Hanin Zoabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset (the Israeli parliament), talks to reporters in Amman August 31, 2010. Zoabi is in Amman to contribute to a UN fact-finding mission with Jordanian activists about Israel's May 31 capture of a Gaza-bound boat in which nine people died. The hearings, chaired by a 3-person panel commenced on August 30 in Amman with Arab activists from Israel, including Zoabi, who was aboard the Turkish vessel when the raid occurred. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)

Obama wants to show the Americans and their allies that he is a strong president worthy of US position as the only remaining super power with major policing roles in the American century. He wants to specifically please the American Jewish husband (Practically the Jews have married America) by tightening the screws on Iran in preparation for a major attack to destroy Iran’s economic and military capabilities and to neutralise its ability to threaten Israel.
The projected USraeli attacks may also involve Hezbullah, Syria and Gaza. Similar to G.W. Bush approach to attain the approval of US Arab concubines (Saudis, Egyptians, Jordanians and the Pigs of the Gulf) ( 1. Law. A woman who cohabits with a man without being legally married to him.
2. In certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status.)prior to the attack on their fellow Arab country Iraq, Obama started to throw some bones and to use some clubs. It said that the US threatened Abbas to cut all American financial assistance to Palestinians if he refuses to meet with Netanyahu for a direct 'peace talks' as recommended by George Mitchell and as desired by the reluctant US Arab concubines.
In this regard, the discredited US Arab concubines, pimps and dogs have been asked to drum up that Israeli Nuclear Warheads (estimated to total 400) and its massive biological and chemical arsenal don’t threaten the Arabs but the yet to-be-developed Iranians are the real danger. Like G.W. Bush, the Jewish advisors and Jewish-dominated and financed political institutes will encourage Obama to attacking Iran. Both Israeli and American military commanders have already drawn plans for such an attack and the timing is yet to be determined pending US withdrawal of fighting forces from Iraq and the direct Abbas-Netanyahu peace talks.
There are reasons why US Arab concubines are reluctant to support an all out attack on Iran for a real fear for their own positions and privileges. The destruction of Iraq on behalf of Israel unleashed effective resistance forces with previously unknown lethal weapons that started to threaten the autocrats of the area. It is not clear what the Americans will gain from supporting an Israeli plan to destroy Iran since there is a chance, albeit remote, that the USraelis will be digging their own graves. It is highly unusual for Obama to keep digging while America is in deep hole in Iraq and Afghanistan. If nothing good has come from the destruction of Iraq, this time, something positive may follow the attack on Iran by wiping out USraeli concubines and pimps from the area.
It is puzzling how a so-called civilised country admits having organistaions (e.g. CIA, DIA...etc) that kidnap, torture and kill people throughout the world with impunity. And who gives the Americans the right to invade and destroy other countries and to kill the people, albeit in the name of spreading democracy.To many, the Americans may dress up and look like modern people but deep inside they are savages living in the Wild West.
Benjamin Netanyahu who has so far embarrassed Vice President Joe Biden, humiliated George Mitchell, Obama Middle East Envoy, and disgraced Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on the issue of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, has made a theatrical 180 degree turnaround. In a speech at the Whitehouse on 01.09.10 he tried to pamper useless Mahmoud Abbas labelling him as his ‘peace partner’, in the presence of hapless USraeli agent King Abdullah II of Jordan and the Egyptian USraeli pimp, the aging Mubarak of Egypt.
In a meting with Obama at the Whitehouse for a photo shoot, each of the Middle East leaders has his own agenda. Netanyahu hopes for an American direct involvement in the projected Jewish war on Iran similar to that of 2003 war on Iraq. In this regard, Israel is investing $15 million on former G.W. Bush allies the likes of Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Arie Fleischer, Sandy Berger, David Frum, Madeline Albright and John Bolton in order to utilise their experience in promoting such war.
Ailing President Mubarak of Egypt dragged himself to the meeting with the hope of gaining US blessing for his son Jamal to succeed him. It seems that Pro-American elements in Cairo have already received Washington instructions to support Jamal Presidency.
Citing budgetary constraints, the CIA planned to reduce the $250 million annual allowance to the King Abdullah II of Jordan. In return for his service as a faithful USraeli agent, the King will argue that he expects the US to increase and not to decrease his personal allowance. The King needs the money to cover up the rising cost of designers clothing for his wife Queen Rania which has already crossed $5million.
Obama knows that the Arab support for any future USraeli attack on Iran passes through Palestine. The Saudis have are ready indicated (later denied) their readiness to allow the Israeli warplanes to use their airports if Netanyahu makes a small gesture toward Mahmoud Abbas. But the Arab people know it is only hot air. The Israelis love to talk and talk indefinitely while they continue building more settlements. Like Arafat before him, Mahmoud Abbas will be dumped when the USraelis finish with him. But stupid Obama must know that if the war on disarmed Iraq did put the US on its knees, the war on Iran may seriously damage Israel and US interests in the area on biblical scale.
Robert Fisk on Tony Blair
Robert Fisk, Independent Co. UK, 03.09.10
Has this wretched man learned nothing? On and on, it went during his BBC interview: "I would absolutely...","I definitely...", "I believed absolutely clearly...", "It was very, very clear that this changed everything" – "this" being 11 September 2001 – "Let me state clearly and unequivocally", "The Intelligence picture was clear...", "legal justification was quite clear", "We said completely accurately... "Because I believed strongly, then and now...", "My definitive view in the end is..." You would have thought we won the war in Iraq, that we were winning the war in Afghanistan, that we were going to win the next war in Iran. And why not, if Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara says so.
And I hereby abandon all further reference to Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara, with its unhappy reference to Britain's humiliating military defeat in 1915 Mesopotamia. He must be re-created Lord Blair of Isfahan. Having conquered Saddam, he wants to conquer Ahmadinejad. "I am saying that it is wholly unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons capability," he told poor old Andrew Marr. It was necessary for the Iranians," quoth he, "to get that message, loud and clear." Thus did our Middle East peace envoy prepare us for war with Persia. But I rather fear the Iranians got his "message" a long time ago: if you want to avoid threats from the likes of Lord Blair, you'd better buy a bomb pdq. After all, what he didn't announce was: "I am saying it is wholly unacceptable for North Korea to have nuclear capability." And we all know why.
Sometimes, Blair sounded like the Israeli foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman. He and his Israeli boss believe Ahmadinejad is worse than Hitler – which takes some doing – and Lord Blair, as we know, is no appeaser. Oddly, however – since he's supposed to be our peacemaker between the two sides – "Israel" and "Palestine" were two words that went totally unmentioned, even though Blair blurted out to the Chilcot inquiry that there had been "phone calls" with Israelis during his decision-making conference with Bush over Iraq. Marr missed out there. What on earth were Blair and Bush talking to the Israelis about as they prepared to take us into this catastrophe?
The Americans never criticise autocrat Mubarak because he is their stooge with a fat CIA account in Switzerland, despite being a real pharoah. But democratically-elected Hamas and Ahmedinejad are being castigated. That says a lot about the US intention to encourage democracy in the Arab and Muslim world. The American democracy is highly manipulated by power centres. He who doesn't have a thing can't be expected to give.
Adnana Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
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