One must be amazed of what Teflon material this American client is made off. Before becoming US-installed, ‘democratically-elected’, Iraqi Prime minister residing in US-established Green Zone, Nouri Al-Maliki had a small shop in Damascus selling prayers beads. With such a Background no-wonder there is nothing working in US-occupied Iraq. The Americans are happy with Al-Maliki because he implements their designs and keeps quiet about their violations and atrocities. At this very moment, people are afraid to venture outside their homes in at least 10 cities; since the number of attacks has increased by 36% during the last 12 months. After the fiasco of buying useless weapons and helicopters from Poland, the scandal of the useless British-made explosive devices which the government acquired for over $85 million must have caused scores of car bombs to slip through. Any self-respecting government would have resigned and ordered an investigation; but not the Shameless traitor Al-Maliki. It is a feature of all those who betray their countries.
After three large explosives that shocked Baghdad on 25.01.10, near four hotels, the streets were blocked and many shops were closed by over-zealous Iraqi security officers. What pissed me off most seeing some Iraqi officers continue to point a hand held device ADE 651 at our car, the device which is made by British ASTC despite being declared as ineffective while ASTC director, Jim McCormick, has been arrested for fraud. To add insult to injury the Iraqi interior minister unashamedly comes out in support of the ADE 651device which he claimed to have discovered thousands of car bombs and weapons. One doesn’t have to go far to smell the corruption stench since the minister has bought $86 million worth of these worthless detectors at $40000 a piece; naturally with a handsome cut. I call on the British government to investigate how much commission ASTC has paid to corrupt Iraqis of the client regime in US-occupied Iraq.
Don't forget that Ariel Sharon, late Ezra Weizman, Ehud Olmert and Bibi Netanyahu were investigated for corruption. Aside from Olmert who was forced to leave office, the rest of the above went to become Israeli leaders.
At this very moment of 26.01.10 there are homes in Baghdad crowded with young men who want a chance to carry out suicide attacks. Some volunteers have to wait months befor getting an opportunity. Those who came from abroad may give up and go back home in frustration. In otherwords, The suicide attack line is very long and the field is very crowded. It is a serious problem created by the barbaric and trigger-happy American cowboys. Unfortunately the suicide attacks will continue until the hated US occupation is dimantled and its vestiges, client regime, agents and signed agreements are annulled.
'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered....' , Thomas Jefferson
The Jewish financial mafia has done what Jefferson has predicted, IOT.
'If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.' Mark Twain
The Jews control the US media and feed theZombies Kosher scheisse (IOT).
Florida Madoff: Rothstein fleeced Americans!
Nothing is unusual for the Jewish financial mafias to fleece American citizens out of $billions. This time, Jewish Scott Rothstein was caught red-handed running a Ponzi scheme in Florida similar to that of the infamous Jewish Bernard Madoff. Hundreds of Americans have lost millions of their savings and pensions. One wonders how many Jewish Madoff(s) are still there? Definitely the American Zombies deserve to be punished for allowing Jews to control their financial institutions, the media and politics. Mr Rothstein, like Madoff before him, had contributed to the Republican party coffers in support of John McCain ticket and the election of the governor.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
RT News
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