RT News

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The ex Mrs Kozel ( Ashely Kozel )

Just to repeat for the umpteenth time the RNS states
Re: The ex Mrs Kozel

'As part of the divorce settlement the Settlement Shares will be transferred to Mrs Kozel free and clear of any restrictions on their sale other than an orderly market condition on any resale, by Mr Kozel.

A further announcement will be made once the transfer of the Settlement Shares has been completed.'

We have had no announcement. Any comments on her selling now are pure conjecture and not based on known facts.

Re: The ex Mrs Kozel

There will be sellers at every stage of the ascent or descent....it's a fact it's a market.

Not everyone watches the GKP chat board everyday like their life depends on it.

On a big rally up they'll be profit taking like we are seeing now....I don't know why people get offended by it so easily - that's right, because GKP has become personal to so many.

The fact of the matter is that if there is value in a share compared to perceived value then there will always be buyers, and eventually the share price will find its way to where it needs to be.

If it doesn't - it means that not as many people as you would hope held the view that its value was the same as what you or I do.

People need to stop worrying about it.

I would imagine Ashely Kozel has sold shares recently, I don't know, but it would be common sense...she will be advised to that is for sure....sell a percentage, hold the rest, and dispose of them all the way up.

That would be sound advice for anyone, especially one who is a wealthy person already, it is prudent.

I wish people on this board would stop taking everything so personally....investors talk of a £53 take over - it's never gonna happen, and the bottom line is looking at the way most are worrying between £3.70 and £3.80 - you'll have a heart attack or have creamed your pants before it gets there.

I'm going to treat myself to a break from this board, as there really is little of quality getting posted of late....Mikey's doing a good job....but there's not a lot else until a good RNS comes along.

The post this morning saying someone will pay £53/share is utter tosh. Noone in their right mind is gonna pay $90m for a company with risk placed on their contracts (no matter what you think there is still an opportunity for buyers to place risk)....

The value of Tesco's I think was mentioned.......it's just not real.

We shall be taken out for a very healthy upside from where we currently are...IMO it has to happen before August subject to SH6 TD + 30 days and the submission of the FDP.

We have a finite time line....it will start a bidding war....I hope!! That is not a given, but I hope.

I expect us to reach double digits...but I think anything past £10+ is going to be a good result...not because I believe that is fair value, but look at the game....it's a fair result.



Where is the RNS to state they have been transferred to Mrs Kozel? Ohhh I forgot you don't deal in facts you tit.


Re: The ex Mrs Kozel

Pure Speculation

Ms K is not daft (foolish), and knows the value of the shares she holds, so why should she need to sell them, when she got far more than the shares, plus she works as a highly paid Lawyer who will have plenty of work from the Publicity



I COMPLETELY agree with you.

Ashley Kozel is apparently a very intelligent lawyer in her own right, and she probably knows a good deal more than we do (with the exception perhaps of BBBS!) what the true value of GKP shares should be.

She has only recently agreed to accept 17 MILLION shares (2% of GKP) as her share in the divorce settlement which have already gained in value by some £20 MILLION - and TK has ended up with largely options, some of which will cost him about 375p each to take up.

So, I am sure that Ashley will have a pretty shrewd idea that her shares could still be worth several times what they are at present.... when TK one day issues his recommendation to accept an offer from Exxon, Chevron, Sinopec or whoever.

With this in mind, on what basis would she seriously consider selling significant numbers of shares (even in tranches) until she NEEDS to?

Yes, there is always the political risk - but with Exxon and Total now in Kurdistan, and the likes of Chevron and ConocoPhillips allegedy holding talks with the KRG about joining them,there are almost certain to be offers coming in soon for GKP or Shaikan.... at a long way above the current SP.

And if someone like Ashley knows that the valuation on GKP would be at least double-figure billions, I rather doubt that there will be too many thoughts of selling at anywhere near the present value.

Remember too that we are still only about two-thirds of the way towards what JG told us the other week that Shaikan itself is worth based on information already known.... and that implies based on 10.5 billion OIP! BBBS too has only just explained a couple of days ago how he believes that Shaikan could have nearly TREBLE that amount of oil.

To sell in tranches all the way up is surely the mentality of someone who is either a trader (and somehow I don't see Ashley keeping too close an eye on L2) or someone who has no real confidence in GKP achieving what TK clearly expects. And I cannot see Ashley falling into either category, can you?

Indeed, some have advocated that Ashley Kozel would be a suitable NED and essentially well-placed to represent the views of both herself and the shareholders like ourselves. While I strongly suspect that she would not be interested in such a role, it would be one way to help ensure that any low-ball offer which might be against shareholder interests could be kept at bay!

Hmmm.... the more I think about it the more I rather like that proposition!!

Incidentally, the previous NED, Jeremy Asher, whose place Ashley could presumably fill, now apparently holds more shares than he did when he was the Non Executive director for GKP.

So, my suspicions are that those who really do understand the value of GKP are actually inclined to hold on rather more tightly than you might imagine to their own Golden Tickets... irrespective of how wealthy they might be and how high the alleged risk is sometimes stated to be.

GLA, scaramouche


Author MikeyAdmin View Profile Add to favourites Ignore
Date posted today 16:38
Subject Daily Volumes
Votes for this Posting Voted UP 97 times.
Auction, This is one I don't want to miss.
Auction between 525 and 391.5p
come on
411p.........52,719, happy, but not above 412p

LSE, 13,304,070

AT's, 7,399,584

Trades, 4,146

UT, 52,719

SP, 411p

Buys, 7,450,263
Sells, 5,887,068
Others -8,261

I don’t know what to expect today, so lets see

Nice Auction, started at 390p, SP opened at 385p, UT 103,980, then started a nice rise breaking through the minor Resistances and the 1st Resistance at 388.25p, where it was held up by 3 x 150,00 Orders @ 390p, totalling over 520,000 @ 390p on the Ask.

8.45am the 450,000 @ 390p Order and the rest was taken, and trading got into a frenzy, so the SP pushed on to 400p, where another bit of Resistance was met at 403.25p, which it pushed through by 9.30am

10.18am. And the SP had hit its New Day high of 417p, when the MM’s stopped it, or profit takers entered taking the SP back down to 407p.
414p was the last high so a natural profit taking area, but it went 3p past.

10.30am, after looking for direction, the SP again advanced onto the 414p area, where it halted for a while as trading slowly down and profit takers came again, taking the price back to 407.5p.

10.40am. SP 412.5p, Volumes 5,856,365, AT’s 3,971,148

10.45am, SP 406.5p, as profit takers or MM’s again stopped the SP at 414p
Decision time, and its down to 405p
10.50am, and 403.25p turned support, which it bounce off, and again, then poked its nose under it, then back up by 11.00am.

Will it hold above 402.25p

11.05am, SP 401.5p, crunch time, and the traders can’t decide
11.15am, and the SP had been down to 395p, where the 1st Resistance had turned Support and the MM’s waited to fill their boots, then back up to 399.5p

So IMO, the fall was engineered by the MM’s following the charts to replenish their stock, phew, better than being in the hands of just a bunch of traders.

11.20am, SP 399.9p
11.25am, SP 398p, trading has slowed down
11.30am, SP 400p, up 18.25p, (+ 4.78%), Volumes 7,245,030, AT’s 4,591,448, MC £3,417,380,000.

Once more, after the SP had been released, a feeding frenzy had happened, and now calm has returned.

Sorry, spaying my Hub parts now, so away some of the time
11.50am, SP 402p, a more steady off we go again, Volumes 7,526,979, AT’s 4,695,373

Just a thought.
Up to 417p, then down to 395p in the morning, MM’s fill their boots for when the US wakes up, and it starts all over again.

12.05pm, SP 403.25p, and I’m having a brew
12.30pm, SP 406.75p, Volumes 8,008,732
1.00pm, SP 404p
1.30pm, SP 399.9p, are the US around, come on guys.
1.50pm, SP 398.9p, Volumes 8,913,610.…….. AT’s 5,357,999.
AT and O trade Orders quietly going through, though not in large quantities.
2.10pm, SP 401.5p, Volumes 8,988,341, another brew and a butty
2.40pm, SP 398.5p, Ask side has risen to 1.488k, Sellers coming or being forced out, so maybe down to 395p again then bounce
2.45pm, SP 395p, Buyers returning
2.48pm, SP 398p, bounce again off the 395p Support,
2.50pm, SP 398.5p
3.10pm, SP 400p
3.15pm, SP 406p, Volumes 9,935,033
3.25pm. SP 406p, Volumes 10,045,313
3.30pm, SP 407.9p, Volumes 10.148,849
3.35pm, SP 407.4p, Volumes 10,647,548, and 2 x 100,000 @ 408.5p reported
3.45pm, SP 409.5p, Volumes 10.887,070, moving quite fast now, quite possibly on for a finish around 412p
3.50pm, SP 409.75p, after reaching 4010.5p, Volumes 11,188,088
3,55pm, SP 411.25p, Volumes 11,364,696
4.05pm, SP 411.4p, Volumes 11,531,850
4.15pm, SP 413.4p,Volumes 12,409,662, and the final coat of gloss on my hub, + brew made, 414p high from Monday stopping it rising further
Go baby go,
4.20pm, SP 412.9p, Volumes 12,555,911
4.21pm, SP 413.25p,
4.23pm, SP 410.75p, Volumes 12,839,130
4.25pm, SP 410.5p, Volumes 12,957,784
4.26pm, SP 411.25p, Volumes 13,019,554
4.27pm, SP 412p,
4.28pm, SP 412.6p, Volumes 13.127,451
4.29pm, SP 412p, Volumes 13,197,850

Up to the top for the Auction

A Week or game of two halves IMO

On Monday the SP hit 414p, closing at 397p, then IMO the MM’s received several large Orders, took it down to the 380’s and below to force sellers & profit takers, mop up their sells and filled their Orders in three days. Then they released the SP, leaving behind one AT order of 450,000 @ 390p, which was taken quite quickly by the person intended for IMO.

Anyone who doesn’t think it’s the MM’s that mainly control the SP, live in cloud cuckoo land IMO, as one only needs to watch the MM movements to know its true, especially when O trade Orders are being filled.

Today the MM’s just sat back, buying and selling to feed the O and AT demand when needed, finally stopping the rise at 414p to replenish their books on the way back down 395p

Surprisingly, all the trades above 50,000 have been AT trades, with one sell over 100,000, and one buy over 100,000, so I guess all the large trades over the last few days where Buys.
2 x 100,00 @ 408.5p came in at 15,33pm, possible the reason for the last fall to 395p

All I can say is a quiet wow, as I still have all my T20’s open from under 300p with 7 days to go, so I’m very happy and chuffed as 10. Roll on next week and higher.

Bit for everyone today, buy, rise and sell for traders then get back in for the next stage.
And a rise and hold higher for the investors.

Well done GKP, chuffed for everyone, :0 only the strong will survive till the end.

GLA. Just Hold.



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