RT News

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

China defends wind power policies against U.S. complaint

23 Dec 2010

Source: reuters // Reuters

BEIJING, Dec 23 (Reuters) - China's Ministry of Commerce on Thursday said it would consider a U.S. request for consultations over its support for wind power technology, while defending its conduct as in keeping with global trade rules.

The United States on Wednesday accused China of illegally subsidizing production of wind power equipment and asked for talks at the World Trade Organization, the first step in filing a trade case.

"China will conscientiously study the U.S. request for consultations, and will deal with this in accordance with WTO dispute settlement rules, while retaining our corresponding rights," the Chinese Commerce Ministry said in its first reaction to the U.S. move.

The statement on the Ministry's website (www.mofcom.gov.cn) said China's wind power policies were "in keeping with WTO rules" and were also good for the environment. (Reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Alex Richardson)

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