RT News

Friday, September 06, 2013

Did Rafsanjani Condemn ‘Government’ for Chemical Weapons?

Rafsanjani warns US military strike on Syria could “engulf region” Also warns against "inappropriate rhetoric" from officials not qualified to speak on Iranian foreign policy Iranian president Hassan Rouhani (R) arrives in parliament in Tehran, accompanied by the Islamic Republic’s former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (L), in this August 4, 2013, file photo. (AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE) London, Asharq Al-Awsat—Reports from Tehran reveal that President Rouhani updated the Expediency Council, chaired by Hashemi Rafsanjani, of the latest development on the ground in Syria and Tehran’s likely responses to an expected US military strike against the regime of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. For his part, Hashemi Rafsanjani articulated his vision on possible turmoil in the region, saying that a US military intervention in Syria could “engulf the region.” “It seems that the main objective of US adventurism in the region is not limited to Syria and [is intended to] engulf the entire region,” Rafsanjani was quoted as saying by Press TV. Rafsanjani cautioned council members that “US attack and aggression will probably not be confined to Syria and the outbreak of war in this country. . . . Their dangerous, warmongering game could engulf the entire region.” The Expediency Council chairman acknowledged that the US is capable of starting a regional war, but added that Washington would not be in a position to control the way that war would end. He also emphasized the “strategic significance of Syria in the region,” saying that “Damascus is the stronghold of resistance against the Zionist regime,” according to Press TV. Hashemi Rafsanjani also warned against the use of inappropriate rhetoric on sensitive foreign policy issues by irresponsible individuals who are not officially charged with outlining Iran’s foreign policy. This can be seen as a direct warning against some Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders or radical clerics whose positions do not permit them to comment officially on Iranian foreign policy. Hashemi Rafsanjani said that the current crisis is intentionally being “fed by the US and its allies,” adding that Tehran must act cautiously to protect its national security. As for his comments regarding the use of inappropriate rhetoric on sensitive foreign policy issues, these have been viewed as a gradual shift in Iranian policy regarding the need not to further inflame the situation. On Thursday, IRGC commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad-Ali Jaafari warned against any attack on Syria, saying that this would lead to the “end for Israel.” ======================= Posted on August 30, 2013 by Arash Karami Share According to the granddaughter of former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani recently condemned the use of chemical weapons by “a government,” a distinction that other Iranian officials have not made, and reminded those at the meeting of the fate of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Since accusations of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government surfaced, Iranian officials have taken varying positions. While not placing blame on either the Syrian government or the rebels, President Hassan Rouhani struck the most diplomatic tone, condemning the use of chemical weapons in general terms and emphasizing the importance of allowing the UN inspectors to complete their investigation. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that Western intervention would lead to a “disaster” in the region, and the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohamamd Ali Jafari, warned the United States of a “second Vietnam” if it intervenes in Syria. Naeimeh Eshraghi, the granddaughter of Ayatollah Khomeini, wrote on her Facebook page, “In a meeting with governors of Isfahan in a hosseinieh [religious center] in Jamaran, [Rafsanjani said that] a government that uses chemical bombs against its people will face hard consequences, just like Saddam, who earned eternal shame in the bombing of Halabja and suffered such a horrible fate.” Halabja is a Kurdish town that was attacked with chemical weapons in 1998 by Hussein. Thousands were killed in the attack, most of them civilians. Hussein was executed in 2006. The Facebook post was shared widely and after accusations that she had lied, Eshraghi responded that while she was not present at the conference, the quote was confirmed both by her husband and a journalist from Reformist Shargh newspaper, both of whom were there. Opposition website Kalame, which is close to Mir Hussein Moussavi, also carried parts of the speech by Rafsanjani. While the article included the comparison with the bombing conducted by Saddam’s forces, it did not include the condemnation of any government. According to Kalame, Rafsanjani said, in regard to Syria, “In this country, they are bombing people with chemicals, just like the chemical bombing against Iran during the imposed war, and many people died.” The “imposed war” is a reference to the Iran-Iraq war, in which Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers, killing thousands and wounding many more. According to Kalame, Rafsanjani continued, “The people of Syria for two years have witnessed the sacrifice of their loved ones, the destruction of their homes and displacement. We have to show the world a path [toward] peace, moderation and rationality.” He continued, “It’s been proven for everybody that force, fear and intimidation against people and “securitizing” [an issue] has no use, and this [type] of security will be a security for a cemetery, not security for the living, and we need security for the living.” Rafsanjani has long been critical of the influence of the IRGC in political, security and economic matters and has been indirectly pushing for a sort of rapprochement with Western countries. Websites close to the IRGC and the security establishment in Iran have very harshly criticized his recent comments about rapprochement. Although it appears that Rafsanjani may have more influence with Rouhani as president, Iran’s Syria policy will still be largely determined by the supreme leader and the Revolutionary Guard. =============== August 29, 2013 Clip No. 3967 Iranian Expediency Council Chairman Rafsanjani: Syrians Were Bombed with Chemicals by Their Own Government Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, chairman of the Iranian Expediency Council, on August 29, 2013, and posted on the Internet on September 2. Ali-Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani: Our current problems are real problems. We are besieged, under sanctions and boycott. We cannot use our resources, we cannot sell our oil, and if we do sell it, we cannot get the money transferred to us. If we buy anything, we must pay extra. We must pay extra in order to have the money transferred to us. We have many problems, and recently, we are witnessing even greater danger. You watch the news, so you see that the U.S., the West in general, and some Arab countries have just about declared war on Syria. Any moment now, we will hear the sound of rockets and bombs. May God have mercy on the Syrian people. Over the past two years, the Syrian people have suffered greatly. Over 100,000 people have been killed, and there are eight million refugees, within and outside Syria. The prisons are crammed full and there is no more room, so they have seized a few stadiums to fill them up too. The Syrian people are experiencing harsh conditions. On the one hand, they are bombed with chemicals by their own government, and on the other hand, they can expect American bombs.

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