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Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Nobel Peace Prize Jewish Terrorists but not to Bin Laden !!!!

The Jews have already made an industry out of the holocaust and went to collect funds, charities, aids and war reparations and sending them to Israel. Furthermore, war crimes and terrorist acts committed by Jews were either deliberately ignored or even rewarded. As an example is in the awarding of Nobel Prizes for Peace. It was rewarded to Jewsih Menachem Beging despite being sentenced as terrorist by the British for blowing up King David Hotel in Jerusalem that Killed 50 officers. As a member of the Irgun Jewish gang, Menachem Begin caught and hanged the entire male population of Deir Yassin. And as Prime Minister of Israel, Begin was responsible for the crimes committed by his Army in Lebanon in 1982; the most notorious of these were the Sabra and Shatilla masscres blamed on the Christian Falang gangs financed and armed by his government. The Nobel Prize committee didn’t take any of the above crimes into consideration when awarded him the Peace Prize. Another Jewish criminal is no other than Dr Henry Kisinger known for the massacres in Cambodia that killed 50000 people. If Jewish Begin and Jewish Kissinger can get the Nobel Prize for peace so why not Sheikh Osama Bin Laden. It is true that the attack on September 11 2001 did not kill as many as the crimes committed by Jewish Begin and Jewish Kissinger. But like Begin and Kissinger, Bin Laden has called on the US to start peace talks which the American refused as they don’t want to talk to terrorists. But why so many Jewish criminals and terrorists are being rewarded or given posts in directing the American foreign policy?

Jews can brag about their intelligence for recieving so many Nobel Prizes in as many fields. But what the Jews forget is that they are still benefiting from being a holocaust victims. As an example, Terrorist Menachem Begin and Criminal Henry Kissinger were awarded Nobel Prizes not for their heineous crimes but ironically for being peaceful men.
Furthermore, average Jerwish writers writing in Hebrew or in English are usually considered for a Peace Prize in Literature. I call on the readers to read some of the books written by Saul Bellow, who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1976. I was unable to complete one single book of his. I can say without reservation that he deserves a Nobel Prize for being the most boring author.

Nobel didn’t stop Shimon Peres War Crimes!
Congratulations to Obama for winning the meaningless Nobel Prize for peace. After complaining why terrorists like Begin, Peres and Kissinger got the Prize, one member of the Nobel Prize committee stated “the Prize is not a certificate of saint-ship”. Nobel Price laureate Shimon Peres can claim credit for being the father of Israel Nuclear Program, cluster bombing UN refugee camps at Qana in Lebanon killing scores twice while occupying the posts of Prime Minister and Deputy PM, and for the use of prohibited weapons against civilians in Gaza.

At the time when the USraeli war mongers are trying to discredit Obama, the Prize came as a slap on their face. We all hope that Obama will not end up like President Shimon Peres but like Former President Carter calling for peace and justice for all, including those Palestinains suffering under the brutal Israeli occupation and facing the worst Nazi-style atrocities since the days of Nazi Germany.

It became clear lately that the Whitehouse staff didn’t hide their disgust with the US Jewish lobby which has been spreading news and false information in order to undermine Obama attempt to carry out his long list of reforms. The Jewish comedians followed by journalists of the Jewish-controlled media and Jewish Newsreaders keep hammering in stories about Obama failure to accomplish anything and to give credit to Netanyahu for defying the Americans in refusing to stop the illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Using the Nobel Prize for peace, Obama may retaliate against Israel and the Jewish lobby. To start with there is the Gladstone report condemning Israeli Nazi Generals for war crimes in Gaza. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to address Israel breach of 39 UN Security Council resolutions and Israeli stockpiles of Nuclear weapons. The Jewish lobby is powerful and like, a Dracula, has fangs that are ready to cause deep wounds. In this regard, Obama needs to take counteract measures and use all his skills and executive powers to free America from the Jewish Shackles.

Arrest Israeli War criminals and have peace in the Middle East!

The Israelis and their American mentors have claimed that Richard Goldstone report and any action that might be taken in response to accusations contained will impede peace in the Middle East. To start with there is no possibility of peace in the Middle East while the Jewish troika of Assassin Ehud Barak, Terrorist Netanyahu and Fascist Lieberman are in control in Israel. They have all ordered expanding settlements in the occupied territories and evicting Arabs from their homes in Jerusalem undermining the calls from Obama representative George Mitchell and discrediting the already discredited Mahmoud Abbas. I feel it is just the opposite. Arresting and sending Israeli war criminals to the international criminal court will assist in starting the stalled peace process. The Israelis must be forced to abide by international laws and to implement 39 UN Security Council Resolutions they are currently in breach of.

Israeli: Is a Sick organ in a sick body!

The mainstream Palestinian leadership, is like the rest of the Arab world governments, made of prostrated politicians, crooks and profiteers. It is fair to describe Israel creation in 1948 as the transplantation of a sick Jewish Organ in a sick Arab body. But things have changed for everybody since then. The real problem of the Israelis is not limited to their atrocities against Palestinians. But with the disappointed 350 Million Arabs and over one billion Muslims who seek justice and the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions. It is not for Lieberman who immigrated from the Soviet Union in 1977 to dictate his fascist doctrine on the area. I see that the arrogant Jewish leadership is leading its people, like lemmings, to commit suicide in the Sea.

There are a large number of power centers and think tanks in America which advise and to a certain extent influence American foreign policy and issues of war and peace. They employ a vast number of ‘scientists’ and political Gurus working for centres specialising in tactical and strategic studies. Very few of these institutes are financed by the federal government as the majority of their expenses are covered by the arm industry, the oil cartels and the powerful Jewish lobby. These centres operate like a hidden US government.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, these centres fell in the hands of neo-conservatives and Zionists which kept pumping reports and studies about the role of America in the world. It was not surprising that G.W. Bush war on Iraq was so well packaged despite the lack of a real pretext for America to go to war with another country, like Iraq and face the costly consequences. Jewish members of these institutes became regular fixtures on US TV. At the beginning it was Iraq WMD, then Saddam relation to Al-Qaeda and finally to the discovery of mass graves. When they have failed to verify any of the above they went to their favourite theme of spreading democracy and freedom in Iraq. The same quarters paying to the same political prostitutes will dictate Obama policies in Afghanistan. These are some examples:
1.Rand Foundation
2.Council of foreign relation who counts Jewish Madeline Albright as its member.
3.Carnegie Foundation For World Peace
4.The American Project for Policies Research.
5.The American Centre for Spreading Democracy in the Developing World.
6.Washington Institute for Near-East Policies (Financed by Jewish AIPAC).
7.The Centre for National Interests.
8.Hoover Institute for War and Peace.
9.Nixon Institute for Peace and War.
10.James Baker Institute.
There is a suggestion to establish a Dick-Cheney Institute for Strategic Studies.
The current campaign against Iran is mainly orchestrated by Israel, the Jewish lobby and the Jewish foreign ministers of France and the UK. Taking all of the above into consideration, one must conclude that Obama will have no choice but to play the game by the warmongers rules and increase the US presence in Afghanistan.

Similarities between German and Israeli Nazi pract

1. Hitler preached and practiced the superiority of the Arian race over others. The Jews believe that they are the selected few and God has preferred them over all of his creatures.
2. The Jews practiced ethnic cleansing against Palestinians and drove them out of their homes and lands using Himmler’s successful methods in Russia. As an example, they hanged the entire male population of Deir Yassin in 1947 to drive the Palestinians out of their homes.
3. The Jews have established concentration camps, mostly in the desert which have been keeping Palestinian inmates and subjecting them to all kinds of humiliation.
4. Nazi Dr Mengele was using inmates for his experiments. The Jews are currently conducting experiments using all types of CIA-supplied chemical agents on Palestinian inmates.
5. Like the Gestapo, the Jews maintain torture chambers at Shabak and Shin Beit.
6. The Jews have set up an SS force and called it Israel Defence Force, IDF. The German SS stood for Staffel Schutz or defence squadron.
7. Like Hitler’s SS, Israel developed MOSSAD as a killing machine.
8. Like the German Wehrmacht, Israeli acquired and developed Panzers, U-Boots and Luftwaffe supplied with all types of weapons of mass destruction.
9. Like Hitler Germany, Israel prides itself of its technological development.
10. Many people differentiated between Germans and Nazis but slowly the line between them became very thin. Similarly, the Zionists and the Jews are two faces of the same coin.
11. The Jews have hired a number of Nazi-style Goebels spreading lies and disinformation.
While Hitler Nazi influence lasted from 1932 to 1945, the Jewish Nazi practices have been on-going since 1948.

Unlike JFK, Obama fell in the military trap!

Prior to the Vietnam war, the US military dominated by Generals from Texas, put pressure on Kennedy for sending more troops and for changing the mission from advise to combat. Kennedy didn't want the generals to dictate US foreign policy and refused the intimidation and the pressure. He was accused of being in-experienced and young. According to some, Kennedy was killed in Texas in order to make space for Texan L.B. Johnson to take over and to send troops to Vietnam. As it turned out, Vietnam was America worst nightmare. Right now, Obama is accepting under pressure to deploy more troops as requested by the US military generals. Those who don't learn from the lessons of history are apt to repeat their mistakes.

It is a well known fact that nobel prize for peace is not a certificate of sainthood. As it was given to terrorist Menachem Begin, to criminal Henry kissinger and more recently to Barak Hussein Obama while the US is in the middle of two wars. Offering the Nobel peace prize to Obama was somewhat outrageous, as it meant rewarding the president of a country that killed thousands in Iraq, destroyed its infrastructure and displaced millions. The same criteria used to qualify Obama for the peace prize may be used to award Hitler posthumously and Sharon post-vegetative state. While the Iraqis are calling for the punishment of the war criminals, the Nobel Committee goes to reward them. It is like the Pope making saints out of old prostitutes for miracles they performed while in service.

Adnan Darwash, Iraaq Occupation Times

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