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Monday, January 20, 2014

Loan Repayment Calculator

Property Profile Report - 22 Sunnyside Drive, EVANSTON PARK SA 5116 - onthehouse.com.au

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22 Sunnyside Drive, EVANSTON PARK SA 5116

Record ID: 10569422

Property Info

Beds: 4Baths: 2Car Spaces: 3
Property Type:HOUSE
Land Size:684 sqm

Note: The photo of this property has not been independently verified and may not be accurate. Please use for indicative purposes only.

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Our Guesstimate:
$282,000 to $318,000
Date Generated: 17/01/2014

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Listing History: For Sale and For Rent

DateTypePublicationProperty TypePrice
15/11/2013Removed From SaleOnline Listing - AgentHouseContact for Price
14/11/2013For SaleOnline Listing - AgentHouse$299,900 - $314,900
Displaying the 2 most recent items: Click here to view the complete timeline.

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Loan Repayment Calculator

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Total Interest Payable:

The repayments calculator tool is provided as a guide and for informational purposes only. The calculations and results should only be used as an indication. The formula used by individual banks and financial institutions may vary. © onthehouse.com.au Pty. Ltd.

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Recently Sold Properties

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Beds: 4
Baths: 2
Car Spaces: 2
Sold - Contact For Price*

REX Property Analysis

Sales Price Growth Summary: EVANSTON PARK SA 5116

Date Range Min Sale Max Sale Average Sale Median Sale Property Price Index No. of Sales
Jan-Mar 2011$250,000$440,000$331,895$342,000$278,53710
Apr-Jun 2011$215,000$512,000$363,000$291,000$279,15416
Jul-Sep 2011$230,000$400,000$322,125$348,000$271,78816
Oct-Dec 2011$187,000$440,000$293,867$320,000$267,09621
Jan-Mar 2012$260,000$640,000$331,964$290,000$268,71514
Apr-Jun 2012$237,000$570,000$363,164$298,000$267,19118
Jul-Sep 2012$237,500$740,000$362,323$360,000$259,83920
Oct-Dec 2012$227,500$460,000$321,550$305,350$259,30320
Jan-Mar 2013$175,000$520,000$313,966$320,000$260,75416
Apr-Jun 2013$238,000$492,650$354,242$300,000$263,90419
Jul-Sep 2013$205,000$415,000$315,839$349,975$263,05126

Note: Property Price Index figures based in 1993 on Sales Data available in the postcode 5116.

REX median graph for EVANSTON PARK, SA 5116

Sales Volumes per Year in EVANSTON PARK SA 5116


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WARNING: The information contained in this dataset is extracted from records of land status and cadastral boundary definition held by the Government of the State of South Australia (the 'State'). The information is not represented to be accurate, current, complete, or suitable for any purpose, at the time of its supply by the State, and may have changed since the date of supply by the State. The software by which the information is provided is not represented to be error free. No responsibility is accepted by the State for any reliance placed by any person upon the information, or the software by which it is provided. Persons acquiring or using the information and its associated software must exercise their independent judgment in doing so.
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