The March Equinox Explained
The March equinox will occur on March 20 in 2009, marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and fall (autumn) in the southern hemisphere from an astronomical viewpoint. The March equinox will occur at 11:44 (am) at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on this date.
Its an astronomical reality and I believe God has chosen this date for certain important events as Salma has described.
Only Wahabis/Yazidis do the fasting on Ashura , I don't think so they should be called as Muslims as they are followers of the todays Dajjal like Bin La`Deen and Mulla Omer , who are real terrorists and the world is suffering at their hands.
Its to be noted that the day American invaded Iraq was March20 Nav Roz Day of 2003.
This Navroz passed without appaerance of our Imam , hopefully by next NavRoz Imam will assasinate CIA-DIA Sponsored Dajjals in Kufa. Pentagon is spending money to know where is Imam Mahdi AJTFJ and how to cope him aftermath of The Appearance.
March always followed heavy sand and duststorms all over the world specially in Middle East, Pak, China, Far East. A lot of other nationalities have based their calendar from this NavRoz day whether or not they knowing the background they are celebrating this as their ancient historical event.
I can predict Americans have to flee Iraq on the same day NavRoz day as was the day Americans selected to enter in Iraq in 2003. One can see how Saudi Capital was looking after yellowish Sand Storm striked Riyadh.
BTW who will be Dajjal, what will be his nationality? We can open another subject? I am sure he will be a Saudi/Yamani/Paki/Afghan as is evident from the present Wahabi Wars on Muslims.
Toronto Time: 7:44 A.M
From: Salma Rehmani
(from notes of Yusuf Kabana - forwarded by A. Nurmohamed)
Navroz is a Persian word meaning a new day. Actually every day is a new day, but it is on this day that the sun completes its cycle of passing through all the 'Celestial Stations' which are 12 in number and enters the first one known as Haml (Ram) - Aries 31 days initiating a week of festivities. This day falls on 21st March and is known as Navroz. It takes the sun 365 days and nights , 5hrs 28mins and 50seconds to complete the full circuit of the 12 Stations. This entry of the sun is known as Tahweel - e - Shams (Sun's entry) and celebrated as Idd - e - Navroz. *IMPORTANCE*. On this day Allah(s.w.t) created the earth, the universe, the cold winds started to blow and the earth became fertile to bear trees, vegetables, fruits and other necessities for mankind.
Kumers, the first King of Iran 3266 yrs before Nabi Issa(a.s) determined the days and seasons in a year and ordered all learned people to pronounce and to proclaim the importance of this day. 100 years later it was Jamshed who called this day NAVROZ and celebrated it as Idd.
Though Navroz is not a common Idd amongst Muslims, the Shias give a lot of importance.
Once our 6th Imam a.s. told Moalla bin Khunais on the importance of this day:
1. The sun attained its brightness
2. The wind started to blow
3. The Ark of Prophet Nuh a.s. stopped near Mount Judi (near Najaf in Iraq) and saved from drowning
4. Prophet Ibrahim a.s. broke the idols of his community
5. Angel Jibrael brought the first revelation to our Holy Prophet s.a.w.w.
6. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. lifted Imam Ali a.s. on his shoulders for removing the idols from the Kaa'ba
7. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. announced Imam Ali a.s. as his successor at Ghadir - e - Khum
8. Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.
It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy Quran (2:243). In a place called Raawerdaan, between Kufa and Basra. Plague would strike here every year and the people who had the means would migrate to other villages. Once as they were fleeing the epidemic, Allah sent two angels, one from the front and one from the rear who shouted "die!" and instantly all the people along with their animals died on the spot. After some sixty years, when the bones had deteriorated, Ezikel ibne Yuza, the second vicegerent of Prophet Musa a.s. happened to pass this way and started to wonder how could it be possible for Allah to raise them again. A voice was heard which told him to sprinkle water over the bones. Ezekial did as instructed and was astounded to see the bones join together in the shape of human beings and thus were they raised from the dead. It was the day of Navroz.
It has been related from Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s. that on this day one should:
1. Try to keep a fast , have a bath , put on good clothes and use scent
2. Afte zohr prayers, pray 4 rakaats, in units of two as follows:-
1st rakaat after Sura al Hamd, 10 times Sura al Qadr
2nd rakaat after Sura al Hamd, 10 times Sura al Kafiroon
1st rakaat after Sura al Hamd, 10 times Qul Huwwal Lah
2nd rakaat after Sura al Hamd, 10 times sura an Naas and 10 times Sura al Falaq
3. Recite "Ya zal jalali wal ikram" at least 365 times
4. At the dawn of this day, recite "Ya Wahab" - "Oh Bestower" 14 times and "Ya Wadudu"-"Oh Governor" 22 times
5. After this pray for the fullfilment of your desires.
The rain water of this month is very useful in curing many ailments.
The a'amal of Navroz (March. 21) can be found in the Almanac Pg 639 (after Zilhajj A'mal).
(from notes of Yusuf Kabana - forwarded by A. Nurmohamed)
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