RT News

Monday, March 16, 2009

6th. anniversary of US picnic in Iraq!!!

On 20.03.09 Bush announced his shock and awe campaign against Iraq and Iraqis by firing the latest and the heaviest in the British and American arsenals. The aim was to roll back the danger to Israel and to install a client regime. Despite close to six years since the invasion, the client regime is imprisoned inside the Green Zone while no American can sit down and enjoy a drink in any of the cafes in ‘democratic and free’ Iraq. After losing over 4300 Soldiers and1200 CIA and DIA agents, the Iraqi resistance put the evil American empire on its knees. Right now, the bankrupt American Zombies are too worried about their pensions, saving accounts and jobs to pay attention to events in Iraq. Stupid Obama, who promised change, ended up singing the same old Jewish songs of Muslims are bad, Jews are good. It is no wonder that the pro-Jewish American agendas are being rejected by Iran, Pakistan, the Taleban, Hamas, Hezbullah and the Iraqi resistance. The Americans are paying a very heavy price for supporting Israel Nazi-style atrocities against Arabs and making enemies of 1.5 billion Muslims. Without changing the current American policies there will be no hope for whatever the Americans wanted to do in Afghanistan or in the Middle East.

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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