RT News

Sunday, May 24, 2009

4 Star St. George Hotel Dubai- Arab booty in Bahrain and Quatar

4 Star Brothel
St. George Hotel Dubai

You usually have to wait for a room for a short while upon arrival. Dont take any rooms from the 8th to the 10th floors...the Disco music goes on until 3AM and is deafening.

If you go into the bar to wait the desk will book you a room on the First floor which is quieter. While you are waiting a girl in a lingerie evening gown will approach your table and introduce herself. She is usually either Iranian or Ukrainian.

The restaurant bar is called the Tivoli. The girl will offer you sex in your room. You will get that before you will get a menu at the Tivoli.
You can see these girls sweep past the security guards and either get into the lifts or walk up the back stairs to the first floor and get the lifts from there,some of them stay over night and you see them leaving the next morning, The bar is open to 3am every night and when they leave there is a hell of a noise with there pimps picking them up tooting there horns .huge motor bikes revving up .

the Hotel has been in business since before the First Gulf War and caters to those with the money. Girls cost between $100 and $400 a night.
You can get underage girls just by asking...they cost about $1,000 a night.


Bahrain is already a major American base in the Persian Gulf. During the 1990s, Bahrain began providing port facilities for destroyers and frigates enforcing the Iraqi embargo, and other support for the U.S. carrier task force that operates in the Persian Gulf. The Bahrain air base of Shaikh Isa is fitted out to support about a hundred U.S. warplanes. Britain bases aerial tankers in Bahrain as well.

Further south, the U.S. spent $1.4 billion to develop the al Udeid air base in Qatar. In addition to supporting over a hundred warplanes, Al Udeid also contains communications facilities and bunkers that can house headquarters for major military operations in the Persia Gulf. Still further south, another air base was built in Oman at Musnanah. The U.S. and Britain also use several existing air bases in Oman.

Bahrain is an island kingdom off the coast of Saudi Arabia. Population is only 700,000, and a third of those are foreigners (non-Arab). Bahrain has long been pro-West, mainly as a way to prevent takeover by Iran (or mainland Arabs). Bahrain is currently the main base for the U.S. 5th Fleet, and a major American military operation in the region. Bahrain replaced Beirut as the most popular Arab banking center, during the 1975-90 Lebanese civil war. Bahrain is also a major tourist destinations, mainly for Saudis looking for some relief from the lifestyle police back home. You can get a drink, and much else ( like the brothels are full of Iranian girls), in Bahrain.
So when are you moving to Dubai, POS?

There are a lot of places in the Moslem world where you can get a drink and a girl while you are reading the Koran.

You didnt know that?

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