RT News

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why the homeless aren’t invited by Prince William?

The British are known for being thrifty (stingy) on every level. That doesn’t exclude the very filthy rich Royal family. Few days ago, it was reported that Prince William went to eat and sleep rough with the homeless under the black Friars Bridge in London. That is contrary to the practice of many nations, especially in Muslim countries, where the rich people invite the poor to a dinner or a common feast arranged in the yards of mosques. It would have been more appropriate for the Royal family to open some of their many huge vacant palaces and buildings to house the homeless and feed them during the very cold winter nights. A photo opportunity for Prince William was very cynical indeed as it didn’t warm or feed a single homeless person.

Your are mis-informed about the Islamic practices during the festive seasons. In Mecca, mosques usually feed thousands every night. The highly-exploited workers by the Pigs of the Gulf, who happened to be friendly with the West, suffer from anti-Islamic practices. In Islam, a worker should be paid before the sweat on his forehead dries up.

If religions came to save man kind then there is no need for people believing in the same God to hurt or to kill each other.

Americans: Either immoral or criminals!

If you see the number of crimes, thefts, and rapes in America, one can't help but conclude that Americans are an immoral people, albeit educated and go to Church every Sunday.

US democracy is highly manipulated!

Western democracies are highly manipulated!
In America, not even the president is free to act let alone the common person. As an example, Obama and Clinton called on the Israelis to stop building settlements in illegally occupied Arab lands. Because of the pressure from the Jewish lobby, both had retracted their statements since. Most Senators and Congressmen are on the payroll of big buiness and cartels. In American-style democarcy, there is no-one who actually represents the common person.

Regardless, US democracy remains manipulated!

Can anyone imagine that it is an insult to be called 'Liberal' in so-called free and democratic America? In America, views different from those held by the president are usually disregarded or considered as unpatriotic as "you are either with us or with the terrorists."

Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times

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