وَلَقَدْ آتَي...ْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَابَ وَقَفَّيْنَا مِن بَعْدِهِ بِالرُّسُلِ وَآتَيْنَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ الْبَيِّنَاتِ وَأَيَّدْنَاهُ بِرُوحِ الْقُدُسِ أَفَكُلَّمَا جَاءكُمْ رَسُولٌ بِمَا لاَ تَهْوَى أَنفُسُكُمُ اسْتَكْبَرْتُمْ فَفَرِيقاً كَذَّبْتُمْ وَفَرِيقاً تَقْتُلُونَ
We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you an apostle with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ هَادُواْ وَالنَّصَارَى وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ (2:62)
Basit - Hussari - Minshawi
Inna allatheena amanoo waallatheena hadoo waalnnasara waalssabieena man amana biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri waAAamila salihan falahum ajruhum AAinda rabbihim wala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona
Topics discussed in this Verse:
[Believers:on them is no fear nor shall they grieve] [Believers:rewarded] [Christians:believers rewarded] [Fear ( none for the Righteous ):or for Believers] [Jews:among them some believe] [People of the Book:among them are those who believe] [Sabians]
جو کوئی مسلمان اور یہودی اور نصرانی اورصابئی الله اور قیامت کے دن پر ایمان لائے اور اچھے کام بھی کرے تو ان کا اجر ان کے رب کے ہاں موجود ہے اور ان پر نہ کچھ خوف ہو گا اور نہ وہ غمگین ہوں گے ﴿۶۲﴾
2:62 (Asad) VERILY, those who have attained to faith [in this divine writ], as well as those who follow the Jewish faith, and the Christians, and the Sabians [49] -all who believe in God and the Last Day and do righteous deeds-shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve. [50]
The Christian world is celebrating today 24.12.09 the Birth of Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him, PBUH) who died at the hands of the Roman Barbarians after being betrayed by the Jews. The Jews considered Jesus as a threat since his message of love and forgiveness was in complete contrast with the Jewish code of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” As a result, the Church until recently, had castigated the Jews for being responsible for the death of Jesus, denounced their extortion-style financial practices and stood silent when Hitler sent millions of Jews and communists to their death. While many Christians recognise Moses’ (PBUH) Torah, no Jew has ever recognised Jesus let alone his highly-advanced and civilised message of love and forgiveness. The American Zombies, who pretend to be religious, ignore the fact that Jews don’t even recognise Jesus Christ and consider themselves as superior to others by God's will. To add insult to injury, those Jewish 'infidels', are leading Christians in their current campaign of Islamophobia and the on-going anti-Islamic crusades as manifested by sanctions and wars on mostly Muslims.
It is worth mentioning here that Islam recognises both Jesus and Moses as prophets and considers all their disciples as holy men sent to spread the message of one God. In reality the three religions are called the Abrahamian religions in reference to Prophet Abraham (PBUH). It is high time for the Jews to recognise Jesus and for the Christians to recognise Mohammed (PBUH).
On this day, when injustices, discrimination, violence, greed, killing and wars are prevalent, one must take a moment and think what has happened to “Though Shall Not Kill”, “Love and Forgiveness” and “Equality and Justice for All” promoted respectively, by Judaism, Christianity and Islam?
Moses looked like a simple Shepherd carrying a long stick and naturally preaching people to eat mutton not ham. Jesus came some 1000 years after Moses. During this time, Jews have deviated grossly from Judaism and were led by villains. In reality, Jesus was a real saviour. That is why he was vehemently opposed by Jews.
In Islam we have the Sunnis and the Shiites, while in Christianity they have Catholics and Protestants. To a certain extent the position of the Pope in Catholicism is similar to the position of the Shiite Ayatollah. In Italy, the Vatican alien itself with the Fascists, the Mafia, the intelligence services and the Masonic lodges to support Burlosconi.
Many religious scholars tell us that one can't subject faith in religions to scientific analysis and teasing. One can either take it or leave it. Because the current violence and wars in the wrold are caused by politicians using religions for justification, one must work hard to expose them as no more than war mongering villains and criminals.
It is not enough for the Christians and the Jews to pray to their own Gods; they should repent and ask forgiveness from the Gods of Babylon in order to avoid their wrath.
Mexicans are devout Catholics and some walk months on their knees to reach holy sites as in Iraq poor people walk from across the country to visit holy sites in Karbala/Najaf. For this reason not many Jews are in Mexico.
It is better for the entire human race if all Jews were to immigrate to Israel. First, there will be less fleecing of people's wealth by the Jewish financial mafias. Second, a Hitler-type final solution may come from within; if a nuclear accident were to happen. Israel is a one-bomb state sitting on 400 Nuclear war heads.
The Germans called the American highly-educated and uncivilised cowboys as Fach Idioten, or highly-specialised idiots. It is strange that despite thousands of Universities and millions of graduates the Americans remain basically barbarians using polished phrases and sophisticated instruments to deceive and to kill.
Why making Pope Pius XII a saint?
Under pressure from the powerful Jewish lobby, the Catholic Church had to exonerate the Jews from being responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But old habits and practices die very hard, since Jews were persecuted by Christians throughout their history. The Jews were burned alive in York and those who remained were expelled from Christian England. The crusaders had killed all Jews of the Rhineland on their way to Jerusalem. The Catholic Church of Spain expelled all Jews from Spain following the collapse of the Muslim rule. And the killing of Jews and communists by Hitler and Mussolini during WWII were not opposed by Pope Pius XII who was a personal friend of the Italian Duce. As to reward the Vatican, Hitler introduced a Church tax on all Germans which until today, Germany remains the biggest contributor to the Vatican coffers. May be that is why the Vatican is so indebted to the services of Pope Pius XII and wants to canonise him. Another factor is the fact that the current Pope Bennedict the XVI was a Nazi supporter and a member of Hitler Youth who was arrested by the allies in 1945. It must be mentioned here that Mussolini used to eat dinners with the pope and enjoy the wines of the Vatican cellars, while people were suffering from fascist atrocities.
The Vatican is taking advantage of the rise in anti-Semitism in the world today beacause of Israeli crimes. Furthermore, the support of the Jewish Rabbis for Israeli Nazi-style atrocities is not different from Pope Pius XII's support for Hitler-Mussolini atrocities. At least Pope Pius XII got money from Germany for the Vatican which is still on-going until today.
The Jews have been caught many times befre at disytorting history in order to Justify Isralei crimes. The Babylonian Jews has their own interpretations and practices which the Israelis want to keep hidden with the help of the Americans. Similar actions were taken when scrolls were found near the dead sea where they were kept secret at one of the US universities under the supervision of a Jewish professor. But how far and for how long Jewish money can influence history? Currently the Jews are in control of US media and politics and influence major decisions on many US universities.
It seems that US Citizens forgot G.W. Bush talks of a crusade against Islam. And they assume that the US military guns are not inscribed with quotes from the Bible. How about the Yalmuka-clad orthodox Jews running US financial institutions, the Media and politics?
In the past, the Americans have delivered Bunker Busters to Israel twice, once (GBU-28 and GBU-37) to bombard Iraq Ozirak nuclear reactor and the second (GBUs and AGM-130) with thermobaric warheads before and during the war on Lebanon in July-August 2006.
While Saddam was fighting the American war on Iran, Ariel Sharon went to the Pentagon and received a consignment of GBU bombs. And like in 1981 the Americans refused to admit any knowledge and said that Israel had done it on its own.
Afraid of a massive retaliation against their fleet in the Gulf and the oil facilitiesd of their allies, the Americans pretend that the Israelis will do any attack on Iran nuclear facilities on their own, using Israeli-made bombs. The ploys of the old boys are too obvious. It is like putting Israeli markings on US jets flying in support of Ariel Sharon troops while crossing the Suez Canal in 1973. Many believe that if Israel attacks Iran their warplanes will have to land in Jordanian or Saudi Airports, as there will be no airports left in Israel. Everything will go up in flames.
I honestly believe that religions play a major role in US politics. As an example, the American Christians have marched on Baghdad to Jewish drums.
Jews use Christians without recognising Jesus Christ
It is a well known fact that Jews do not get their hands dirty by working honestly as plumbers, carpenters or car mechanics. The majority of Jews prefer to work in Banks or as traders in the stock markets. That means dealing with savings and investments of hard working Christians and other mostly non-Jewish. The Jews have been investing the proceeds from fleecing Christians on politicians, the media and on Jewish-run political research institutes rendering consultation to the US, UK, German, French and Russian governments. This has helped the rise of the Jewish influence on Western regimes in financing and arming Israel, in promoting the idea that Jews are Christians and in embracing the on-going Jewish wars on Islam. Naturally, Islam and Muslims are considered as a threat to the state of Israel for supporting Palestinian rights and for their claim on Jerusalem. The Jews have been very successful in distorting history and in brainwashing Christians. Unlike Muslims, Jews have never recognized Jesus Christ or Christianity mainly because Jesus message of love and forgiveness contradicts the Jewish code of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. As a result, Jews did help the Romans to crucify Jesus and his disciples while the church blamed them for this crime for centuries. One must not forget that the crusaders had killed all Jews of the Rhineland in AD 1096 on their way to liberate the Holy lands. Before talking about the Jeudo-Christian culture one must ask the Jews to recognize Jesus first. It is not enough for an US TV evangelist to distort historical facts after receiving handsome donation from a Jewish organization.
At this very moment the Jews are leading the US and a number of Western governments from the nose. There will be no peace in the world as long as this Jewish minority remains in control of the financial, media and political institutions, especially in the United States of America.
I chose my wording carefully here. Lawyers and doctors are not car mechanics or plumbers. But it is a fact that most US financial institutions are run by Jews. I can easily make a list of the Goldbergs, Goldsmiths, Goldsachs, Goldwassers, Goldbodens, Golddachs, Feingolds, Goldsteins, Goldfadens, Silversteins, Bloombergs, Rosenbergs ...etc who are currently running banks in America. One day the American Zombies will notice this fact and start to point their fingers at the Jewish financial mafia that runs financial crimes, similar to the Sicilian mafia that runs organized crime.
Majority of Jews don't like t get their hands dirty that is why they love Wall Street and not plains and hills of Kentucky. By default Jesus was a Jew who rebelled against the primitive Jewish code of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Jews today are using the Christians to fight their own wars without even recognising Jesus. The Americans must open their eyes a bit. Jews who are leading Christian-dominated countries from the nose refuse to recognise neither Jesus Christ nor Christianity.
Who will lose if all Arabs become Jews?
What would happen if all Arabs convert to Judaism.? To start with Judaism is closer to Islam than to Christianity since the holy Quraan recognized Moses (PBUH) as a holy prophet. Also Jews and Arabs are cousins as the descendants of Prophet Abraham (PBUH). The Jews may object since only those with Jewish mothers are classified as Jews. But DNA tests may show that the differences between Jews from Morocco, Moldavia or Poland are much greater then the difference between Arabs and the Safardeem (Oriental) Jews. So let us assume that the 350 million Arabs decide to convert to Judaism. Such mass conversion will create serious problems for the Jews and for their mentors, the Americans. To start with, there will be no need for the massive arm purchases by the Saudis and pigs of the Arab Gulf which means huge losses for the Arm industry and to Saudi Princes cashing up to 25% commission. It will also mean huge savings for the American tax payers who are currently financing the Israeli war machine and waging Jewish wars on Islam. As for the Israelis it will save them the need to import Avigor Liberman, a street-wise thug from Moldavia and appoint him as a foreign minister or the need an army of MOSSAD assassins and killers. But the biggest problem will arise if five million Arabs decide on visiting Jerusalem on the Jerusalem day. It will be as crowded as the University of Rome (La Sapienza) if all its 150000 students decide to attend classes. In other words, the Arabs can convert to Judaism and takeover the holyland without wars.
Obama and the Pope Testicles are useless!
As no woman can be a Pope, his testicles have served its purpose but lost its function; as the Pope can’t marry. Similarly, preacher Obama won the Presidential election but the Whitehouse proved to be useless when dealing with the defiance Jewish Netanyahu. In 2009, his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the building of Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories as illegal. But Clinton along with Vice President Joe Biden and Barack Obama had to swallow their words when Netanyahu openly defied all of them and went to announce that Israelis have the right to build settlements anywhere they like in the promised lands for the Jews. Knowing the Jewish-stranglehold on Washington D.C. and its huge impact on the coming Mid-term election in November 2010, Obama and his team limited their announcement concerning the Middle East peace to no more than mimicking Netanyahu demands and asking the Palestinians to make compromises and to be more flexible. This will definitely delay any attempt to rally 'Arab support' for USraeli projected attack on Iran and will send thousands of young Muslims to join the anti-USraeli resistance. When Obama appointed an Israeli reserve army officer, Rahm Emmanuel, as his chief of staff besides other Zionists infesting his Whitehouse I wrote “one doesn’t have to go out to know its is winter”.
What if Kate’s mother was named Fatima Ali? Author: Adnan
Date: 17-11-10 14:24
What if Kate’s mother was named Fatima Ali?
The mother of Kate, Carol Goldsmith, is a Jew. Check the independent.co.uk of 17.11.10. They are not related to the Goldsmith!
Goldsmith is a name from the German Goldscmidt. Jews love Gold and prefer names like Goldberg, Goldstein, Goldbach, Goldwasser, Goldman, Goldfaden,Goldwand, Goldboden...etc.
By default, Kate Middleton is a Jew since her mother Carol Goldsmith is a Jew. Her sons and daughters will also be considered as Jews. So Jewish Kate will be marrying the future head of the English Church. It must be said here that the Jews in England have made a real come back since they were expelled from the country in AD1250 as infidels and were burnt alive earlier in the city of York. Like in America, the tiny Jewish community of 420000 (50% live in Israel) wields a huge influence on British foreign policy and have parliament members of the Labour and conservative parties on their payroll.
Unlike Islam which recognises Jesus and Christianity, Judaism never accepted Jesus and the Church remained vehemently against them since they were blamed for betraying Christ to the Romans that led to his crucifixion. It was no wonder that Pope Pius XII was not against the Nazi atrocities against Jews and was a good friend of Benito Mussolini.
One wonders whether the conservative British establishment would have endorsed the marriage of William to Kate Middleton if her mother was a Muslim and may go further to give Prince William the treat his mother received when started dating Dodi Al-Faidh.
Jews believe in cytoplasmic genetics! Author: Adnan
Date: 18-11-10 08:42
As you may know that the egg is much larger than the sperm and contains a large number of cytoplasm structures. Judaism believes that the mother and not the father with his tiny Sperm detemines the character of a person. In Israel those who are having Jewish fathers and not Jewish mothers are not considered as Jews.
Only Jeudaism believes that religion is a heritable trait, because God preferred the Jews on his other creatures. In otherword, Jeudaism doesn't believe in the equality between people as Islam does.
The onus on the Jews to recognise Jesus!
If Jews want to direct the affairs of Christian America, Christian United Kingdom and Christian France and Christian West, which they are doing right now, they should at least recognise Jesus Christ.
It is understood that Jesus' message of love and forgiveness did pull the rug from under the feet of Judaism that has been preaching 'a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.'. It is true that the Pope did exonerate(free from blame) the Jews but the Jews have never accepted Jesus of recognised Christianity.
Adnan Darwash, Iraq Occupation Times
December 16, 2010 Special Dispatch No.3451
Sonja Al-Rassi, Daughter of Former Lebanese President Suleiman Franjieh: The Pope Should Not Have Absolved the Jews of the Blood of Christ; Germany, Not the Arabs, Should Pay the Price for the Holocaust
Following are excerpts from an interview with Sonja Al-Rassi, daughter of former Lebanese president Suleiman Franjieh, which aired on NBN TV (Lebanon) on November 17, 2010.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/2715.htm.
Sonja Al-Rassi: "The Israelis are the enemies of our forefathers. I don't know why the Pope absolved them, but they are the ones who crucified Christ." [...]
Interviewer: "Christianity strives for peace. Maybe that was the reason."
Sonja Al-Rassi: "But he should not have absolved them of the blood of Christ. Who killed Christ? Me? It was not the Romans who killed him. It was the Jews. [...]
"Israel has less and less money. If we keep on [the pressure], and if God is with us, [Israel] will cease to exist."
Interviewer: "This is what you believe in?"
Sonja Al-Rassi: "This is my belief and my conviction. [...]
"If Germany made a mistake and carried out the Holocaust, it should take [the Jews] to Germany. Don't bring me all these Russian leftovers, the most insignificant people, put them here and call it the State of Israel. Why did you bring them over here? They don't speak a word of Arabic. If Europe has wronged them, take them to Europe. Let Germany pay the price, not the Arabs. What have the Arabs got to do with this story?"[...]
Lilla Peterson wrote:
Personally I don't think it is historically accurate to say that the Israelis who predominantly came originally from Russia and were busy worshipping a Mongolian Shamanic Sky God at the time of the Roman Invasion of the Phoenician Empirical... territories have anything to do with killing Jesus.
Nor do I think that some people who are practitioners of the Roman Catholic faith have any relevance to blaming them either, in particular when historical analysis will state that actually the punishment of crucifixion was actually a form of execution performed by Romans of the Phoenician people who they had conquered and dominated during the Roman colonisation of the area.
Not the other way round. The Judean form of execution was stoning. Not crucifixion. It would therefore be anachronistic for any European Caucasian Roman Catholics or Caucasian Christians of any description to state that some Russians from the Caucasian mountains had anything to do with the Caucasian Romans executing someone who was a threat to the regime of Herod, who they had installed, who was actually a local, but not of the line of David, which Jesus was, through his father Joseph, who was his natural father has listed in the Aramaic gospels of the time, which is a fact left out by the Greek and Roman translations, since they had colonised the region, and therefore used the creation of a mythologised version of the 'Jesus story' in order to justify their colonialism of the region.
It also has to be remembered that 1 million people were killed during the Roman invasion of the region (this is what Daniel described in his vision of armageddon which already was in the process of happening and can be historically verified as having already happened almost 2000 years ago), not just one person, and the entire region was war-torn, and caused mothers to even kill their own babies, in suicidal distress during the Roman colonisation of the region.
Also, it's true that Christianity is stated as being a religion of 'peace' but it also has to be remembered in what context. Christianity was founded on the Roman and Greek Byzantine colonialists who killed over a million people during their Empirical expansionist period into the Middle East, and 'peace' was created under the name of 'Pax Romana' which essentially meant conquering and killing people, in order to create peace. If Jesus was used as a symbol of 'peace' this was after he was dead, and had been crucified,and his symbol of being dead and executed was a way for the Romans to display their treatment of those who opposed him. This is the Roman 'peace' i.e. submit to the regime or submit to death.
In terms of the point that a number of people now going to Israel are from Russia, the point made that they should go back to Russia or Germany is valid. Israel was created on the justification that the Ashkenazi Jews of Russian and Eastern European descent needed a homeland. They already had a homeland. Their homeland is in Southern Ossetia and Ukraine, which is where they already came from at the time of Hitler, since they had originally migrated from Russia at the time of the Bolshevic uprising against the Czars. Therefore they were already political migrants from over 100 years ago from Southern Russia, and that's where their homeland actually is. Russia is currently experiencing de-population, and needs its people to go back. Russia is also a rich country with lots of natural resources. Palestine is a fragile semi-desert region, that can not cope with continued colonialism of white Caucasians from mountainous temperate zones with a different climate that do not know how to adapt to living in a desert environment, and who therefore are living in unsustainable ways that negatively affect over 12 different surrounding countries by their greed and negligence and the magnitude of their abusive resource consumption.
Historically - it has to be understood that the entire region was under a process of severe and extreme stress. This caused there to be a wide fragmentation within the pre-existing religious belief systems of the time. There is ...no such thing as 'authentic Jew' from the period in my belief. The term 'Jew' was a word that was used to refer to the 'Judean people' which would refer to the people who were residents in Judea - which is the area now known as 'Judean Hills' otherwise now known as the Palestinian West Bank.
This was a word that was generically used by the Romans during the colonialist period to refer to anyone who was seen as an enemy from the Phoenician or Nabatean civilisations who were resident in Rome and who would go as infilitrators and go and assassinate people in Rome. The Romans and Greeks were allies who were using war and mass death as a form of frontier conquest and expansionism using 'war' to increase their territories. There is no such thing as 'Pax Romana' if you are a territory experiencing Roman 'war'.
Historically the Phoenicians and Nabateans and Persians were the allies against the Romans and Greeks, so therefore the whole of 'religious history' - comes out an extremely fragmented history from the period.
Therefore the original 'Jews' that were so hated, were actually technically people whose homeland was being invaded, but who had been able to get to Rome and assasinate people. Therefore the hated Jews could be compared to Afghans and Iraqi suicide bombers of today.
The fragmentation of the 'Jewish' people instead could be better described as Syrians and Lebanese and Palestinians and Jordanians and Sinai Bedouins and Saudi Arabian Arabs who were fighting each other over about their beliefs about 'Al Aksa' and Palestine - and whether or not they wanted to be part of Fatah and cooperate with the occupiers or side with Hamas and be 'pure' to their Semitic Islamic/Judean/Palestinian/Arab race.
I.e. in relation to my last statement about the historic fragmentation of the authentic Semitic people who spoke Aramaic which is the language which Arabic evolved from - there were people who sided and cooperated with the occupiers - Herod... was a local - and there were people who chose not to cooperate and instead chose to fight.
There are a number of academics who have written to state that their belief is that Jesus was not in fact a pacifist and that in fact when he went into the desert - he in fact went to places where there were in fact training camps and weapons producing sites which archaeologists have documented in these areas.
People like to mythologise Jesus as a peaceful lovely person but actually he was assasinated by the Romans because he was a threat to the stability of the Roman Empire.
Jesus may have become a symbol of 'peace' but it was only 300 years late under the Emperor Justinian that the Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox churches were ratified in order to install and stabilise 'Pax Romana' under the Byzantine period.
Historically, the Islamic period would instead be better understood as the Semitic Nabatean relatives of the Semitic Nabateans whose lands had been conquered under what is now historically known as the Byzantine period, deciding to take the land back. If you want to get even more confused, you also have to consider that the centre of the Byzantine Roman/Greek Empire was Istanbul in Turkey, which was both a Greek and Roman Christian administrative centre of the Mediterranean before it later became Islamic.
to answer your question above more correctly -
It is important to understand that the true authentic teachings of Jesus were
different to the Judaism that continued under the rule of Herod -
Herod the Great (ca. 73 B.C.-4 B.C.), King of Judea, was an example of a class of client princes who kept their thrones by balancing between being over thrown by their own peoples for too much sub servience to Rome and being dismissed by the Romans for too much independence.
which was a
legalistic system set up by the Romans divorced from the spiritual practice, and
also they were different to the creation of a Christian belief system set up by
the Roman and Greek churches who were actually watered down re-inventions of the
original laws and religious practices of the region, created for colonialist
propoganda purposes. This therefore means that the true authentic teachings of
Jesus, are hard to find, and can barely be said to exist.
Roman and Greek
Christianity is extremely different, and also the legalistic version of Judaism
that continued under the law of occupied Palestine is also different. This is
why there are 'Jews' today whose belief system is more legalistic than
spiritual, and state that to be 'Jewish' means having a 'Jewish mother' - and
this is also why the Roman and Greek churches do not believe in Jesus being a
direct descendant of David through his father's blood line.
The true authentic
teachings of Jesus in fact would have been authentic following of the Torah in
line with spiritual teachings, and also would have been in acknowledgement of
his blood line of David through the male line of David, through his father
Joseph, as an aristocratic (A member of a ruling class or of the nobility.
)blood line descended from Solomon and David.
Therefore for Jews from Russia to state that they are descendants of the
Israelites and the sons of God is in fact anachronistic(One that is out of its proper or chronological order, especially a person or practice that belongs to an earlier time: ") and can not be accurate
unless they can claim descent through the male blood line of Jesus.
The true 'belief' system of Jesus and his followers was in fact a continuation
of what would be described as 'true authentic following of the Torah' with Jesus
as the 'son of God' in the same tradition of David and Solomon and would
represent the continuation of a tradition that grew out of a Pharaonic
tradition, of the King-Ruler of the land being the High priest of the temple at
the same time, which gave him the title of being 'son of God' in the same
fashion as 'beloved of God'. This did not mean that he was able to fly in the
sky. It just meant that he was of a royal blood line, descended through his
father, i.e. a male line and not a female line. This is said to be detailed in
the original Aramaic gospels, which is left out in the Greek and Roman
translations which are adapted and changed for a 'new religion' that is based on
the teachings of Paul who was someone who preached propoganda for the Roman and
Greeks who were colonising the region to encourage submission and adaptation to
the new customs of the colonisers. The original religious practice of the
original Judean people was very different to that of the colonisers.
There were in fact people who were described as Jewish followers of Jesus that
were persecuted and spread throughout the Middle East, and were expelled from
Judea, and travelled primarily to Galilee, but also to Jordan, Syria, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia and also even to India. The historical traces and remnants of the
Jewish Christian followers of Jesus today would be described either as Syrian
Christian churches, or Jews that believe in Jesus, and some of the belief
systems of the Maronites and the Ebionites and the Sabians who were said to
influence the birth of Islam - are all directly related to the original Judeans
who were the followers of Jesus. If it is to be remembered that the original
speakers of Aramaic, which was the language of Jesus and the people throughout
the Syrian Phoenician and Nabatean territories of the time, were also spread
throughout Saudi Arabia, where Nabatean remains can also be found to this day -
then it makes history a lot easier to understand." Arabtec Q3 profits fall following company-wide restructuring after Hasan Ismaik departure Lucy Barnard November 16, 2014 Updated: November 16, 2014 12:23 PM @AzSaad86 thanks;) twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/… 7:50pm - 16 Nov 14 @AzSaad86 thanks;) twitter.com/metesohtaoglu/… 7:50pm - 16 Nov 14 @EjmAlrai @metesohtaoglu Dabiq also where battle of Armagadon will be fought when apocalypse fall on earth, according to islamic texts 2/2
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