Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:27AM
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Egyptian protesters gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo, where some scuffles broke out with police on January 25
Two protesters and a police officer have been killed in Egypt as anti-government demonstrators have taken to the streets to demand political and economic reforms.
The protesters were killed in clashes with security forces in the city of Suez on Tuesday, and the police officer was killed in a demonstration in Cairo on the same day, AFP reported.
On Tuesday, the opposition called on political activists to hold nationwide demonstrations against the government.
The protesters say it's a day of revolt against torture, poverty, corruption, and unemployment. Some have gathered outside the Supreme Court and the parliament building, calling for the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.
The police have fired tear gas to disperse the protesters in Cairo, injuring several people.
Over 30,000 police officers have been deployed to the city center to crack down on the demonstrators.
Demonstrations have also been held in Alexandria and other parts of the country.
Kamal El Helbawy, the former spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood, told Press TV that Tuesday's demonstrations have been the largest and most significant in Egypt's recent history.
Former Arab League ambassador to the United Nations Clovis Maksoud has said that the ongoing revolution in Tunisia is inspiring the people of the Arab world, who are tired of dictatorial regimes.
The revolution "is the prognosis by which many frustrated people in various countries -- suffering dictatorship, poverty, and marginalization, are now being empowered," Maksoud added.
Egypt has many of the same social and political problems as Tunisia, like rising food prices, high unemployment, and corruption.
Islamists in Jordan call for end to authoritarian rule
16 Jan 2011
Source: reuters // Reuters
* Islamists say Jordan's "authoritarian" rule must end
* Govt seeks to defuse public anger over high food prices
By Suleiman al-Khalidi
AMMAN, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Islamists in Jordan, emboldened by protests in Tunisia that forced out the long-serving president, called on Sunday for an end to what they called authoritarian rule in their country.
Nearly one thousand Islamist and some leftist demonstrators rallied in front of parliament, to protest price rises and free-market reforms they blame for worsening the plight of the poor in the country of 7 million.
The rally was called by the influential Muslim unions, a bastion of opposition to the kingdom's pro-Western policies. Protesters called for the downfall of Prime Minister Samir Rifai's government, pointing to Tunisia as an example.
"The Tunisians who stood as one to bring down tyranny and injustice are an example for all Arab peoples," Sheikh Hammam Said, the head of Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood, told the crowd as many shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest).
"We in Jordan suffer a lot from what Tunisians suffered from. We suffer from authoritarian rule. There has to be an end to this confiscation of freedoms and confiscation of the will of the people," Said added.
Violent riots in Tunisa forced President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali to flee the country last week after over 23 years in power. The events are being watched closely by the rest of the Arab world, where leaders have historically been dislodged only through coups, assassination or their own mortality.
The Brotherhood, the country's largest political party, and its leftist allies say political freedoms in Jordan have eroded in recent years and are demanding change.
Activists waved banners bearing slogans that criticised the "theft of public money" and "rampant corruption." Other placards warned "the dignity of the people is a red line" and denounced price rises.
The rally came after nationwide protests on Friday by a mix of tribal and left leaning activists aimed at forcing the government to back down on tough austerity measures, including higher taxes, to fight an economic crisis.
The authorities, worried about rioting in both Tunisia and Algeria, rushed through a $225 million package of price cuts last week on types of fuel and goods at government run stores.
To stave off more public anger, Rifai on Saturday approved other moves to cap prices of goods on market shelves and to allow trade inspectors more powers to penalise importers who manipulate prices artificially.
Some analysts have said the moves are designed to head off the kind of unrest seen in Algeria and Tunisia from rising food prices and worsening living conditions.
Jordan has witnessed several bouts of civil unrest in poorer regions over the past decades after steep price hikes.
The latest protests are a blow to Rifai's government, already undermined by a weak economy and a series of scandals in quasi-governmental firms and now facing growing public criticism over perceived corruption among top officials.
(Writing by Suleiman al-Khalidi; Editing by Noah Barkin)
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