Pakistan's army has struck deals to keep two powerful, anti-U.S. tribal chiefs from joining the battle against the government, officials said yesterday.
As the region's British colonial rulers did decades ago, the army is exploiting tribal rivalries to try to gain control in the region.
Army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas said there was no agreement with the two men, but 'there is an understanding with them that they will not interfere in this war.'
Enlarge Exodus: Some of the 100,000 residents fleeing the military offensive against the Pakistani Taliban enter Dera Ismail Khan from South Waziristan yesterday
Deals with the devil: Pakistani police officials display arms and ammunition that they said they confiscated from Taliban militants in Karachi yesterday
He said the army 'had to talk to the devil' to isolate its main target.
Under the terms agreed to about three weeks ago, Taliban renegades Maulvi Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur will stay out of the current fight in parts of South Waziristan controlled by the Pakistani Taliban.
They will also allow the army to move through their own lands unimpeded, giving the military additional fronts from which to attack the Taliban.
In exchange, the army will ease patrols and bombings in the lands controlled by Nazir and Bahadur, two Pakistani intelligence officials based in the region. They spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to compromise their work.
Nazir is an old-time opponent of the Mehsud tribe, while Bahadur is reportedly angry over the appointment of Hakimullah as Taliban chief.
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American Proverb:
If you can't kill them make them friends
In the past American Commanders in Iraq paid Al-Qaeda militants, commanders to fight their war. Bush and state department funded regional land lords, feudal lords in Al Anbar heartland of Saddam and Wahabi/Salafi Suicide Bombers. Recently Obama announced to pay Taliban fighters to switch their loyalties, despite knowing that they are militants and terrorists loyal to Bin Laden/Mulla Omer.
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