RT News

Friday, April 08, 2011

Trump: US Should Stay in Iraq Taking Oil

Posted on 05 April 2011. Tags: Donald Trump

Billionaire real estate tycoon and potential Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has said that the United States should stay in Iraq in order to take Iraq’s oil and cover the cost of the war, reports the Washington Post.

“In the old days when you had wars, you win, right? You win. To the victor belonged the spoils,” Trump said in an interview with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News.

“You stay and protect the oil and you take the oil and you take whatever is necessary for them and you take what’s necessary for us and we pay our self back $1.5 trillion or more. We take care of Britain, we take care of other countries that helped us and we don’t be so stupid.”

“You look at wars over the years… A country goes in, they conquer and they stay… So, in a nutshell, we go in, we take over the second largest oil fields and we stay,” he said.

Donald Trump says he will decide by June whether to run for president.

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