RT News

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi Vilifies Shiites, Calling Iraqi Ayatollah Sistani "an Infidel"

Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi Vilifies Shiites, Calling Iraqi Ayatollah Sistani "an Infidel"
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The following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered in the Al-Bawardi Mosque in Riyadh by Saudi cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi. The sermon was posted on the Internet on December 11, 2009.

Muhammad Al-Arifi: Those Shiites would glorify the imams and elevate them above the level of humanity. Today, oh monotheists, the evil Shiites continue to set traps for monotheism and the Sunna. They try to spread their false doctrine to the ignorant among the Sunnis. Let us not forget what the Shiites have done throughout history. In the year of 656, they helped the Mongol and Tatar [invaders]. They killed the Sunnis and collaborated with Hulagu Khan. This was done by Ibn Al-‘Alqami and his Shiite supporters. We shall not forget their treachery throughout history – in Muslim countries in general, and in Mecca and Al-Madina in particular – or their attempts to ensnare the Country of the Two Holy Mosques [Saudi Arabia].


If not for the vigilance of the [Saudi] security agencies, you would have seen them carry out miraculous [attacks]. They collaborate with Iran and other countries and try to smuggle weapons. Some of them have begun to amass weapons and to stash them in graves. They carry weapons like they carry their dead. They amass sub-machine guns and other weapons and stash them in graves.


It is no secret to any of us what happens to our Sunni brothers, whether in Iraq or in Iran, as a result of the domination of those corrupt Shiites. The highest Sunni authority in Iraq, Sheik Hareth Al-Dhari, said in an old report that in just three years – between 2003 and 2006 – more than 100,000 Sunnis were killed by Shiites. They would kill them because of their [Sunni] identity. If your name was Omar or ‘Aisha – they would kill you on the spot.

I have read unimaginably painful reports on how they would kill these Muslims. They would use the most severe torture methods against them. They would kidnap a child, boil him in water, skin him like a sheep, and then, they would bring him on a platter, wrapped in cloth, and when his family uncovered the platter, they would find this 7 – or 10-year old boy.


Tehran is the only capital in the world that has no Sunni mosque. All they have are places of worship for those ignoble descendants of the Majus.مجوس, pl. majūsī) was originally a term meaning Zoroastrians[


Today, the Shiites still try to take control of the Country of the Two Holy Mosques – from the north coming from Iraq and Iran, or from the east, by trying to dominate some Gulf states, and to generate political instability there, as they have done time and again in Bahrain and elsewhere... They are also trying to take control coming from the south, by supporting the Houthi Shiites.


Those Houthis are so adamant about their Shiite belief, that during their exchange with the Yemeni government, they insisted that the problem would be resolved by Ayatollah Al-Sistani. They didn’t say that the problem should be resolved, for example, by the Saudi Association of Great Scholars, the Islamic Fatwa Committee of Al-Azhar, the Imam of the Haram Mosque in Mecca, a group of imams from the two holy mosques... They did not look for people who would unite the Muslims, by virtue of their status as sheiks, preachers, and scholars. They selected a sheik who is a great sinner and infidel from a remote corner of Iraq, and said: We want this man to be the arbitrator between us.


Protecting the Country of the Two Holy Mosques is tantamount to protecting all countries of monotheism and the Sunna, protecting the direction of prayer of the Muslims, protecting the pilgrims, protecting the call to monotheism. When you travel across Saudi Arabia, you do not see a single cross, you do not hear any Christian calls for prayer, you do not see any statue in public view, and you do not see mausoleums on graves. Whenever a mausoleum is being erected, the security forces destroy it before the religious authorities get the chance. You do not encounter any sign of polytheism in these graves.

On the other hand, when you travel to various Muslim countries, you see churches, you may see crosses, and you may even encounter uncovered women. The animosity of those Shiites toward this country should not come as a surprise.


Ahmadinejad slams Saudi role in Yemen conflict

13 Jan 2010 14:45:24 GMT
Source: Reuters
* President accuses Western powers of involvement in Yemen

* Strongest criticism of Riyadh for fighting Yemen rebels

* Ahmadinejad: West seeks domination, Sept 11 "suspicious"

(Adds Ahmadinejad quotes, paragraphs 11-14, byline)

By Ramin Mostafavi

TEHRAN, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Iran's president lashed out at Saudi Arabia on Wednesday over its role in Yemen's conflict with Shi'ite rebels, saying Riyadh should try to foster peace rather than use weapons against fellow Muslims.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments were the strongest criticism yet by predominantly Shi'ite Muslim Iran of mainly Sunni Saudi Arabia over its involvement in the Yemen conflict.

Saudi Arabia has been fighting Yemen rebels since the insurgents carried out a cross-border raid in November.

"We were expecting that Saudi Arabian officials act like a mentor and make peace between brothers, not that they themselves enter the war and use bombs ... and machineguns against Muslims," Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech.

"If only a small part of the weapons of Saudi Arabia were used in favour of Gaza and against the Zionist regime (Israel), today there would be no sign of the Zionist regime in the region,"
he said on state television.

Ahmadinejad said Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter and a regional U.S. ally, used crude oil income to buy weapons which are then used to "kill brothers" and create sedition.

Ahmadinejad, who often rails against the West, also said he believed the United States, Britain and Israel were behind the Yemen conflict, aiming to "set the whole region on fire" in a bid to dominate the Middle East.

"I hope that my Yemeni brothers sit down and talk and negotiate and solve the problems," he said.


Yemen, the Arab world's poorest nation, became a focus of U.S.-led efforts to battle militancy after a Yemen-based wing of al Qaeda said it was behind a failed Dec. 25 plot to bomb a U.S.-bound airliner.

The government of veteran ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh is also embroiled in a war with rebels of the Shi'ite Zaidi sect in northern provinces.

Yemen has accused clerics in Iran of backing the rebels and Iranian media have attacked Saudi Arabia for joining the war against the rebels.

Both Saudi Arabia and Yemen have stepped up efforts against the rebels in recent days. A Saudi defence official said on Tuesday that Saudi forces had killed hundreds of rebels who infiltrated the country along the Yemen-Saudi border. Those clashes also killed four Saudi soldiers.

Ahmadinejad accused the West of seeking to dominate the region, terming the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States as "suspicious."

"All their planning is aimed at this goal. Human rights, fighting nuclear weapons and terrorism are all a big lie," he said. "With the pretext of Sept. 11 they started the fire of war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and today in Yemen."

Speaking a day after a bombing killed a Tehran scientist in an attack Iran blamed on Israel and the United States, Ahmadinejad also said the Jewish state was collapsing, state broadcaster IRIB reported.

"The supporters of Zionists should know that the Zionist regime is on the way down to collapse and no one can save it," he said. "The Iranian nation will cut from the arm any hand that has been extended to it with the aim (of committing) a crime."
(Additional reporting by Hossein Jaseb; writing by Fredrik Dahl; Editing by Charles Dick)

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