظاهرين .

واضاف الصيادي "المحافظة تشهد حاليا انتشارا امنيا كثيفا والامر لا يستحق كل هذا، لكون التظاهرة سلمية وكون المتظاهرين يطالبون بامور مشروعة منها تحسين الخدمات ومفردات البطاقة التموينية التي اصبحت معجزة للحكومة".

ودعا الاجهزة الامنية في واسط الى احترام حق التظاهرالسلمي للتعبير عن مطالب المواطنين.

وكان مئات المتظاهرين اقتحموا مبنى مجلس محافظة واسط واحرقوا مبنى المحافظة واكشاك الحماية والبوابة الرئيسة.

وحمل المتظاهرون الغاضبون شعارات ورددوا هتافات تندد بتردي الاوضاع الامنية وعدم توفير الخدمات الاساسية وتفاقم البطالة وانتشار الفساد المالي والاداري في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية.

وقال مصدر محلي، طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه، "اطلقت شرطة حماية محافظة واسط وقوة من مكافحة الشغب النار والقنابل الصوتية والمسيلة للدموع كما فتحت خراطيم المياه لتفريق متظاهرين اقتحموا مبنى المحافظة، ما أسفر عن إصابة عدد منهم بجروح مختلفة".

وأضاف المصدر "اقتحم المتظاهرون والذين يربو عددهم على الفي متظاهر مبنى المحافظة وسيطروا على جميع مكاتبها، كما أحرقوا أربع سيارات تابعة للحكومة المحليه، فيما هرب المحافظ لطيف حمد الطرفه وأغلب مسؤولي المحافظة الى جهة مجهولة".

وردت الشرطة المحلية على المتظاهرين بإطلاق النار بكثافة ما اشعل نيران الغضب في اوساط المتظاهرين الذين اقدموا على حرق مبنى المحافظة بعد ازالة الحواجز الكونكريتية المحيطة به.

وكان زعيم التيار الصدري مقتدى الصدر دعا، امس الاول أتباعه إلى التظاهر ضد الاحتلال واحتجاجا على نقص الخدمات، مشدداً على أهمية أن تكون التظاهرات سلميةً وبمشاركة القوى الأخرى.

وتشهد بغداد ومدن عراقية اخرى منذ نحو أسبوعين تظاهرات شعبية محاكاة للتظاهرات التي شهدتها تونس ومصر والتي اسفرت عن سقوط نظامي الحكم فيهما.

ووصف قيادي في المجلس الإسلامي الأعلى الأربعاء التظاهرات التي تشهدها المحافظات العراقية مطلبية ودستورية غير مسيسة تعبرعن مطالب المواطنين، داعيا إلى دعمها وعدم التصدي لها بالقوة، كما طالب بإصلاح النظام القضائي في البلاد.

ثورة عراقية خالصة

وقال صدر الدين القبانجي في كلمة خلال مؤتمر لعلماء دين شيعة وسنة للتقريب بين المذهبين عقد لمناسبة المولد لنبوي إن "الشعب العراقي ضاق ذرعا من نقص الخدمات التي وصل إلى حد لا يطاق، عازيا السبب إلى الفساد المالي والإداري وعدم الإخلاص في تأدية الواجب".

ودعا القبانجي إلى دعم تلك التظاهرات والاستماع إليها، معربا عن أسفه للاتهامات التي توجه للمتظاهرين الضعفاء بأنهم يتحركون بأجندات خارجية أو سياسية.

واعتبر القيادي في المجلس الاعلى أن الشباب الذين سقطوا في التظاهرات للمطالبة بحقوقهم شهداء، داعيا الحكومة إلى الاعتذار من الشعب ومن هؤلاء الشهداء، منتقدا المسؤولين الذين يتحدثون لوسائل الإعلام عن حريات مكفولة بينما ممارساتهم شيء اخر.

يشار الى ان بغداد ومدن عراقية اخرى تشهد منذ نحو أسبوعين تظاهرات تطالب بالخدمات والامن والقضاء على البطاله والفساد محاكاة للتظاهرات التي شهدتها تونس ومصر ما اسفر عن سقوط نظامي الحكم فيهما.

Read more: ثورة الغضب العراقية : هروب اعضاء مجلس محافظة واسط وحرق مبنى المحافظة بعد اقتحامها | خارج السرب http://www.watan.com/خارج-السرب/ثورة-الغضب-العراقية-هروب-اعضاء-مجلس-محافظة-واسط-وحرق-مبنى-المحافظة-بعد-اقتحامها.html#ixzz1E9LUmx9E

Middle East

Iraqis attack government offices

Three people killed in clashes with security forces as protesters break into public offices and set buildings on fire.
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2011 16:17 GMT
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About 2,000 protesters marched in Kut to demand better services before storming the council building [Reuters]

Three people have been killed and dozens wounded in clashes between security forces and protesters in a southern Iraqi province, after around 2,000 people attacked government offices in protest over poor services.

Protesters took threw rocks and took over a provincial council building in Kut in Wasit province, about 160km southeast of Baghdad, on Wednesday. Three government buildings were set on fire, including the governor's official residence.
A police source in Kut said three protesters were killed in clashes and about 30 wounded, including 15 policemen. A hospital source said one of the dead was a 16-year-old boy who suffered a bullet to the chest.

Punishment pledged

Officials said policemen and soldiers fired their weapons into the air in a bid to dissuade protesters, while private security guards employed by Wasit council opened fire directly into the crowd.

"Those were private guards, only they fired at the protesters. They were outside the law," police Brigadier General Hussein Jassim told AFP. "Our forces only fired into the air."

Major Mohammed Saleh, the senior police intelligence officer in Kut, said: "Measures will be taken against the private guards but after the situation has calmed down."

Demonstrators are demanding Latif Hamad al-Tarfa, the provincial governor, resign over poor basic services such as electricity and water.

They held up placards that said, "To all citizens: Electricity is only for officials", a reference to Iraq's dramatic shortfall in power provision.

"We demand that our rights be met, that we have better services and that the authorities fight corruption," Ali Mohsen, a 54-year-old professor at Wasit university, said.

"We demand that the governor resign ... all we need is services."

An official told Al Jazeera that protesters were enraged by comments by al-Tarfa belittling demonstrators at a much smaller protest a week ago.

Two killed, 47 hurt in Iraq protest violenceThu Feb 17, 2011 8:17pm GMT
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1 of 1Full SizeBy Khalid al-Ansary
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Two people were killed and 47 wounded during a protest in the northern Iraqi city of Sulaimaniya Thursday, sources said, as Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called for demonstrations to be kept peaceful.

Protests also hit the southern city of Kut, the oil hub of Basra, the northern oil city of Kirkuk and other towns -- the latest in a series of demonstrations against local governments and demanding an end to food and power shortages.

Unlike anti-government uprisings in other parts of the Middle East, the Iraqi protesters usually have not demanded the overthrow of their government -- an elected one formed less than two months ago. But some have voiced direct anger at Maliki.

"The demonstrations are protected and here I say that the security forces are not allowed to use any force against any demonstrations," Maliki said at a news conference in Baghdad.

"I say to the protesters, this is your right, (but) without violence," he said. "Don't allow troublemakers to incite problems and burn offices because this is sabotage and corruption."

In Sulaimaniya, witnesses said clashes occurred when about 1,000 protesters looking to oust the local government and demanding better basic services threw stones at the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, headed by Masoud Barzani, president of Iraq's semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region.

"This is Tahrir Square. Do you remember Mubarak?" protesters chanted, referring to the Egyptian uprising.

Witnesses said security guards at the party headquarters fired shots in response to the stone-throwing. A police source and a medical source said two people died and 47 others were wounded. It was not clear how the deaths and injuries occurred.

In Arbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, fire damaged the offices of a KDP rival, the Goran political party, according to a party official.


In the southern city of Kut, a second day of unrest brought some 700 people to the local government building, where clashes Wednesday killed three people and wounded 59 during one of the largest and most violent of the recent protests.

Protesters erected tents and said they would camp out.

"We will maintain our sit-in in this square until our demands are met," said Mohammed Halloul, 50.

Calling for the resignation of the provincial governor, demonstrators brought mattresses, blankets, water and other supplies to spend the night. A donkey with "the governor" spray-painted on its side appeared in the square.

Many protests have decried the lack of reliable electricity. Maliki said the government was making headway.

"It is a matter of time, which doesn't exceed between 12 and 15 months, and the electricity crisis will end, totally," he said. "Therefore I call upon citizens to cooperate and understand this issue.

"Most of the demands people are making are legitimate."

In Basra, a hub for foreign oil companies working to increase production from Iraq's rich oil fields, about 250 residents held a peaceful rally demanding jobs.
In Kirkuk, about 100 vendors protested a government decision to remove them from a bridge where they sold their wares.

In the southern town of Nassir, a small group of protesters set fires in a government building, a witness said.

(Reporting by Jaafar al-Taie in Kut, Aref Mohammed in Basra, Mustafa Mahmoud in Kirkuk, Shamal Aqrawi in Arbil and Suadad al-Salhy in Baghdad; writing by Jim Loney; editing by Andrew Roche)


Parliament stops work to listen to Iraqis' gripes
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Residents protest to demand for better basic services in Baghdad February 19, 2011.
Credit: Reuters/Ali al-Mashhdani
By Suadad al-Salhy

BAGHDAD, Iraq | Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:39am EST

BAGHDAD, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraq's parliament has suspended work for a week and sent lawmakers to their home areas to help soothe rising anger over corruption, food shortages and poor services, the speaker of parliament said on Monday.

Iraq has been hit in recent weeks by a growing wave of protests inspired by anti-government uprisings across the Arab world. While Iraqi demonstrators mostly have not called for the ouster of the elected federal government, installed just two months ago, they have demanded that local officials step down.

Three people were killed and dozens wounded in Sulaimaniya, in Iraq's semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region, in the last three days as hundreds of protesters took to the streets.

Demonstrations have taken place in Basra, Falluja, Kirkuk and other cities.

The new government was formed in December, nine months after an inconclusive national election. Iraq is struggling to establish democratic institutions nearly eight years after a U.S.-led invasion toppled dictator Saddam Hussein.

"We asked all members to head to all Iraqi provinces ... They will be working for more than a week," speaker Osama al-Nujaifi told a news conference.

The lawmakers will be in their provinces "until they receive all complaints and see the weaknesses and problems ... to look for solutions in partnership with non-governmental organisations, local governments (and other parties)."

The suspension of parliamentary sessions is the latest in a series of moves by politicians, unnerved by uprisings across the Arab world, to curb rising anger.

The government has offered Iraqis free electricity, bought sugar to support food rations and diverted $900 million from the purchase of combat jets to the ration program. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki also said he would cut his pay by half.Nujaifi said the $82.6 billion national budget passed on Sunday contains ambitious plans to help Iraqis, including reduced salaries and benefits for the prime minister, president and speaker, their deputies, and ministers.

"I'd say that this budget will create a new situation for the Iraqi people, to achieve the legitimate demands of the people for a dignified life," Nujaifi said.

He also said parliament would reopen corruption cases from past years and asked Iraqis to give lawmakers time.

"The government just started, about two months ago ... we have to give it a chance," he said. "The Iraqi people are smart, courageous people, but they have to be conscious of the need to support the government's proposal for reform."

(Editing by Jim Loney and Mark Trevelyan)


قوات الامن تمنع المتظاهرين من التجمع في واسط

واسط – الشرقية 25 فبراير : تجمع العشرات من المواطنين المتظاهرين في ساحة مجلس محافظة واسط في مدينة الكوت وسط اجراءات امنية مشددة للمطالبة بتحسين الواقع الخدمي والمعاشي .

وقد فرضت الاجهزة الامنية طوقا امنيا على مبنى المحافظة والمجلس ومنعت وصول المركبات اليه لحماية المتظاهرين الذين يمثلون مختلف الفئات الشعبية .

وقال احد المتظاهرين ان التظاهرة سلمية وعلى هذا الاساس شاركوا فيها ولن يسمحوا لاي شخص بالتجاوز على الممتلكات العامة او على العناصر الامنية .

واوضح ان معظم مطالب المتظاهرين تتعلق باقالة المحافظ وتوفير مفردات البطاقة التموينية والطاقة الكهربائية والاسراع بتنفيذ المشاريع العمرانية اضافة الى تقديم المفسدين الحكوميين الى القضاء.


Fire Devours Trade Shopping Market in Kut
6/3/2011 12:02 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: In the second accident in three days, fire devoured a number of marketing shops, according to civil defense department source said today.

The department attributed the cause to electrical failure.

The source informed Aswat al-Iraq that the damages affected a number of shops in addition to carpentry factories, but it was extinguished in time.

"No human casualties were reported, because the fire was in the early morning hours", the source added.

Fire breaks out occasionally in the province due electricity failure, the last was on Wednesday in a building where Rafidain Bank office is located with housing flats, which resulted in killing one woman and two of her children, as well as burning to other people, who were promptly hospitalized.

Kut city, the center of Wassit province, lies 180 km southeast of the capital, Baghdad.


U.S. Minesweeper damaged in Kut blast
6/1/2011 12:54 PM
WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A U.S. minesweeper has been damaged by an explosive charge that blew up against an American Army patrol in southern Iraq’s Nu’maniya township in Wassit Province on Wednesday, a Wassit police source said.

“A U.S. Army’s minesweeper was set on fire and damaged, when an explosive charge blew up against an American Army patrol that was passing through Nu’maniya township, 40 km to the north of Kut on Wednesday,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

There have not yet been any reports on any casualties, the source noted.

He said the U.S. forces had beaten a number of police officers, who were at the venue of the blast when it took place, giving no further details.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the south of Baghdad.


U.S. Army patrol attacked in Kut, south Iraq
5/30/2011 12:14 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: An explosive charge blew off against a U.S. Army patrol in southern Iraq’s Kut city on Monday, but losses were not known, a Wassit security source said.

“An explosive charge blew off in southern Iraq’s Kut’s main street against an American Army patrol early on Monday,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said the U.S. forces have imposed a cordon around the venue of the blast, preventing people to approach the place, whilst Iraqi police forces closed all the roads leading to the area.

On its part, Aswat al-Iraq tried to reach the American side, but failed.

Kut had witnessed several attacks on U.S. Army patrols during the current month of May, one of them causing damage to an U.S. Army vehicle and another wounding a civilian woman and her daughter that were close to the venue of one of the attacks.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


U.S. patrol attacked in south Iraq’s Kut city
5/17/2011 11:09 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: An explosive charge blew off against a U.S. military patrol in Kut city, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Tuesday, a Wassit police source said.

“An explosive charge blew off against an American military patrol in central Kut on Tuesday, but human and material losses were not known,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said the American forces opened random fire after the blast and imposed a security cordon around the venue of the explosion.

An explosive charge had blown off against an American Army patrol close to Kut’s central garage last Sunday, causing damage to vegetable and fruit shops, along with civilian cars.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Curfew imposed on Kut city after attack on U.S. patrol
5/16/2011 9:54 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Southern Iraq’s Wassit Province’s Operations Chamber had imposed a night curfew on all vehicles and pedestrians in the city of Kut, the center of the Province, after an attack on a U.S. Army patrol on Sunday, a Wassit police source said.

“Wassit’s Operations Chamber had imposed a curfew on vehicles and persons in Kut, beginning from mid night and till 05:00 am on Monday,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said the decision was taken to restore security to the city, and to avoid further armed attacks.

The decision took place after an explosive charge blast that targeted a U.S. Army patrol close the main city garage in Kut city on Sunday, causing several injuries among civilians and damaging many fruit, vegetable shops and cars in the area.


Explosion in Kut against U.S. patrol
5/16/2011 9:42 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A strong explosion that shook the city of Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province, on Sunday, was caused by an explosive charge blast targeted against a U.S. Army patrol, a Wassit police source said.

“An explosive charge, targeted against an American Army patrol, close to Kut’s Central Garage on Sunday, had caused damage to the main street, fruit and vegetable shops and civilian cars in the area,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

An eyewitness said that one of the U.S. patrol’s cars was damaged due to the explosion, adding that the U.S. and Iraqi police had imposed a cordon around the venue of the blast, preventing media and civilians to get close to it.

The eyewitness told Aswat al-Iraq news agency that he saw ambulance cars driving a number of injured persons to al-Zahraa Hospital in Kut, whilst a medical source said that the blast did not cause any human casualties.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


URGENT / Big explosion hits Kut
5/15/2011 8:56 PM
WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A big explosion today hit the city of Kut, Wassit province, security sources informed Aswat al-Iraq.

The explosion took place in front of the city's main parking garage, the sources added.

No details were given on any casualties or the nature of the explosion .

Strict security measures were taken in the area.


Civilian killed in southern Kut
5/2/2011 9:51 PM
WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Unknown gunmen killed a civilian in southern Kut on Monday, according to a security source.
“Unknown gunmen attacked a civilian in al-Falahiya neighborhood, southern Kut, using light weapons, killing him instantly,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.
“Police started an investigation into the incident,” he added.
Kut, the capital of Wassit, is 180 km southeast of Baghdad.


Demonstrators in Kut demand services improvement
4/30/2011 1:49 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Saturday, gathering in front of the Province’s council building, demanding the improvement of services and accounting the corrupt elements in the Province.

“Hundreds of Kut citizens have gathered in a peaceful demonstration, in front of Kut Province’s Council building on Saturday, in protest to the deteriorated public services, accounting of corruptors, and demanding an end to the Iraqi Dujaila Company’s link with the Jordanian side,” demonstrator, Hussein Hamid told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Another demonstrator, Imad Zamel, said; “we are part of the families, residing on a land, allocated for the construction of Kut Sports City, who have been deported to a village away from the city, without compensating us.”

“The village, residents of whom had exceeded 400 families, were not covered with pure water and electricity services, whilst their majority were kept in tents, suffering from difficult circumstances,” Zemel told Aswat al-Iraq.

A third demonstrator, Abed Salman, said: “we are about 250 employees in the Iraqi-Jordanian Company, operating according to self-finance system.”

He said that the Company had stopped activity since many years, thing that made us demand the Iraqi Agriculture Ministry to shift our demands to the Ministry of Industry & Minerals, which had rejected our demands.”

“Ending the Iraqi Dujeila Company’s link with the Jordanian side is necessary to transfer its employees from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Industry & Minerals, is important, because we are keeping families and children, and we don’t have another source of living,” Salman said.

On his part, Wassit’s Governor, Mahdi al-Zubeidy, received the demands of the demonstrators, promising to implement them, according to his authorities and raise the other demands to the higher authorities to study and implement them.

A Wassit Province’s Police official had said early in the day that Kut city had witnessed extensive security measures around government institutions, in prelude to the demonstration, expected to demand the departure of the U.S. forces from Iraq.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Security measures in Kut to face a broad demonstration.
4/30/2011 10:08 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Southern Iraq’s city of Kut had witnessed extensive security measures on Saturday, in preparation to face a demonstration, demanding the withdrawal of the American forces from Iraq, a Wassit police source said.

“Kut had witnessed today (Saturday) extensive security measures by Army and police forces in the main streets and a round government offices, in prelude to a demonstration, scheduled to take place later in the day, demanding the U.S. forces to leave the country on their scheduled time,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

A huge demonstration is expected to take place in Kut on Saturday, demanding the departure of the U.S. forces from Iraq on their scheduled time at the end of this year, and in protest to the deterioration of public services and the, shortage of the government Rationing List and unemployment.

Wassit had witnessed broad demonstrations on Wednesday, on Feb.16 last, during which the offices of the Province’s building, its Council, the Governor’s office and his residence, in protest to the deteriorated services, shortage of the Rationing List, delay of the Governor’s resignation and necessity to account corruptors, that caused 54 injuries and one person killed.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the south of Baghdad.


Hospital in Kut admits 7 wounded Chinese oil company workers
6/13/2011 2:14 PM
WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A hospital in southern Iraq’s city of Kut has received 7 injured workers from the Chinese Oasis Company for Oil Extraction for treatment who were injured in a road accident, al-Zahraa Hospital source said on Monday.

“Al-Zahraa Public Hospital in Kut has received early on Monday 7 injured workers of the Chinese Oasis Company for Oil Extraction in al-Ahdab Oil Field, 25 km to the west of Kut, to receive treatment. Some of the injured are in serious condition, and have been sent to Baghdad Hospital” the hospital source said.

The source reported that the cause of the injuries remains unknown, but he quoted the Oil Field’s administration as having stated that “the injuries were caused by an accident inside the Field,” giving no further details.

The Chinese Oasis Oil Company had started works to implement al-Ahdab Oil Field in April, 2009, at an investment cost of US$3 billion (b), to produce crude oil averaging 115,000 barrels per day (bpd. In addition, they use the gas extracted from the oil field and part of the crude oil to supply northern Kut’s al-Zubeidiya Electricity Station.

Al-Ahdab Oil Field in al-Ahrar village, 25 km to the west of Kut, is one of the Iraqi oil fields that were not invested in, which is hoped to produce 200,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd). The oil field was discovered in 1979.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.



Source: preventing a demonstration in al-Kut to demand the exit of U.S. forces and improve services
10/06/2011 14:40

Wasit / Aswat al-Iraq: A member of the Preparatory Committee for the demonstration was scheduled to be launched on Friday in the city of Kut, that security measures prevented them from setting up demonstration, which was hoped to organize to demand the exit of U.S. forces in a timely manner and improve services.
Jawad al-Saray told (Voices of Iraq) that "the procedures secretary taken by the province prevented a demonstration was scheduled to start after the prayer of noon today (Friday) in front of the governorate building in Kut to demand the exit of U.S. forces and activate the services of electricity and flooring and clothing the streets which are now in case no satisfaction of the sons of the city. "
The city of Kut today (Friday), tight security, was the spread of intensive detachments of the army and police in the streets and around the institutions and government departments and buildings to maintain and Council, in preparation for the start of a popular demonstration demanding clear of U.S. troops from the country on schedule and Tefial services.
He added: "The police prevented us from demonstrating the pretext of non-Asthsna approval of the Supreme Security Committee in the province to launch the demonstration."
He pointed out that "the police told the organizers of the demonstration that the Ministry of Interior recently issued a decision not to allow for the start of any event only after obtaining the approval of the Minister of the Interior exclusively."
For his part, said a security source in Wasit province, said that no one had to apply to organize a demonstration on Friday, across the province,
The source told (Voices of Iraq) that "any political or religious or civil society organizations did not apply to the province or to the police command to set up demonstrations or rallies in the province."
He explained: "We will not oppose the establishment of peaceful demonstrations across the province, provided that the organizers pledge not to provoke riots and anarchy and set a date and place of departure of demonstrators gathered in order to provide the necessary security force to protect them."
The town of Kut, Wasit province, 180 km southeast of the capital Baghdad.

Iraq's Kut province votes to ban US troops
Wed Jun 8, 2011 3:50PM
Wisam al-Bayati, Press TV, Kut Province
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The provincial council of Kut city, the center of southern Iraq's Wassit province has voted for the withdrawal of US forces from the city.

The main reason behind the vote, the council members say is that the US forces have committed many crimes in the city like arresting civilians without an arrest warrant from Iraqi justice system.

Welcoming the vote, the Kut Mayor, said that the US has made nothing since signing the withdrawal agreement with Iraq. Kut Mayor also said that for the time being the Iraqi forces have made considerable progress turning them qualified to handle the security of the country.

Living under occupation for the last 8 years, Iraqis in Kut say the vote was the best news they have got in recent years.

Since the US administration has signed the withdrawal agreement with its Iraqi counterpart, the US maintained its presence in the Iraqi cities and towns, which as observers say, is considered a clear violation to the conditions of the withdrawal agreement.


U.S. Army patrol attacked by explosive charge in Wassit
6/14/2011 9:37 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A U.S.
Army patrol has been attacked by an explosive charge in the city of Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Monday, according to an Iraqi police source.

“An explosive charge, planted by unknown gunmen at the northern entrance of the city of Kut, has blown up against a U.S.
Army patrol, but losses were not known,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said the American forces have imposed a security cordon around the venue of the attack, whilst U.S. planes flew over the city.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Iron factory in Wassit
6/13/2011 7:17 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: The head of Wassit's Investment Commission today laid down the cornerstone for an iron and steel factory at a cost of 24 million dollars.

This is the first factory to be established in the province for the last 40 years, the province's media director stated.

Majid al-Attabi told Aswat al-Iraq that the factory will be established in Aziziyah area, 90 km north of Kut, by an Iraqi investor.

The first factory was erected 40 years ago for textile industries, which was governmental.

The factory will provide 150 work opportunities in addition to 15 percent of foreign workers with engineering specializations.

Wassit's Investment Commission gave permission, since its establishment in 2007, 10 permits in different sectors.

Kut, the center of Wassit province, lies 180 km south east of the capital, Baghdad.


69 companies blacklisted in Wassit Province
6/27/2011 2:26 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Wassit's Provincial Council has announced on Monday that 69 local companies for general contracts have been blacklisted, due to their failure to implement the projects they had signed in the Province, Wassit’s Governor said.

“Our Province has blacklisted 69 local companies for general contracts, together with their managers, and suspended their work, due to their failure in implementing service contracts’ projects they had signed in the Province,” Wassit’s Governor Mahdi al-Zubaidy told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said that work “had continued in 136 projects for the development of the Province, for which over 80 billion (b) dinars were allocated for from the Province’s budget.”

“The Province shall take legal measures against the blacklisted companies in the event that they enter the work under other names and burdening them with the loss that had been caused to the public property,” he stressed, adding that “the contracts that were withdrawn from them would be transferred for other companies.”

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Truck, loaded with rocket-launchers, uncovered in Wassit
7/3/2011 10:09 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A police patrol has discovered a truck, loaded with rocket-launchers, in southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Saturday, a Wassit Police source reported.

“A police patrol had discovered a truck, loaded with 5 rocket-launchers in Badra township, 90 km to the east of Kut, the center of Wassit Province on Saturday night,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq.

He said that police reports had discovered that the said rocket-launchers were used three days ago in launching 3 rockets on the Shaker Military base, used by the U.S. forces in Badra city.

Noteworthy is that the Shaker Military Base, 90 km to the east of Kut, used as a base for the U.S.
forces, had been target for a 3 Katusha rockets attack on Wednesday, June 29, 2011, but the losses were not known.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Military base in Kut, south Iraq, under 3 rocket attack
7/5/2011 9:14 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A military base, used by the Multinational Forces in southern Iraq’s city of Kut, has come under a 3 Katusha rocket attack on Monday night, but losses were not known, a security source reported.

“A group of unknown armed men launched an attack by 3 Katusha rockets against the Delta military base, used by the Multinational Forces, 7 km to the west of Kut, the center of Wassit Province, on Monday night,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said that police forces headed towards the area, from where the rockets were launched, in al-Jihad district, west of Kut, searching for the attackers.

No official confirmation was issued by the Multinational Forces in Delta base whether the rocket attack had caused any losses.

Noteworthy is that the Shaker base in Badra township, 90 km to the east of Kut, also used as a base by the Multinational Forces, had been target for a 3 Katusha rocket attack last week, wounding a number of American soldiers.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Rocket falls on fuel tank behind Baghdad’s al-Rashid Hotel
7/5/2011 9:22 AM

BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: A rocket fell on a fuel store, behind west Baghdad’s 5-star al-Rashid Hotel, causing a huge fire, a security source said on Monday.

“A Katusha rocket fell on a fuel store, behind al-Rashid Hotel, causing a huge fire,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Eyewitnesses said they saw fire and smoke coming out from the area, where the rocket fell, whilst ambulance and fire-extinguishing cars headed towards the area, giving no further details.


Explosive charge blows up against U.S. Army patrol in Kut, south Iraq
7/12/2011 9:18 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A U.S.
Army patrol had been attacked by an explosive charge in the city of Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Monday night, but losses were not known, an Iraqi police source reported.

“An explosive charge blew off close to the U.S.
Delta Military base, 7 km to the west of Kut, against an American military patrol on Monday night, but losses were not known,” the police source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said that the American forces imposed a security cordon around the area of the attack, whilst U.S. jets flew over Kut city after the attack.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


Kut's Shakir Air Base handed over
7/20/2011 7:33 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: The Iraqi army in Wassit province received Shakir aerial base as part of the implementation of the security agreement signed between Iraq and the U.S., U.S.
sources said today.

The source told Aswat al-Iraq that the base lies 90 km east of Kut city witnessed a series of collaboration between the two sides in preserving security in the province.

Delta base, 7 km west of Kut is still in the hands of U.S.
It is expected to be handed over at the date of the withdrawal at the end of this year.

Kut, the center of Wassit province, lies 180 km southeast of the capital, Baghdad.


Mass grave found in Kut
7/20/2011 7:12 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: A mass grave was discovered north of Kut, a police source disclosed today.

The source told Aswat al-Iraq that "a group of workers found the mass grave today while they were working on the ring road north of Kut city."

"The victims wore civilian clothing, and appeared to be victims of the violent Samarra sectarian attacks in 2006", the source added.

Construction was halted and the Human Rights Ministry was informed accordingly to ensure appropriate removal of the bodies.

Kut, the center of Wassit province, lies 180 km south east of the capital, Baghdad.


Tribal conflict kills 8, injures dozens in Wassit
8/14/2011 8:39 AM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: At least 8 persons have been killed and dozens injured in a tribal clash between two tribes in Dujeila area, south of Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province on Saturday, a Wassit police source reported.

“A tribal clash broke out between the ‘Dalfawiyeen’ and the ‘Fahdawiyeen’ tribes on a conflict about land ownership at Dujeila area south of Kut, killing 8 persons and wounding dozens,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said that the injured persons were driven to hospitals for treatment, whilst the police forces were sent to the venue of the clash, giving no further details.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.


U.S. base in Iraq hit by rockets
Published: Aug. 14, 2011 at 11:10 AM
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BAGHDAD, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- The U.S. military's remaining base in Iraq came under rocket attack Sunday but there were apparently no casualties, Iraqi officials told Aswat al-Iraq.

A trio of Katyusha rockets fell on the Delta base in southern Kut, prompting a response from Iraqi police who rushed to the scene to hunt for the unknown insurgents, a Wassit security source told the news agency.

Delta is the lone U.S. base in Iraq and is due to be handed over to the Iraqi government once the withdrawal is completed at the end of the year.

There was no immediate word from the U.S. military on the reported attack.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2011/08/14/US-base-in-Iraq-hit-by-rockets/UPI-84871313334626/#ixzz1V4jIWLoL

URGENT: U.S. Base under 3 Katusha rocket attack in Wassit, south Iraq
8/14/2011 10:28 AM

Delta military base in southern Kut, the center of southern Iraq’s Wassit Province, has come under a three Katusha rocket attack on Sunday morning,” a Wassit security source reported.

“A group of unknown gunmen have launched 3 Katusha rockets from northern Kut’s al-Shuhadaa (Martyrs) district against the U.S.
Delta military base, 7 km to the west of Kut,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“The 3 rockets fell inside the U.S. military base,” he said, adding that “Iraqi police forces had rushed to the venue, where the rockets were fired from, in an attempt to detain their launchers, but gave no further details.

The Delta base is the only place, where the American forces have stayed after handing over all other military positions to the Iraqi side, in a step to implement the Agreement on the withdrawal of the U.S.
forces from Iraqi cities, whilst the Delta base would be handed over to the Iraqi forces at the time of the complete withdrawal of the U.S.
forces from Iraq at the end of 2011.

Kut, the center of Wassit Province, is 180 km to the southeast of Baghdad.



15 Aug 2011 06:15

Source: reuters // Reuters



Aswat Al Iraq / Thi-Qar , Security
Truck collides with US armored vehicle in Thi-Qar
8/14/2011 8:09 PM

THI-QAR / Aswat al-Iraq: Nine Iraqi civilian cars have been burnt due to an accident between a U.S.
armored vehicle and a truck in Souq al-Shiyoukh township of southern Iraq’s Nassiriya city on Sunday, causing no human casualties, a security source reported.

“A civilian truck, carrying 12 modern cars and heading for Nassiriya city, the center of Thi-Qar Province, collided with an American armored vehicle on a main road leading to Souq al-Shiyoukh township, 30 km to the south of Nassiriya city.
The crash resulted in 8 of the cars loaded onto the truck burning from a fire resulting from the crash.
No harm was reported from the American side,” the source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

He said that police carrying fire-extinguishers headed to extinguish the fire that broke out in the truck.
They were able to save 4 of the loaded cars.

“The American side said the accident took place due to a technical fault in the civilian truck and its failure to stop, subsequently crashing into the U.S.
armored vehicle,” he added.

Nassiriya, the center of Thi-Qar Province, is 380 km to the south of Baghdad.


Twin central Iraq blasts kill 33

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KUT, Iraq: A car bomb and a roadside blast in the central Iraqi city of Kut killed at least 33 people and wounded 52 others, a doctor said, updating an earlier toll.

“We have so far received 33 dead bodies and are now treating 52 injured,” said Ali Hussein, a doctor at Kut’s Al-Zahra hospital. He said there were women and children among the casualties.

A security official earlier said the 8:00 am (0500 GMT) explosions occurred in a crowded area in the centre of the city, 160 kilometres (100 miles) south of Baghdad.

The attacks come less than two weeks after Iraqi leaders said they would hold talks with the US over a security training mission to last beyond 2011, when all 47,000 American soldiers must withdraw under the terms of a bilateral security pact.

Violence in Iraq has declined from its peak in 2006 and 2007, but attacks remain common. A total of 259 Iraqis were killed in attacks in July, the second-highest figure for 2011. -- AFP

Read more: Twin central Iraq blasts kill 33 http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/TwincentralIraqblastskill33/Article/index_html#ixzz1V4onRTPQ


KUT, Iraq (AFP) - A car bomb and a roadside blast in the central Iraqi city of Kut killed at least 33 people and wounded 52 others, a doctor said, updating an earlier toll.


15 Aug 2011 06:16

Source: reuters // Reuters



(CNN) -- A double bombing killed 34 people and wounded 68 on Monday in the central Iraqi city of Kut, authorities told CNN.

A car bomb blast followed by a roadside bomb blast occurred on a busy commercial street during morning rush hour, said Kut police officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release information to the media.

While violence in Iraq has fallen off in recent years, bomb blasts remain a near daily occurrence throughout the country.

Kut is about 100 kilometers (62 miles) south of Baghdad.


Two bombs kill at least 34 in Iraq's Kut-officials

15 Aug 2011 06:35

Source: reuters // Reuters

BAGHDAD, Aug 15 (Reuters) - A roadside bomb and a car bomb killed at least 34 people in Iraq's Kut city, police and local officials said on Monday.

The roadside bomb exploded in a public square in Kut, 150 kms (95 miles) southeast of Baghdad, and a car bomb detonated when security forces arrived on the scene, police said.

Khamis al-Saad, Iraq's deputy health minister, told Reuters 34 people were killed in Kut and 64 wounded.

"Hospitals are still receiving casualties, but the situation is under control," Saad said. (Reporting by Kahlid al-Ansary and Ahmed Rasheed; writing by Patrick Markey, editing by Tim Pearce)


By SINAN SALAHEDDIN, Associated Press – 15 mins ago

BAGHDAD – An Iraqi medical official says the death toll from twin bombings at a market in a city southeast of Baghdad has risen to 34.

The top medical official in the province where the city of Kut is located, Diaa al-Aboudi, says 60 people were also wounded in the blast on Monday.

Police spokesman Lt. Col. Dhurgam Mohammed Hassan says the first bomb went off in a freezer used to keep drinks cold. Then as rescuers and onlookers gathered, a parked car bomb exploded.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BAGHDAD (AP) — An Iraqi spokesman says 25 people were killed when two bombs exploded in a market in a city southeast of Baghdad.

Lt. Col. Dhurgam Mohammed Hassan, the spokesman for Wasit province police, says the first bomb went off Monday morning in a freezer used to keep drinks cold. Then as rescuers and onlookers gathered, a parked car bomb exploded.

He says construction workers were gathered in the area when the blast went off. Sixty people were also wounded in the explosions.

Kut is 100 miles (160 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad.


Four persons killed, 17 others injured in 2 Najaf blasts
8/15/2011 10:17 AM

NAJAF / Aswat al-Iraq: At least 4 persons have been killed and 17 others were injured in 2 booby-trapped car explosions east of the old city in southwestern Iraq’s holy city of Najaf on Monday, a security source reported.

“Two booby-trapped cars blew off in Hay al-Hussein district east of the old city in Najaf on Monday, killing 4 persons and wounding 17 others,” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.


24 contracts companies on black list in Wassit province
11/16/2011 6:00 PM

WASSIT / Aswat al-Iraq: Chairman of Wassit Provincial Council announced today that 24 local companies were black listed for delaying their projects.

Mahnoud Abdul Redha told Aswat al-Iraq that the province the directors of these companies were prevented from new bids, under their names or others, which matter shall be referred to the ministry of planning for notification.

These companies will bear the financial differences for referring these projects to other contractors, he added.

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