RT News

Friday, January 22, 2010

Strong Afghan Taliban might talk - Pakistani analyst

Alliance of the Zombie with the traitors!
General McKrystal forces are receiving severe blows from the Taleban in Afghanistan. The US Zombies believe that with tanks and helicopters they will win the war in Afghanistan. But as Dr Al-Zawahiri stated the higher the number of US and NATO troops the more are the body bags. The Pakistani and Afghani Military Generals are no more than paid traitors who side with the evil crusaders in order to kill their own people and to destroy their respective countries. Like the US, every past empire used traitors who received just punishment following liberation. You know what punishment they get when people identify them. Benazir Bhuto accepted to collaborate with the Americans and got punished.

The American Zombies are blind folded by the Jewish lobby. The Jews have been caught red-handed spying on America and continue to fleece Americans out of their investment. Despite these, the Americans accepted to march on Baghdad to Israeli drums and had to pay dearly for it. Now the Jewish lobby wants the Americans to march on Tehran. But disarmed Iraq isn't the mighty Iran. That is why Ahmedinejad knows that the Israelis and their American mentors won't dare to attack Iran. Iran is currently having the upper hand in Iraq, the Gulf region, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon and lately in Yemen. Any attack on Iran will help to change the Middle East map favouring Arabs and Muslims.

I would love to see the Jews build high walls around their 1948 borders, the year they were recognised, and die eating each other. Jews need non-Jews in order to fleece. You seem to forget that the French stayed 130 years (1830-1960) in Algiers. No-one believed that the four million French settlers supported by 300000 soldiers and foreign legionaires will leave Algiers. But they did. Some how I believe that the Jews will end up very bad in Israel and everywhere else.

The pro-Western Saad Al-Hariri is not serious about Lebanon safety and security. Why asking former MOSSAD agents and sympathisers like Sarkozy and Kuchner for help against Israel? Hariri must insist on arming his people and supporing Hezbullah. After Gaza and South Lebanon, no-one believes that the Israelis are ready for another encounter with the armed Arab people. It is esay for the Israelis to defeat regular Arab armies as they are formed to operate as police forces defending the Arab autocrats and not as national armies to defending the country. In 1967, King Hussein, Hafez Al-Assad and Nasser had disarmed their people. Now the people got arms and see how the Iraqis resistance humiliates the most advanced armed forces in the world and how the Israelis,suuported by the US and UK, left Lebanon dragging behind the remains of their bloody aggression in 2006.

It seems that Obama can’t possibly win. He is currently between Netanyahu hard plate and Osama bin Laden hammer. Despite being the president of a superpower, in reality Obama is shackled by the Jews and had to accept Israeli designs. Which means: financing and arming Israel while it carries our Nazi-style atrocities, violate UN resolutions and stockpiles Nuclear Weapons. Capitalising on this, Al-Qaeda presents itself as a defender of Arab and Muslim rights and its leader, Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, threatens America as he did today 24.01.10 with further attacks, if it continues its current policies of supporting Israeli crimes. For Obama it is a catch 22 situation; as he can’t possibly antagonize the Jewish lobby and can’t be seen as listening to or appeasing Osama. One thing for sure is that Osma is alive and well, receives the support of Arabs and Muslims and America and its allies are in for further disasters.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times


22 Jan 2010 16:23:14 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Robert Birsel

ISLAMABAD, Jan 22 (Reuters) - The Taliban have spread across Afghanistan and are inflicting sharply higher casualties but they might be persuaded to negotiate, with Pakistani help, as they reach the height of their power, a Pakistani analyst has said.

The United States is sending an extra 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan nine years after driving the Taliban from power but U.S. commanders realise they "cannot shoot their way to victory", analyst Ahmed Rashid said in paper.

"Despite their successes, the Taliban are probably now near the height of their power," Rashid, a prominent expert on Afghanistan, said in the paper published in the latest issue of the New York Review of Books.

While a country-wide movement, the Taliban do not control population centres, nor will they, given the strength of U.S.-led NATO forces, he said.

At the same time, there was no populist insurrection against NATO forces and the majority of Afghans did not want the return of the Taliban despite anger with the U.S.-backed government of President Hamid Karzai, he said.

"Thus, the next few months could offer a critical opportunity to persuade the Taliban that this is the best time to negotiate a settlement, because they are at their strongest," Rashid said.

The Taliban, led by the reclusive Mullah Mohammad Omar, have shown the first hint of flexibility, Rashid said, beginning with a statement in November.

"The Taliban leader ... pledged that a future Taliban regime would bring peace and noninterference from outside forces, and would pose no threat to neighbouring countries -- implying that al Qaeda would not be returning," he said.

The new tone could be traced to secret talks in early 2009, sponsored by Saudi Arabia at Karzai's request, he said. The talks brought no breakthrough, but led to visits to Saudi Arabia by important Taliban leaders.

U.S. British, and Saudi officials who were indirectly in contact with the Taliban there encouraged them to renounce al Qaeda and lay out negotiating demands.

"The Taliban said that distancing themselves from al Qaeda would require the other side to meet a principal demand of their own: that all foreign forces must announce a timetable to leave."

U.S. President Barack Obama said in December he planned to start bringing soldiers home in 18 months.


Pakistan's main Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, which nurtured the Taliban through the 1990s, had been left out of the talks at the request of both the Taliban and the Afghan government, neither of whom trusted it, Rashid said.

"That now may be about to change," Rashid said. "The key to more formal negotiations with Taliban leaders lies with Pakistan and the ISI."

Pakistan is fearful of India's influence in Afghanistan and of U.S. forces withdrawing and leaving the country in chaos, while it is also friendless in Afghanistan apart from the Taliban, even though they are wary of the ISI.

Pakistan realised the West would never tolerate it backing a Taliban takeover of Kabul, as happened in 1996, Rashid said.

"In a major policy shift, senior Pakistani military and intelligence officials say they have offered to help broker talks between Taliban leaders, the Americans and Karzai."

The ISI has power and influence over the Taliban as the Taliban resupply their fighters from Pakistan, seek medical treatment there and based most leaders' families there.

Crucial to reconciliation with the Taliban would be the agreement of Afghanistan's non-Pashtun ethnic groups, who make up just over half the population. Talks also needed a strategy to build political institutions and provide aid, he said.

"Unless such publicly announced policies are carried out, the Taliban may well conclude that it is better and safer to sit out the next 18 months, wait for the Americans to start leaving, and then, when they judge Afghanistan to be vulnerable, go for the kill in Kabul."

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