RT News

Friday, October 23, 2009

Afghanistan: next election will be a fraud too!

The Americans had no alternative but to support Hameed Kharzai. As Richard Holbrooke has told him in a shouting match in Kabul following the August election, a runoff will give a form of legitimacy to his presidency knowing in advance that Dr Abdullah Abdullah, a Tajik, will never be acceptable. There is here a real dilemma for America. The majority of the population are Pashtuns and want a Pashtun president. But the Pashtun areas are mostly under the control of the Taleban and people are afraid to vote. As a result, Kharzai men had to fill boxes with fabricated ballots in many areas although no voter had shown up. The next election scheduled for November 07, 2009 may fare better but Kharzai remains America’s favourite candidate, despite the widespread corruption and nepotism. In reality, America refuses to support popular candidates as it has done in Iran and in Palestine where both Hania and Ahmedinejad were castigated. The Americans want obedient client regimes that remain silent when their people are democratically slaughtered by trigger-happy US cowboys or their so-called civilian contractors (Mercenaries). As no real change in policy is envisaged by Obama team, all indications point towards an intensification of the on-going popular resistance against the foreign boots desecrating Afghanistan.

Are there any good guys in America?

The Americans have no business trying to run the show in Afghanistan while its war machines are on a destruction and killing mission. Afghanistan is a backward country dominated by tribesmen and war lords. Enforcing Western-style democracy in Afghanistan is as easy as selling Apple Laptops to desert nomads. Have you forgot how fraudulent the American democracy was when G.W. Bush stole the presidency from Al-Gore. At the time, there was no good American running either. Zionist Lieberman against neo-con Zionist deranged G.W. Bush. I am not very sure how the Americans want to win in Afghanistan? The on-going war is perceived by most people as an anti-Islamic crusade, which will be fiercely resisted. Obama or water mellon, the Americans will never win in Afghanistan. They will give up the way other empires have done in the past. The Pentagon is pushing for more money and killing machines. They will soon be calling for more body bags.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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