RT News

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Iraqis Bribe the Americans!

In order to ensure loyalty to USraeli designs, consecutive US administrations have put Arab politicians on their payroll, the likes of Sadat, Mubarak, King Hussein, King Abdullah II, Zeid Bin Ali, Hafez Al-Assad and King Mohammed II of Morocco. But knowing how to play the game by the US rules, Arabs started to hire lobbyists (e.g. Dr Henry Kissinger) to attain US support for certain programs or certain rulers. During Bush Senior Administration the King of Bahrain was advised to hire a lobbyist who can reach the US administration. He did and ended up buying shares in G.W. Bush (Junior) oil company Harkey Oil, that was good at drilling dry holes. The company did collapse, shortly after but G.W. sold his shares making a hefty profits. The Iraqi opposition in exile did bribe a number of US officials, Pentagon advisors and a number of media outlets using Saudi Arabian and American money.
The latest bribe of $400 million was authorised by Iraq Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki to 100 Americans who claimed to have suffered psychologically from the occupation of Kuwait in 1991. Four of these were US special-forces caught inside Iraq dressed with local attires while having a variety of communication equipment, target marking laser devices and weapons. The reason for the bribe was to obtain US support for Al-Maliki to serve a second term. Naturally the Iraqis are outraged as no one compensates the Iraqis for the death of members of their families and or the destruction of their homes, let alone for their Psychological distress.
Obama administration should have not allowed the case to proceed while 17 Iraqis were killed in cold blood by Black Water mercenaries remain fresh in the minds of Iraqis.

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