RT News

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tatbir is not Harram

Ayatollah Al-Udhma Sheikh Yusuf Saane'i, one of the highest Maraje' present in Qum Iran, speaks in this video. He speaks about the legibility of Azadari and the strong history of Tatbir going right back to the time of Hazrate Zainab (sa) and Karbala. He speaks about Ayatollah Khomeini's ruling.

To watch the Video in Urdu/Arabic, you may visit the website and select your preferred language, then select the video from the Videos and Inteviews page.

Hujjatol-Islam Sheikh Abdul-Hamid Muhajir...
Hujjatol-Islam Sheikh Abdul-Hamid Muhajir is a renowned Aalim and holds classes to train Ulema on how to speak. He frequently lectures in Lebanon.

To watch the Video in Urdu/Arabic/Farsi, you may visit the website and select your preferred language, then select the video from the Videos and Inteviews page.
Watch Video

The latest edition of our azadari annual publication is now available: "Commemorating the Martyrdom of Imam Husein (as) - Innovation or Tradition?"

The book contains Fatawa of our Respected Maraje' and Ulema on the issue of Mourning for Imam Husein (as) and has been translated into 4 languages (Arabic, Urdu, English, Farsi).

You may request the latest edition for yourselves and your family/friends/jamaat by emailing all postal addresses to contact@azadari4imam.org.

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