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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Khalid Islambouli

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Islambouli's trial

Khalid Ahmed Showky Al-Islambouli (Arabic: خالد أحمد شوقي الإسلامبولي‎) (January 15, 1955 – April 15, 1982) arranged and carried out the assassination of the Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat, during the annual "6 October 1973 victory parade" on 6 October 1981. For his actions, Islambouli is considered by many radicals in the Islamic world to be an inspirational symbol and among the "first modern Shahids."[1]

* 1 Background
* 2 The assassination of Sadat
* 3 A martyr in Iran
* 4 Relatives
* 5 Legacy
* 6 References

[edit] Background

Islambouli came from an average family in northern Egypt. After graduating from the Egyptian Military Academy with excellent grades, he was accepted as an officer in the Bombardment Forces of the Egyptian army with the rank of Lieutenant. Sometime after this appointment, Islambouli joined Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

[edit] The assassination of Sadat

Islambouli was not supposed to participate in the October parade, but was chosen by chance to replace an officer who was excused for not being able to participate. Once his section of the parade began to approach the President's platform, Islambouli and three other soldiers leapt from their truck and ran towards the stand while lobbing grenades toward where the President was standing with other foreign dignitaries. Islambouli entered the stands and emptied his assault rifle into Sadat's body, shouting "I have killed the Pharaoh!"[2] Immediately after assassinating the President, he was captured. Lieutenant Islambouli and twenty-three co-conspirators were tried, and he was found guilty. Twenty seven year old Islambouli and three other co-conspirators were publicly executed by firing squad on 15 April 1982.

[edit] A martyr in Iran

The Iranian government, in response to Sadat's recognition of Israel and his provision of asylum to the deposed Shah, cut relations with Egypt and named a street in Tehran after Islambouli in 1981 in honor of his "martyrdom". Iran's public portrayal of Islambouli as a hero and martyr has plagued Egyptian-Iranian diplomatic relations.[3] In light of extensive public protest, in May 2001 the Tehran City Council renamed the street "Intifada street" in an effort to improve these relations.[4][5]

[edit] Relatives

His younger brother Showqi Al-Islambouli came close to assassinating the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in June 22 1995 on their way from Addis Ababa international airport to an African summit in the city. Showqi and his associates opened fire on the armor-plated limousine destroying most of the escort vehicles. However, Mubarak was saved by the skills of his chauffeur, who U-turned the damaged limousine and raced back to the airport where the presidential plane was waiting with running engines.[6]

[edit] Legacy

Khalid Islambouli continues to serve as an inspirational symbol for Islamist movements throughout the world, including terrorist groups. On July 31, 2004 "The al-Islambouli Brigades of al-Qaeda" claimed responsibility for an assassination attempt on Shaukat Aziz, then a candidate for the post of Prime Minister of Pakistan. On August 24, 2004 a Chechen group calling itself "The al-Islambouli Brigades" issued a statement claiming responsibility for the bombing of two Russian passenger aircraft.[1][7]

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