Yes we can, walk like a Clown!
One foot is caught in Babylon
The other in Afghanistan
We will prevail
We will never fail
Despite our tail
Is caught in Pakistan
It is part of a criminal Jewish plan
We ended up bankrupt in this dirty can
Yes we can, talk like a Clown
And blame everything on Iran
Try it
In case you haven't heard there are 1.7 billion Muslims 232 countries and territories. At the current birth rate, 50% of the world will be Muslim by 2050. The Jews have been working hard to develop weapons of mass destruction but the target is to huge to contemplate any effective use. It is much easier to eliminate the tiny Jewish mafia and relief the world of its crimes and conspiracies.
Criminal, Barbaric, Uncivilised US Cowboys!
The Iraqis didn't attack America. The Americans came to Iraq, destroyed its infrastructure and killed our people. So which civilized methods would you recommend to deal with the criminal, immoral, barbaric and uncivilized American cowboys? Remember it was the Americans who recruited, financed and armed Bin Laden and 30000 fundamentalists and sent them as Mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. It was the Americans who recruited and supported Saddam to take over and kill the intellectuals in Iraq. The USraeli crimes support extremism.
Islam teaches fighting evil!
"If one sees evil he/she must fight it with his/her hands, mouth or in the heart, and that is the most feeble of faith", the holy Quran. The on-going USraeli anti-Islamic crusade is the worst of all evils and must be resisted at all cost. Time has changed for imperialists when they used to recruit locals to defend their occupation and protect their criminal soldiers. Now those who betray their people and countries are being punished. It is a duty of every muslim to fight in the defence of his home, family, tribe and country.
I am all of the above!
I have been weaned on hating imperialism. I grew up seeing the Jews committing Nazi-style atrocities against Palestinians with the support of successive US governments, with the exception of Genela Ike Eisenhower. Iraq had struggled to free itself from the hated British and their military bases. Right now, the dirty boots of American cowboys desecrate the sacred lands of Babylon with huge military bases everywhere. The violence doesn't end here. The USraelis must abide by international laws and leave people live in peace. "If Muslims don't have peace no-one will", Bin Laden.
Mixing files and confusing Issues!
The attacks on the Jewish financial mafia HQ in NY and on those arming Israel in the Pentagon were in response to American unlimited political, financial, scientific and military support for Israel to commit Nazi-style atrocities against Arabs. That is at least what Al-Qaeda chief, Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, has claimed. If you check carefully, it is related to Israel and its crimes which America is a party by default. It has nothing to do with Islam as no Islamic judicial court has ordered such an attack.
Mr Mohammad Atta, an Egyptian, led the group of mostly Saudis, although the highest highest religious authotities in Saudi Arabia and in Egypt are towing their respective governments' pro-USraeli lines. It was the Neo-cons Zionists who interpreted the attack on NY as an Islamic attack on Jeudeo-Christian America. If Islam was reponsible, so why Saudi Arabia and Egypt were not attacked by the Americans as they went to destroy a secular country, Iraq, and to march on Baghdad to Israeli drums? In reponse to the un-provoked barbaric American destruction of Baghdad, with its historical place in the hearts of Arabs and Muslims, many went looking for someone to punish America and its Zionist allies. The situation has escalated to the on-going armed crusade against Islam which will last for decades, since there is no-one who can punish the USraeli criminals. In Iraq, the Americans must apologize, pay compensation, put those who committed crimes on trial and leave. The score settling and tit for tat attacks will continue until America free itself from the Zionist Shackles. It is worth mentioning here that the tactics proved successful in Iraq are being used by the armed resistance in Afghanistan, Pakistan and in Iraq.
Choice of US targets are self-explaining
The problem is that all those who carried out the attacks are dead. There is no-one to tell us what Khalid Bin Al-Sheikh, assumed to be in charge of the operation, has said during the interrogation. But attacking the WTC was because it was the Jewish financial mafia HQ that raised money for Israel through selling its worthless bonds and shares. The Pentagon is responssible for delivering the latest military gadgets, free of charge, to Israel before the US military can put its hands on them. Both WTC and the Pentagon have been helping Israel to commit Nazi-style atrocities. Moreover, I have listed in detail the similarities between the Jewish and the German Nazi ideology and practices.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
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